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Lithium Finance  


LITH Price:
$363.2 K
All Time High:
Market Cap:

Circulating Supply:
Total Supply:
Max Supply:


The price of #LITH today is $0.000350 USD.

The lowest LITH price for this period was $0, the highest was $0.000350, and the exact current price of one LITH crypto coin is $0.00034970.

The all-time high LITH coin price was $0.06.

Use our custom price calculator to see the hypothetical price of LITH with market cap of BTC or other crypto coins.


The code for Lithium Finance crypto currency is #LITH.

Lithium Finance is 3.1 years old.


The current market capitalization for Lithium Finance is not available at this time.

Lithium Finance is ranking upwards to #1730 out of all coins, by market cap (and other factors).


The trading volume is medium today for #LITH.

Today's 24-hour trading volume across all exchanges for Lithium Finance is $363,165.


The total supply of LITH is 10,000,000,000 coins.


LITH has limited pairings with other cryptocurrencies, but has at least 2 pairings and is listed on at least 5 crypto exchanges.


Note that there are multiple coins that share the code #LITH, and you can view them on our LITH disambiguation page.



Lithium DAO Community to Vote on Reelection of Current Council

As the Nomination Window Closes, the Fate of the Council Rests in the Hands of the Stakers With the close of the nomination period for the next Lithium DAO Council, we find ourselves at a pivotal moment. The absence of new nominations has positioned our current Council for a potential full year of governance — but not without a final, crucial step: a community vote. — The Voting Process for Reelection (December 16th — 22nd) - In line with our commitment to a transparent and democratic governance model, the reelection of the current Council will proceed to a community vote. This process ensures that every voice within the Lithium community is heard and that the decision for reelection is truly representative of our stakeholders’ collective will. >>>VOTE HERE<<< — How Voting Will Work - The voting will take place on Snapshot, a platform that has served Lithium DAO reliably during past governance decisions. Each $LITH token held will equate to one vote, allowing the community to exercise their voting power equitably. — Quorum and Approval - For the reelection to be validated, a quorum must be reached. This means that at least 1% of the total $LITH tokens in circulation must be represented in the votes cast. Should the quorum be met, a simple majority will determine the outcome. If the majority votes in favor, the current Council will be reelected to serve from January 1st, 2024...

Lithium Council Proposes Extension of Council Terms to a Full Year

We are thrilled to provide updates to the Lithium DAO community regarding our governance structure. As part of our ongoing commitment to ensuring complete transparency and fostering continuous engagement from our community, we have some crucial news pertaining to our upcoming council elections and epoch duration. Firstly, we bring heartening news that our existing council members have expressed their intention to serve for another term. They have contributed extensively to the strategic direction of our decentralized organization, overseen critical protocol updates, and have been integral in executing community decisions. Their desire to pursue another term speaks volumes about their dedication and belief in the Lithium DAO. — Proposed Extension of Council Terms - And a noteworthy change has been proposed to adjust each council term’s tenure. The Council proposes to transition each [Council Term] from a 6-month term period to a full-year, 12-month term. The aim of this proposed extension is to provide council members with a more extensive timeframe to advance longer-term strategies and bring to life more comprehensive visions for the Lithium DAO. It’s important to clarify that if approved, this proposed change will be implemented for the _next_ council round. The new 12-month term would therefore become effective starting from January 1st, 2024. We effortlessly continue to encourage open discussions concerning th...

Election Time for Lithium Stakers: Next Lithium Council

We’re excited to announce that it’s time for our Lithium DAO’s second Council election! The transition to a decentralized governance model is a commitment we’re proud of, and we’re enthusiastic about the community’s involvement in this important part of our journey. After a successful first Council election, we’re ready to embark on another chapter with the election of our second Council. Lithium DAO has been progressing significantly, and we’re eager to see community members stepping forward to contribute to our shared vision. — A Glance at The Council Structure - The Lithium Council will consist of 5 community-elected members, who will play a critical role in shaping the strategies and policies for the Lithium Finance protocol. As a reminder, the Council’s primary duties include overseeing the governance and management of the protocol, proposing changes to the DAO, executing community decisions, and managing the DAO’s funds. The council is responsible for making decisions on behalf of the community and setting the strategic direction for the DAO — Guidelines for Nominations: - In the spirit of fostering a diverse and active Council, here are some basic guidelines for the nomination process: Self-Nomination: Any individual who wishes to contribute to the Lithium DAO’s future can self-nominate., Encourage Others: If you know someone who would be a great fit for the Council, don’t hesitate...

