| Shardus 
| #ULT
ULT Price: | $0.14 | | Volume: | — | All Time High: | $0.77 | | Market Cap: | — |
Circulating Supply: | 439,556,761 |
| Exchanges: | —
| Total Supply: | 1,000,000,000 |
| Markets: | —
| Max Supply: | — |
| Pairs: | —
The last known price of #ULT is $0.14 USD.
Please note that the price of #ULT was last updated over 660 days ago. This can occur when coins have sporadic price reporting, no listings on exchanges or the project has been abandonded. All #ULT statistics should be considered as 'last known value'.
The lowest ULT price for this period was $0, the highest was $0.141, and the exact last price of ULT was $0.14059.
The all-time high ULT coin price was $0.77.
Use our custom price calculator to see the hypothetical price of ULT with market cap of SOL or other crypto coins. |
The code for Shardus crypto currency is #ULT.
Shardus is 1.8 years old. |
The current market capitalization for Shardus is not available at this time.
Shardus is ranking downwards to #6894 out of all coins, by market cap (and other factors). |
The trading volume is unknown during the past 24 hours for #ULT. |
The circulating supply of ULT is 439,556,761 coins, which is 44% of the total coin supply. |
ULT exchange data is not currently available.
Note that there are multiple coins that share the code #ULT, and you can view them on our ULT disambiguation page. |
 Montreal Blockchain to Evaluate Shardus Software Montreal Blockchain Lab to Evaluate Shardus Software Richardson, TX, Sunday, April 18th, 2021 — The Montreal Blockchain Lab (MBL) will be evaluating the Shardus software. As the Shardus Association nears the release of the first version of Shardus, an academic review of the Shardus consensus algorithm and sharding protocol will help ensure a greater level of security and correctness. The partnership will help to ensure a safe and secure experience for early developers building decentralized applications with Shardus. Known as one of the first teams in the world to demonstrate a state-sharded decentralized network, Shardus provides software used to build custom decentralized networks with linear scaling capabilities. “We’re thrilled to partner with Montreal Blockchain Lab and bring their teams experience from organizations such as Bellcore, Intel, United Nations, IBM, Mizuho Securities USA and Goldman Sachs into securing the Shardus code.” said Gregory Hemmer, Partnership Manager at Shardus. “Our partnership with MBL provides developers with confidence that Shardus has been thoroughly audited.” This partnership will advance the development of Shardus and enable decentralized applications to scale, providing the same UX society is accustomed to with modern centralized applications.About Shardus Formed in 2018, the Shardus Association is a decentralized autonomous organization (DAO) with team members distributed... 
|  The Easiest Ethereum to Binance Bridge for ERC20 Tokens Nov 20, 2020 The Shardus project has an ERC20 token on the Ethereum network. We have been worried for a while now that during the upcoming bull market of 2021 the traffic on the Ethereum network will reach max capacity and transaction fees for a simple token transfer may get into hundreds of dollars. We have been looking at other networks that can provide a bridge and offload the traffic. After looking at various networks we have decided to go with Binance Smart Chain since it is 100% compatible with Ethereum, has a high TPS [1], low fees [2] and has the potential to grow faster than other compatible chains. We wanted to create a two way bridge so that our Shardus token could be easily moved between the two networks. We expected this might take a significant amount of effort to setup. But after doing some research we found that a project on the Bincance Smart Chain called BurgerSwap has already created such a bridge. BurgerSwap is basically like Uniswap on the Binance Smart Chain. It allows tokens on the Binance Smart Chain to be added to liquidity pools so they can be swapped with each other. It makes total sense that this project would have an interest in making it easy for ERC20 tokens to move between the Ethererum and Binance chains, since it would help increase the tokens available on BurgerSwap. So how do you set up this bridge? It’s very easy. Any user of an ERC20 token can do it and it does not require involvement ... 
