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TON Price   

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TON Price:
$15.2 M
All Time High:
Market Cap:
$0.1 B

Circulating Supply:
Total Supply:
Max Supply:


The price of #TON today is $2.04 USD.

The lowest TON price for this period was $0, the highest was $2.04, and the exact current price of one TON crypto coin is $2.04208.

The all-time high TON coin price was $3.81.

Use our custom price calculator to see the hypothetical price of TON with market cap of BTC or other crypto coins.


The code for Tokamak is #TON.

Tokamak is 2.2 years old.


The current market capitalization for Tokamak is $134,090,890.

Tokamak is ranked #281, by market cap (and other factors).


The trading volume is large during the past 24 hours for #TON.

Today's 24-hour trading volume across all exchanges for Tokamak is $15,215,694.


The circulating supply of TON is 65,663,789 coins, which is 79% of the total coin supply.


TON has limited pairings with other cryptocurrencies, but has at least 3 pairings and is listed on at least 4 crypto exchanges.



Bridge History 및 수동 인출 기능 소개

Tokamak Bridge에 도입된 Bridge History 및 수동 인출 기능을 소개합니다.. — You can find the English version of the article here. 안녕하세요, Layer 2 개발자인 토카막 네트워크입니다. 저희는 더 나은 사용자 경험을 제공하기 위해 Tokamak Bridge에 대한 업데이트를 진행했습니다. 이번 업데이트를 통해 토카막 네트워크는 두 가지 기능을 도입했습니다. 1. Bridge History Tab: 해당 기능을 통해 사용자들은 입금 및 출금 내역을 포함하여 Titan 및 이더리움 네트워크에서 거래 내역 활동을 쉽게 추적할 수 있습니다. 사용자들은 Tokamak Bridge 앱 오른쪽 상단에 있는 지갑 주소 버튼을 클릭하여 Bridge History Tab에 접속하실 수 있습니다.위 이미지에 표시되어 있는 부분 클릭을 통해 History를 확인할 수 있습니다. 2. Claim Withdrawl: Auto Relay Service가 중단됨에 따라 사용자가 이더리움 네트워크로 자산을 출금하고자 하는 경우 Claim 버튼을 클릭해야합니다. 이러한 변화는 아래와 같은 이점을 제공합니다. 사용자는 자산을 출금하기 위해 더 이상 제 3자가 제공하는 중계 서비스를 사용하지 않아도 괜찮습니다., 개선된 사용자 인터페이스를 통해 사용자는 이더리움 네트워크에서 자산을 Claim할 수 있는 시점을 파악할 수 있습니다...

Introducing Bridge History and Manual Withdrawal In Tokamak Bridge

The unified bridge and swap interface simplifying asset bridging and swapping across Tokamak’s L2 networks now introduces the Bridge History tab and manual withdrawal claim for our users.. — You can find the Korean version of the article here. Hello, everyone! As promised, our team is back with more enhancements for Tokamak Bridge, taking the user experience to the next level. In this update, we’ve introduced two essential features: 1. Bridge History Tab: This allows users to easily track their transaction activity on the Titan and Ethereum networks, including deposits and withdrawals. You can access the bridge history tab by clicking on the wallet address button in the top right corner of the Tokamak Bridge app.Image showing where to click(wallet address) to view the bridge history 2. Claim Withdrawal: With the discontinuation of the Auto relay service, users are now required to use the claim button to withdraw their assets to the Ethereum mainnet. This change offers notable benefits, including: Users no longer need the help of a third-party relay service to claim their assets., The improved user interface provides clear information about when the user assets will be available for claiming on Ethereum, The user can also see a comprehensive view of the status/progress of the withdrawal transaction., — Let’s take a closer look at the new features !!! - — Bridge History. — The Bridge histor...

Update on our Mainnet Service

2023 Tokamak Network(TON) Bi-Weekly Report #18 : 8/21~9/3 — Highlight - Tokamak Network has discontinued the Auto Relay Service on its mainnet. Transactions that were requested for withdrawal from Titan using the Tokmak Bridge before August 30, 6pm, were automatically delivered to Ethereum after a 7-day challenge period. However, for transactions requested for withdrawal after August 30, 6pm, users must manually click the Claim Withdraw button on the Tokamak Bridge after the 7-day challenge period to proceed with the withdrawal. For more information, please click on the following link. — Ecosystem - — 1.1. Staking Update. — As of September 3th, 2023, the total amount of staked TON has reached 16,634,156 TON If you participate in Tokamak Network’s staking, you get 1) Approximately 31% APY 2) Various benefits such as airdrops 3) The rights to participate in Tokamak Network DAO’s operations and decision-making process — 1.2. Transaction. — TON token of Tokamak Network had 300 transactions in the past two weeks. — 1.3. Market Cap. — Tokamak Network recorded a market capitalization of $83.02M with a total issuance of 66,008,102TON as of 9 AM on Sep 4rd. Over the past two weeks, TON token price fluctuated up to $1.31 and down to $1.23, and the total trading volume hit $706M. For more accurate information about total supply and price, please click on Price Dashboard. On Sep ...

