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Digital Leader Pete Join Rapids

News from the RPD Coin Development team on April 22, 2022

Welcome to our newest team member, Welsh digital leader with a background in blockchain, tokenomics, and a love for the third sector. Pete founded and runs the Yellow and Blue non profit project with a large North Wales hub located in Wrexham where they are leading the way with social impact and a real passion for tech for good. With various community awards, lived experience and a drive for real use case within the digital sector, Pete is excited to bring together a forward thinking society with social impact at its core within smart towns and beyond.

Rapids Network is about to enter a new era, but far from everything you may know, with Pete on the team it can be said with confidence Rapids is going to create a real upheaval in the blockchain space.

As Pete explains: “With the emergence and popularity of cryptocurrencies and NFTs in the last few years, people are intrigued to say the least, many of whom have profited and lost money, but the exploration into real world use case has begun by many projects. Bringing together people of the real world and everything blockchain has to offer was never going to be an easy task…”

How Will Rapids Grow?

Pete is tasked with building strategic partnerships for future business growth, bridging the gap between Rapids customer and product.

Pete who founded Yellow and Blue (YAB Group Ltd) a social enterprise comes with a wealth of experience in the real world and in terms of social impact. YaB will be working with Rapids on tokenizing social impact, recovery and community engagement on the rapids blockchain.


We are honored and excited to have Pete come onboard. The experience and contacts along with his creative ideas will promote Rapids above other and create a long lasting strong network for everyone to utilize.

Want to learn more about YAB Group Ltd?! You can read more here.

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