|  Bancor vs Uniswap where to list your ERC20 token May 20, 2019 The Shardus project has an ERC20 token on the Ethereum network which we give to developers, advisers, promoter, bounty hunters and others who contribute to the project. We did not have an ICO or sell the token to investors. Our token is currently traded on Uniswap. It used to be traded on Bancor. This article explains why we chose Uniswap over Bancor. In August 2018, as part of rebranding the project name from Unblocked Ledger to Shardus, we needed to deploy a new ERC-20 contract and move our tokens over to it, just so the name and symbol on the contract can be changed. Since transaction fees on the Ethereum network were becoming very sporadic we also wanted to move off the Ethereum network. We evaluated other platforms such as EOS, Waves, Stellar and Tron. Although we liked Waves quite a bit, we felt that it was not quite ready at the time. Also there was no service on Waves similar to Bancor where we could list the token. We decided to stay on Ethereum mainly for the Bancor service. But in the evaluation processes we also stumbled upon Uniswap which was just getting started and offering a service similar to Bancor. What we found most interesting about Uniswap was the simple equation it used to do the conversion. TOK_new * ETH_new = TOK_old * ETH_old. Compare this to the complex formula used by Bancor given in this paper. The simple formula used by Uniswap translates into much lower fees to do a swap on Uniswa... 
|  Shardus 2020 Q2 Update Software to enable a decentralized world. On August 1st, 2020 the Shardus team hosted its quarterly update event virtually to present development progress the team made during the second quarter amidst the COVID-19 pandemic. The DAO has held itself accountable to its milestones as it has continued to execute in alignment with the Shardus Project Roadmap. From 2017 to Q2 2020 the Shardus Software has progressed from being capable of supporting a static decentralized network with TPS constraints to supporting a state sharded decentralized network where TPS increases as nodes are added to a network. Shardus’ 2020 Q2 update included an overview of progress in the software, marketing updates and a demonstration of Shardus’ snapshot feature. Omar Syed, Shardus Chief Architect, introduced Shardus with its new ethos, “Enabling a Decentralized World.”. When you look at what the blockchain industry is attempting to achieve at a macro level you see a global community of developers building software to decentralize many aspects of society. Although developers’ ambitions in the DLT space are currently limited by the scalability constraints of the decentralized networks they build applications on top of. For example, many DeFi applications are built on Ethereum yet Ethereum can currently only handle a maximum of 15 TPS. How can you disrupt centralized applications in modern society when you aren’t able to handle the throughput ... 
|  Shardus: The Foundation of Our Decentralized Future Decentralized applications need better infrastructure to scale. In a world where there is a constant fight for power and data, as well as a lack of trust, the internet is ready to be decentralized. Developers and enterprises are racing to build distributed ledger technology that will serve as the infrastructure of our future decentralized world. Exactly what type of infrastructure will support the decentralization process is unknown, but one thing is certain: a private entity shouldn’t own that infrastructure. Shardus is on track to solve the challenges holding distributed ledger technology (DLT) back from global adoption and is a candidate for the foundation that society’s decentralized applications will live on. There is no private entity behind Shardus. Like Bitcoin, Shardus is being developed by an unincorporated association of highly talented developers. These developers are rewarded for their contributions with ULT, the token used to license Shardus. Shardus is not a decentralized network. Instead, it is software used as the foundation for developers to launch their own application-specific or industry-specific decentralized networks. First, there was Bitcoin, a static decentralized network where miners can add nodes to the Bitcoin network and token holders can trade BTC among themselves. Next, there was Ethereum, a smart contract platform where developers could issue their own smart contracts and develop a dApp on... 
|  Shardus Q1 2020 Update The foundation for linearly scalable decentralized networks. On May 30th, 2020 the Shardus Association hosted its quarterly update event virtually to present development progress the team made during the first quarter amidst the COVID-19 pandemic. The DAO has held itself accountable to its milestones as it has continued to execute in alignment with the Shardus Project Roadmap. From 2017 to Q1 2020 the Shardus Software has progressed from being capable of supporting a static decentralized network with TPS constraints to supporting a state sharded decentralized network where TPS increases as nodes are added to a network. Shardus’ 2020 Q1 update included an overview of progress in the software, marketing updates, a demonstration of the first dApp testnet built with Shardus called Liberdus and a demonstration of how to add a node to the Liberdus network. Omar Syed, Shardus Architect and distributed systems expert, kicked off the virtual presentation with a definition of Shardus for newcomers. “Shardus is software to create blockchains that have unlimited scaling, are highly decentralized, energy efficient and easy to build and deploy.”, said Syed. Unlike most projects today, Shardus is not a blockchain network itself, but software for developers to easily launch their own linearly scalable network. Below is a visual Omar presented depicting what the Shardus ecosystem might look like in the future and how licensing Shardus ... 
