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GEL Price   

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GEL Price:
$111.0 K
All Time High:
Market Cap:
$1.1 M

Circulating Supply:
Total Supply:
Max Supply:


The price of #GEL today is $0.11 USD.

The lowest GEL price for this period was $0, the highest was $0.109, and the exact current price of one GEL crypto coin is $0.10945.

The all-time high GEL coin price was $4.31.

Use our custom price calculator to see the hypothetical price of GEL with market cap of ETH or other crypto coins.


The code for Gelato crypto currency is #GEL.

Gelato is 3.4 years old.


The current market capitalization for Gelato is $1,069,451.

Gelato is ranked #816 out of all coins, by market cap (and other factors).


There is a medium daily trading volume on #GEL.

Today's 24-hour trading volume across all exchanges for Gelato is $111,045.


The circulating supply of GEL is 9,771,342 coins, which is 2% of the total coin supply.

Note the limited supply of Gelato coins which adds to rarity of this cryptocurrency and increases perceived market value.


GEL has limited pairings with other cryptocurrencies, but has at least 2 pairings and is listed on at least 6 crypto exchanges.



Gelato Community Update — December 2022

Gelato Newsletter- December 2022 - Even by crypto standards, 2022 was a pretty wild year! From bull to bear, from rocket emojis to rugpulls, we’ve run the gamut- which makes us even more excited to see what 2023 has in store! Outside of the market chaos, we here at Gelato HQ kept our heads down and did what we do best: build. And we’re proud to say that strategy paid off, by the end of 2022 we powered over 200 dApps, onboarded 189 new projects, achieved an average of 30% MoM Transaction growth and expanded our team by 18! Over the past year we’ve achieved the following milestones: Our website got a fresh new look as did our mission: Gelato is web3’s decentralized backend, We held events with our frens at Optimism, Avalanche, and Connext (congrats if you got the limited edition OAT for attending!), In 2021 we launched V1 of Gelato Relay, and in 2022 came Relay V2 and our brand-new payment system 1Balance! Developers can leverage our proven multichain API to easily integrate gasless transactions into their web3 apps. This reduces onboarding friction and improves overall UX, We also upgraded the Gelato Automate SDK to introduce new features such as Task Modules, a revamped dashboard and more!, — We attended events in:. — — Gelato Wrapped - We hit 1M, 2M, & 3M transactions in one year! We ended the year on a high of over 3000 unique task creators, a steady consistent increase that is set to c...

2022: A Year in Review

Hey Gelato Fam,. — As 2022 comes to a close, we’d like to extend a warm thank you to our community for supporting and being on this journey with us to build web3’s decentralized backend. This past year was the year that Gelato became the largest decentralized automation service in web3, powering over 200 projects! We couldn’t have reached this milestone without your trust in our vision and dedication to building a decentralized future. Your trust spurred us to achieve, on average, 30% month-on-month growth. Going forward, we’ll continue to be relentlessly uncompromising when it comes to the relationship between development speed, reliability and decentralization for developers. 2022 was also the year we expanded our services and vision beyond smart contract automation with Gelato Relay, enabling cross-chain messaging protocols such as Connext, and NFT marketplace such as NFTrade to scale and serve thousands of users. We’ve reached huge milestones, and are ready to reach new heights with renewed vigor. Up next, we’ve already teased some upcoming features like off-chain resolvers, and will also be moving towards further decentralization with our p2p executor launch. Keep an eye out for our plans and a detailed roadmap for 2023 soon™! The next few years will be an exciting time for all of us, and we look forward to continuing to work together to build a more resilient future. Right now though, it’s time t...

Gelato Relay V2

In 2021, Gelato shipped its V1 of Relay, which has been stable in production for over a year and relaying millions of transactions from top web3 protocols such as Connext, across 10+ EVM networks. In 2022, we built V2 of Gelato Relay and a brand new payment system- Gelato 1Balance. The aim of this is to make it easier for all web3 developers to leverage our proven Multichain Relay APIs for high-throughput, reliable transaction sending and gasless user experiences. In addition to the existing reliable transaction relay API, Gelato Relay V2 provides developers with the means to easily integrate gasless user experiences into their web3 applications. This allows web3 developers to remove the friction of transaction sending and gas payments from their users, reducing onboarding frictions and providing a superior user experience. To help developers hit the ground running, we’ve also released a new Relay SDK with brand new capabilities made possible thanks to our new revolutionary cross-chain relayer payment system: Gelato 1Balance. — Gelato 1Balance. — Before 1Balance the only relayer payment option developers were able to use required them to encode relay payments into their smart contracts, which added friction, complexity, and overhead costs. However, with the advent of 1Balance, developers now have a relayer payment system that completely removes the need for modifying their smart contract flows. It provides a much...

