| SoMee Advertising Token 
| #SAT
SAT Price: | $0.000657 | | Volume: | $18 | All Time High: | $0.041 | | Market Cap: | — |
Circulating Supply: | — |
| Exchanges: | 1
| Total Supply: | 1,000,000,000 |
| Markets: | 1
| Max Supply: | — |
| Pairs: | 1
The last known price of #SAT is $0.000657 USD.
Please note that the price of #SAT was last updated over 660 days ago. This can occur when coins have sporadic price reporting, no listings on exchanges or the project has been abandonded. All #SAT statistics should be considered as 'last known value'.
The lowest SAT price for this period was $0, the highest was $0.000657, and the exact last price of SAT was $0.00065688.
The all-time high SAT coin price was $0.041.
Use our custom price calculator to see the hypothetical price of SAT with market cap of ETH or other crypto coins. |
The code for SoMee Advertising Token crypto currency is #SAT.
SoMee Advertising Token is 1.9 years old. |
The current market capitalization for SoMee Advertising Token is not available at this time.
SoMee Advertising Token is ranking downwards to #6277, by market cap (and other factors). |
The trading volume is very weak during the past 24 hours for #SAT.
Today's 24-hour trading volume across all exchanges for SoMee Advertising Token is $18.00. |
The total supply of SAT is 1,000,000,000 coins. |
SAT has very limited pairings with other cryptocurrencies, but has at least 1 pairing and is listed on at least 1 crypto exchange.
Note that there are multiple coins that share the code #SAT, and you can view them on our SAT disambiguation page. |
 AMA With CryptoKingdom78 www.youtube.co
|  SoMee.Social January 2023 New Year Buzz! Hello SoMeeans! - First I want to wish you all a Happy New Year! We’ve been heads down working harder than ever, but also having a lot of fun. Is it me or did January fly by faster than you can blink!? I can’t believe it’s the end of January 2023. Anyway, in the past month I’m happy to report that we onboarded 1,900 Ambassadors and a number of influencers and want to share a bit of New Year SoMee Buzz… Lets get it!!!January 2023 Stats — 20.8M User Sessions!Added 1,900 Ambassadors & Influencers with social following of 25M! AMA’s — Wolf Financial had 7.4K listeners! Just Released — CryptoKingdom AMA (This came early :) In addition to all of this we have been developing great features for the platform, which now has video, live streaming, stories and IOS and Android apps live in the app stores. We added pro packages for sale, which allows you a plethora of perks and tons of voting power to auto monetize posting and earning from the platform. We even added a voting slider so you can adjust your voting power on the fly and see the status of how much daily power you have remaining….And updated the wallet with a complete Earnings Dashboard for daily, weekly, monthly detailand a section that tracks all monetized content and curation earnings linking each directly to the blockchain! Biggest Complaint is that there is still friction when people are setting up their blockchain account. SoMee does... 
|  SoMee Twitter Spaces AMA #SoMeeCommunityAMA Today’s AMA was hosted by WOLF_Financial along with christopherkramer.10 (SoMee CEO) and @BejoDohmen (Co-host) accompanied by many speakers and over 7.3K listeners to hear about the SoMee.Social decentralized game changing social media platform! — Listen at: twitter.com. — (Forward To Time Mark 3:41:20) — AMA Summary: By SoMee Community member, Madam A - It all started with….. Intro From Chris: He spoke about his years of experiences, the start of OneName Global. How SoMee came into existence, the meaning and importance of the name SoMee (Social Media Empowered), which was voted by the Community at the time Intro From Bejo: His association with SoMee, being part of Graphics and Marketing and an Actor Intro From @BitBoyCrypto (Justin): Been part of SoMee since 2017, he shares a bold statement, “This is a way of saving Social media” Overwhelmed by BBs words Chris responds, “Change Social media for the better” Although many quality questions were asked, here are a few. *(To hear the full and complete Q&As, listen out for the recording once shared by the team). — Listen at: twitter.com - (Forward To Time Mark 3:41:20) Wolf Financial: Tell us about SoMee. Why would someone use it? Chris: SoMee the word itself, we had 10 names. We let the Community decide. SoMee with an extra ‘E’ is Social Media Empowered. It’s leveraging and decentralising social media. We a... 
