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Saffron Finance  


SFI Price:
All Time High:
Market Cap:
$2.0 M

Circulating Supply:
Total Supply:
Max Supply:


The price of #SFI today is $21.29 USD.

The lowest SFI price for this period was $0, the highest was $21.29, and the exact current price of one SFI crypto coin is $21.29473.

The all-time high SFI coin price was $3,597.

Use our custom price calculator to see the hypothetical price of SFI with market cap of ETH or other crypto coins.


The code for Saffron Finance crypto currency is #SFI.

Saffron Finance is 4.2 years old.


The current market capitalization for Saffron Finance is $1,956,006.

Saffron Finance is ranked #753 out of all coins, by market cap (and other factors).


There is a weak daily trading volume on #SFI.

Today's 24-hour trading volume across all exchanges for Saffron Finance is $284.


The circulating supply of SFI is 91,854 coins, which is 100% of the total coin supply.

A highlight of Saffron Finance is it's exceptionally low supply of coins, as this tends to support higher prices due to supply and demand in the market.


SFI has limited pairings with other cryptocurrencies, but has at least 4 pairings and is listed on at least 4 crypto exchanges.


Note that there are multiple coins that share the code #SFI, and you can view them on our SFI disambiguation page.



Saffron Weekly (05/01/23)

What’s new in the week of 05/01/23–05/15/23. This past month has certainly been an eventful one for the Saffron community with the initial capped launch of Saffron Fixed Income Vaults. You can find them live here. As Psykeeper announced earlier Saffron Fixed Income Vaults are a fixed income protocol built on top of Uniswap — an ecosystem that gives liquidity providers a way to earn income on their holdings by contributing two tokens to a pair that others use for swaps. This yield is variable day-to-day based on the volume of trade activity on Uniswap. Like with most anything in crypto it can be volatile; some days the yield is high and some days the yield is low. Saffron now gives users a way to earn fixed income instead of taking risk on unpredictable volume. Vaults are capped upon release, but users wishing to participate in vault creation are welcome to join us on Telegram or Discord to request a new vault. Below I’ve organized resources for both the beginner and advanced users to learn more about our Fixed Income Vaults. Saffron Fixed Income Vault WhitepaperRead the full whitepaper here. We’ve released our whitepaper for our Saffron Fixed Income Vaults. This paper, written by Psykeeper and Rx, goes into depth on the intricate math and historical data behind SFIV. This is an illuminating read for those wanting an advanced-level explanation of SFIV. Saffron Fixed Income Vault PrimerRead the full article h...

Saffron Fixed Income Vault Calculator

We’ve developed a tool to help calculate SFIV return. After a few months in development, we’ve rolled out the initial capped launch of our Fixed Income Vaults. We’ve done our best to simplify them our UI for our users and we’ve just released a feedback survey gathering the community’s thoughts on our initial rollout. In this two-part series we’ll introduce a way for you to calculate potential returns on Saffron Fixed Income Vaults as a way to better understand their performance. While they are still capped as of this writing, we want to make sure that our users are educated on how both sides of the Fixed Income Vault work. Our lead scientist Rx has developed a tool that you can use to calculate the returns of both the variable and the fixed side. In using this you will be able to better understand the most fundamental aspect of our Fixed Income Vaults: How each side makes money. We’ll begin with just four parameters for our calculator; length of contract, fixed side capacity, fixed rate, and average underlying return rate. Next week we’ll be adding position range and price variation. It may seem like a lot at first, but if you’re a DeFi user you’ll already have an inherent understand of what we’ll cover today. Let’s take a look at the calculator here and follow along in a separate window. We’ll be looking at the Fixed side parameters first. If you’re a variable side user don’t let this throw y...

How Saffron Fixed Income Vaults Will Change DeFi

Dingo looks at three black swan events in crypto and how Saffron’s Fixed Income Vaults would have helped to mitigate losses. It’s no secret that the nascent digital asset industry is filled with volatility and enough black swan events to make Nassim Taleb blush, and one might argue on some level that that is the draw for many. But how does the cryptocurrency industry at large begin to eventually stabilize to attract bigger capital? Time is an active component naturally but with products from Saffron we aim to accelerate the entire industry forward in maturation and provide stability in a volatile market. Let’s take a look at how Saffron Fixed Income Vaults can be used in times of crisis to help preserve the value of your assets by turning to history. USDC Depegging [est. March 2023] Scenario: In Jan 1, 2023 a Saffron Fixed Income Vault with a ETH/USDC pairing launches. Users on the variable side rent the position of the fixed side for one year. Several months later, due to Silicon Valley Bank’s collapse, fears about Circle’s future cause massive sell pressure on their stablecoin USDC. As a result of the chaos, the ETH/USDC pool on Uniswap V3 sees an unprecedented spike in activity. Who benefits? As we explained in the previous article, the variable side benefits because they are “renting” a larger position that they would not normally have access to, and thus would reap well over their projected yield for the ...

