| Ethereans 
| #OS
OS Price: | $0.44 | | Volume: | $703 | All Time High: | $78.50 | | Market Cap: | — |
Circulating Supply: | — |
| Exchanges: | 2
| Total Supply: | 1,240,898 |
| Markets: | 2
| Max Supply: | — |
| Pairs: | 2
The last known price of #OS is $0.44 USD.
Please note that the price of #OS was last updated over 130 days ago. This can occur when coins have sporadic price reporting, no listings on exchanges or the project has been abandonded. All #OS statistics should be considered as 'last known value'.
The lowest OS price for this period was $0, the highest was $0.438, and the exact last price of OS was $0.43847.
The all-time high OS coin price was $78.50.
Use our custom price calculator to see the hypothetical price of OS with market cap of BTC or other crypto coins. |
The code for Ethereans crypto currency is #OS.
Ethereans is 2.9 years old. |
The current market capitalization for Ethereans is not available at this time.
Ethereans is ranking downwards to #5437, by market cap (and other factors). |
There is a weak daily trading volume on #OS.
Today's 24-hour trading volume across all exchanges for Ethereans is $703. |
The total supply of OS is 1,240,898 coins.
Note the limited supply of Ethereans coins which adds to rarity of this cryptocurrency and increases perceived market value. |
OS has limited pairings with other cryptocurrencies, but has at least 2 pairings and is listed on at least 2 crypto exchanges.
Note that there are multiple coins that share the code #OS, and you can view them on our OS disambiguation page. |
 EthereansOS is now on Optimism! EthereansOS is now on Optimism! OS-UP 3, New Interface Design and the Summer Theatre Schedule is now live! - — We built, oh how we built! Today we published a huge update for EthereansOS! Let’s look into it:. — — 🟥 EthereansOS has Colonized Optimism. — — 💻 New Interface Designs. — — 📲 EthereansOS Mobile Version is Here!. — — 🗳 OS-UP 3 is Here!. — — 🔴 Ethereans Labs Summer Events. — — 🟥 EthereansOS has Colonized Optimism - medium.com Both Items, Covenants and FoF are deployed on Optimism as a colony of the L1 EthereansOS Organization! Here you can find all of the Addresses both on L1 and on L2: — How Does Colonies Work?. — The protocol fees from layer 2 are sent to the L1 Organization, producing value for the main Organization! This is the first version of Colonies, a step forward in making the Protocol’s Organizations self-sustainable and interoperable between different layers. You can find more info about how Colonies works from here: Documentation, Github Colony L2, Github Colony L1, Github AbstractColony, Colony L1 Address, Colony L2 Address, — How Has EthereansOS Economics Changed?. — EthereansOS can now also earn fees from Optimism! The Factories deployed in L2 work exactly as Colonies from the main Organization do in L1. EthereansOS now also earn from: L2 Covenants Farming, L2 Covenan... 
|  Covenants Farming is now 90% cheaper! Covenants Farming is the innovative and secure way to build Farming Contracts for any use cases. 0 coding is required and cloned on-chain by the Covenants factory. Today we deployed the new Covenants Farming Factories, one for Uniswap V3 and the multi AMM (Uniswap V2, Sushiswap, Mooniswap, and Balancer).Why are the new Covenants factories fancy? We reduced by 90% the deployment costs by due to an innovative architecture we experimented with in secret in our Lab 👀Let’s look at the numbers! 🔴 OLD Multi-AMM Farm Deploy costs: 7.2M Gas — 0.36 ETH (~$630) 50 gwei 🔴 OLD Uniswap V3 Farm Deploy costs: 6.2M Gas — 0.26 ETH (~$530) 50 gwei 🟢 NEW Multi-AMM Farm Deploy costs: 760k Gas — 0.03 ETH (~$50) 50 gwei 🟢 NEW Uniswap V3 Farm Deploy costs: 730K Gas — 0.031 ETH (~$55) 50 gweiYeah, it’s a 90% reduction In L1!This is just the first step of the Ethereans Labs roadmap to make EthereansOS as cheap as ever!How we did it? Don’t miss out the Hack Night with Vasapower.eth on June 22 6:30pm CEST at the VB Theatre in our Discord, to learn more about our latest Solidity Spell Cast! Ethereans Labs Discord: https://discord.gg/Eqf5xWBJsNWe almost forgot! By NOW, you can build your Multi-AMM and Uniswap V3 farming contracts using the New Covenants Farming Factories! Let’s try it by your own: https://ethereansos.eth.limo/#/covenants/dapp/create Covenants Farming is now 90% cheaper!👀 was orig... 
