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DVD Price   

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DVD Price:
All Time High:
Market Cap:
$189.8 K

Circulating Supply:
Total Supply:
Max Supply:


The last known price of #DVD is $0.013 USD.

Please note that the price of #DVD was last updated over 710 days ago. This can occur when coins have sporadic price reporting, no listings on exchanges or the project has been abandonded. All #DVD statistics should be considered as 'last known value'.

The lowest DVD price for this period was $0, the highest was $0.013, and the exact last price of DVD was $0.01259.

The all-time high DVD coin price was $6.79.

Use our custom price calculator to see the hypothetical price of DVD with market cap of ETH or other crypto coins.


The code for DAOventures crypto currency is #DVD.

DAOventures is 2 years old.


The current market capitalization for DAOventures is $189,799.

DAOventures is ranking upwards to #1566 out of all coins, by market cap (and other factors).


There is an unknown daily trading volume on #DVD.


The circulating supply of DVD is 15,070,000 coins, which is 20% of the maximum coin supply.

Note the limited supply of DAOventures coins which adds to rarity of this cryptocurrency and increases perceived market value.


DVD has very limited pairings with other cryptocurrencies, but has at least 1 pairing and is listed on at least 1 crypto exchange.


Note that there are multiple coins that share the code #DVD, and you can view them on our DVD disambiguation page.



See you at Securo Finance

To our valued community, It has been two eventful years for DAOventures, kick-started by Polkastarter back in February 2021 and we saw unprecedented support in the community. The team would like to thank each and every one of you for being part of our journey. Throughout Q3, Q4 in 2021, the team gathered to review our year and discuss the future of DAOventures to further grow. One topic was the name itself: the core product of DAOventures is a crypto index fund, but the names give confusion. (“Is it Venture Capital?” “Oh, you’re not VC?”) The other topic was, most importantly, how to make a breakthrough on user acquisition, whether or not we still have a product-market fit with crypto index funds. (“Wen moon?” “What is crypto ETF?”) Then we met Techstars, through Launchpool Web3 Techstars Accelerator Class of 2022. Feedback from all valuable mentors in the space, rebranding to Securo Finance — Composable, compliant, and easy DeFi Index Fund could resonate better with the target audience and give another chance for our vision towards easy DeFi investment to shine.Now, introducing Securo Finance. The team wanted a name that represented the secure financial service that we can bring with DeFi investment, so that’s how we got to rebrand DAOventures. The core product will remain the same, but more secure and compliant way: crypto index fund in DeFi. Moving forward, all social media accounts will be upd...

DAOventures newsletter — April Week 3 2022

DAOventures newsletter — April Week 3 2022Strategy Performance DAO Citadel V2: -3.37% DAO Golden Cross: -4.22% DAO Metaverse: -4.99% DAO AVAX DEX indexfarm: -5.59% DAO AVAX Farm: -2.69%This week’s best-performing assets Kitty Finance (KITTY): +74.84% CitaDAO (KNIGHT): +24.64% Bankless DAO (BANK):+27.28% InsurAce (INSUR): +26.33% Umami Finance (UMAMI): +14.73%Market Insight #1 — “By my hand DAI will die.”. — The above was Terra’s cofounder Do Kwon’s famous Tweet. True to his word, on April 1, Do introduced “4pool,” an amalgam of four stablecoins on an automated market maker (AMM), Curve Finance. The 4pool includes Terra’s UST, Frax Finance’s FRAX, USDT (Tether), and USDC. Users will be able to deposit one of the four stablecoins into the pool to earn a yield as other users trade between the pooled assets. What does this mean? Do believes that “the curve wars are over,” while some believe otherwise: “Terra, Frax, and Redacted control a lot of CVX, but they don’t control enough CVX.” There are others who think that Maker ought to join the Curve War to stake its turf. The Curve War and Terra’s rivalry against Maker used to be 2 separate issues, but they are now commingled. Where this goes next is anybody’s guess, but whatever happens, is going to be interesting and make DeFi history.More to read: Terra’s Do Kwon Takes Aim at DAI With Pool of Four StablecoinsMarket Ins...

DAOventures enters Launchpool Web3 Techstars Accelerator Class of 2022

DAOventures is proud to announce a new milestone: entering Launchpool Web3 Techstars Accelerator Class! Upon all the achievements we have had in 2021 & 2022, moving forward, we felt the strong need to reinvent and improve ourselves. That’s where we found the Launchpool Web3 Techstars Accelerator Program. This program works with entrepreneurs building blockchain technology and tokenisation protocols driving toward the decentralised future. Led by Pete Townsend, MD of Launchpool Web3 Techstars Accelerator, this program is a great opportunity for DAOventures to revisit our business and grow with proper help from Web3 industry experts. At the forefront of the Web3 movement, DAOventures is going to work with the best mentors in this space and kickstart our next journey.Artwork/portraits created by KassieLilly — About Techstars. — The Techstars worldwide network helps entrepreneurs succeed. Founded in 2006, Techstars began with three simple ideas — entrepreneurs create a better future for everyone, collaboration drives innovation, and great ideas can come from anywhere. Now we are on a mission to enable every person on the planet to contribute to, and benefit from, the success of entrepreneurs. In addition to operating accelerator programs and venture capital funds, we do this by connecting startups, investors, corporations, and cities to help build thriving startup communities. Techstars has invested in mo...

