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EFX Price   

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EFX Price:
$1.5 K
All Time High:
Market Cap:

Circulating Supply:
Total Supply:
Max Supply:


The last known price of #EFX is $0.14 USD.

Please note that the price of #EFX was last updated over 840 days ago. This can occur when coins have sporadic price reporting, no listings on exchanges or the project has been abandonded. All #EFX statistics should be considered as 'last known value'.

The lowest EFX price for this period was $0, the highest was $0.140, and the exact last price of EFX was $0.14027.

The all-time high EFX coin price was $0.21.

Use our custom price calculator to see the hypothetical price of EFX with market cap of ETH or other crypto coins.


The code for Earnfinex crypto currency is #EFX.

Earnfinex is a newer coin by our records, at least 9.1 months in age.


The current market capitalization for Earnfinex is not available at this time.

Earnfinex is ranking upwards to #14448 out of all coins, by market cap (and other factors).


The trading volume is small during the past 24 hours for #EFX.

Today's 24-hour trading volume across all exchanges for Earnfinex is $1,542.


The total supply of EFX is 180,000,000 coins, which is 100% of the maximum coin supply.


EFX has very limited pairings with other cryptocurrencies, but has at least 1 pairing and is listed on at least 1 crypto exchange.


Note that there are multiple coins that share the code #EFX, and you can view them on our EFX disambiguation page.



Earnfinex — the Smart A.I-based trading platform where you earn while playing.

Earnfinex — the Smart A.I-based trading platform where you earn while playing. With the growing popularity of cryptocurrency, the number of people who want to invest in this fast-growing sphere has also increased. But not everyone has the desire to study in detail the characteristics of the market or enough time for exploring platforms. Traders use a variety of different trading platforms depending on their trading style and volume. There are hundreds of different trading platforms, but there is Earnfinex — the trading platform where you can earn while playing. Knowledge of trading is not essential on this platform. Users can follow top traders and use their success strategies. Earnfinex is unique for its “Copy trade” feature, where traders can sell their trading strategies to earn additional income. Multiple currencies for trading will give you more chances to win. “Together we learn, together we win. As we all know, this platform is providing multiple earning sources and no other platform is providing this,” Earnfinex stated. Earnfinex offers a powerful tool for traders. They are providing educational videos on trading that will help their users develop professional trader skills. A demo account is available for everyone who wants to improve their skill or develop new strategies. What makes Earnfinex different is a referral program with an affiliate bonus (5 EFX per user) and signup bonus (10 EFX per u...

Binary Option Trading Platform

We all can identify that BTC is on a good swing and everyone is making profit from crypto and by the time profit number will be more. As we all know BTC is at a High of ATH and every one wants to earn a good money from it but “How to make good profit with minimum investment?” is a big question. There are some options where you have to invest less and you can earn a lot in the return like,Leverage TradingOption TradingFuture Trading As we all know trading has uncertainty and BTC is highly volatile which make it more unpredictable and unsecure for traders, Binary Option Trading or Option Trading is the opportunity for every aspirant who want double return and don’t wait much. Option trading is based on time interval like 30 seconds to 10 minutes, after each time frame users can earn up to 95% as per trading platform policy. Most of the trading platforms are offering in between 65% to 95% on a single bid, so a user who will invest 10$ will get 19.5$ in the return, if user will lost the bid they bid will be 0$ means they will get nothing If you are an expert trader and have a good knowledge of Candles and Charts then you can earn a good money by trading skills and most of the people are earning from it. Also some Option Trading platforms are providing education to enhance trading skills. Option Trading platform is the best earning opportunity for all who want to use their skills and earn money at their convivence time. I...

