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Scheduling Zoom Meetings In Java using Rest API and methods

News from the BLURT Coin Development team on January 29, 2021

Zoom is a popular app for setting up meetings and one good feature is the scheduled meetings. So let read how to set up scheduled meetings from Java Application Using API.

Source- Canva

Steps for zoom meeting setup

  1. Signup for Zoom Account with a paid plan.
  2. Go to zoom developers and create a JWT App for your application with your details.
  3. Get and copy Zoom Api Key and Api Secret to your project.
  4. Get user id from your registered Zoom Account.
  5. Now create and add methods below (Create for creation, and get/list for getting new/existing created meetings)
Note: Each Api needs authorization, so we have added a helper method in each to generate JWTToken using key and secret.

Zoom API Methods

  1. Create Meeting method

2. List Meetings Method

3. Get Single Meeting Method

So, we have listed Methods to create and get zoom meetings from Java Application using Rest API.

Note: We have used RestTemplate library for calling apis, but you can use any other similar package like okHttp too keeping the options same.


There is no SDK as of now for JAVA, so I have created and added DTO’s (Data Transfer Objects) for handling responses. Check below all.

  1. Zoom Meetings List Response DTO
    for handling get meetings list API
APi =

2. Single Zoom Meeting Object DTO
for handling Single Zoom Meeting Detail

Api =

3. Tracking Fields for Single Zoom Meeting

4. Zoom Meeting Settings field response DTO

5. Zoom Meeting Recurrence DTO

6. Zoom Meeting Occurrence DTO

7. Zoom Meeting Interpreter DTO

8. Zoom Global Dial-In Numbers DTO

So, this is all for now. Let us know in the comments if this helps. I will add a method to get zoom recordings next. Stay tuned.

Also, do visit my other blog.

Tekraze - Dive Into Technology

Thanks for reading….

Scheduling Zoom Meetings In Java using Rest API and methods was originally published in Tekraze on Medium, where people are continuing the conversation by highlighting and responding to this story.

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