| CashCow 
| #COW
COW Price: | $0.00334 | | Volume: | $6 | All Time High: | $100 | | Market Cap: | $2.2 K |
Circulating Supply: | 653,536 |
| Exchanges: | 1
| Total Supply: | 798,849 |
| Markets: | 3
| Max Supply: | 2,000,000 |
| Pairs: | 3
The price of #COW today is $0.00334 USD.
The lowest COW price for this period was $0, the highest was $0.00334, and the current live price for one COW coin is $0.00334001.
The all-time high COW coin price was $100.
Use our custom price calculator to see the hypothetical price of COW with market cap of BTC or other crypto coins. |
The code for CashCow crypto currency is #COW.
CashCow is 3.3 years old. |
The current market capitalization for CashCow is $2,182.
CashCow is ranked #1064, by market cap (and other factors). |
There is a very weak volume of trading today on #COW.
Today's 24-hour trading volume across all exchanges for CashCow is $6.00. |
The circulating supply of COW is 653,536 coins, which is 33% of the maximum coin supply.
Note the unusually low supply of CashCow coins which adds to rarity of this cryptocurrency and increases perceived market value. |
COW has limited pairings with other cryptocurrencies, but has at least 3 pairings and is listed on at least 1 crypto exchange.
Note that there are multiple coins that share the code #COW, and you can view them on our COW disambiguation page. |
 Don’t Miss Out on the Latest CashCow Protocol Updates! Important news for the CashCow Community.. — In this piece, we’ll go through the latest updates within the CashCow Protocol. A reminder: these updates aren’t just top-down decisions; they’ve been crafted with input from our CashCow DAO governance, where our vibrant community has a voice. — Less Milk, Lower Inflation 🐄🥛 - Our $COW token holders have made a decision. The Protocol will now produce fewer Milk Tokens, reducing them to 10 MilkPerBlock. This means there will be fewer $MILK tokens available, helping to keep the token’s value stable. With this change, the emission rate went down from 30 MilkPerBlock to 10 MilkPerBlock.👉 Proposal 10 — Reduction of $MILK Emission by Lowering MILK PER BLOCK — New Way to Earn! 🚜💰 - Good news for those who want to help support our system! You can now use MILK and USDT in our DApp to help improve liquidity and earn rewards in return.👉 Join the MILK-USDT LP pool — Changes in the MilkBar 🚫🥛🐮 - We’ve made some changes in our DApp. The $MILK and $COW sections in the MilkBar won’t give out $MILK rewards for now. In support of the $MILK token, we’re reallocating our resources to boost liquidity, especially for the MILK-USDT LP and MILK-BNB GLP pairs.If you have $MILK or $COW deposited in the MilkBar, you can withdraw it in the “Inactive” pools section — Goodbye, BUSD. Hello, Strategy Shifts! - In response to ... 
|  CashCow Farm Beta Test is now available! Legendary members are supporting the protocol improving de CashCow Farm.. — These last few weeks have been very busy for the team since we’ve been working hard preparing for the launch of the beta testing phase. The good news is that everything is now up and running, and testers are already starting to find and report bugs. The community is extremely excited to have the opportunity to improve the game before it goes live. — The Farm Game - The game is still in development, but you can have a sneak peek of it in this video: medium.com On November 5th, the CashCow Farm beta testing was launched with only Legendary members having the opportunity to participate. Testers were very excited about not only finding bugs and helping fix them, but also about the improvement opportunities available. Testers have been reporting a lot of positive feedback and the team has already fixed bugs that have been found. We want to thank all of our testers for their participation and feedback. We would also like to remind everyone that the Legendary Members interested in participating in the beta test can sign up to test by submitting a ticket support with the Wallet Address on our discord server (there is no need to unstake any token for the verification). If you want to know more about the protocol and its features read CashCow’s Whitepaper. — Join our Social Networks #CashCowFamily - Click Here 👉 linktr.ee
|  ✅ Whitepaper Updates Visual improvements. Content Updates. CashCow Farm Details.. — Dear members of the CashCow community, we are pleased to announce that the CashCow whitepaper has been updated. CashCow’s Whitepaper: cashcow-protocol.gitbook.io/ — Visual improvements. — In each section, headers have been added. Instructional images have also been implemented to help users learn how to invest in the CashCow Dapp. — Content Updates. — Each section has been restructured and updated, allowing you to find more information about the protocol products and you will be able to navigate more comfortably. CashCow Community Ranking updated based on governance changes. — CashCow Farm Game Details. — There is a lot of information about the game included to help you understand the CashCow Farm economy. The Farming feature is explained (Milk Power and Milk Power Bonus). Find out how is Breeding mechanism. NFTs of Cows and Bulls are shown by rarity and breed. Land NFTs are shown. More details on the sale of packs. This change is expected to improve the user experience in the CashCow ecosystem, allowing investors to access more information and smart contracts. Close to CashCow Farm’s launch we expect to incorporate more details that will be defined at the end of development, allowing Legendary members of the CashCow community to discuss and set some parameters during the Beta Test. Regards, CashCow Protocol ... 
