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DEV Price   

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Dev Protocol  


DEV Price:
All Time High:
Market Cap:
$633.2 K

Circulating Supply:
Total Supply:
Max Supply:


The last known price of #DEV is $0.29 USD.

Please note that the price of #DEV was last updated over 860 days ago. This can occur when coins have sporadic price reporting, no listings on exchanges or the project has been abandonded. All #DEV statistics should be considered as 'last known value'.

The lowest DEV price for this period was $0, the highest was $0.290, and the exact last price of DEV was $0.28962.

The all-time high DEV coin price was $19.67.

Use our custom price calculator to see the hypothetical price of DEV with market cap of ETH or other crypto coins.


The code for Dev Protocol crypto currency is #DEV.

Dev Protocol is 2.3 years old.


The current market capitalization for Dev Protocol is $633,151.

Dev Protocol is ranking downwards to #1442 out of all coins, by market cap (and other factors).


There is a weak daily trading volume on #DEV.

Today's 24-hour trading volume across all exchanges for Dev Protocol is $906.


The circulating supply of DEV is 2,186,132 coins, which is 23% of the total coin supply.

Note the limited supply of Dev Protocol coins which adds to rarity of this cryptocurrency and increases perceived market value.


DEV has very limited pairings with other cryptocurrencies, but has at least 1 pairing and is listed on at least 1 crypto exchange.


Note that there are multiple coins that share the code #DEV, and you can view them on our DEV disambiguation page.



Clubs Starter Grant, Audiovisual Artist “Taito Otani” Joins!

The Asia art industry is back in business! According to Sotheby, the world’s largest, most trusted, and most dynamic marketplace for art and luxury, the art market is recovering to pre-pandemic levels. By accounting for nearly 36% of global turnover over the previous two years, Asia has eclipsed North America and Europe to become the world’s largest art market, by auction sales (Movius, 2022). However, what happens with newborn or emerging artists from non-traditional sectors who have not had access to industry networks or visibility spots? Easy-peasy, they have Clubs. Given Dev Protocol’s mission to empower creators with web3 tools, Clubs is currently holding a “Clubs Starter Grant” program to support creators during the pre-registration period. This initiative is designed to assist first-time web3 creators with onboarding. Eligible applicants who register during the pre-registration period will have their first $MATIC gas bill covered. Through the “Clubs Starter Grant” program, we are pleased to announce the participation of Taito Otani, a musician and multimedia artist who launched an initiative beyond the existing fan clubs. A new way of creating artwork that transcends the relationship between fan and artist has emerged! Dev Protocol and Clubs Clubs is a plug-and-play DAO tool. It upgrades any community to web3 in just one minute and empowers creators with more sustainable funding support and superior c...

HIKARI Enterprise Ltd. joins Clubs partner to build “Garbage collector DAO”

Collaboration to confront social issues in Web3 communities and DAOs. Dev Protocol has entered into a partnership with Hikari Enterprise, Ltd. to provide the DAO tool “Clubs” to “Garbage Collector DAOs” to solve the marine litter problem by increasing the number of people involved in the process. In response to the issue that the “garbage disposal process” is an area that is hidden from the general public and is difficult for people to see, HIKARI Enterprise, Ltd. has planned a “DAO where the general public and businesses work together on the marine debris disposal process. HIKARI Enterprise, Ltd. decided to join Clubs Partners based on the idea that “people who pick up trash, organizations that have permits and licenses to dispose of trash, and organizations that have the technology to dispose of trash” can create a foundation for contributing and supporting each other while leveraging their respective characteristics. Dev Protocol and Clubs As you may already know, Dev Protocol mission is to provide meaningful solutions for any person or organization looking for fundraising. The materialization of the stated mission is Clubs, a plug-and-play DAO tool. It upgrades any community to web3 in just one minute, and empowers creators with more sustainable funding support and superior community engagement tools. Background of the Partnership Club’s applications are only limited bt the imagination of creators. F...