Earnfinex’s Proof Of Volume algorithm

Earnfinex is providing a solution which is very unique for user and exchange both will get best result and benefits form the blockchain of EFX. Earnfinex is always looking for a possible solution which will helpful for Traders and Exchange, this time Earnfinex presents you some unique and innovative solution from its research. An algorithm is always a key player for any coin in the past we saw that many good projects were failed due to algorithm and ecosystem. Earnfinex is taking all major steps for its project where they can strengthen their project, Algorithm is a card player for the project and we will discuss it. EFX is presenting “Proof of Volume” which is the world’s first of its kind and unique, PoV is designed for EFX’s trading platform and token. Proof of Volume is completely different from another algorithm where they are working on electricity or investment and the chance of 51% attack. PoV is helping EFX for mining and exchange can join with EFX for mining, total EFX volume traded on the exchange will be a key factor for this algorithm where EFX will be unlocked as per market price at the time. Proof of Volume is working with every exchange and more users will trade, more rewards will be unlocked and this reward will be added into circulating supply on the exchange of EFX. User can buy from the exchange and trade on every exchange, every exchange that will list us will also get benefit from our side and we...

Algorithm and Blockchain

Blockchain is very familiar with everyone now a days but blockchain has a combination of multiple technologies like SHA256 or Script, Hash, block timer and miner. Here we are discussing few technology which is used to create a blockchain and this technology makes blockchain superior in this world. Today we will discussing about “Algorithm” and many of us has idea about Proof of Work, Proof of Stake, Proof of Burn, Proof of Elapsed Time, Proof of Authority, Proof of Capacity, Practical Byzantine Fault Tolerance and Delegated Proof-of-Stake. Algorithm is always important for blockchain which is providing security to blockchain and earnfinex is actively working on it. Earnfinex is not involving only in Trading Platform or Token Technology but actively participating in blockchain development as well. Our team identified the problems and solution for traders and we are developing a technology which will be provide a solution for everyone. Our algorithm is working with exchanges which will provide extra advantage for blockchain. Our Blockchain technology is not based on miner and we are eco friendly with the nature. We are using 2 algorithms in our blockchain and one out of two is Proof of Stake, our second algorithm is developed by our team and first time in the world. We will provide more information about our newly developed algorithm in our next article. Our blockchain has “Master Node” which will help us to validate bl...

Binary Option Trading Platform

Earnfinex provides you an ultimate solution for personal skill development, we are providing you news, educational video and skill development for trading without spending any extra money. Trading education by video and test it with demo account and sharpen your skill by practice. User can improve skills by web or on mobile application, our video’s will also useful for them to strengthen their skill. Binary Option Trading is very simple where user has to predict the market for next 30 second after bidding, user need to understand market trend and enhance knowledge of crypto. It is a simple win or lose for trading but when user will win they will get 95% amount and in case of lose their bidding amount will be zero. A professional trader can earn a money and get maximum reward from the platform . Also user can get some extra earning by refer to others and get bonus over their referral user, many people are making pairs or group to conquer the platform and earn healthy rewards. Any can associate with the platform and working as an agency and get regular earning without trading. A platform that will teach you about trading and providing you an earning platform test it, try it and earn it

Earnfinex, the Unique Crypto Trading Platform, Allows Multiple Incomes,   Rewards, and Selling of…

Earnfinex, the Unique Crypto Trading Platform, Allows Multiple Incomes, Rewards, and Selling of Trading Strategies Trade, earn and have fun, that’s the promise of the new trading platform, Earnfinex. Earnfinex is unique for its copy trade feature, where traders can sell their trading strategies to earn additional income. Join, learn and start trading, Trading is simple it is for Earnfinex members to become traders. What’s more, members can buy and sell their trading strategies too! Trading on Earnfinex requires no prior knowledge, and ample educational and learning videos and a demo account can bring out the best in each member. New members can join and start playing with demo balance, and join real trading activities. The trading begins with good earning rewards, which can also be used for improving skills. Earnfinex offers a copy-trade feature so that even novices can trade like experts! Any member can copy the trading strategies of their favorite trader, or sell their winning strategy and earn extra. They can create multiple strategies and sell to any number of other traders. “Together we learn, together we win. As we all know, this platform is providing multiple earning sources and no other platform is providing this,” said a spokesperson. Among its other features, Earnfinex has a referral program with an affiliate bonus for all users, who can earn rewards for their referred traders on every trade and purchase. T...

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