Hello Titan dapp Developers~

Some updates & a short guide to testing on Titan Goerli. — Hello Titan dapp developers! This is Suah from Tokamak Network. Since the opening of Titan network, we had some exciting events such as Titan NFT sale where you are eligible to purchase unique Titan NFTs AND get some physical goods such as t-shirt, water bottle, and physical NFT card in the mail!T-shirt, water bottle, and physical NFT card ordered by one of my friends. I believe there are still 20 Titan NFTs left to be purchased at Hopefully we will see more events like Titan NFT and new projects onboarding on Titan. Ok, enough with chit chat ~ Let’s discuss the recent change in several endpoints to Titan and Titan Goerli. In Titan team’s monthly update log, there were many noteworthy updates, but I want to focus on the change in Titan Goerli end points and how that will affect your development and testing on Titan Goerli from August 30th, 2023. More specifically, I will guide you on How to update Metamask to test on Titan Goerli, What needs to be updated for developer settings, Briefly share how to test on Titan Goerli (and specifically for Tokamak Bridge) for beginners, — What is Titan Goerli testnet? - If you want to develop on Titan, Titan Goerli testnet is an excellent place to test out your dapps. Titan Goerli is an L2 testnet based on Tokamak Optimism code base and uses Goerli testnet as L1. It has followi...

Titan Network: Auto Relay Service 중단 안내

Auto Relay Service가 8월 30일 오후 6시(GMT+9)부터 중단될 예정입니다.. — You can find the English version of the article here. 안녕하세요, Layer 2 네트워크 개발자인 Tokamak Network입니다. 이 게시글을 통해 저희는 Titan Network의 생태계에 대한 대대적인 변경 내용을 공지하고자 합니다. — 종료 공지 - 종료 날짜: 2023년 8월 30일 오후 6시 GMT+9 서비스 이름: Auto Relay Service 영향 받는 범위: L1CrossDomainMessenger 계약을 사용하여 Titan에서 이더리움 네트워크로 메시지를 전달하는 모든 계약. 영향 받는 dapp: Tokamak Bridge — 어떻게 영향을 받나요? - — Tokamak Bridge 사용자. — 만약 2023년 8월 30일 오후 6시 GMT+9 이전에 Tokamak Bridge를 사용하여 Titan에서 출금을 요청한 경우, 별도의 조치를 취할 필요가 없습니다. 거래는 7일의 챌린지 기간 이후 자동으로 전달될 예정입니다. 그러나, 위에 명시된 시간 후에 출금을 요청하는 경우 새로운 인터페이스를 사용하여 7일의 챌린지 기간 이후 Tokamak Bridge에서 수동으로 Claim을 진행해야합니다. 새 인터페이스는 2023년 9월 6일 이전에 오픈될 예정이며, 상세한 설명을 담은 가이드라인도 함께 제공될 예정입니다.사용자는 새로운 지갑 UI에서 7 일의 챌린지 기간 후 인출을 ...

Titan Network: Shutdown Notice for Auto Relay Service

Auto Relay Service will be shutdown from August, 30th 18:00 GMT+9. — You can find the Korean version of the article here. Hello, this is Layer 2 network developer, Tokamak Network. This posting will discuss an upcoming major change to Titan Network’s ecosystem. — Shutdown Notice - Shutdown date: 2023 August 30th 18:00 GMT+9 Service name: Auto Relay Service Affected coverage: Any contracts that uses L1CrossDomainMessenger contract to relay messages from Titan to Ethereum Network. Affected dapps: Tokamak Bridge — How will this effect me? - — Tokamak Bridge users. — If you have initiated withdraw from Titan using Tokamak Bridge before 2023 August 30th 18:00 GMT+9, you do not have to do anything different, your transaction will be automatically relayed after 7-day challenge period. Any withdrawals initiated after August 30th, 2023 at 18:00 GMT+9 will require manual claiming from Tokamak Bridge after a 7-day challenge period, using the new interface that is expected to be open before September 6th, 2023 (see below). We will provide more detailed guide soon.Users can add a google calendar event to remind them to claim their withdraw after 7 day challenge period from the new wallet UI.Users can claim their withdraw after 7 day challenge period using the claim button from the new wallet UI. — dapp developers. — If your dapp uses messaging with the L1CrossDomainMessenger contract t...

Titan NFT is here to commemorate the launch of Tokamak Network’s L2 mainnet

2023 Tokamak Network(TON) Bi-Weekly Report #17 : 8/7~8/20. — 2023 Tokamak Network(TON) Bi-Weekly Report #17 : 8/7~8/20 — Highlight - To commemorate the launch of Tokamak Network’s L2 mainnet, Tokamak Network released Titan NFT and related goods. These special items will be available for purchase through the Titan Network, which each consist of different grades and various products. The NFTs are sold on a first come, first served basis, and the sales started from August 17th, and as of August 23rd, only 20 NFTs are left. For more information, please click on the following link. On August 15, 2023, Tokamak Network successfully completed the initially planned 2000 ETH deposit for TOS v2. Tokamak Network has decided to back the initial TOS supply with 2000 ETH in treasury reserve on the launch of TOSv2 to maintain consistency with the TOSv2 bonding system, and as previously announced, 200 ETH per month were deposited from November 2022 to August 2023. With this, the intrinsic value of TOS increased from 1/125,000 ETH (KRW 20, USD 0.015) to 1/14,000 ETH (KRW 176, USD 0.13), approximately by 9 times. For more information, please click on the following link. — Ecosystem - — 1.1. Staking Update. — As of August 20th, 2023, the total amount of staked TON has reached 16,634,156 TON If you participate in Tokamak Network’s staking, you get 1) Approximately 32% APY 2) Various benefits such as airdro...

