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MOFI Price   

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MOFI Price:
$40.9 K
All Time High:
Market Cap:
$244.4 K

Circulating Supply:
Total Supply:
Max Supply:


The last known price of #MOFI is $0.00215 USD.

Please note that the price of #MOFI was last updated over 130 days ago. This can occur when coins have sporadic price reporting, no listings on exchanges or the project has been abandonded. All #MOFI statistics should be considered as 'last known value'.

The lowest MOFI price for this period was $0, the highest was $0.00215, and the exact last price of MOFI was $0.00215251.

The all-time high MOFI coin price was $0.39.

Use our custom price calculator to see the hypothetical price of MOFI with market cap of SOL or other crypto coins.


The code for MobiFi crypto currency is #MOFI.

MobiFi is 3.5 years old.


The current market capitalization for MobiFi is $244,405.

MobiFi is ranking downwards to #2814 out of all coins, by market cap (and other factors).


The trading volume is modest during the past 24 hours for #MOFI.

Today's 24-hour trading volume across all exchanges for MobiFi is $40,903.


The circulating supply of MOFI is 113,544,287 coins, which is 76% of the total coin supply.


MOFI has limited pairings with other cryptocurrencies, but has at least 2 pairings and is listed on at least 2 crypto exchanges.


Note that there are multiple coins that share the code #MOFI, and you can view them on our MOFI disambiguation page.



MobiFi Project Update August & September

MobiFi August Update: New Features, MobiFi World Initiatives, and Looking Ahead. — — 📦 Product Updates - — 1. Revamped Wallet Page - We’re thrilled to unveil a redesigned UI for the wallet page. This new interface prioritizes the essential metrics that our users want to see. The previously separate Greenz page and manual Greenz collection have been phased out. Instead, we’ve integrated these into the CO2 reduction and reward-earning metrics, streamlining the user experience. Now, all your tokens and NFTs are easily accessible from the wallet page. — 2. Dynamic APY for Staking - We’ve resolved a critical bug that displayed only a fixed, estimated APY for staking. The APY will now dynamically adjust based on the total number of tokens staked, offering a more accurate representation. — 3. Referral Thumbnail Upgrade - We’ve not only updated the referral thumbnail’s aesthetics but also restructured its front-end and back-end architecture. This change will enable us to modify the thumbnail dynamically in the future. — 4. Internal Admin Mac App - Though this tool is for internal use, it substantially enhances our team’s ability to manage customer interactions, broadcast messages, and update the Discover page in real-time. — 🌎 MobiFi World - We’ve launched the MobiFi.World initiative with a focus on quality over quantity. We received three proposals in August, and t...

MobiFi Project update July and the new initiatives

We are thrilled to bring you this monthly project update with a twist — we’ve been operating in stealth mode to initiate the creation of MobiFi DAO. You read that right, we’re prepared to propel this project to greater heights! — July Update - As we stepped into Q3, we experienced an encouraging beginning with the implementation of our staking pilot program into the MobiFi app. The app users are now able to stake their $MoFi tokens directly within the app, regardless of whether these tokens were earned through our sustainable parking services in the Netherlands and Belgium or directly purchased. The pilot staking program has seen significant success, with many of our users benefiting from a remarkable 500%+ APY in just a fortnight. Stay tuned, a new staking program will be announced soon. We have also acknowledged and addressed the valuable feedback and bug reports associated with the app’s staking feature. Our team has executed the necessary fixes and a new, improved version of the app will be hitting the App Store this week. Stay on the lookout for this update. Additionally, we have continued to enhance the overall performance of the app and rectify other bugs as part of our routine maintenance and quality assurance efforts. Rest assured, we are committed to delivering the best user experience possible. — MobiFi DAO (MobiFi 2.0) - In a move that some of you may have noticed across our social media ...

MobiFi Project Update June 2023

June Project Update: Forward and Upwards! Greetings to all! We’re back with our monthly updates and trust us, we didn’t forget. As the curtain drops on June, it’s time to share some exciting news about what we’ve been up to. First, we want to announce that we are actively seeking to expand our team. We’re looking for engineers, designers, community builders, and user growth hackers. So, if you’re passionate about creating a difference, we’d love to hear from you. We promise you an exciting journey in the second half of 2023 with an intriguing project in store! Now, without further ado, let’s dive into the project update. — 📦Product - Developing innovative technology is never easy, but we’re excited to announce some thrilling features that we’ve been able to finalize! 💰MoFi Token Staking Our team has completed the development of the staking contract, paving the way for MoFi holders to easily interact either via the app or directly on the blockchain. This allows users to stake and earn MoFi tokens as rewards. No need to stake a liquidity pair — it’s straightforward single token staking. We will release the contract address and run a pilot session in the first week of July. Stay tuned!The APY may change in the actual staking program, please DYOR 💸Crypto Payment Upgrade You may have utilized our crypto payment feature while parking your car in the Netherlands. Behind the scenes, t...

