| NFT Platform Index 
NFTP Price: | $11.85 | | Volume: | $154 | All Time High: | $102 | | Market Cap: | $404.7 K |
Circulating Supply: | 34,157 |
| Exchanges: | 2
| Total Supply: | 34,157 |
| Markets: | 2
| Max Supply: | — |
| Pairs: | 2
The last known price of #NFTP is $11.85 USD.
Please note that the price of #NFTP was last updated over 300 days ago. This can occur when coins have sporadic price reporting, no listings on exchanges or the project has been abandonded. All #NFTP statistics should be considered as 'last known value'.
The lowest NFTP price for this period was $0, the highest was $11.85, and the exact last price of NFTP was $11.84807.
The all-time high NFTP coin price was $102.
Use our custom price calculator to see the hypothetical price of NFTP with market cap of ETH or other crypto coins. |
The code for NFT Platform Index crypto currency is #NFTP.
NFT Platform Index is 3 years old. |
The current market capitalization for NFT Platform Index is $404,699.
NFT Platform Index is ranking downwards to #1672, by market cap (and other factors). |
The trading volume is weak today for #NFTP.
Today's 24-hour trading volume across all exchanges for NFT Platform Index is $154. |
The circulating supply of NFTP is 34,157 coins, which is 100% of the total coin supply.
A highlight of NFT Platform Index is it's exceptionally low supply of coins, as this tends to support higher prices due to supply and demand in the market. |
NFTP has limited pairings with other cryptocurrencies, but has at least 2 pairings and is listed on at least 2 crypto exchanges.
Note that there are multiple coins that share the code #NFTP, and you can view them on our NFTP disambiguation page. |
 Indexed Is Now On Polygon We’re happy to announce that the core Indexed infrastructure is now deployed on the Polygon network! We’ll be using this as a springboard from which to launch native-to-Polygon indices that you can mint, burn and trade with significantly lower gas fees than on the Ethereum mainnet, granting users the opportunity to gain wide-ranging exposure to several market sectors within a brand-new ecosystem. The relevant contract deployments are as follows:Proxy Manager: 0x592f70cE43a310D15fF59BE1460F38Ab6DF3Fe65Oracle: 0x672A44626C193CCafCD253b1B096de219FdcC2faController: 0x7538a62Dc64b0C54ECbA1135111084572A7c94eEPool Factory: 0x83A3451A569e941E2ddB79942F404c126a1B56BfPool Implementation: 0x35acDD372505717e049609C125A0a79Cdbc32279Seller Implementation: 0x32d9e9316a93B40325C3C3653233267cc11d1bC1 The oracle that this new deployment uses to update the TWAPs of assets for the purposes of scoring strategies is bound to Quickswap, and exit fees will accrue to the Sigma Committee Gnosis wallet deployed on Polygon. These fees will periodically be converted to ETH and bridged to the Indexed treasury on mainnet. Note that at present, the 3/5 Sigma Committee multisig has wide-ranging control over the Indexed Polygon deployment. We still need to consider the best way to give the DAO, which can only vote on mainnet, control over the Polygon deployment. Until then, the Sigma Committee will be its stewards and will accept governance decisions ma... 
|  Indexed Attack Compensation Plan The Indexed Finance DAO voted between October 27th and November 2nd on the parameters of the compensation plan relating to the recent attack. The results of this plan are as follows:The compensation plan will be implemented via Pickle Cornichons (tokens will be issued to the affected which they can burn for DAI at a pay-out rate they are happy to accept). The DAI backing these claims will be sourced from a combination of extracted assets from the affected pools (see below) and Indexed protocol revenue over time. A further article will be published upon deployment explaining exactly how this works and what it means for the affected.There will be two separate claim tokens issued: one for direct holders of the affected tokens (DEFI5, CC10 and FFF) and one for holders of LP tokens for any of these three. These tokens will have to be claimed by the affected on the Ethereum main-net once issued.99.32% of the losses incurred by holders of all affected tokens on any chain will be compensated,88.5% of the losses incurred by holders of all associated liquidity tokens on any chain will be compensated,The DAO has agreed to consider a Governor Alpha proposal that would lead to the draining of assets remaining in the DEFI5, CC10 and FFF pool contracts and subsequent retrieval of remaining liquidity from LP pools. The assets obtained by the DAO in this way — if such a proposal is passed — will be converted to DAI and used as a... 
