| Unicly 
UNIC Price: | $1.56 | | Volume: | $87.9 K | All Time High: | $83.35 | | Market Cap: | $718.3 K |
Circulating Supply: | 461,168 |
| Exchanges: | 1
| Total Supply: | 466,146 |
| Markets: | 1
| Max Supply: | — |
| Pairs: | 1
The last known price of #UNIC is $1.56 USD.
Please note that the price of #UNIC was last updated over 390 days ago. This can occur when coins have sporadic price reporting, no listings on exchanges or the project has been abandonded. All #UNIC statistics should be considered as 'last known value'.
The lowest UNIC price for this period was $0, the highest was $1.56, and the exact last price of UNIC was $1.55765.
The all-time high UNIC coin price was $83.35.
Use our custom price calculator to see the hypothetical price of UNIC with market cap of BTC or other crypto coins. |
The code for Unicly crypto currency is #UNIC.
Unicly is 2 years old. |
The current market capitalization for Unicly is $718,337.
Unicly is ranking downwards to #1331 out of all coins, by market cap (and other factors). |
The trading volume is modest during the past 24 hours for #UNIC.
Today's 24-hour trading volume across all exchanges for Unicly is $87,868. |
The circulating supply of UNIC is 461,168 coins, which is 99% of the total coin supply.
A highlight of Unicly is it's unusually low supply of coins, as this tends to support higher prices due to supply and demand in the market. |
UNIC has very limited pairings with other cryptocurrencies, but has at least 1 pairing and is listed on at least 1 crypto exchange.
Note that there are multiple coins that share the code #UNIC, and you can view them on our UNIC disambiguation page. |
 Unicly V2 Launch — Airdrop Announcement Unicly V2 Launch — Airdrop Announcement - The dev team at Unicly have been working extremely hard over the last few months to write, review, and test Unicly V2. With our security audits completed, we are proud to announce that Unicly V2 has launched! More details can be found below. As part of the launch of Unicly V2, there will be an airdrop of 10.88% of the circulating supply of UNIC (40,000 UNIC). In order to qualify for the airdrop, a user must have one of the following NFTs in their wallet: BAYC, MAYC, BAKC, Azuki, CryptoPunks (Wrapped), Meebits, MoonBirds, Doodles, Nouns, The airdrop gets claimed automatically once the user fractionalizes at least one of the above NFTs in a vault. The airdrop will be fixed at 200 UNIC per wallet (approximately worth 1 ETH, or $2,100, at time of writing). The airdrop will last until all 40,000 UNIC have been claimed in airdrops. Note: The UNIC token contract will remain the same You can read more about the updates to Unicly v2 here: docs.unic.ly The main changes are as follows: NFTs within vaults can be un-fractionalized individually. This happens when someone bids above the “trigger price”, which is set by the vault creator. When a trigger price is bid, it kicks off an auction., When an NFT is auctioned off, the proceeds (in ETH) go back into the vault. Fraction holders are entitled their pro rata shares of these proceeds., Fractions are burnable, and holders can exit an... 
|  Monthly Unicly Community Updates Hi Unicly members, 📅 November 2021 has been very exciting for Unicly. 🚀 Read the summary below and get ready for some special announcements soon, stay tuned! Key Updates — Nov 2021 📢 Unicly announced a $10M fundraising round led by @blockchaincap, @animocabrands, and @AscensiveAsset before the launch of v2! 🥳, 🚀 WELL DONE TEAM!!! Read more here. 🤝 UNIC is now listed on Huobi and KuCoin!!!, 💱 You can now trade UNIC/USDT on Huobi and on KuCoin. (This is no investment advice!) 🚀 The FEWOCiOUS auction raised 390 ETH. The Innovator’s Dinner was sold for 88 ETH., 🌐Read more here and here. Congratulations to all participants and to the new owners! 🎤 Benjamin Rameau, contributor of Unicly and founder of Jenny DAO was invited to an AMA organized by Huobi to talk about Unicly’s fractionalization platform., 🔝 Unicly entered the top 10 of most-traded NFT projects with low market cap, check the graph here., 🥇 Unicly currently possesses the greatest market share with 43% of the nearly $80M total value locked in the top four NFT liquidity protocols. See chart here., Thank you Coingecko for mentioning Unicly in this great instructional video on fractionalized NFTs! Click here to watch it., 🌟 Don’t forget that you can now Zap ETH or any uToken into the farm. This means you can earn yield on fractionalized NFTs with one click, try it here 🤩, 📣 📣 How you could help and c... 