Dev Protocol Seeks Strategic Utility Token Regulation from Swiss FINMA

Here at Dev Protocol our mission has always been to offer meaningful solutions for any person or organization in need of fundraising. It’s with that spirit that our team has been working so hard behind the scenes on our forthcoming product — Clubs. With Clubs, creators and entrepreneurs can utilize advanced web3 tools to more deeply engage and incentivize their communities, while gaining needed access to an innovative and stable source of project funding. To provide our Clubs solution to as many people and projects as possible, we believe in developing a seamless connection with the legacy fundraising ecosystem by connecting it to web3 and maintaining diligent engagement with regulators. In parallel to our development team’s dedicated work to build advanced products, our leadership team has been highly active behind the scenes meeting with lawyers and regulators with the goal of being granted a ‘utility token’ status. We have strategically chosen to achieve compliance through the Swiss regulatory body FINMA (Swiss Financial Market Supervisory Authority), which we believe will open up a myriad of opportunities for Dev Protocol that would otherwise be unavailable. With the regulatory uncertainty in the world around crypto projects, we believe being utility token certified not only solidifies our project as legitimate but opens up increased potential for future partnerships and ecosystem growth. Having this strateg...

The Future of fundraising DAOs , with Clubs

The Future of fundraising DAOs , with Clubs - For a while now, behind the scenes we have been making many connections with organizations and companies who have shown interest in our Clubs product. Today is a special day because we have finally been able to reveal what the Temples DAO project at Kougenji will look like. The perk tiers that come with supporting Temples DAO each offer something unique and we believe will serve as an example to other prospective projects in the future. You can view the Temples DAO page by clicking here. The most important part however, is showing how DAOs and other projects are able to earn sustainable donations through the Dev Protocol, while also offering benefits and community to supporters. Temples DAO is close to our heart as cultural and historical preservation is one of the main inspirations for starting this project. Our CEO Mayumi Hara talked to traditional artisans about the lack of funding for sites of cultural importance as well as the lack of new artisans with the ability to repair these sites, entering the field. The solution designed to tackle this problem and many others was offering sustainable funding through the use of Web3 and blockchain technology. Throughout Japan and the world, funding for preservation of cultural sites of importance continues to be a struggle. We believe in the Dev Protocol and that ultimately it can be the solution for many of these struggling projects ...

Dev Protocol team has raised 250 Mil yen

Dev Protocol team will develop a no-code DAO tool and data oracles for creators, and accelerate business development based in Switzerland. We’re excited to announce that we have completed the final close of pre-series round A at the end of August. The funds raised in this round was 250 Mil yen, and the cumulative amount of capital-raising reached approximately 310 Mil yen. — Fundraising - In this round, while gmjp served as a lead investor, B Dash Ventures, SkyPerfecTV JSAT, rikka, and 01Booster Capital joined as new investors and partners. The funds raised this time will be mainly used for the development of Clubs, a no-code DAO tool, our Khaos Oracle, a tool to freely connect between Web2 and Web3, the expansion of our partner ecosystem, and finally acceleration of business development in Switzerland. Each of the development goals are equally important to the growth of Dev Protocol and we will strive to roll them out seamlessly in the coming months. — Business development - Since its start in 2018, Web3 infrastructure used in Dev Protocol such as DeFi, NFTs, token creation, and ownership authentication continue to evolve everyday. Creators have started their Web3 creator economy by tokenizing their own projects and incentivizing their followers to be part of a community. While Dev Protocol provides creators with sustainable opportunities, our Khaos Oracle plays an important role behind the scenes. Khaos is a ...

Announcing Pre Registration for Clubs

“WordPress for DAOs” with Dev Protocol. Today we would finally like to announce our pre registration for our exciting new product, Clubs. Clubs are a way to quickly give anyone with an audience or fundraising goal, the tools to turn their vision into reality. Through Clubs we can offer quick and easy access to starting your web3 community, with no technical knowledge and all within the dev protocol ecosystem. Clubs are one of our most requested and anticipated projects to date so this initial roll out is a large step forward for Dev Protocol. While we dont expect all features to be completed by pre registration, we will slowly roll out more in the coming months. Our number one priority is to help creators reach their goals of sustainable fundraising and with Clubs we make that possible. — Clubs - The Wordpress of DAO builders Clubs are a no-code DAO tool that anyone can start for free. Joining Clubs is as easy as starting a blog. With just a few clicks you can start issuing tokens, funding with DeFi, and offering incentives that have been near impossible for non technical creators in the past . With the identity verification function, which can only be issued by the project owner, to the revenue management function through staking , individual creators can start funding and providing incentives through their DAO from day one, without having to assume the risk of a token sale. The biggest thi...