DAOventures newsletter — April Week 1 2022

DAOventures newsletter — April Week 1 2022Strategy Performance DAO Citadel V2: +4.79% DAO Golden Cross: +3.94% DAO Metaverse: +2.27% DAO AVAX DEX indexfarm: +16.11% DAO AVAX Farm: +7.6%This week’s best-performing assets Zilliqa (ZIL): +317.96% AssangeDAO (JUSTICE): +175.53% Redacted Cartel (BTRFLY): +133.86% Alpha Finance (ALPHA): +103.38% Gelato (GEL): +81.35%Market InsightEl Salvador’s Bitcoin Experiment El Salvador made Bitcoin legal tender last September 2021, the first country in the world to do so. This was an unprecedented move by international standards. It’s now been about 6 months. So how has things been? Alex Kantrowitz, writing for Decrypt, appears to be optimistic. He said in El Zonte, a small town of 3000 in El Salvador, bitcoin took off for a reason. First, it was useful to people. The most immediate benefit was that it helped Salvadorans avoid exploitative remittance fees they paid on the $6 billion that friends and family outside the country sent back each year. And now, bitcoin is everywhere in El Salvador. One can use it at McDonald’s, fancy coffee shops, or small groceries run from people’s living rooms that have QR codes hanging out front to enable Bitcoin transactions. It appears the experiment is working out and President Nayib Bukele is planning to launch bitcoin-backed bonds to raise $1 billion for El Salvador. More to read: Why El Salvador’s Wild Bitcoin Experiment Just Migh...

DAOventures newsletter — March Week 3 2022

DAOventures newsletter — March Week 3 2022Strategy Performance DAO Citadel V1: +6.29% DAO Money Printer: +1.79% DAO AVAX Farm: +8.17% DAO AVAX Stablecoin Farm: +2.13%This week’s best-performing assets THORchain (RUNE): +28.05% Umami Finance: +25.89% Impermax: + 25.42Market Insight — Biden’s EO is focused on updating US crypto regulation. — President Biden signed an Executive Order or EO on digital assets that direct U.S. federal government agencies to pursue a wide range of initiatives in a coordinated “whole-of-government” approach towards regulating the crypto industry. The EO orders multiple federal agencies to research the global impact of crypto and report on the risks/benefits of different crypto assets and offer suggestions for new rules or legislative changes. Crypto markets rallied on the release of the EO as it came in more supportive than expected. More to read: Biden Takes Step Toward Regulating CryptocurrenciesGlobal Politics — What’s going on with crypto in the midst of war in Ukraine. — Large amounts of cryptocurrencies from BTC to DOT have been donated to Ukraine to help its war against Russia. The Ukraine army has used the donations to buy 5,500 bulletproof vests, 500 ballistic plates for bulletproof vests, 500 helmets, 3,125 thermal imagers and optics, 60 walkie-talkies, as well as medicine and packed lunches. According to blockchain analytics platform Ellipti...

Eat your veggies: How we use Pickle Finance in our DAO Citadel strategy

In this article, we will dive into Pickle Finance.Why? Because Pickle Finance is one of the decentralized applications (dapps) we use in our DAO Citadel strategy.First, let’s quickly recap our DAO Citadel strategy. Currently in its second iteration, the DAO Citadel strategy is a crypto ETF + yield farming strategy on the Ethereum network. ETF refers to exchange-traded funds. Like traditional ETFs, our DAO Citadel ETF strategy invests in a basket of assets, namely Bitcoin (BTC), Ether (ETH), and the DeFi Pulse Index (DPI), which is a market capitalization-weighted index that tracks the performance of DeFi assets across the market. Here is where we differ from traditional ETFs and most other crypto ETFs. Once we invests into BTC, ETH and DPI, we do not just hold it. We want to provide maximum returns for our investors, so we go one step further and yield farm those assets.How do we do that?Here’s where yield aggregators like Pickle Finance enter into the picture. Most dapps allows users to farm their spot assets to earn yield. In our DAO Citadel strategy, we farm our users’ BTC, ETH, and DPI tokens on dapps such as Sushiswap, Curve Finance, and, of course, Pickle Finance. Sushi and Curve are well known in the DeFi space, so they probably don’t need more introduction. Pickle Finance is a little more under the radar, which is why we’re writing this article to highlight the role that Pickle Finance plays in our str...