|  Welcome to the Ethereansverse, Ethereans Labs is Here! A magical place, hidden in the Ethereansverse where scientists, occultists, magicians, and hackers experiment together for the future of the Ethereans’ kind.Ethereans Labs is Here! Ethereans Labs AG is the incorporated company behind the world’s premier on-chain Ethereum development protocol, EthereansOS. Ethereans Labs is working hard and using its lab to continue building EthereansOS and to empower the adoption and awareness of the L1+ of Ethereum! You can learn more from the Ethereans Labs website: https://ethereanslabs.comDon’t Worry, the Lab Can’t Rule EthereansOS EthereansOS protocol is a 100% decentralized and self-sustained protocol. It is entirely independent from Ethereans Labs. Statement of Independence: Ethereans Labs cannot arbitrarily manipulate, in any way possible, any decentralized functions deployed via smart contracts on the 30 of November 2021, starting with the Ethereum block number 13715143. EthereansOS can only be ruled by $OS token holdersDefining the Role of Ethereans Labs We can’t rule EthereansOS, but we can continue empowering it. Ethereans Labs has six main roles in the EthereansOS Ecosystem: BUIDL — Ethereans Labs is committed to the continuous R&D of new tools in the smart contracts space, while at the same time respecting our core values and producing new forms of revenue for the EthereansOS protocol public treasury. EMPOWER — Ethereans Labs is here to empower the ado... 
|  Items V2 Interface is here! With some fantastic Christmas surprises for all of the Ethereans! #MerryChristmas — 🔷 Items V2 Interface. — — 📈 AMMs and OpenSea Cross-Trade. — — 🌐 Ethereans Interface now supports ENS. — — 💰 Earn via Itemized stable assets arbitrage. — — 🎅 Christmas Doge is here! HoHoHo. — 🔷 Items V2 Interface 🎉 Items V2 Interface is here! https://ethos.eth.linkNow you can create Native Items or wrap existing Erc-20, Erc-721, Erc1155 take advantage of all the opportunities of the Item standard!As quick recap: Items are interoperable objects on top of Ethereum. Items acting both as Erc-20 and Erc-1155, merging the interoperability of the DeFi world with the innovative functions of the ERC-1155. Erc-1155 introduced Batch transfer, the ability to send multiple tokens into a single transaction, metadata widely used in the NFT world, and new, more ingenious Transfer functions. Items V2 evolves Erc-1155 and Erc-20 standards by introducing dynamic Metadata, On-Chain metadata implementation, cross collection batch transfer, permit transactions, extensions, and more: The Item Standard📈 AMMs and OpenSea Cross Trade Into the Item V2 Interface we added a new awesome trading experience for Ethereans! You can now trade every Item both using AMMs (Uniswap V2, V3, Sushiswap, Balancer, and Mooniswap) and both using Open Sea Orders. Also, we added an automatic wrapping implementation to wrap your ERC20 quickly, ERC1155, and ERC721 into... 
