| Smile Coin 
SMILE Price: | $0.022 | | Volume: | $852.3 K | All Time High: | $0.66 | | Market Cap: | $0.2 B |
Circulating Supply: | 9,999,998,600 |
| Exchanges: | 1
| Total Supply: | 10,000,000,000 |
| Markets: | 1
| Max Supply: | 10,000,000,000 |
| Pairs: | 1
The last known price of #SMILE is $0.022 USD.
Please note that the price of #SMILE was last updated over 490 days ago. This can occur when coins have sporadic price reporting, no listings on exchanges or the project has been abandonded. All #SMILE statistics should be considered as 'last known value'.
The lowest SMILE price for this period was $0, the highest was $0.022, and the exact last price of SMILE was $0.02199.
The all-time high SMILE coin price was $0.66.
Use our custom price calculator to see the hypothetical price of SMILE with market cap of ETH or other crypto coins. |
The code for Smile Coin crypto currency is #SMILE.
Smile Coin is 2 years old. |
The current market capitalization for Smile Coin is $219,921,914.
Smile Coin is ranking downwards to #1049 out of all coins, by market cap (and other factors). |
There is a medium daily trading volume on #SMILE.
Today's 24-hour trading volume across all exchanges for Smile Coin is $852,323. |
The circulating supply of SMILE is 9,999,998,600 coins, which is 100% of the maximum coin supply. |
SMILE has very limited pairings with other cryptocurrencies, but has at least 1 pairing and is listed on at least 1 crypto exchange.
Note that there are multiple coins that share the code #SMILE, and you can view them on our SMILE disambiguation page. |
 Smile Coin Partners With Amazon to Donate a Percentage of Token Sales Smile Coin Partners With Amazon to Donate a Percentage of Token Purchases — About Smile Coin x Amazon Smile. — Earlier this week, Smile Coin’s governance board updated the project’s protocol to include an update that will collect and donate a percentage of purchases to the International Problem Gaming Center in a partnership with Amazon Smile. A portion of each distribution of SMILE purchases will be allocated to a transparent donations fund which is visible as an on-chain fund. — Message from Smile Coin’s Governance Board. — “Gaming is fun, exciting, and makes us happy. But it’s all fun and games until someone needs help. Sadly, the same characteristics of a delightful gaming experience are what can be harmful to some. Lucky, we can help these individuals in real life. We use Amazon Smile to collect and donate a percentage of your purchases to the International Problem Gambling Center. Visit smile.amazon.com for more information on how to help someone.” — Earning SMILE and Giving Back. — To give back, purchase SMILE on the Uniswap Pool and a percentage of the sale will automatically be donated on behalf of Smile Coin. Members purchasing from this pool will be eligible for additional bonuses and rewards. To view the on-chain metrics, visit Etherscan.
|  Smile Coin Web 3.0 Launch: Road to the First Ever Decentralized Gaming Portfolio Smile Coin just moved into Phase 2; Here’s what’s happening… Unlike any other web 3.0 application today, Smile Coin will be a game-changing network application and the solution required for global inclusivity in the gaming sector. Smile Coin is committed to establishing a Layer-2 application network on a next-gen blockchain platform required for scalability. After laying the groundwork for the foundational ledger and node, and extensive open code documentation, SMILE’s development team has begun early-stage integration into Ethereum’s layer-2 consensus protocol — including security auditing, wallet integration, and refactoring the Smile Coin engine for interoperability and speed. What’s next for Smile Coin? Moving Into Phase 3 & Beyond The Smile Coin development team has begun working on the design and blockchain development to support next-generation gaming companies. This includes node installation, launching of a testnet, smart contract integration, and a public ICO. For updates on Smile Coin’s development and pipeline, join them on Reddit or Telegram.