|  How To Monetize on Social Media If you’re looking for a new way to earn from your social media, SoMee is a platform you should consider. SoMee is a social media network that allows users to earn automatically when posting and liking content on the site through a revolutionary, Auto Monetize feature!Select the type of content you want to post then click “monetize this post” — What Is The Auto Monetize Feature and How Does It Work?!! - Before we tell you what the Auto Monetize feature is, we should tell you what it is not! The Auto Monetize feature is NOT a paywall, and NOT a tipping system AND…. you don’t have to have a big following or be a big influencer to earn. It’s simple just sign up, post, “like” and earn! medium.com Once content is posted, SoMee.Social’s revolutionary system allows anyone to see earnings accumulate right at the post level. (The example below is a post from the timeline received 42 “likes”, 7 comments and earned $8.01)This post received 42 “likes”, 7 comments and earned $8.01 — How Does It Work? - SoMee is a blockchain-based platform that rewards users for their activities on the site using a token reward system to compensate users for their engagement, so once you connect the blockchain you are ready to use the Auto Monetize feature! SoMee also rewards users through our affiliate program, so if a referral makes a purchase a small commission is paid AND SoMee allows anyone to opt into an Ad... 
|  Whale Coin Talk AMA with SoMee First of all, hello Medium! After a long hiatus we are back and writing on Medium and will be sharing some massive updates about the SoMee.Social platform, features and future of social media. For now, enjoy the AMA we had with Whale Coin Talk!! www.youtube.co
|  CardStarter IDO Partnership & SoMee Platform Tokenomics CardStarter and GenShards in collaboration with SoMee.social will be launching an IDO to support the release of SAT, SoMee Advertising Token that users will be able to purchase at $.005 during the IDO. All SAT will be distributed immediately upon purchase yet locked until a UniSwap release is launched 30 days after the IDO. Until then, the only way to get more SAT will be by staking the SoMee ONG token via a special yield farming contract. NOTE: We will post the authorized contract address for SAT and SAT Yield Farming on our official channels. Please be cautious of imposters and scams and always verify the authorized contract address. IDO proceeds will go to support a SoMee integration onto the Cardano blockchain and a custom CardStarter IDO integration that SoMee will release in the SoMee app and web platform once complete. “SoMee is honored to be selected for and participate in the CardStarter Acceleration (CAP) Program. The CAP program is the first and only insured project accelerator for Cardano that protects donors against project failure, so the fact that our community has that extra assurance is significant. – Christopher Kramer, President & CEO — SoMee Cardano Blockchain Integration The Cardano custom blockchain integration will provide the SoMee Community with many benefits, including reduced gas fees, unique meta data features that will improve privacy, data control and allow users to leverage that co... 
|  Happy Hodl Days! HAPPY HODL DAYS! As we come to the close of 2020, we want to wish you all an incredibly Happy Holiday Season and hope the coming New Year brings many good tidings! GOOD TIDINGS WE BRING! GOOD NEWS!!! Due to the ongoing blockchain implementation work of 21 full Witness Nodes we had to pause swaps once again, therefore we are offering all SoMeeians the opportunity for a full cash out of SoMee Points, GFuel and Voting Power! (Please note: you still must be verified to cash out). This will allow our “SoMee Elves” and software engineers time to complete their work on the blockchain without disrupting our community. During this time post rewards MAY cease to be active, but you will still be able to post on a freedom based, censorship resistant SoMee.social as usual! A special landing page link will be shared shortly after the AMA with instructions. 2X BONUS: GFUEL & VOTING POWER Those who choose to HODL and power up all SoMee Points to GFuel & Voting Power instead of cashing out will receive double of each reward to their wallet when blockchain upgrade is complete!!! Yes, you heard that right 2X GFuel and Voting Power for HODLING! (Note: SoMee Points must be powered up to GFuel to qualify!). HODL terms and conditions apply (See special landing page). 3X BONUS: POWER UP PACKAGESLet us start 2021 off right!!! Now through the first week of January 2021 all Power Up Package purchases will receive 3X Bonus rewards! But... 