|  What is UniswapDEX? If you’re aware of cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin or Ethereum you’ve likely heard of websites where you can buy them. Any exchange that allows you to purchase Bitcoin or Ethereum with fiat is currently operated by a central legal entity. While centralized exchanges offer a fiat on-ramp to cryptocurrency there are many downsides to working with a centralized exchange. First, you have to trust a centralized exchange with properly storing your money and personal data. With one of blockchain’s core value propositions being decentralized trust, it’s tough for many people to swallow having to buy cryptocurrency through central entities. Do you want to give businesses a picture of your license? Do you trust them to protect your money? Not to mention there have been billions of dollars stolen from centralized exchanges by hackers. Next, projects who want to list their tokens on centralized exchanges are commonly charged high listing fees to do so and that’s not all. Many exchanges require projects to maintain daily trading volumes or else they face delisting. Imagine paying an exchange 5–6 figures just for your digital asset to eventually be delisted for not meeting the trading volume requirements. Due to such problems with centralized exchanges, there has been a fast-growing movement towards decentralized finance and decentralized exchanges. Why can’t decentralized exchanges provide fiat on-ramps to cryptocurrency? Well... 
|  Shardus Developer Partner Spotlight — The Arcadia Group Shardus Developer Partner Spotlight — The Arcadia Group Shardus is a framework written in Node JS to develop linearly scalable decentralized applications with state sharding. Blockchain development consultancies have partnered with Shardus to architect and develop Dapp’s for decentralized projects requiring scalability. This interview shines a spotlight on the entrepreneurs behind Shardus Development Partner, The Arcadia Group. Tell us a little bit about The Arcadia Group and what you do. Arcadia is a Blockchain software development company out of Dallas, our primary offerings are contract work with a specialized focus in privacy-preserving technology, scaling solutions, and P2P network communications. Our current flow of projects is mostly focused on peripheral technology and integrations onto existing decentralized and open-source software. What were you doing before starting The Arcadia Group? Rasikh: Prior to Arcadia I was a student, I operated three separate side ventures through various stages prior to 2017, Mad House Domains, Let’s Earn BTC & Stellar Export. MHD was a domain and hosting company that differentiated itself via its onboarding through it’s sponsoring of hackathons in the local DFW area. LBTC (letsearnbtc.com) was a news site that focused on how to earn Bitcoin in 2013 through 2015 and news from 2016 on. It’s main early content was guides focused on simple but at the time undocumented t... 
|  Shardus Q4 Progress Report Event Recap The MVP for Liberdus that was presented at our event. We host an event in Dallas every quarter to present updates in the Shardus software to our community. Last Saturday 1/18/2020 we hosted our Q4 Progress Report Event at the Capital Factory in Dallas. Over 50 people attended the event and 54 people have watched the live stream on Twitter! At our last event, we presented linear scalability in a distributed network built with Shardus. As we near the completion of the Shardus software we wanted to begin to show the types of applications that can be built with Shardus. At our event we let users join a beta test of our MVP for www.liberdus.com, a decentralized messenger and payment network! It was so awesome to see the crowd’s excitement for Liberdus. Everyone was on their phones using the app like crazy sending coins, looking at how they could message other people through a Dapp and even friend requesting others. Liberdus is more user-friendly than most decentralized wallets so it was very cool to see the crowd recognize that. Most importantly we saw many familiar and new faces which means our community is growing! Back to work to continue shipping! Watch The Event Here: https://youtu.be/Pnt4F_YIxJc
|  Olypsis Technologies Becomes a Shardus Development Partner Dallas, TX, Thursday, January 2nd, 2019 — Olypsis Technologies has signed a contract with the Shardus Association to serve as a Shardus Development Partner. As businesses and entrepreneurs come to the Shardus Association seeking support in building decentralized applications with Shardus, Shardus Development Partners will be there to support them. In their current state, most decentralized public applications today are not built for global adoption. Many decentralized applications are limited to a POC due to the scalability constraints of the blockchain networks they’re built on. Shardus is an SDK to create application-specific decentralized networks capable of linear scalability. With Shardus, developers can build public DApps that are scalable, require little resources to operate a node and provide instant finality. “The Shardus Association is excited to partner with Olypsis to help organizations develop their own decentralized applications and application specific networks with Shardus,” said Omar Syed, Co-Founder & Lead Developer of the Shardus Association. “Olypsis is an experienced team based in Dallas, TX. As projects come to Shardus seeking developer support they will serve as a great partner to help the ecosystem scale.” Olypsis Technologies is an innovative research and development company specializing in the fields of trustless systems and distributed ledger technology. The two pillars that make... 