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[thoreum Hero Nft] Daily Rewards Update

News from the THOREUM Coin Development team on February 27, 2023

Dear all Thoreons,

To enhance the project’s longevity and optimize benefits to all investors, the daily rewards have been adjusted to 1% daily, instead of 1.5% as in previous announcements.

This simultaneously protects the current APR in Thoreum BNB Miner while still rewards high & more sustainable passive income to Thoreum NFTs holders.

The number of NFTs are also limited at 500 to guarantee the current APR at miner not to be affected too much. This results in your passive income NFT being very rare. Which means $$$$$ on NFTmarketplace!

Don’t miss out this 100% zero risk investment. Prepare your THOREUM-BNB for that launch day!

Source     #THOREUM Price

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