Lithium Finance Partners with PeasyLabs to Enhance NFT Valuation Capabilities

We are thrilled to announce an exciting new partnership between Lithium Finance and PeasyLabs, the team behind This collaboration will allow us to leverage PeasyLabs’ expertise in AI and data analytics to significantly improve Lithium’s NFT valuation capabilities. At Lithium Finance, our mission is to build a decentralized protocol for accurate and transparent NFT valuations. We believe that harnessing the wisdom of both crowd and machine intelligence is key to determining fair market value for NFT assets. Our partnership with PeasyLabs will help us take this hybrid valuation approach to the next level. PeasyLabs shares our vision of using AI and data to empower NFT traders and collectors. Through, they have already built an impressive knowledge base for the NFT community. By combining [our expertise in data, crowd wisdom, and machine learning, we aim to offer best-in-class price insights for a wide range of NFT collections and assets. This integration will enable features like: More robust validation of crowdsourced price estimates on Lithium Finance, Enhanced historical price and sales data for NFT collections, AI-assisted comparables analysis for rare/unique NFTs, NFT price forecasting and signals, For Lithium Finance community members, you can expect significantly improved valuations and pricing tools through this collaboration. We are working closely with the PeasyLabs team on ...

8/31 AMA Recap — Partnerships, Multi-Chain Expansion, AI Integration, and more!

8/31 AMA Recap — Partnerships, Multi-Chain Expansion, AI Integration, and more! - On Aug 31, 2023, the Lithium Finance community gathered on Discord for a text AMA with 3 key council members: 0xYSB#9492, chiroz. and dogemars245#1734. They took center stage as they shared exciting updates about Lithium Finance and engaged in an in-depth dialogue with community members. — Key Highlights from the AMA: - Partnership with AI company Peasy Labs to enhance NFT valuation capabilities. A new service is launching soon on, Completion of Lithium Finance DAO Council formation. Assets and contracts transferred, paving the way for community-driven growth., Upcoming developments include new partnerships, multi-chain expansion for $LITH token on ETH and ARB, mechanics upgrades, and community feedback integration., Consideration of integrating ChatGPT for real-time NFT price estimates on the platform., Emphasis on using $LITH token for governance and decision-making throughout the DAO., — DAO Proposal Feedback - The AMA also involved the Council Members providing feedback on two proposals from the Lithium Finance DAO Forum: — Referral Program Proposal from Lex: - The proposal suggests implementing a referral program to enhance community engagement and boost the value and utility of $LITH tokens. 0xYSB#9492 acknowledged the potential benefits of increasing ecosystem participat...

Lithium DAO: Electrion Process

The first council election for our DAO governance model is now underway. We are thrilled to see the support and nominations from the community, and we believe that this election is a critical step in ensuring that our platform remains transparent, accountable, and community-driven. Lithium Finance is committed to providing a transparent and fair election process, and we encourage all eligible members to participate. During the voting period, which runs from today to June 18, you will have the opportunity to cast your votes and elect council members who will represent you and help shape the future of Lithium Finance. — Voting Period (June 5 — June 18). — The voting process will be conducted on Snapshot. Nominations will be gathered as voting choices. LITH holders will be invited to cast their voting power across any number of choices, from one to all. In our first council epoch, the 5 most popular candidates will be elected as founding council members, provided a sufficient quorum is met. In the event the election fails to receive the required votes, it will be considered rejected and a re-election shall be held. — Results Announcement. — After the voting period is over, the results will be tallied and announced to the community on our website and social media channels. The newly elected council members will then be given the responsibility of setting high-level policies and strategies for the ...

