| ThreeFold Token
| #TFT
TFT Price: | $0.010 | | Volume: | $220 | All Time High: | $0.80 | | Market Cap: | $8.9 M |
Circulating Supply: | 870,023,471 |
| Exchanges: | 1
| Total Supply: | 915,271,516 |
| Markets: | 3
| Max Supply: | 4,000,000,000 |
| Pairs: | 3
The price of #TFT today is $0.010 USD.
The lowest TFT price for this period was $0, the highest was $0.010, and the exact current price of one TFT crypto coin is $0.01020.
The all-time high TFT coin price was $0.80.
Use our custom price calculator to see the hypothetical price of TFT with market cap of ETH or other crypto coins. |
The code for ThreeFold Token crypto currency is #TFT.
ThreeFold Token is 3.2 years old. |
The current market capitalization for ThreeFold Token is $8,874,128.
ThreeFold Token is ranking downwards to #626 out of all coins, by market cap (and other factors). |
The trading volume is weak today for #TFT.
Today's 24-hour trading volume across all exchanges for ThreeFold Token is $220. |
The circulating supply of TFT is 870,023,471 coins, which is 22% of the maximum coin supply. |
TFT has limited pairings with other cryptocurrencies, but has at least 3 pairings and is listed on at least 1 crypto exchange.
Note that there are multiple coins that share the code #TFT, and you can view them on our TFT disambiguation page. |
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