|  Discord Reorganization, Delegations and Items Interface update This post is TL;DR of our developing and community strategy.. — Illustration by @valemostro — - The Discord community update. — — - The Delegations Update. — — - Roadmap changes. — The Discord community update The Discord server will be reorganized step by step during the next few weeks. In the current setup, the Discord server is set to host chats for newbies and automatically evolve users into Apprentice and then Ethereans by their activity. This helps community managers to know newcomers better and if they don’t follow the server rules, admins can remove experience points from them. Discord community aims to be a place to host people who want to be active in EthereansOS R&D and to help holders to manage the governance freely and easily. Our goal is to make Discord a place that can empower EthereansOS R&D, favouring good conversations with respect for its holders, the team, and the future of the protocol. The EthereansOS team is following its vision to develop the most exciting place to build on and use Ethereum. This job, trust me, is very hard. The EthereansOS community is also becoming more and more responsible for that. Communities are one of the core structures of web3, but also a point of failure of decentralized protocols. The organizations of EthereansOS are built with the idea of Granular Governance. This means building a real permissionless way to govern a pr... 
|  Building the Unprecedented It’s been a while since I published a post. My activity on social media has slowed down as the intensity of our work has ramped up.. — And now, after over two and a half years of research and development of DFOhub, Items and Covenants, and eight further months of relentless hard work with no time to think about anything else, it’s finally here. We’re deploying the Ethereans Operating System. Building an entire operating system for Ethereum has been incredibly difficult, far more so than building a single application. Building an operating system to build on top of Ethereum is more complex than building dapps. And we have made it all interoperable, flexible, composable and secure for end-users, a challenge that few skilled teams can approach. I think that from the outside, we must seem crazy. During a bull market, building with a real vision looks that way. Our vision of Ethereum is one not just as a place to make a ponzi or some quick cash, but as the layer for all future applications with real purpose and value, that will redesign countless industries thanks to the innovations of Web 3.0. As I write this, 99% of people working on Ethereum are blinded by the mania of the bull, and desperate to make off with some money before the inevitable crash. We’re here for a sustainable Web 3.0, for a secure, decentralized world that will endure. We chose not to ride the NFT art hype, but instead developed the Item stand... 
|  Covenants Farming Contract Creation Is Live! Covenants Farming Contract Creation Is Live! - Covenants Developer Documentation Is Here! - Next AMA on April 22 - EthOS “Weekly” 4/8 — Weekly hashtags #Covenants #Farming #Grimoire. — — 🧙Covenants Farming Contract Creation Is Live. — — 📜Developer Documentation For Covenants Is Here. — — 📣AMA April 22. — 🧙Covenants Farming Contract Creation Is LiveDeep within the corridors of their mystical laboratories, a group of wizards have been hard at work, distilling the powerful magic of Covenants farming into easy-to-cast spells. They are now ready to offer these wizardly wares to all of the Etherean Kingdom. From young magelings just learning the ways to wield their wands, to scholarly spellcasters and plucky penguins, anyone can now access the full power of Covenants farming. 🔌Buidl Your Own Farms🌿 Covenants now offers fully customizable farming contracts through an easy-to-use interface, empowering everyone to set up their own liquidity mining farms. These farms can be hosted by any individual wallet, DFO, DAO, dApp or custom smart contract, using easy to set rules for distributing rewards to farmers (either by sending them from a reserve, or by minting them first.) You can navigate to the Farming dApp here: https://covenants.eth.link/#/farm ⚒️Get Creative With a Variety of Options Farm any token, set your own emissions schedules, design custom incent... 
