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LIGHT Price   

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Light DeFi  


LIGHT Price:
$11.6 K
All Time High:
Market Cap:
$801.8 K

Circulating Supply:
Total Supply:
Max Supply:


The last known price of #LIGHT is $0.000113 USD.

Please note that the price of #LIGHT was last updated over 130 days ago. This can occur when coins have sporadic price reporting, no listings on exchanges or the project has been abandonded. All #LIGHT statistics should be considered as 'last known value'.

The lowest LIGHT price for this period was $0, the highest was $0.000113, and the exact last price of LIGHT was $0.00011312.

The all-time high LIGHT coin price was $0.00295.

Use our custom price calculator to see the hypothetical price of LIGHT with market cap of BTC or other crypto coins.


The code for Light DeFi crypto currency is #LIGHT.

Light DeFi is 3.1 years old.


The current market capitalization for Light DeFi is $801,779.

Light DeFi is ranking upwards to #3733 out of all coins, by market cap (and other factors).


The trading volume is modest today for #LIGHT.

Today's 24-hour trading volume across all exchanges for Light DeFi is $11,644.


The circulating supply of LIGHT is 7,087,567,928 coins, which is 71% of the maximum coin supply.


LIGHT has very limited pairings with other cryptocurrencies, but has at least 1 pairing and is listed on at least 1 crypto exchange.


Note that there are multiple coins that share the code #LIGHT, and you can view them on our LIGHT disambiguation page.



How to Use Trailing Stop Order — Spot Market

How to Use Trailing Stop Order — Spot Market - — What is a Spot Trailing Stop Order? - A trailing stop order is very similar to a stop-limit order, but a trailing stop order’s trigger price will follow your position when the market moves favorably, and will close the position if the market moves adversely against you. With a spot trailing stop order, you can place a pre-set order at a specific percentage away from the market price. When the price moves favorably, a trailing stop order locks in profit by enabling a trade to remain open and continue to profit as long as the price moves in the favorable direction. The trailing stop does not move back in the other direction. When the price moves in the opposite direction by a specified percentage, the trailing stop order will be executed as a limit order. When a trade does not move in the favorable direction, a trailing stop order can help you minimize losses and protect gains. — How does a Spot Trailing Stop Order work? - For a long trade, the selling price is supposed to be higher than the last price. When the price goes up, the trailing price moves up along with the last price and keeps a certain percentage interval. However, the trailing price will stop following if the price drops. A limit sell order will be placed on the order book if the price moves more than the predetermined trailing delta from its highest price and reaches the trailing price. A ...

Recap AMA JOTARO Project June 19th — Kucoin Memecoins Group

Recap AMA JOTARO Project June 19th — Kucoin Memecoins Group - Join KuCoin Memecoins Group AMA with Jotaro, 300 USDT to Give Away! ⏰ 14:00 on June 19, 2023 (UTC) 📍 🎁Total Rewards: 300 USDT - Join gleam event to win 250 USDT, 25 winners! 👉 - Free-ask: 5 BEST questions, 10 USDT each >>>>Sign up on KuCoin to receive rewards. *This AMA is limited to KuCoin Memecoins group to courage open communications, KuCoin doesn’t suggest investing or promising any listing on the exchange. Please DYOR if you want to invest in the project. #ExploringMemecoins Luis: Hello everyone! Welcome to the KuCoin AMA session in KuCoin Memecoins Group! I am Luis — Official KuCoin Musketeer from the KuCoin Community and your host for this AMA session. To be reminded of today’s AMA giveaways, please do check the most recent pinned message. A total of 300 USDT are up for grabs, so make sure you pay attention to the AMA session and ask the questions you want answered! Thanks for joining the Memecoins KuCoin Telegram Group. Today, we are holding the KuCoin AMA session with JOTARO Project in this group. *Note This AMA session is limited to KuCoin Memecoins Telegram group and is only to encourage open chats. KuCoin doesn’t suggest investing or promising any listing on the exchange for this program. Today, we will have Jotaroshi.eth $JOTARO as our guest for this AMA session. Let’s all virtual welcom...