Saffron Fixed Income Vault Primer

A quick run-through of how SFIV works. Fixed Income Vaults are the newest DeFi product from Saffron Finance. They are closely analogous to the traditional finance concept of a reverse zero coupon swap. The first version of Saffron Fixed Income Vaults — or SFIV — is built on top of Uniswap V3 liquidity positions, which are the underlying assets that generate yield for the vaults. Here’s a quick primer on how they operate. Reverse Zero Coupon Swap Reverse zero coupon swaps are a type of financial instrument under the general umbrella of interest rate swaps. An interest rate swap is an agreement between two parties, or “sides”, to exchange cash flows based on a fixed interest rate and a floating interest rate. Another common name for the floating side of this contract is “variable side”. A more specific type of interest rate swap is the zero coupon swap, where one party executes regular payments based on a variable interest rate to the other party, who in turn pays a fixed single payment at the end of the contract. This is equivalent to a fixed interest rate. In a reverse zero coupon swap, the fixed payment is paid upfront at the beginning of the contract, instead of at the end. Reverse zero coupon swaps are a useful tool to decrease a portfolio’s exposure to risk due to market volatility. They also increase capital efficiency because they receive the entire payment of yield upfront that would normall...

Saffron Weekly (04/01/23)

What’s new in the week of 04/01/23–04/07/23. Welcome back! We’ve spent the last few months focusing on finishing up our audits and final preparations for our newest product offering — our Fixed Income Vaults. I’m pleased to announce that we’ll be beginning the Fixed Income Vaults rollout next week. As with most of our new products, we will first be launching capped vaults for our users to participate in to get familiar with how they operate, and we at Saffron couldn’t be more excited to finally get this out of the oven to share. You can get a sneak peek on the details of what Fixed Income Vaults are by visiting the link above, or by viewing some of the supplemental and explainer articles we’ll be launching concerning our product next week. On a personal note, I’m excited to get our Fixed Income Vaults released to show our readers what we’ve been building and to have this new DeFi instrument etch Saffron into the annals of DeFi history. DC Blockchain Summit 2023 As an industry member of the Chamber of Digital Commerce, Saffron attended the DC Blockchain Summit in Washington DC last month and had an opportunity to meet with House Representatives and Senators to advocate for digital assets and decentralized finance. Now that COVID restrictions had been lifted in our nation’s capitol, we were able to better connect with our nation’s leaders on a level that we were restricted from last year due to mee...

Saffron Weekly (12/23/22)

What’s new in the week of 12/23/22–01/05/23. 2022 has been a wild bear market year — and you all have been very patient as we have been working diligently on our next Saffron product. If you’ve been following our community this year you’ll know that we’ve been extremely tight lipped about what we’ve been working on. As we close out the year I have a few exciting things to finally share with you all, most notable of which is that our new product Fixed Income Vaults are finishing up the final preparatory stages before being deployed for all Saffron users to take advantage of. Currently 1/2 audits have been fully completed, we’re working on a new and more robust infrastructure for the back end, and we will launch these vaults as soon as the final audit is completed. At this time we’re anticipating a Q1 2023 launch date for this exciting DeFi tool. What are Fixed Income Vaults? We will be releasing in-depth explainer videos early next year to onboard both retail and institutional investors, but for now let’s take a brief look at what Saffron’s Fixed Income Vaults are. Our Fixed Income Vaults utilize a traditional finance interest rate swap. These interest rate swaps are ubiquitous in traditional finance, accounting for 60% of the global derivative market with a gross market value in the trillions of dollars. But how exactly does this translate to crypto and DeFi? Essentially, we will be using an inter...