MobiFi Project Update April & May 2023

Greetings everyone! We’re sure some of you have been wondering why there was no update from us in April. Did we hit a bump? Is the project still afloat? Well, rest assured, we’re not only afloat but we’ve been busily paddling through some choppy waters. 🚣‍♂️ April proved to be a challenging month for our team as we encountered some unexpected hurdles. We were thrilled to welcome a new developer on board, but the collaboration didn’t pan out as we’d hoped, leading to missed deadlines and a surge of bugs in our app. This put significant strain on the team, leading to burnout. We decided to give everyone a much-needed break to recharge. We’re happy to report that everyone is now back on board and we’re stronger and more united than ever. (However, we did bid farewell to the new developer.) Despite these challenges, we’ve managed to achieve some significant milestones in April and May. Let’s dive into the details: 1️⃣ Revamped On-Street Parking Policies Display for the Netherlands Recognizing the complexity of the varying on-street parking policies across different municipalities in the Netherlands, we’ve improved our app’s display. We’ve simplified the original design to present only the most crucial information to our users in a more standardized and user-friendly manner. 2️⃣ Simplified Map Screen with Green Parking Filter In our mission to promote environmentally friendly parking solu...

We are excited to share the latest progress and developments in our ongoing journey to…

We are excited to share the latest progress and developments in our ongoing journey to revolutionize the world of mobility services. In this project update, we will outline the upcoming milestones, and explore the innovative features we plan to introduce to our platform. Our mission is to create an ecosystem that seamlessly integrates cryptocurrency payments and decentralized finance, while continually enhancing the user experience. Join us as we delve into the exciting advancements we’ve made, and learn about the groundbreaking initiatives we have in store for the future. — Crypto payment - Numerous companies, such as Travala, have begun offering cryptocurrency payments for flights and hotel bookings. However, the web3 sector has yet to see a company that supports mobility services with crypto payment options. Imagine the convenience of being able to top up or pay for mobility services using cryptocurrencies like MoFi, USDT, or even Bitcoin. This would not only demonstrate the practicality of using cryptocurrencies but also mark a significant milestone in reducing the need for intermediaries in financial transactions. Currently, commercial banks charge merchants a certain percentage for processing payments, which increases the overall cost of products and services. Although consumers may not be directly aware of these fees, businesses often pass the costs onto them. By adopting cryptocurrency payments for daily mobil...

MobiFi Project Update March 2023

The team continues to deliver what they promised in Q1, let’s check out what happened in March. — 📦Product - New features introduced in this month 🎫 We released the first-ever digital asset (NFT) for parking, where the user will enjoy the benefit of a discount if they hold the correct NFT voucher. Promoting the digital parking discount voucher helped us increase 100% indoor (green) parking usage. We believe the tradability of the digital assets can further enhance the value chain of our service and our partners’ and merchants’ service. 💰 Users can purchase the NFT vouchers directly inside the app with Euro. (More payment support, including crypto, e.g., MoFi, will come shortly) To make a great user experience, we let the user pay for their digital assets (e.g., a discount voucher) using Euro. So even though you are not a crypto user and have no crypto, you can own some digital assets and use them immediately. *Please note that we do not offer fiat to crypto exchange services. Users cannot use fiat to get any cryptocurrency directly from us. 🧑‍🔧 In-app customer support via a chat window. We are trying our best to ease how our customers can talk to us. So we are piloting an in-app chat service. We hope it works 😉 🅿️ Added detailed parking policy for all parking in the Netherlands to help users make better parking plans if needed. Some users complained to us that sometimes they are con...