DAOventures Roadmap Q1-Q2 2022

DAOventures in 2021 2021 has been an exciting year for DAOventures. From the Polkastarter IDO to the dapp launch to going multichain, DAOventures has had a productive 2021 and we couldn’t have done it without the support of our community. 2022 has just started and it’s time to share our roadmap for this year. First, here’s a quick recap of 2021.A total of 14 DeFi strategies went live: 7 on Ethereum mainnet, 4 on Avalanche, 2 on Binance Smart Chain, 1 on PolygoDVG to DVD Upgrade after the Chainswap Exploit4 incubated projects went live or will be launching soon: Mintology, CheekyCorgi, Cesta Finance, MetapolyDAOventures Bi-weekly Newsletter initiative to share a professional market insightThe successful launch of DAOventures Youtube channel, including the DAOventures Podcast DAOventures has always been about making DeFi more accessible and easy to everyone. It is very important that DAOventures is part of the DeFi community, and is contributing to the entire ecosystem. On that note, DAOventures will continue its journey of doing what we believe we do best in 2022.In Q1-Q2 2022, we plan to achieve:Project Incubations: Cesta Finance and Metapoly.orgUse-cases for DVD: Swap with DAO tokens (pCESTA and pD33D)Partnerships: Other DeFi protocols partnerships DAOventures investment strategies, Prediction Game, DeFi derivatives with CDzExchange, DeFi-as-a-service (DaaS)DEX listings on Binance Smart ChainContinuing our Amba...

What is the Best Strategy during the Bear Market?

Following the most recent dip which saw the Fear and Greed Index, which measures market sentiment, hit its lowest level since July. The price of Bitcoin saw a drop to as low as $45,000 on the 3rd of December, 2021 and it appears there might be a bear market encroaching (by many parameters) a very successful year for the crypto industry. There are currently a lot of uncertainties hovering in the market and as a trader, this opens up opportunities for you to leverage. Of course, holding crypto assets in a bear market is not the dream of any investor. However, when you apply some of the best strategies we’ll share in this article, you’re bound to come out unscathed at the other side of this.TLDR;Understanding the bear marketThe best way to invest during the bear marketThe best crypto ETF during the bear marketUNDERSTANDING THE BEAR MARKET: CHARACTERISTICS AND TYPES Indicating a period when prices fall in the market, the bear market is the alternate of the bull market. A price drop equal to or greater than 20% most of the time indicates the onset of a bear market. Characteristically, bear markets often set in after recent highs. When prices drop, many investors panic, and in an effort to cut their losses, they close their open positions and withdraw their money. If the investors’ panic continues for longer, prices continue to decline. While everyone panics during the bear run, if you’re calm enough, you can make the ...

Everything to Know about DeFi 2.0

Born in August 2018, the term “DeFi” has come to represent ‘Finance without Borders or Central Authority.’ Rightly so, DeFi translates to Decentralized Finance, representing every money-related infrastructure on the blockchain. Up until now, the first generation of DeFi has been built mainly on the Ethereum blockchain. The various infrastructures characterizing DeFi 1.0 include decentralized trading applications, lending applications, stablecoins applications, etc. As revolutionary as these DeFi 1.0 infrastructures are, they are grossly limited and limiting. Hence, the need for DeFi 2.0, which leverages its predecessor’s strengths while offering solutions to the weaknesses. Let’s take a closer look at what DeFi 2.0 is.TLDR;What is even DeFi 2.0? Then what is DeFi 1.0?The problem and solutionAvalanche Network, the future of DeFi?DAOventures Avalanche Index FundsWHAT IS DEFI 2.0? As the name suggests, DeFi 2.0 is the second stage of the decentralized finance ecosystem. The aim of DeFi 2.0 is to solve the issues inherent in the first wave of decentralized finance infrastructures. Generally, DeFi is an open and global financial network of infrastructures designed for the internet. The operations and relevance of these infrastructures transcend that of traditional systems. The original idea for the DeFi ecosystem was for it to be largely or wholly owned by users. However, that hasn’t exactly been the case. Larg...

Important Update: DAO Metaverse Farmer

To reflect changing market conditions and token liquidity, the asset allocations in DAO Metaverse Farmer strategy will be updated on Dec 12. The objective is to increase the share of more promising cryptocurrencies in Metaverse, to provide more favorable yield for our investors. Here’s the change of asset allocations in our DAO Metaverse Farmer: — Before:. — 20% AXS-ETH15% SLP-ETH20% ILV-ETH10% GHST-ETH10% REVV-ETH25% MVI — After:. — 25% AXS-ETH25% ILV-ETH15% MANA-ETH5% WILD30% MVI This change will be executed on Dec 12. No action is required as all funds will be automatically re-allocated based on the above new asset composition, so you don’t have to take any actions. If you have any questions regarding this update, feel free to contact us on Discord. Thank you for your support.About DAOventures DAOventures is a DeFi ETF Index Fund for fund managers and crypto investors. Its mission is to make DeFi simpler, more accessible, and inclusive. DAOventures provides baskets of auto-compounding LPs, upon innovatively designed crypto ETF index funds.Website | Discord | Telegram | Twitter | Linkedin

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