Recap AMA HUGOINU Project June 9th — Kucoin Memecoins Group

Recap AMA HUGOINU Project June 9th — Kucoin Memecoins Group - Join KuCoin Memecoins Group AMA with Hugo Inu, 300 USDT to Give Away! ⏰ 15:00 on June 9, 2023 (UTC) 📍 🎁Total Rewards: 300 USDT - Join gleam event to win 250 USDT, 25 winners! 👉 - Free-ask : 5 BEST questions, 10 USDT each >>>>Sign up on KuCoin to receive rewards. *This AMA is limited to KuCoin Memecoins group to courage open communications, KuCoin doesn’t suggest investing or promising any listing on the exchange. Please DYOR if you want to invest in the project. #ExploringMemecoins Hello everyone! Welcome to the KuCoin AMA session in KuCoin Memecoins Group! I am Luis — Official KuCoin Musketeer from the KuCoin Community and your host for this AMA session. To be reminded of today’s AMA giveaways, please do check the most recent pinned message. A total of 300 USDT are up for grabs, so make sure you pay attention to the AMA session and ask the questions you want answered! Thanks for joining the Memecoins KuCoin Telegram Group. Today, we are holding the KuCoin AMA session with HUGOINU Project in this group. *Note This AMA session is limited to KuCoin Memecoins Telegram group and is only to encourage open chats. KuCoin doesn’t suggest investing or promising any listing on the exchange for this program. Today, we will have Ms Aria Hugo as our guest for this AMA session. Let’s all virtual welcome Ms Aria...

Recap AMA DOGEPOWS Project May. 25 — Kucoin Memecoins Group

Recap AMA DOGEPOWS Project May. 25 — Kucoin Memecoins Group - Join KuCoin Memecoins Group AMA with DOGEPOWS (Sessoin 2), 300 USDT to Give Away! ⏰ 12:00 PM on May 25, 2023 (UTC) 📍 🎁Total Rewards: 300 USDT - Join gleam event to win 250 USDT, 25 winners! 👉 - Free-ask: 5 BEST questions, 10 USDT each >>>>Sign up on KuCoin to receive rewards. *This AMA is limited to KuCoin Memecoins group to courage open communications, KuCoin doesn’t suggest investing or promising any listing on the exchange. Please DYOR if you want to invest in the project. #ExploringMemecoins Hello everyone! Welcome to the KuCoin AMA session in KuCoin Memecoins Group! I am Luis — Official KuCoin Musketeer from the KuCoin Community and your host for this AMA session. To be reminded of today’s AMA giveaways, please do check the most recent pinned message. A total of 300 USDT are up for grabs, so make sure you pay attention to the AMA session and ask the questions you want answered! Thanks for joining the Memecoins KuCoin Telegram Group. Today, we are holding the KuCoin AMA session with DOGEPOWS Project in this group. *Note This AMA session is limited to KuCoin Memecoins Telegram group and is only to encourage open chats. KuCoin doesn’t suggest investing or promising any listing on the exchange for this program. Today, we will have Silva #ShibaArmy 🐾 as our guest for this AMA session. Let’s all vir...

The Brazilian Crypto Industry: Perspectives and Expectations for the Next Decade in the Global…