Lithium DAO: Challenge the candidates

To ensure the candidates are dedicated and qualified in helping Lithium DAO, we have asked them 3 questions, and here is what you would learn more about each candidate before the election starts! — What is your experience in crypto?. — Chiroz: I have been involved in the crypto space for over 5 years. I started out as a trader, and I quickly became fascinated by the technology behind blockchain. I have since worked on a variety of projects in the crypto space. Blocktraveler: As a crypto enthusiast, I have been closely following the development of the crypto industry for several years now. I have gained experience in community and social media management, which I believe will be instrumental in building the Lithium Finance community. 0xYSB: I have been involved in the cryptocurrency space for a few years now, and I have gained experience in traditional businesses and startups. My experience in crypto and startups will be valuable in helping to guide Lithium towards success. BlueSparrow: I’ve been trading crypto since 2020 and I am a designer for a DeFi project. coderAbracadabra: My experience is mostly in engineering. I am a smart contract developer. Really excited to be here. CryptoRachel: I am a marketer starting to look at crypto from 2019. I believe in the potential of decentralization and have been following DeFi closely — What are your thoughts on Lithium Finance’s use of machine learning?. &m...

Lithium DAO: Council Election 2023

Meet the Candidates. — As you all know, the first Council election will be held between June 5 — June 18. We will be electing five candidates to the council. To help you better understand your candidates, here is a summary of the candidates running for the election: 0xYSB Experience: Business and finance background, several years working with startups., Why I’m Running: I understand the challenges of building a successful project from the ground up and believe that my experience in this area would be valuable in helping to guide Lithium towards success., Blocktraveler Experience: Community management and social media management., Why I’m Running: I like the idea of crowd wisdom and I believe that Lithium Finance has the potential to be a major player in the space if we can build a strong community., BlueSparrow Experience: Designer in the DeFi space., Why I’m Running: Good design is essential to creating a positive user experience. I would work to ensure that the project is user centric., Chiroz Experience: 3 years experience in crypto, Why I’m Running: I love to connect with others. My background is in sales, and I am always down for a good chat about crypto or anything else, and I believe that building strong relationships with partners is key to success., coderAbracadabra Experience: Degen engineer, always on the lookout for the latest and greatest in tech., Why I’m Running: I can help Lithiu...

Lithium DAO: AMA Recap

It was wonderful to chat with all of you in Telegram last week! Hope we have solved most of your questions towards Lithium DAO and here comes the recap if you have missed it! Lithium DAO council nomination has started, nominate here now! — Text AMA Recap. — Date: 4th May 2023 Time: 2pm UTC Moderator: Michal Guest: Kelvin from Lithium Finance core team Moderator: Hello everyone, and welcome to our Lithium finance AMA session. Today, we are glad to have Kelvin, our project lead, and core team membersjoining us to share some insight about our upcoming DAO governance and answer your questions. Before we begin, please allow me to reintroduce the project again for the new community members. Lithium Finance is the first decentralized valuation protocol to harness the power of AI and crowd wisdom. It offers unparalleled asset valuation to revolutionize investment management. For more information on Lithium finance, you can visit our website at Now, I know you guys have a lot of questions about Lithium DAO, let’s get started! Our guest today is @Kelvin 👏👏, who will be answering your questions. Kelvin: Hello everyone, it’s been a while since our last AMA on telegram. It’s great to be here with you all again. Really excited to hear all the questions from the community! Moderator: Great, thank you for joining us today. I’m certain everyone is pretty excited to hear from you💯 Kelvin: Thanks M...

Lithium DAO: Council Election Overview

We are excited to announce the upcoming election of our first council members paving the way for our DAO governance model. The council will consist of 5 members from the community to oversee the Lithium Finance protocol. The council will play a critical role in setting high-level policies and strategies for the protocol, while the DAO will allow token holders to participate in the decision-making process for the protocol. Together, these governance structures will help ensure that Lithium Finance remains transparent, accountable, and community-driven. — Nomination Period (on or before May 21). — During the nomination period, anyone in the community can nominate a candidate for the council by creating a new topic in the dedicated section on the Forum. Entry of any nomination must be titled in the following format correctly: “Council Nomination: {candidate name} — {summary line}”, and the content of nominations shall cover all of the below Who: brief introduction of the candidate;, What: intended contribution to the community;, How: background or skills on how to contribute to the DAO; and, Other relevant information., — Campaign Period (May 22 — June 4). — After the nomination period is over, candidates will be given the opportunity to engage with the community to campaign for their election. AMAs may be conducted at request of the candidates and will be opened to all members of the...

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