|  Indexed Attack Post-Mortem Today Indexed suffered its first hack since its deployment in December, and it was a pretty devastating one. About $16m worth of assets were stolen from the indices DEFI5 and CC10 by 0xba5ed1488be60ba2facc6b66c6d6f0befba22ebe. Needless to say, we’re shocked and upset: hearing ‘we’re sorry’ from a protocol always seems to ring hollow in the aftermath of these incidents (especially to those impacted) but it bears repeating: we are truly apologetic, to both those who have had funds drained, and those who remain in unaffected pools. It is important for us to let you know exactly what happened, as soon as possible, and the rest of this post lays that out in detail. This attack exploited the way index pools are rebalanced. To explain what happened, we’ll need to dig into some fairly technical details about the protocol, and we’ll assume you’re familiar with Balancer and understand what an index fund is.How index pools handle new assets When a token is added to an index pool, we use approximate values with a Uniswap oracle to determine how to price the token within the Balancer pool. This is done to remove any need for the pool to interact with external markets in order to rebalance, and allows tokens to be traded into the AMM before the pool has any balance in them. To do this, we use a function `extrapolatePoolValueFromToken`. This finds the first token in the pool with a target weight over 0 and which is fully in... 
|  NDX Is Now A Productive Asset We’re happy to announce that the dNDX (dividend-bearing NDX) mechanism is now live. What this means for you is that you can now lock up your NDX tokens in exchange for a token that earns the majority of Indexed Finance protocol revenue. What follows is a quick FAQ that explains the ins and outs of it all.I Don’t Care To Read All This, Just Link Me! We strongly recommend reading this article first, but if it’s not your first time here, here you go!NDX StakingI’m New, What’s Going On? Since the Indexed Finance DAO was created, there has been a desire expressed by its members to distribute the revenue generated by the underlying protocol to holders of its governance token. As of today, that’s now in place. Specifically, you can now lock up your NDX tokens for a period ranging from 90 to 360 days to mint dNDX tokens. The ratio of dNDX minted per NDX ranges from 1:1 to 4:1, depending on the duration your NDX is locked for. Holders of dNDX tokens will accrue proportional dividends from protocol revenue in the form of WETH, which can be claimed as they are distributed, rather than only becoming available at the end of a lock. When you exit a lock, in order to reclaim your NDX you need to burn dNDX from your wallet in the same ratio as it was issued when the lock was created. There is a 100 NDX minimum to enter a timelock, and you can create more than one timelock (to stagger your unlock times, should you wish).S... 
|  Arbitrum Balancer Liquidity Mining Rewards Are Now Live Hi everyone, A quick post to let everyone know that as of today, Balancer have very generously begun incentivising two liquidity pools on Arbitrum. Starting at 00:00 UTC earlier today, there are 500 BAL per week available for providing liquidity to the following:NDX/WETH 80/20DEFI5/WBTC/WETH 33/33/33 At the time of writing, the APYs on these pools are 141% and 202% respectively. If you have NDX or DEFI5 and want to bridge them over, you can do so here: https://bridge.arbitrum.io. Don’t forget to bridge over a bit of ETH as well: gas is cheap over there, but not free! If you don’t have all of the assets but still want to participate, you can single-asset deposit into both of them, subject to the swap fee within the pool and price impact within the current liquidity. Many thanks again to Balancer for providing these incentives, and happy farming, everybody!
|  The Indexed Finance Roadmap — 2021 And Beyond The Indexed Finance Roadmap — 2021 And Beyond Indexed Finance is now just over eight months old at the time of writing, and is strongly placed as the second largest on-chain provider of index products within Ethereum. The relative size of the index sector has increased significantly since we posted our Q2 roadmap back in April, and both our recent and scheduled upgrades put us in an good position in terms of potential market capture. Our previous roadmap covered our Q2 2021 objectives: in contrast, this post aims to detail a longer-term set of goals, both necessary and aspirational. We remain a small core team (although we’re very open about the fact that we want to grow!), so we aren’t pegging any set deadlines to these — as we want to grant ourselves the flexibility to tackle opportunities as they arise. Instead, this roadmap is being categorised into “will do” and “want to do”, with the second being split into two distinct groups depending on protocol partnerships and funding/manpower. This will be a living document, rather than a set-and-forget that we point interested parties to: updates or setbacks on each point will be logged, and new goals will be added or removed as appropriate. So, onwards! — Previous Updates. — Our Q2 focus was on ‘evolving the Indexed protocol to further distinguish ourselves from our competitors, increasing the utility of the NDX governance token and indice... 