MobiFi Project Update Feb 2023

So many things happened in Feb… we have a new digital wallet deployed for Android and iOS and released the world’s first utility NFT — a digital voucher for parking. We also have the first MobiFi offline event co-hosted with NIO. — 📦Product - We have completed many bug fixes to make the new digital asset wallet work properly. We highlight a few to demonstrate what we have done: ⛓️Queuing system for all blockchain transactions: Due to the congestion or failures of certain blockchain transactions on the Polygon network, transactions like NFT minting, transfer tokens, etc will not be completed or even dropped out. We have to properly handle them and ensure it does not block users from using other app features. 🎫Utility NFT for digital vouchers We have issued a parking discount with our partner ParkBee; the voucher is minted as an NFT; anyone holding it in their digital wallet will receive a 10% discount immediately after using ParkBee service in the Netherlands, UK, and Belgium. 🐞Fix digital wallet verification for Google and Apple on iOS device The first version of the digital wallet we released in late Jan and early Feb only support Android device; there are big issues with iOS device not only for login but also for signing blockchain transactions. 🅿️ Database clean up and refactor the code of caching parking locations Due to the data change from our parking providers, the old cache mechan...

MobiFi Project Update Jan 2023

Some major changes are happening… 1️⃣We have a new full-stack developer joining the team (a separate announcement will be made), 2️⃣the team is doing a significant refactoring of our wallet system. 3️⃣ New video series are on the way — 📦Product - The last beta update is 0.6.30, which is two weeks away (Count at the time of publishing this blog post). What is making the team busy?🤔 Why does it take so long to release new versions this time?🧐 Normally, we release new versions 1–2 weeks after our restructure of the way of working and releases. It takes longer because we cannot slip the current big task into smaller ones and release them one by one. We are thrilled to announce that a unified wallet design will be available in our next public release (currently under internal testing). Surprisingly, as an end user, you can hardly notice anything when you update the app and continue to use it as usual. The magic happens behind the scenes, which is taken care of by our user-friendly UI design and robust backend. With the new unified wallet system, user can obtain their digital asset wallet automatically after login, either through email, phone number or 3rd party sign-in methods. From that moment on, we will never know the private key of users’ wallets. The user has 100% control of all your assets. The previous MobiFi-managed custodian wallet will become a fully non-custodian wallet. The user has th...

What to expect in Q1 2023 from the MobiFi app

To kick off the year 2023 and make the planning more concrete, we have laid out some essential things in Q1 for MobiFi App. Unified experience for your wallet inside the MobiFi App, To offer a much more user-friendly experience for our customers, the team has been working on redesigning the UX/UI and refactoring the code to make sign-in, wallet creation, and wallet management in one piece. We believe the design of the wallet element can be further improved. In the current scenario, the user will see two separate wallets, one to display their balance of Euro credit to use mobility services and the other wallet to track their digital assets and reward history. The digital assets will appear in a way naturally to fit for purpose but not just as a display on the screen. In other words, the user won’t bother managing their wallet, account, etc. 2. Give life to the marketplace We have set the Q1 objective to “Give a life to the marketplace”, which means more utilities will be added to enable users to receive, buy and trade for all kinds of benefits digitally. For example, the first digital product we will release is the green parking discount voucher. Selected users will be rewarded with a voucher to get instant savings of up to 50% of their parking in the Netherlands. For example, if you park in Amsterdam, that costs 40 euros, and you hold a 50% discount voucher in your account. You only need to pay 20 euros! What’s m...

MobiFi Project Update Dec 2022

We cannot wait to kickoff the new year of 2023, but let’s do a quick review of what happened to MobiFi in the last month of 2022. — 📦 Product - The team faced many challenges in meeting our target releases in the past month, and the deadline was postponed repeatedly. To mitigate and resolve this problem, we had an internal reform of the way of working. It has been an ongoing process for us for quite a long time. With automated deployment and release management between GitHub and Jira, we are able to track clearly and pull in and out features for each release without losing the agility of shipping new features out in time. It is the first time to make it easy to summarize what we have delivered on the product side without spending tons of time digging into GitHub branches and tickets. 👀 Important features to note: Enable credit/debit payment 💳, Green parking cashback (user receive 3% cashback directly after parking), Security fix to prevent user/bot abuse the system, Optimize the on-boarding experience with new UI designs, Add on-street parking protection for people that forget their onging parking (build 228), A lot of 🐞 and performance fix, Build 228, i.e., version 0.6.22 will be pushed to Appstore and google play store in this week. Special thanks to user Zdravko🤗; we immediately took action to work on your feedback. You are right; everyone forgets things, we need to help remind them. More ha...

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