The Brazilian Crypto Industry: Perspectives and Expectations for the Next Decade in the Global Context - Discover the future of business: dive into the universe of the Brazilian Cryptographic Industry and unveil its perspectives for the next decade. Be prepared for a fascinating journey filled with innovation, technology and global transformation opportunities. From the revolutionary advances of cryptocurrencies to the practical applications of blockchain, explore the endless possibilities that are shaping Brazil’s financial, business and technology landscape.Image available on the Internet Introduction The crypto industry in Brazil has experienced remarkable growth in recent years, in line with the global cryptocurrency scene. With the growing adoption of these digital assets and the growing interest in blockchain technologies, Brazil is positioning itself as one of the main countries in Latin America in this sector. In this article, we will analyze the current state of the Brazilian cryptographic industry compared to the global market and discuss the prospects and expectations for the next decade. I. The Current State of the Brazilian Crypto Industry Compared to the Global Market 1.1. Adoption of Cryptocurrencies As with the rest of the world, Brazil has seen a significant increase in cryptocurrency adoption in recent years. Bitcoin remains the most popular cryptocurrency, but others, such as Ethereum, Ripple and Litec...

A Indústria Criptográfica Brasileira: Perspectivas e Expectativas para a Próxima Década no Contexto…

A Indústria Criptográfica Brasileira: Perspectivas e Expectativas para a Próxima Década no Contexto Global - Descubra o futuro dos negócios: mergulhe no universo da Indústria Criptográfica Brasileira e desvende suas perspectivas para a próxima década. Esteja preparado para uma jornada fascinante, repleta de inovação, tecnologia e oportunidades de transformação global. Dos avanços revolucionários das criptomoedas às aplicações práticas da blockchain, explore as possibilidades infinitas que estão moldando o cenário financeiro, empresarial e tecnológico do Brasil.Imagem disponivel na Internet Introdução A indústria criptográfica no Brasil tem experimentado um notável crescimento nos últimos anos, alinhado com o cenário mundial de criptomoedas. Com a crescente adoção desses ativos digitais e o interesse cada vez maior em tecnologias blockchain, o Brasil está se posicionando como um dos principais países da América Latina nesse setor. Neste artigo, analisaremos o estado atual da indústria criptográfica brasileira em comparação com o mercado global e discutiremos as perspectivas e expectativas para a próxima década. I. O Estado Atual da Indústria Criptográfica Brasileira em Comparação com o Mercado Global 1.1. Adoção de Criptomoedas Assim como ocorre em todo o mundo, o Brasil tem observado um aumento significativo na adoção de criptomoedas nos últimos anos. O Bitcoin continua sen...

Liberando o poder do DCA: uma estratégia de investimento revolucionária para o mercado de…

Liberando o poder do DCA: uma estratégia de investimento revolucionária para o mercado de criptomoedas - No mundo volátil e em constante evolução das criptomoedas, os investidores estão constantemente buscando estratégias que possam ajudá-los a navegar pelas incertezas e maximizar seus retornos. Uma dessas estratégias que ganhou popularidade significativa é o Dollar-Cost Averaging (DCA). Neste artigo, vamos nos aprofundar nas origens do DCA, seus princípios-chave e explorar sua potencial aplicação no mercado de criptomoedas. Também destacaremos os benefícios e riscos associados à utilização do DCA Bot oferecido pela KuCoin, uma plataforma líder de troca de criptomoedas.Imagem disponível na Internet O Nascimento da DCA O conceito de média de custo do dólar remonta ao início do século 20 e ganhou destaque durante a Grande Depressão. Embora tenha sido popularizado por Benjamin Graham, um renomado economista e investidor, o DCA pode ser atribuído a um grupo mais amplo de pensadores financeiros que reconheceram seus méritos. O DCA tornou-se um princípio fundamental nas estratégias de investimento, fornecendo uma abordagem sistemática para mitigar a volatilidade do mercado e reduzir o risco de tomar decisões de investimento ruins com base no timing do mercado. Princípios e Aplicação DCA O princípio fundamental do Dollar-Cost Averaging é simples: invista uma quantia fixa de dinheiro em intervalo...