|  What’s next for Unicly? tldr; Emission rates have decreased by 67% — max supply of UNIC is down to approximately 550,000 from 1,000,000. Emission rates may decrease further over time. This is effectively the same as burning 45% of all future supply., Unicly v2 is on the horizon. A whole new approach to fractionalization + complete UI/UX overhaul is coming!, — Looking back - Since our fair launch in April, we have seen millions of dollars worth of NFT get fractionalized, traded, and bought out through Unicly. It has been amazing to see so many top quality NFTs go through the platform in such a short period of time. We have also built a strong community of people that care about the long term success of the protocol. For example, we have teams of community developers who are currently building out new features through ecosystem faucet grants. We also have the community helping us shape the best way to balance UNIC rewards in order to incentivize users on Unicly. Blockchain Capital, Animoca Brands, and Ascensive Assets purchased vested UNIC tokens. They will be long term supporters of the Unicly ecosystem and help govern and boost our ecosystem. news.bitcoin.com Most recently, the UNIC governance token was listed on top tier exchanges including Huobi and Kucoin. This has made it easier for people from all over the world to access the token, and increase liquidity across the board. www.kucoin.com — Moving forward - Unicly v2 We h... 
|  COUNTDOWN FOR THE FEWOCiOUS COLLECTION LIQUIDATION AUCTION IS COUNTING DOWN FOR THE FEWOCiOUS COLLECTION ON UNICLY - The uFEWO collection on Unicly will liquidate on Nov 15, 2021 3pm UTC. When the collection liquidates, each NFT will be distributed to its highest bidder and the ETH proceeds will be distributed among $uFEWO token holders. This will be the first FEWOCiOUS’ art auction since London Sotheby’s in October! The collection consists of 23 NFTs, the majority of which are one-of-one editions. The Fewocious collection consists of the following items: 17 x 1/1 from Year 3, Age 16 collection., 1 x 1/1 commissioned piece, 1 x 1/1 collaboration piece, 1 x 1/16, 3 x collaboration pieces with hundreds of copies, Here is a more detailed overview of the collection: The Innovator’s Dinner — #1/1. This NFT is being sold for the first time ever on Unicly. It was originally a commissioned piece and was gifted directly to one of the creators of the uFEWO collection. FEWOCiOUS history in the making! Place your bid here. The Everlasting Beautiful by FEWOCiOUS — #1/1. Collaborative piece between FEWOCiOUS x parrot_ism x Odious x Jonathan Wolfe. Four artists from four completely different backgrounds have joined forces on the first completely collective nifty gateway show, to bring you stories from their fabricated fairytale. Each artist has a very distinct style but ultimately what they have created together is one, a collaborative effort across the board with ide... 
|  Monthly Unicly Community Updates Hi Unicly members, 🛬 📅 September and October 2021 have been very exciting for Unicly. 🤝 We partnered with key companies and developed new features for our platform. 🏆 Unicly has set the record for the most expensive Aavegotchi ever sold — 141 ETH! 🚀 Special announcements are coming soon, stay tuned! Key Updates — Sep-Oct 2021 🤝 Very proud to announce the collaboration between Unicly and Chainlink! 🤩, 🌐 Read more here 💪 🆕 We have a new feature: Advanced Staking!, 🌐 Try it here 💰🔒 Users can now lock up xUNIC and earn higher APR. 👍 Great article about NFT fractionalization platforms by Bridget Harris., 📃 Read it here 🤝 Unicly x 🍦 Gelato collaboration, 🤩@uniclyNFT and @Gelatonetwork are teaming up to automate the distribution of staking rewards! Welcome the bleeding edge of NFTs X DeFi 🌐Read more here 🚀 The @aavegotchi auction raised 337.1 ETH and generated 67 bids., 💰 Terance McKenna was sold for 141 ETH, setting the record for the most expensive Aavegotchi ever. 🌐Read more here 😎$UNIC reward weights have been adjusted!, 👏 Congratulations $PBOY @pascalboyart for making it into the farm! 🌐Read here 🍀 Unicly x Brokoli 🤩, 🤝 Unicly Integrates Brokoli to Make Digital Art Green 🌳 🌐 Read more here 👫✔ The Unicly community has voted for Leia (representing Unicly devs) and Jeff (YGG) to start as first cou... 
|  How to bridge UNIC from Ethereum Mainnet to Polygon Unicly is coming to Polygon!. — The following is a guide on how to move UNIC tokens to and from Ethereum Mainnet and Polygon. Go to wallet.polygon.technology and connect your wallet, 2. Search “UNIC” 3. Click “Deposit” 4. Transfer UNIC 5. Approve and confirm 6. To move back the UNIC from Polygon to Ethereum, go back to step 3 and click “Withdraw” instead How to bridge UNIC from Ethereum Mainnet to Polygon was originally published in Unicly on Medium, where people are continuing the conversation by highlighting and responding to this story.