|  IMPORTANT UPDATE: Tuesday, November 10, 2020 SWAPS are still disabled for now — we found an edge case that is affecting multiple people and our devs are in the process of adjusting the response back from our queueing system that allows it to constantly check & report the status of the queued result. We are also going to work on the fees associated with swaps to enable people to choose slow, medium, fast transactions like other services provide. This was originally scheduled to be disabled for only a day or two, but two of our key employees were out sick and that along with other administrative priorities prevented us from completing this task yet. We will have an update on this by the end of the week and should hopefully have swaps turned back on by then. Please bear with us while we make these changes and improvements. MANUAL SWAP REQUESTS In rare cases we have processed manual swap requests for users while the system has been down. Any requests should be sent to Support@SoMee.Social. NOTE: We want to as much as possible discourage manual requests and rely on the automated daily swaps as our team is small and cannot process too many manual requests (It costs us), therefore In the event of a manual swap a 25% fee will be charged. BUY SOMEE is still enabled — but please note with the current system update we have seen instances whereby SoMee Points are not being credited as expected. Any type of swaps also requires a small amount of Ethereum inside of y... 
|  GREAT NEWS, New Strategic Partner! CoinGecko is now our official coin data services provider! We are proud to announce that we have officially switched our data services over to CoinGecko going forward; and, it’s live on the site, even as we speak (you may need to refresh ) to see it inside of our favorite coins section. We also link people directly to CoinGecko from inside of the Favorite Coins List for each SoMee user.How did we find CoinGecko? SoMee CEO, Christopher Kramer and Business Development and Social Media Marketing lead Aaron Kesel (Catoshi Nakamoto) met with CoinGecko’s Co-Founder, Bobby_Ong earlier this year to discuss the strategic partnership. Bobby’s last name just fit with our coin’s ticker onG, right?So, who, exactly, is CoinGecko? First ,and foremost, they believe in the power of Free Cryptocurrency data! Their objective is to elevate crypto participants’ understanding of fundamental factors that drive the market. CoinGecko is one of the largest and earliest crypto data aggregators, operating since early 2014. It currently tracks nearly 7000 tokens from more than 403 cryptocurrency exchanges. They are fully transparent in that respect, so they align with our core values of Choice and transparency perfectly! CoinGecko believes data should be democratized, and so do we. We believe everyone has the right to crypto, not just the elite few.Key Features:100% Free crypto APINo keys requiredPublicly availableReliable CoinGecko has a... 
|  Important Somee News! SOMEE SOFT LAUNCH! After an extended blockchain update, we are pleased to announce that SoMee has re-enabled our system rewards and is now ready to allow influencers to begin promoting the platform! We have a host of people we will bring on for promotions and will be announcing some exciting names in the very near future after testing of our soft launch release. POWER UP PACKAGES & KYC BUNDLE The main products that influencers will be promoting are the Power Up Packages that include In-game rewards points that instantly stack an account wallet with G-Fuel and establishes Voting Power on the SoMee network. The packages are currently available for viewing at https://somee.social/power-up KYC BUNDLE DISCOUNT User Verification will be bundled with Power Up Packages and offered at a discounted rate of $19.00, which upon successful verification will allow people to swap rewards points out for the ERC-20, onG Utility Token. SOMEE INFLUENCER PROGRAM SoMee just added a new section for influencers to apply on the left side bar that once approved provides access to special referral tracking links for commission of sales of the rewards points (G-Fuel) packages. We currently have existing partnerships in place to bring in mainstream influencers and celebrities, but all are welcome to apply. Please note: We most likely will only approve a limited few applications initially as to allow our partners time to launch and promote the ... 