New Partnership Announcement: Dev Protocol and SKY Perfect JSAT Corporation

Collaboration in the media and entertainment industry to build new Web3 businesses. We are glad to announce our strategic partnership with SKY Perfect JSAT Corporation, one of the most dedicated and outstanding broadcasting and satellite communications companies in the industry. Dev Protocol and SKY Perfect JSAT Corporation will strive to work together, all while innovativing web3 services and serving both creators and fans. By combining the technologies and knowledge of both parties, we plan to meet these goals. Related release : SKY Perfect JSAT Aims to Open Up the Creator Economy Market Through a Capital and Business Alliance with FRAME00, Developer of Web 3*-Related Products — About this partnership - SKY Perfect JSAT Corporation sympathizes with our mission of creating a society where all innovators are fairly valued and can sustainably take on challenges. Pooling our expertise and resources together, we believe we can move several steps closer to making our mission a reality. FRAME00, Dev Protocol’s core development team has been developing proprietary blockchain solutions since 2018 that enable creators to safely use tokens to build communities through our open source decentralized middleware. In addition, through the use of our “Khaos Oracle” system, we can verify ownership information and identity on the blockchain. With the SKY Perfect JSAT Corporation as our new partner company, we will use our technol...

Clubs powered by Polygon

Dev Protocol is teaming up with Polygon Studios to maximize the experience of both Creators and Supporters in the $DEV ecosystem. We recently announced our latest update on the Creator economy ecosystem, named “Clubs”. Clubs is the fastest and most efficient way to build your DAO for your blockchain community and supporters with just a few clicks. Clubs provides creators various tools such as issuing social tokens, minting NFTs (can be used as subscription based NFTs), and most importantly the Perks mechanism. Perks is a system built in-house by the Dev Protocol team and it enables Creators the ability to provide various rewards to their supporters by utilizing the blockchain. I.E = Stake 100 $DEV tokens for DAO x and recieve an T-Shirt. *Temples DAO is the first DAO build with Clubs. Feel free to check their page and experience the perks provided by them. This update also brings an exciting new experience to supporters. Supporters can stake any amount of $DEV tokens to their favorite creator, and get rewarded in the process. Staking via Dev Protocol allows for a more sustainable way of support than direct funding, and it also allows supporters the added benefit to explore the amazing perks provided by their favorite creators depending on the staking amount. Using the Clubs page, supporters can directly stake their ETH tokens, which are turned into $DEV tokens by the mechanism, and start explo...

Preserve important historical works and culture for the next generation with TemplesDAO

TemplesDAO released - As the first project taking advantage of “Clubs”, a DAO starter kit for developers,“TemplesDAO” has been launched for Japanese cultural arts. Specifically TemplesDAO aims to preserve Buddhist arts and assets throughout Japan. The main benefactor is Suiundoh, Inc., whose main business is restoring temples, national treasures and Buddha statues. Suiundoh’s plan is to collect sustainable financial support by staking, and providing supporters with Perks at the same time in an effort to fulfill gaps from other philanthropic aid. Suiundoh’s business is quite unique as they not only restore buildings and gates within temples, but also create items found within the temples including statues and ritual articles. Their goal is to preserve precious cultural assets in Japan while at the same time passing down materials and technology so that younger generations are able to restore them at a later time. Dev Protocol’s sustainable funding system was adopted by Suiundoh due to sharing a common goal of “sustainability”. — Clubs — a sustainable funding scheme - Clubs is a sustainable development kit (SDK) for a creator economy developed by Dev Protocol. It offers a method of sustainable funding for creators and rewards for fans through staking either DEV or ETH. While creators receive funds for their activities, they can also set up Perks...

Upcoming Clubs

Thank you for waiting. We will further promote that creators and backers work together to drive project growth and are equally rewarded. — Perks and allocation for stakers - Since the beginning we have always wanted to create a way for stakers to be rewarded for their patronage and with our upcoming release, this becomes a reality. “Clubs” is our new portal for DAOs that demonstrates the true value of funding through staking by offering perks. We hope to show off the extraordinary capabilities of Dev Protocol’s Social Tokens through this new feature. So what are Perks and how will they work? Perks are a new incentive to boost staking──locking $DEV on a project──and add an additional layer of incentive to staking rewards. You will experience exclusive offers of special access, content, and real-life experiences gated by $DEV staking. Backers gain both economic and cultural benefits from staking, and for creators it turns new project features, advance access, and other productions into increased revenue for their projects. For the first time, Clubs is releasing a “Community Allocation” that allocates creators’ Social Tokens to stakers. This means an additional stream of staking APY and bringing the potential of upside to each project. Backers earn Social Tokens on a pro-rata basis according to their staking amount, automatically and permanently capturing the upside of the total staking rewards a p...

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