|  Indexed Finance <> Balancer Grants We’re delighted to announce today that Indexed Finance is the recipient of a grant from the newly-formed Balancer Grants DAO. The purpose of this grant is to assist the development of an upgrade of the Indexed protocol to support Balancer V2: a move which will ultimately enable increased liquidity via the Balancer Smart Order Router, simplify the handling of lending out underlying assets through Nirn via a dedicated asset manager, and enable the wider integration of our existing and future index pools into the Balancer ecosystem. Indexed applied for a US$150,000 grant, the first tranche of which — US$50,000 — has been approved and partially disbursed. This grant is milestone-oriented, with the following deliverables:The Indexed Metaoracle At Indexed, we’ve been using an oracle that tracks the prices of tokens using their Uniswap V2 ETH pairs, but this has been a significant restriction on which tokens we can add to our indices. We intend to address this by building a metaoracle framework that provides the most accurate on-chain prices possible by aggregating data from multiple sources, namely: Balancer V2 oracle pools, Sushiswap, Uniswap V2/V3, Coinbase’s signed price API and Chainlink price feeds. The result will allow us to score and weight a much wider range of assets in our index pools, and will prove a useful tool for any DeFi project that requires access to a reliable oracle for token prices. 2. The... 
|  Index Competition #2: Electric Boogaloo We’re pleased to announce that, despite the performance of everyone’s index selections, the first run of the Indexed Finance Index Contest (say that three times fast) was a success. As such, we’d like to open the next round up to more users! We’re curious to see what kind of indexes participants come up with given a set of slightly tighter constraints. Below are the details for our upcoming contest.Here we go again!Registration Prospective contestants need to: a) Retweet the contest Twitter announcement, and b) Fill out the following form: https://forms.gle/aBC5R7XpUrPyRxa28. This form will close on Friday June 18th or when we’ve received as many entries as can be handled without causing CoinGecko to burn down. Please be sure to read the form instructions in their entirety and make your selections based on the criteria given, so that you do not risk having your entry disqualified. We’re going to be fairly ruthless here, so stay sharp!Index Methodology and Inclusion Criteria Contestants will be creating their own 5 asset index in a similar style to the Future of Finance Fund ($FFF). The $FFF garners broad appeal to crypto enthusiasts and newcomers alike because of the way it balances exposure between trustworthy, high market cap offerings like BTC and ETH and multiple DeFi protocols that encompass a wide range of market cap sizes. The structure for each contestant’s index must include:Two projects sourced f... 
|  Index Competition: Winners & Statistics The trial-run of the Indexed Finance Index Competition is over! To recap: starting on May 18th, 38 beta participants started a — very passive — race between their selections of various assets and weightings to see how many people could outperform the market over the course of four weeks. As it turns out, the answer was just three —headed up by our winner, Champagne Pampi! He wins 3,000 DAI, followed by @0xbuggy and @litocoen with 2,000 and 1,000 DAI each! Congratulations to our winners: if you’re reading this in the future, we’d like to remind you that these were the best performers: Since Lito is part of the core team of Indexed Finance, he’ll be donating his 1,000 DAI prize to a charity of his choice. A few interesting tidbits about asset choices and average performances throughout:The average index performance was -38.27%. Over the same period, DEFI5 dropped -36.8%, ETH dropped -21.3% and BTC dropped -7.2%. The average participant would have been better suited just holding DEFI5, everyone barring those on the podium lost out to ETH, and all of us would have been better parking in BTC.The only assets that were selected in the contest that ended up positive were HEX (82%), XEQ (57%), CREAM (22%) and NDX (22%).Of all of the assets that were chosen, a fair few cropped up several times. ETH is king, followed by SUSHI and then several native tokens. We ran the competition, so there’ll have been an obvi... 
|  We Made An $ERROR As part of an initiative to be more receptive to DeFi investors who want to tokenize investment strategies on our platform, in April we partnered with @0xb1 to create the 484 Fund as part of our experimental Sigma program. Unfortunately, the barbell strategy they requested wasn’t a very good one in practice, and the price of one $ERROR has dropped in value by ~75% since launch. Due to the above, a general lack of interest and the fact that 0xb1 has burned all of their tokens — and further, that we have not heard a word from them since launch — Indexed will be discontinuing UI support for the 484 Fund. Here’s what you need to know:UNIV2:WETH-ERROR liquidity mining rewards will be terminated.We will be disabling the ability to mint new $ERROR tokens from our UI, and strongly advise any current holders to exit LP positions where appropriate and burn their $ERROR.If you burn your tokens for ALL of the underlying components (rather than just one), Indexed will refund your exit fee in ETH.We will be removing the 484 Fund entirely from the Indexed UI in 3 weeks. For the sake of addressing any centralization concerns, note that we cannot actually shut down the underlying asset pool. People will always be free to mint or burn $ERROR via the underlying contract, and anyone is able to update the appropriate oracle and adjust weightings, as is the case with all of our products. This will not — and cannot —... 