|  DApps That AI-Power Your Gaming Portfolio & Returns Use AI to analyze the profits and losses from your gaming platforms The Smile Coin Portfolio uses AI to analyze the profits and losses from all of the platforms you use Smile Coin on and suggests prediction strategies to optimize your profitability. Smile Coin is a next-generation blockchain protocol that unites an entire gaming platform network, allowing users to access an immutable personal gaming ledger. This transparency will enable users to manage, analyze, and optimize gaming profits. Smile Coin is designed as an open-source and transparent DAP that allows you to connect, manage, analyze, and optimize gaming profits across all of your games — all with a single currency. How Smile Coin Works The SMILE coin functions govern and scale with three primary purposes: seamless payment infrastructure, decentralized finance protocol, and a unified personal gaming ledger.Seamless Payment Infrastructure — Sovereign payment processing offers a seamless way around payment restrictions around the globe.Decentralized Finance Protocol — Decentralized finance protocols for gaming companies are the guiding principle and core foundational architecture of Smile Coin.Unified Personal Gaming Ledger — The heart of Smile Coin is an immutable gaming ledger — transparent with transactions for clear personal finance decision-making. Smile Coin is designed to work with public, private, and enterprise gaming compani... 
|  The Single Global Gaming Currency Discover Smile Coin’s web 3.0 architecture One platform isn’t enough to support the vibrant future of gaming applications. The jurisdiction restriction, lagtime on banking transactions, and inability to seamlessly integrate with other networks make it impractical and cumbersome to efficiently scale in real-world gaming use cases. This use case and the problem was the impetus for Smile Coin to break ground on developing a decentralized application (DAPP) as 3.0 web cryptocurrency and product. By bridging multiple platforms into a single network, Smile Coin allows multiple currencies to be processed and stored on a decentralized immutable gaming ledger. This blockchain system removes the roadblocks and hurdles from inoperable payment processors and other antiquated financial institutions. Smile Coin will be able to scale even further in the future with planned roadmap features around identity, governance, security, and network performance. To stay up-to-date on development updates and view the roadmap, join them on Reddit or Telegram.
|  Smile Coin (SMILE) is Now Available on Uniswap Powering the first ever decentralized personal gaming ledger, Smile Coin (SMILE) is now available to swap or purchase on Uniswap. Currently an ERC-20 token, Smile Coin is a fully transparent web 3.0 platform. As Smile Coin develops its decentralized application (DAPP) on a layer-2 blockchain protocol, Smile Coin’s design offers distinct advantages over legacy networks, including transparency in performance, decentralized network, financing, and more. Smile Coin will be the global network that makes having fun more accessible through a seamless, decentralized alternative to payment processor restrictions across the globe. This empowers financial freedom outside centralized entities like PayPal, Stripe, and Square. To dig more into Smile Coin, check out the website and Etherscan. To purchase SMILE, head to the Uniswap Pool.
|  Powering the First-Ever Web 3.0 Gaming Ledger Smile Coin (SMILE) is the first-ever web 3.0 gaming ledger to power gaming companies to transact without the hassle of complex and onerous payment processing and gives users tools to optimize their profits. Every day, gaming companies and players have to deal with notoriously tricky banking and payment processes as a gateway to having fun. Controlled by a handful of large companies whose incentives are misaligned with our own, we experience constant hurdles and roadblocks to sign up, play, deposit, and withdraw winnings. And, even if we get through the gates, our gaming data is hidden and often stolen, lost, or misused — and never viewable in a single dashboard or source of truth across our platforms. All the while, progress in decentralized payment technology (De-Fi) and other open-source technologies like blockchain have shown that we can build systems that prioritize both gaming companies and users with a seamless way around payment processor restrictions across the globe. With new protocols and processes, there’s no longer a need to manage your way through the dark and hidden side of gaming. — About Smile Coin. — Smile Coin (SMILE) is the first decentralized technology to enable users to track and manage gaming tractions across platforms within a single network. This new portfolio allows you to view your balances, transaction, and performance history across all platforms you interact with on the Smil... 