|  Covenants Has Arrived — the Big ; New Inflation — Classic Farming; AMA March 6 — DFOhub v0.5 Covenants Has Arrived — the Big 🔥; New Inflation — Classic Farming; AMA March 6 — DFOhub v0.5 Rescheduled — $CELL — EthOS Weekly 2/21 Weekly hashtags #burn #Covenants We have a lot of things to share with you today. — ✅ Covenants Release In Progress!. — — 🔥 Big Burn and Tokenless Governance Beta. — — 📅 DFOhub v0.5 Rescheduled. — — 🧑💻 Post-Burn $BUIDL, $ARTE and $UniFi Inflation. — — 👨🌾 Interim Classic Farming Season. — — ✨ EthOS AMA (March). — — 🌚 Cell Has Taken Over UniFi v1. — ✅ Covenants Release In Progress! The first wave of Covenants, the ethOS DeFi platform, has rolled out. https://covenants.eth.link We had originally planned to release it entirely in early January, and again in early February, but encountered some major challenges during development. To overcome these, we built a few new products that we’ll release to the public later on, like the Responsible Testing Framework and Frontend Framework, which you can read about in this earlier Weekly: https://medium.com/dfohub/ethos-direct-multiverse-defi-dfohub-v0-5-9f9e192130b And if you missed the “Multiverse DeFi” Direct for the Covenants release, here’s the link: https://medium.com/media/90f30448584e5a131699f23043681a70/href Here’s what we’ve rolled out so far. The Aggregator The Covenants Aggregator ... 
|  ethOS Direct, “Multiverse DeFi” — DFOhub v0.5 ethOS Direct, “Multiverse DeFi” -DFOhub v0.5 Rebrand Challenge -New Frameworks for dApp Frontends and Contract Testing — ethOS Weekly 28/1 — Weekly hashtags #UniFi #DFOs?. — Let’s start the second EthereansOS weekly of 2021! Here are the topics: — 🖼 DApps Frontend Framework. — — 🛡 A Responsible Testing Framework. — — 👻 DFO Rebrand Challenge. — — 🧙♂️🐧 Multiverse DeFi — ethOS Direct Event. — 🖼 dApp Frontend Framework Behind the scenes, early 2021 has been an intense period of development and growth for the ethOS team, with a big core release right around the corner. And, working with external teams, we’ve also built a new standardized framework for dApp frontends on Ethereum. Designed for use by all open Web3 communities, it will help them code and interact with each other with unprecedented simplicity, security and sophistication. https://github.com/b-u-i-d-l/js-framework The first dApp that will use this framework is a core ethOS project: Covenants.eth (UniFi v2). Once this releases, we’ll document the framework for use by anyone in the space.🛡 A Responsible Testing Framework The mockup mainnet in which Ethereum developers currently test smart contracts does not adequately prepare them for the live one, where they are vulnerable to unpredictable bugs. We have designed a far more secure testing environment. It offe... 
|  2021 is the year of EthOS // UniFi V2 is coming, now called Covenants.eth 2021 is the year of EthOS // UniFi V2 is coming, now called Covenants.eth //Buidlerberg Limited Edition T-Shirts — DFOhub Weekly 01/14 Weekly hashtags #Christmas #2021 #valemostro — Welcome to the 2021 Season! This year we will achieve the second phase of this R&D project with the DFOhub .5 and UniFi V2 releases.. — The Ethereans OS (EthOS) product is on its way, powered by ITEM, UniFi V2 and DFO .5 Interested? Read more at http://ethereansos.eth.link Now, let’s start with the Weekly: — 🧙♂️ UniFi V2 is coming, Now is called Covenants. — — 👕 Buidlerberg Limited Edition T-Shirts. — — 🎬 Buidlerberg Recap Videos. — 🧙♂️ UniFi V2 is coming, Now is called Covenants In the sacred valley of free Ethereum blooms Covenants.eth, a magical neutral zone that preserves the original energy of decentralization. Here, all ethereans can meet and swap tokens, create deals, trade items and NFTs, away from corporate-capture attempts. No routes determined by single parties, no token standard restrictions, only pure Web3 interoperability power. Stay tuned for more upcoming news!👕 Buidlerberg Limited Edition T-Shirts Valemostro created two Limited Edition T-shirt designs for Buidlerberg 2020 participants! The limited Edition Buidlerberg T-shirts are available in two colors with two unique illustrations. — Buidlerberg T-shirts are 100 in total and wil... 