Gelato to support Multichain’s Cross-chain Staking Reward Payouts

What’s live right now - Multichain uses a Curve-inspired vote escrowed (VE) token model which incentivizes users to lock up Multichain’s governance token MULTI and mint vote escrowed token (veMULTI) and receive rewards from the system. The concept of vote escrowed tokens grew in popularity during the Defi summer as it incentivized locking up tokens for an extended time (sometimes even years), thereby ensuring the holder’s vested interest in developing the protocol. veMULTI has an implemented checkpoint function, enabling it to do the necessary accounting and keep track of veMULTI holders eligible for weekly rewards. veMULTI must execute this checkpoint function every three days on all networks supporting Multichain’s veMULTI token so token holders can claim their rewards. Multichain leverages Gelato to automate the execution of the checkpoint function so that their veMULTI holders can always claim their rewards on time! — Find the task in Gelato at. — Gelato Automate | Decentralized smart contract automation — Looking toward future updates - Vote escrowed token systems like veMULTI rely on the notion that token holders can vote on the allocation of the upcoming token emissions. However, the voting power of veMULTI is a function of several factors, like the amount and the MULTI tokens’ lock period. Multichain allows users to escrow their MULTI tokens on multiple chains at once. However, simulta...

Gelato Low-Balance Notifications

Notifications can be an absolute lifesaver when you’re running pay-as-you-go tasks or simply want to avoid any pauses in your systems due to lack of funds. With Gelato’s customized notification system, we’ll send you alerts on Telegram and Discord whenever your balance is below a certain threshold — giving you ample time to top up to keep your tasks going. Even better, this works for every network — you can set it up once and it’ll monitor all chains on your behalf. In the future, Gelato will also support notifications for tasks that are failing to execute properly. — How can I set up low balance notifications? - Once you’ve connected your wallet to the Gelato app, click on your “Funds” balance in the top left corner. Then click on “Low Balance Alerts” to navigate to the notifications page, and follow the instructions below to set up notifications. — How to set up Telegram Notifications for Low Balance. - On a time crunch and need to know about the status of tasks immediately? Set up notifications via Telegram and we’ll ping you immediately when your balance runs low so you can top up on the go, and we can keep the wheels turning. Here’s how to set it up: Open telegram bot @GelatoWatcherBot and start the bot: /start, 2. Send your address to the Telegram bot 3. You’ll get a prompt like this All done! You’ll now receive notifications if your balance runs low. If you wan...

Gelato Automate Logs

Gelato Automate is an app for you to create and manage automation tasks for your smart contracts with a clean and user-friendly interface. As well as using Gelato Automate to create and manage automation tasks for smart contracts, you can also view and customize logs for each task you create! — View Gelato Task Logs - Task logs can be found on any task page and provide a live update of what Gelato executors are seeing. You’ll be able to view all your existing tasks under the “My Tasks” tab, as well as a list of top tasks with their owner address, contract address, and function name under the “Leaderboard” tab. Clicking on one of these tasks will bring you to the task details page. Scroll down and select “Task Logs”, and you’ll be able to view a record of each simulation check — Gelato’s Checkers simulating execution to see if appropriate conditions have been met to run the task. — Custom Log Messages - For easier debugging, you can even add a custom message to your Gelato resolver! A resolver is a smart contract where you can write your logic for when an execution should occur. Resolvers are handy to use if you want to define more specific conditions for when execution can occur, or you want to have dynamic arguments passed to the function on each execution. Gelato will query these resolvers periodically to do a check if it’s time to run! Important note: you don’t need a resolver ...

