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SINU Price   

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Samo INU  


SINU Price:
All Time High:
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Circulating Supply:
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The last known price of #SINU is $0.00000266 USD.

Please note that the price of #SINU was last updated over 510 days ago. This can occur when coins have sporadic price reporting, no listings on exchanges or the project has been abandonded. All #SINU statistics should be considered as 'last known value'.

The lowest SINU price for this period was $0, the highest was $0.00000266, and the exact last price of SINU was $0.00000266329.

The all-time high SINU coin price was $0.000819.

Use our custom price calculator to see the hypothetical price of SINU with market cap of ETH or other crypto coins.


The code for Samo INU crypto currency is #SINU.

Samo INU is 1.3 years old.


The current market capitalization for Samo INU is not available at this time.

Samo INU is ranking downwards to #7209, by market cap (and other factors).


There is an unknown daily trading volume on #SINU.


The total supply of SINU is 5,820,000,000 coins.


SINU has very limited pairings with other cryptocurrencies, but has at least 1 pairing and is listed on at least 1 crypto exchange.


Note that there are multiple coins that share the code #SINU, and you can view them on our SINU disambiguation page.



Samo Inu 3D NFT Collection “Pup SINU”: Your Passport Into the SINUverse!

Samo Inu 3D NFT Collection “Pup SINU”: Your Passport Into the SINUverse! Despite the fact that it is 2022, the buzz around the Metaverse and the new markets that the technology is expected to unleash continues to enthrall several of us. Technology, art, gaming, and even finance are all thrust into a new and different realm where the possibilities seem endless! The SINU community is not going to take the technology's enormous potential for granted. We believe the gaming industry is set to experience a huge transformation. SINUverse will be at the nexus of web 3.0, blockchain, and virtual/augmented reality (V.R/A.R). These three factors make the SINUverse possible when our developers put them together in the appropriate proportions. SINUverse can be thought of as a virtual community of Pup SINU 3D NFT hodlers, and we hope that the community will develop and evolve SINUverse into a place where people can play games, work, and even attend concerts and dates! It is up to us to create the world we want! With the community anticipating the debut of SINUverse, you can be confident that Pup SINU 3D NFTs will be one of the key building blocks of value in SINUverse. When we visit the SINUverse, the Pup SINU 3D NFTs essentially serve as our individual passports, establishing our avatars. The NFTs also allow us to virtually exchange and trade assets in the $SINUverse. For early adopters, this opens the door to private ownersh...

The Metaverse coming to Samo INU: Unveiling our very own SINUverse

The Metaverse coming to Samo INU: Unveiling our very own SINUverse Hello SINUrians!!! We took this moment to share some exciting updates on the development of our business and upcoming plans. Some of us already know the infinite possibilities that the Metaverse concept and technology make possible! If you don’t know, the crypto metaverse can simply be thought of as immersive virtual worlds with immense social and financial potential. The good thing about it is that Samo INU will be one of the frontiers that lead the push towards unlocking the potential of virtual space. We envision the use of the Solana blockchain infrastructure to unlock the broader crypto-economy, in which we can make virtual items interchangeable for our investors with real economic value beyond the boundaries of the metaverse. We believe we can incorporate the immersive virtual reality (VR) environments, addicting playability of video games, the connected interactivity of social media, and the value sharing of crypto to create our very own SINUverse. There is no doubt that metaverses are set to become a central element in the next phase of blockchain games on the internet. The SINU community is definitely facing an amazing adventure as we tread the roadmap together.Key Features of the SINUverse! We sought to distinguish SINUverse in several key ways:Decentralization SINUverse is typically decentralized, with components of the SINUverse games built on ...

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