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Contest: $1k for the two Best Performing Thematic Baskets

News from the VXV Coin Development team on August 12, 2022

Innovations in space biosciences can result in personalised medicine, including human aging and healthspan therapies. Innovations in space biosciences can also result in products and services for industries such as the financial markets.

We’re having a contest to showcase some of these products and services. The contest is for the best performing short or long thematic baskets of stocks, with $1000.00 going to each winner. We’ll choose two winners, one for the best performing thematic short basket and one for the best performing thematic long basket.

To enter the contest, simply choose a global event or theme using our real-time thematic short basket generator and submit your basket to our thematic basket channel on discord prior to the market closing on Friday, August 26th. Winners will be announced on Monday the 29th of August.

The contest starts immediately.

Contest entry deadline: prior to the market closing on Friday, August 26th.

Source     #VXV Price

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