|  ✅ NFT Market Smart Contracts Update Completed We can now begin migrating the NFTs. ️Read everything you need to know about migration of the contract⬇️. — CashCow developers announce that the update of NFT Market smart contracts from our DApp has been successfully completed. This improved version that will allow the integration of the #CashCowFarm NFTs: Cow NFTs, Bulls NFTs and Land NFTs, does not imply design and aesthetic changes. IMPORTANT⚠️: The NFTs listed in the previous NFT Market will not be visible in the DApp once the migration starts and a new contract will be displayed. ❌ This will NOT affect those who have NFTs in wallet or staking. Only to the NFTs listed in the marketplace.❓ What happens if I didn’t withdraw my NFT from the marketplace before the update?🔒The NFTs will be safe and you can withdraw them by accessing the following link. Once returned to your wallet, you can relist them in the new NFT Market. Link to unlist my NFT: 🔗cashcow-frontend-7flz3bl9u-cashcowprotocol.vercel.app Regards, CashCow Protocol development team. — Join our Social Networks #CashCowFamily - Click Here 👉 linktr.ee
|  Earn $COW with the Referral Program Refer your friends and get 5% of their purchase in $COW. — By definition, CashCow Protocol is a community-driven project that promotes organic growth. The referral program, like the different programs in CashCow, is an instrument of the community to contribute to the growth of the project and continue with the fulfillment of the common objectives. Keep reading until the end to find out how to invite your friends to be part of this great community. — How does the referral program work? - 1 — Create a discord invitation link. Create the link from the CashCow server by right clicking on the project logo and then clicking on ‘invite people’. 2 — Share the invitation link with your friends and ask them for the BNB Chain wallet address with which they will make their $COW investment. 3 — Complete the Referral Program form: forms.gle 4 — After sending the form, the order is registered and the referral can buy the amount of $COW he/she wants*. 5 — When the round is closed, you receive your reward. *Your referral must make a purchase after completing and sending the form. If not, the reward will be cancelled. — Reward system explained - The participants will obtain as a reward the equivalent of 5% of the purchase of their referral. That is, if the referral buys 100, they will earn 5 $COW. And if they buy 5000, they will earn 250 $COW. The rounds, which last one month, will close... 
|  CashCow Farm sneak peak: Mountain Land NFTs Today we bring you some news about the Lands NFT of CashCow Farm, it is the turn of the mountains. — Lands NFTs: Mountains. — — Characteristics of the mountains and their native cows:. — The Lands are mountainous with icy and swampy soils, its typical vegetation predominantly by pines and mosses. The low temperatures create an ideal environment for the native cow species “Highland”, which have a double coat that protects them from the extreme cold and heavy rainfall that characterize the mountains. Their ability to find food allows them to survive in steep mountainous areas where they graze and eat plants that other cattle avoid. They also have a pair of very long and heavy horns that characterize them among all other breeds of cows, and are incredible meat producers due to their large size and balance between fat and lean muscle. — How to get the Mountain NFT land? - There are three different ways of getting Land NFTs: Packs Sale: Up to 77900 Lands available ONLY to Whitelisted Addresses, Individual NFT Sale: All remaining lands will be minted randomly after Packs Sale., NFT Marketplace, About the sale of Packs: cashcow-protocol.gitbook.io — Join our Social Networks #CashCowFamily - Click Here 👉 linktr.eel