Gelato Automate Hits Mainnet & Introduces Task Modules

Gelato Automate hits mainnet & introduces Task Modules - TL;DR 👇 Gelato Automate introduces “Task Modules” where devs can specify to Gelato Nodes how certain types of tasks should be checked and executed, including a new msg.sender module, single execution module and off-chain module, The codebase for the Gelato Dashboard has been completely revamped so we can ship new features faster, The Gelato Automate SDK has been upgraded to support the new msg.sender Task Module, You can now receive enhanced alerts and notifications in both Discord and Telegram, Users don’t need to worry about any migrations or existing tasks, we will continue to ensure all tasks are executed reliably and efficiently, We have an ambitious roadmap of exciting features planned for Gelato Automate. While Gelato’s core developers are shipping these features and upgrades, we need to ensure that all existing tasks execute as reliably and efficiently as always. The team has worked on a major refactor of the Ops.sol smart contract over the past few months, which enables new features to be added to the system without requiring users to do any task migration and without impacting the performance of existing tasks. This is achieved by the Gelato Automate V2 smart contract protocol which introduces a new modular smart contract architecture that has now been rolled out across the 15 EVM networks that Gelato currently supports. From an end-user pe...

Re(i)ntroducing Gelato — Web3’s Decentralized Backend

(Re)introducing Gelato — Web3’s Decentralized Backend - Before we share what we’ve been working on, let’s revisit where it all began… — How we got here - As builders back in 2019, we were frustrated with the limitations of the Ethereum Virtual Machine (EVM) — more specifically with the limitations of smart contract functionality and how decisions about when logic should be executed had to be handled outside the network itself. The process of automating smart contracts was massively less efficient than it is today; every web3 project was required to run and maintain their own complex and costly centralized infrastructure to deal with the necessary computation to automate their smart contracts. The need was clear for a generalized network that didn’t force web3 developers to choose between development speed, reliability and decentralization. The solution was obvious: Gelato. Our battle-tested network empowers developers by providing them with reliable infrastructure to power the next generation of DeFi, NFT and gaming applications in web3. In short, merging web2 functionality with web3’s democratization of data. The impact of building web3’s underlying automation protocol is often underestimated. For web3 apps to fulfill their potential of building systems that go beyond the reach of traditional intermediaries, institutions and nation states, an unstoppable, decentralized computation network i...

How Coinshift uses Gelato in conjunction with Superfluid to enable secure money streaming

Coinshift is a treasury management solution for DAOs and companies built on top of Gnosis Safe, the leading platform to manage digital assets with multisig security. However, one of the limitations of Gnosis Safe is that you only have an overview of one safe at a time, making it difficult for crypto organizations to have a total view of their different safes across multiple chains. Coinshift’s tooling aggregates all of a user’s safes across multiple chains and gives a consolidated view so users can see all of their safes in one dashboard, making it easier for crypto organizations to do reporting, invest assets, and more. Coinshift has partnered with Superfluid’s money streaming service to enable crypto organizations and companies to manage their payment streams (i.e. pay salaries), among other things. In order to stream money via Superfluid, a user needs to hold Super Tokens in their Gnosis Safe. Super Tokens are Superfluid’s extension of standard ERC-20 tokens, enabling money streaming (USDCx is the Super Token version of USDC). However, holding a large balance in Super Tokens is not optimal from a risk management perspective. Therefore Coinshift uses Gelato Ops to automatically wrap or “top up” a user’s Gnosis Safe with Super Tokens, basically converting ERC-20 tokens to SuperTokens as needed each week to maintain existing streams.“We believe streaming is the optimal way to automate salary payments for ful...

NFTrade integrates Gelato Relay for their innovative NFT order book

NFTrade is a decentralized and multi-chain NFT platform where users can create, buy, sell, swap, and farm NFTs. The platform is launching NFTrade 2.0 on September 15th, and includes updates such as: New chains, Advanced stats, New UX/UI, More epic new features, including an NFT order book that is pushing the boundaries of what is technically possible in Web3., NFTrade aggregates the top NFT marketplaces such as OpenSea and SeaPorts and will allow its users to place limit buy orders for NFTs across all of these marketplaces. They’re using Gelato Relay to match orders and send requests to buy NFTs on behalf of their users- all in real-time!We like to build most of our features in-house, but when we saw what Gelato Relay provides, we decided it was the right choice to move forward with this established solution. As a multi-chain platform, we are delighted that we were able to integrate Gelato Relay to get transactions validated and executed quickly, reliably. and securely. Harrison Seletsky, NFTrade How do buy orders work? A user can place an NFT buy order., NFTrade will scan different NFT marketplaces until it finds a matching listed sell price. The sell order is not placed on NFTrade, but rather sellers are found on numerous NFT marketplaces., Once the match is found, NFTrade executes the NFT purchase on the user’s behalf. The time it takes to get a match varies depending on the NFTs available on various marketplaces....

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