Unleashing the Power of DCA: A Game-Changing Investment Strategy for the Cryptocurrency Market

In the volatile and ever-evolving world of cryptocurrencies, investors are constantly seeking strategies that can help them navigate the uncertainties and maximize their returns. One such strategy that has gained significant popularity is Dollar-Cost Averaging (DCA). In this article, we will delve into the origins of DCA, its key principles, and explore its potential application to the cryptocurrency market. We will also highlight the benefits and risks associated with utilizing the DCA Bot offered by KuCoin, a leading cryptocurrency exchange platform.Image available on the Internet The Birth of DCA The concept of Dollar-Cost Averaging traces back to the early 20th century and gained prominence during the Great Depression. While it was popularized by Benjamin Graham, a renowned economist and investor, DCA can be attributed to a broader group of financial thinkers who recognized its merits. DCA became a fundamental principle in investment strategies, providing a systematic approach to mitigating market volatility and reducing the risk of making poor investment decisions based on market timing. DCA Principles and Application The fundamental principle of Dollar-Cost Averaging is simple: invest a fixed amount of money at regular intervals, regardless of the asset’s price. By consistently purchasing assets over time, investors acquire more units when prices are low and fewer units when prices are high. This approach ensures th...

Creating and Securing Your Cold Wallet: Step-by-Step Guide to Safely Storing ERC20, BTC and BEP20…

Creating and Securing Your Cold Wallet: Step-by-Step Guide to Safely Storing ERC20, BTC and BEP20 Tokens - Welcome to the tutorial “Creating and Securing Your Cold Wallet: Step-by-Step Guide to Safely Storing ERC20, BTC and BEP20 Tokens”. In this guide, you will learn how to create your own cold wallet and securely store your valuable digital tokens. With the growing interest and adoption of cryptocurrencies, the security of your digital assets has become an absolute priority. A cold wallet, also known as an offline wallet, is one of the safest ways to store your cryptocurrencies and tokens. By following this tutorial, you will be taking significant steps to protect your digital wealth from cyber threats such as hackers and malware. You will learn how to create a cold wallet on an offline server, where your private keys will remain inaccessible to anyone with an internet connection. Plus, you’ll discover how to add ERC20, Bitcoin, and BEP20 tokens to your cold wallet, allowing you to keep your digital assets diverse and secure in one place. Remember that the security of your digital assets is a personal responsibility. This guide provides step-by-step instructions to help you create and secure your cold wallet, but it’s critical that you take extra precautions when dealing with sensitive information like your recovery words and private keys. Let’s begin this journey towards digital security, where you will have ...

Criando e Protegendo sua Cold Wallet: Guia Passo a Passo para Armazenar com Segurança Tokens ERC20…

Criando e Protegendo sua Cold Wallet: Guia Passo a Passo para Armazenar com Segurança Tokens ERC20, BTC e BEP20 - Bem-vindo ao tutorial “Criando e Protegendo sua Cold Wallet: Guia Passo a Passo para Armazenar com Segurança Tokens ERC20, BTC e BEP20”. Neste guia, você aprenderá como criar sua própria cold wallet e armazenar com segurança seus valiosos tokens digitais. Com o crescente interesse e adoção das criptomoedas, a segurança dos seus ativos digitais se tornou uma prioridade absoluta. Uma cold wallet, também conhecida como carteira offline, é uma das formas mais seguras de armazenar suas criptomoedas e tokens. Ao seguir este tutorial, você estará tomando medidas significativas para proteger sua riqueza digital contra ameaças cibernéticas, como hackers e malware. Você aprenderá a criar uma cold wallet em um servidor offline, onde suas chaves privadas permanecerão inacessíveis a qualquer pessoa com conexão à internet. Além disso, você descobrirá como adicionar tokens ERC20, Bitcoin e BEP20 à sua cold wallet, permitindo que você mantenha seus ativos digitais diversificados e seguros em um único local. Lembre-se de que a segurança dos seus ativos digitais é uma responsabilidade pessoal. Este guia fornece instruções passo a passo para ajudá-lo a criar e proteger sua cold wallet, mas é fundamental que você tome precauções extras ao lidar com informações confidenciais, como suas palav...

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