|  Countdown for the Aavegotchi Aastronauts Aauction Six months ago, six Aastronaut Aavegotchis set off on an exploratory mission into Layer 1. Along the way they fractionalized on Unicly and have been farming UNIC. However we recently received a transmission that they miss their frens and want to set off to their next adventure in the Gotchiverse Realm. Aavegotchi recently released the bridge from Polygon to Ethereum, which means our Aastronauts are now able to join the rest of their frens as soon as they are set free from captivity from their Unicly vault. For their service, each Aastronaut will receive a commemorative Baadge signifying this historic mission, which they can proudly display in their Gotchi Pocket. In order to retire the Aastronauts from duty, the guardians of the vault will need to use their uGOTCHI tokens to vote for a release and collectively reach a threshold over 50%. Two of the largest uGOTCHI owners who together own the majority of tokens have agreed to release the Aastronauts and let them find new owners. Any third party bidder will be able to make an ETH offer for the gotchis. The moment the vault is liquidated, the highest bidder for each individual gotchi will be able to claim the NFT and uGOTCHI owners will be eligible to claim their pro rata portion of the sales proceeds. The countdown will start on October 8th, 2021 7:00am UTC and will last for 7 days. At the end of the countdown, the two largest uGOTCHI holders will vote to dissolve the gallery... 
|  Introduction Unicly allows new Locking Mechanism for xUNIC holders - In the past few months, we’ve seen huge interest and love from our supporters who actively use the Unicly platform. Since we’ve launched, we have added 25 whitelisted collections to the platform and have maintained $53 million of liquidity as we have grown. Truly amazing! Until now, the only way to gain rewards for believing in the long-term vision of the protocol was to stake your UNIC and convert it to xUNIC. This was a great solution that allowed many people to get in on the action. With the addition of an xUNIC faucet, we all got to see the ratio of UNIC to xUNIC reach 1.4440 in just a few months. I know all of the UNIC hodlers are super happy with that 😁. Today, we are introducing a new way to reward our long-term holders. We call it Advanced Staking. This new feature allows you to lock up your UNIC tokens and get either UNIC or a uToken of your choosing back in return. This means that on top of the gains you will get from hodling your xUNIC, you will get additional rewards by simply locking up your tokens.Advanced Staking Page — Why? - All of the features we have introduced and the ones we will introduce in the future (new ones soon to come 😉) are all done to help out our community. Prior to this feature, there was really no way to incentivize people to hold UNIC for long periods of time. While we had staking to xUNIC, it wasn’t really an opti... 
|  Unicly Integrates Chainlink Keepers to Automate Key Smart Contract Functions The industry-leading tech powering Chainlink keeps the blockchain world ticking, and it will soon be greasing the wheels of Unicly’s smart contracts. As such, we’re pleased to announce that Unicly has integrated Chainlink Keepers on mainnet to automate key smart contract functions on the platform. Specifically, Chainlink Keepers are used to automate farming reward distributions to token holders, as well as automatically swap NFT trading fees to our native token and distribute the fees back to token holders. We decided to integrate Chainlink Keepers because it is a decentralized network run by the same time-tested and professional DevOps teams powering Chainlink Price Feeds, which help secure tens of billions of dollars in value across. Chainlink Keepers are also optimized for low costs and decentralized security to avoid single points of failure. Why is this integration such a big deal? Well, due to the complexity of Unicly’s fractionalized NFT protocol, there are a lot of moving parts that need to be taken care of in order to run end-to-end. Beneath the hood, each of these parts are controlled by a smart contract interaction — code that’s executed on-chain. However, smart contracts, by default, are incapable of triggering their own functions at arbitrary times or under arbitrary conditions — keepers fix that. At present, several of these commands are triggered manually on a daily basis. While there are ... 
|  NFTs Meet Finance Part 1: Uniswap v3 Introduction - On the roadmap, I talked briefly about experimenting with “Financial NFTs” and how this could open up a wide range of opportunities. This may be the first of a couple blog posts that I’ll write specifically about Financial NFTs and fractionalizing them on Unicly. The community has already started on testing ideas on the protocol, and finding cool partners that will make this a reality very soon. I’m excited to share what’s to come! — Uniswap v3 NFTs - Before, LP positions on Uniswap was represented as ERC-20 (fungible) LP tokens. With Uniswap v3, LP tokens are represented by unique NFTs instead. If you’re curious about how this works, you can read more about Uniswap v3 here: uniswap.org — Fractionalizing Uniswap v3 NFTs - On May 28 2021, a member of the Unicly community fractionalized a Uniswap v3 NFT. This NFT presents around $130 worth of the USD/USDT pair on Uniswap. The NFT was fractionalized into a uToken called uCORN, which you can check out here: www.app.unic.ly — Why this is significant - NFTs started off as digital collectibles, gaming items, music and art. However, that is just the beginning. Financial NFTs are finding new use cases such as representing insurance policies and liquidity provider positions. Uniswap v3 could be at the forefront of this trend, where every one of its LP positions is represented by an NFT. The market for art and music and collectibles is l... 