Titan team’s monthly update log (August 2023)

Summary of regular maintenance for Titan Network. — You can check out the Korean version of the article below. Tokamak Network is committed to providing you with a seamless L2 experience on Titan. Starting this month, we have applied regular maintenance to Titan Network and Titan Goerli Testnet Network. Regular maintenance schedule: Titan: Every Wednesday 19:00 ~ 19:30 (GMT+9), Titan Goerli Testnet: Every Wednesday 18:30 ~ 19:00 (GMT+9), Important key points for this month: [Critical] Titan’s public endpoint is updated. Please update your service to reflect the new URLs before August 30th, 2023 to minimize interruption to your service., New Titan WSS Endpoint: wss:// [Critical] Titan Goerli’s public endpoints are updated. Please update your service to reflect the new URLs before August 30th, 2023 to minimize interruption to your service., New Titan Goerli HTTPS Endpoint: - New Titan Goerli WSS Endpoint: wss:// - New Titan Goerli Explorer URL: [Critical] Automated relayer service (L2->L1) for L1crossdomain messenger is expected to be deprecated in September (more details coming soon in a separate posting). Please update your service to include support for message relay functionality., List of updates for this month: Improved Elasticsearch and Kibana, which are responsible for co...

토카막 네트워크 TOSv2 트레저리에 200 ETH 추가 예치 (2023.8)

2023년 8월 15일, TOS 담보 자산이 증가되다. — You can find the English version of the article here. 안녕하세요, 토카막 네트워크입니다. 예정되어 있던 8월 TOSv2 ETH 예치가 완료되었습니다. 8월 예치를 포함하여 토카막 네트워크가 예치한 ETH는 총 2000개입니다. 이로써 토카막 네트워크가 TOSv2 런칭시 계획했었던 2000ETH 예치를 모두 완료했습니다. 토카막 네트워크는 본딩 시스템과의 일관성을 유지하기 위해 2000 ETH를 초기 TOS 공급량에 대한 담보 자산으로 설정한 바 있으며, 이를 기 공지한바에 따라 지난 22년 11월부터 8월까지 총 10차례 걸쳐 예치했습니다. 8월 ETH 예치로 인해 변화된 상세 정보는 다음과 같습니다. [TOSv2 트레저리 업데이트] 토카막 네트워크 추가 ETH 예치 금액(2023 8.15 09:00) 200 ETH (한화 기준 4.9억 원, 미화 기준 36.8만 달러) (Transaction link), 토카막 네트워크가 22년 11월부터 현재까지 예치한 ETH 현황: 2000 ETH (한화 기준 49억 원, 미화 기준 3.7백만 달러) (Treasury address), Minting Rate (TOS per 1 ETH) 변화: 16,000 → 14,000 (Transaction link), 지난 10개월 간의 ETH 예치로 인해 TOS의 발행률은 TOSv2 서비스 런칭 시점보다 크게 하락했습니다. TOSv2 초기 TOS의 발행률은 1 ETH 당 125,000개였으나, 2000 ETH 예치를 완료한 ...

Tokamak Network deposits additional 200 ETH to TOSv2 Treasury (2023.8)

August 15th, 2023 TOS backing has increased!. — You can find the Korean version of the article here. Hello, this is Tokamak Network. We announce that TOSv2 Ethereum deposit scheduled for August has been completed. The Tokamak Network team has deposited a total of 2000 ETH including the August deposit. With this, Tokamak Network has successfully completed the initially planned 2000 ETH deposit for the TOSv2 launch. To maintain consistency with the TOSv2 bonding system, Tokamak Network has decided to back the initial TOS supply with 2000 ETH in treasury reserve, and as previously announced, 200 ETH per month were deposited from November 2022 to August 2023. The details of changes from ETH deposit in August are as follows. [TOSv2 Treasury Update] Today’s Ethereum Deposits by Tokamak Network (2023 8.15 09:00): 200 ETH (492 Million KRW, 368,500 USD) (Transaction link), Total ETH deposit by Tokamak Network: 2000 ETH (4.9 Billion KRW, 3.7 Million USD) (Treasury address), Changes in Minting Rate (TOS per 1 ETH): 16,000 → 14,000 (Transaction link), From the ETH deposits over the past 10 months, the minting rate of TOS has decreased significantly since the launch of TOSv2. At the initial stage of TOSv2, the minting rate of TOS was 125,000 per 1 ETH, but it has dropped to 14,000 per 1 ETH as of August 2023. In other words, 2000 ETH deposit by Tokamak Network has helped to increase the intrinsic value of TOS approximately ...

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