Saffron Weekly (11/12/22)

What’s new in the week of 11/11/22–11/17/22. This week we talk about the current state of the market and impending launch of Saffron Academy. Current State of the Market The following are my own views and not expressed by Saffon. I will not mince words — what has happened this week has been a devastating blow to our entire industry. In an era where we have zero regulatory oversight by the US Government, I want to reiterate that no matter how many celebrity endorsements they receive, no matter how many self aggrandizing fluff pieces they buy from news publications, no matter what kind of promotions they run — CEX’s (Centralized Exchanges) are not your friends. Until we receive the regulatory clarity that the industry has been asking for — users will always take on risk when they don’t self custody their own digital assets. I am not guilt free of this, I have used (and still do use) two CEX’s as on/off ramps but they have always been temporary measures before returning my funds to cold storage. This is a practice that I recommend to all of my friends and family. We have seen notable influencers fall into the FTX and BlockFi hype, and these individuals — whether intentionally or not — have led thousands of new, naive investors down the path of getting completely rekt. I will not name names but I’m sure they are already aware of who they are — and they do our entire industry a d...

Saffron Weekly (10/31/22)

What’s new in the week of 10/27/22–11/03/22. It’s been a busy month behind the scenes at Saffron and we have a quick update for you on our software testing, a developer update on the Badger/WBTC vault, and a new KOGE initiative. Let’s dig in! New Koge Bounty Program Passes While we’re busy working on Saffron V2, we’ve put forth a proposal to help expand our presence on KOGE and help reward the community at the same time. Users will now be able to submit governance proposals of pools that they want to be implemented to Koge on the Polygon network for an opportunity to get rewarded in Koge and expand the token’s influence.We’re rolling out a new initiative for the Koge community to become more involved. support their favorite token, and get rewarded in $KOGE all at the same time. For those that have a knack for identifying beneficial farms with low TVL, if you can submit a farm that you find to our governance proposal for us to spool up and implement into KogeCoin. If your farm has the highest TVL at the end of the period, you’ll be awarded $KOGE. While there is no maximum TVL limit for a farm, please only submit farms that have low TVL that would benefit KogeCoin as we’re operating on an honor system.We’ll be implementing this as a trial phase for the month of November, meaning there will be four opportunities to win! This is an experiment to see what the community likes and doesn’t like about this in...

Saffron Weekly (10/14/22)

What’s new in the week of 10/14/22–10/20/22. This week we have continued discussion around our latest proposal addendum and a UI preview! Saffron Staking Rewards Renewal Addendum Saffron Staking Rewards Renewal (Addendum) The discussion for the Saffron Staking Rewards renewal addendum is still on-going. If you’ve been following our twitter — you’ll already be aware that voting has ended for the latest Saffron Staking rewards renewal proposal. To recap for those not in-the-know, our SFI staking rewards have ended and this was a proposal put forth by vd_eth aimed to renew them for another year. In the discussion multiple options were presented and readers interested in the original proposal discussion can use the link above or click here. Option 4 (Sell treasury SFI for ETH and pool it to UniswapV2 and SushiSwap for DEX liquidity without staking rewards) ended up winning. However the parameters require some more discussion in order to enact on them — as its important to keep in mind that governance proposals need crystal clear specifics to ensure that we are enacting exactly the will of the community, or else we’ll need to hold another proposal to try and gain more clarity. I know governance participation can be a bit of a slog during a bear market when things are relatively quiet, but I highly encourage everyone to go visit the latest proposal topic and help the community come up with the details to vo...

Saffron Weekly (10/06/22)

What’s new in the week of 10/06/22–10/13/22. Here’s to the start of a great month! We have a proposal that’s finished and needs the community to provide further clarification, the renewal of Saffron Academy Podcast, developer updates, and more! Saffron Staking Rewards Renewal Addendum Snapshot If you’ve been following our twitter — you’ll already be aware that voting has ended for the latest Saffron Staking rewards renewal proposal. To recap for those not in-the-know, our SFI staking rewards have ended and this was a proposal put forth by vd_eth aimed to renew them for another year. In the discussion multiple options were presented and readers interested in the original proposal discussion can use the link above or click here. Saffron Staking Rewards Renewal (Addendum) Option 4 (Sell treasury SFI for ETH and pool it to UniswapV2 and SushiSwap for DEX liquidity without staking rewards) ended up winning. However the parameters require some more discussion in order to enact on them — as its important to keep in mind that governance proposals need crystal clear specifics to ensure that we are enacting exactly the will of the community, or else we’ll need to hold another proposal to try and gain more clarity. I highly encourage everyone to go visit the latest proposal topic and help the community come up with the details to vote further on. Saffron V2 Vault Explainers Saffron Weekly readers will recog...

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