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BBP Price   

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BBP Price:
All Time High:
Market Cap:
$36.7 K

Circulating Supply:
Total Supply:
Max Supply:


The last known price of #BBP is $0.0000144 USD.

Please note that the price of #BBP was last updated over 390 days ago. This can occur when coins have sporadic price reporting, no listings on exchanges or the project has been abandonded. All #BBP statistics should be considered as 'last known value'.

The lowest BBP price for this period was $0, the highest was $0.0000144, and the exact last price of BBP was $0.00001437.

The all-time high BBP coin price was $0.00619.

Use our custom price calculator to see the hypothetical price of BBP with market cap of ETH or other crypto coins.


The code for BiblePay crypto currency is #BBP.

BiblePay is 6.4 years old.


The current market capitalization for BiblePay is $36,691.

BiblePay is ranked #1045 out of all coins, by market cap (and other factors).


There is an unknown daily trading volume on #BBP.


The circulating supply of BBP is 2,553,581,174 coins, which is 49% of the maximum coin supply.


BBP has limited pairings with other cryptocurrencies, but has at least 3 pairings and is listed on at least 1 crypto exchange.


Note that there are multiple coins that share the code #BBP, and you can view them on our BBP disambiguation page.



Three Water Wells Donated to Pakistan Villages

A few months ago, the founder of BiblePay, Rob Andrews, entered a proposal into the BiblePay blockchain. It requested 6 million BiblePay coins be used to build two water wells in Pakistan, and help hundreds of children receive clean water each day.“According to the Pakistan Council of Research in Water Resources, Pakistan is predicted, by 2025 to reach extreme water shortages. In present day, only 1 in 5 people have access to clean drinking water. The other 80% of people are forced to resort to digesting water that has been contaminated with a mixture of sewage and pesticides.” The BiblePay community voted and the proposal passed. 6 million BiblePay coins were then donated to the Paani Project, funding the construction of three water wells! Fast forward to now and the wells have been completed!Well #1Well #2Well #3 View all images and videos: Paani, (which means water in Urdu), is a nonprofit organization founded in 2017, operated by student volunteers, dedicated to alleviating the water crisis in Pakistan. BiblePay, a Christian charity cryptocurrency, founded in 2017, is an alternative asset to government fiat, that has sponsored hundreds of orphans, and donated thousands of hours of computer time to cancer and disease research. Three Water Wells Donated to Pakistan Villages was originally published in BiblePay News on Medium, where people are continuing the conv...

BiblePay (July, August) 2020 Updates

Mandatory Upgrade v1.5.2.2 Download Wallet: ** v1.5.2.2 Upgrade and Usage Information *** Automatic Price Mooning, Proof of Orphan Sponsorship, Dash Staking, Sidechain Storage, Coin Age Voting, and more!, New Block Reward Breakdown: 8.75% Monthly Budget  — 50.0% IT (Software, Technology)  — 25.0% PR, P2P (Advertising, Pay to Preach)  — 25.0% MISC (Miscellaneous), 25.0% GSCs (Generic Smart Contracts)  — 95.0% PODC (Science Research)  — 5.0% Healing (Prayer Diary), 25.0% RandomX (CPU Mining), 41.25% Masternodes (Sanctuaries), Automatic Price Mooning (APM) If the price of BBP stays the same or goes down, then the blockchain goes into money saving mode (we pay 99% less rewards to the Sanctuaries and to the Miners). This should give a strong motivation for the community to keep the price rising. Learn More: BiblePay Sidechain (BBP Unchained) Anyone can now upload and host files in multiple regions for a selected duration. The sidechain records the metadata for stored documents. Learn More: Dynamic Whale Stake added to Wallet UI Gain interest on your BBP coins! Simply click the “Send” tab, and check the “Dynamic Whale Stake”checkbox. Then type in the amount of BBP you would like to burn. The wallet will provide a quote for a 90 ...

BiblePay Q2 2020 Updates

BiblePay Q2 (April, May, June) 2020 Updates - Mandatory Upgrade v1.5.1.4 Download Wallet: NOTE: Upgrade goes live at Block #199000, approximately 6/02/2020 New Block Reward Breakdown: 15.0% Monthly Budget  — 50.0% Exchange (Payoff)  — 25.0% IT (Software, Technology)  — 25.0% MISC (Miscellaneous), 27.5% GSCs (Generic Smart Contracts)  — 95.0% PODC (Science Research)  — 5.0% Healing (Prayer Diary), 27.5% RandomX (CPU Mining), 30.0% Masternodes (Sanctuaries), Promotional Videos Rebranding? — Vote on Future Name for BiblePay!“First I would like to say that switching our currency name from BiblePay is in the spirit of growing the community and not blocking potential users who might view us as overly religious. We are not doing this in any way because we are ashamed of the gospel; but instead to appeal to a broader cross section of the world first.” -Rob Andrews“We are the only coin with Monero-RandomX in the Bitcoin branch.” -Rob RandomX Faucet Giveaway for new miners! Mining Calculator Second Pool — - Discord - Telegram Pool Code Open Sourced Help - HiveOS First Monthly RandomX Charity Liquidation Report“We have successfully ...

BiblePay Q1 2020 — Dual Mining RandomX

BiblePay Q1 2020 Updates — Dual Mining RandomX - Mandatory Upgrade v1.5.0.7 Download Wallet: NOTE: Upgrade goes live at Block #184675, approximately 3/24/2020 After March 24th, we will offer dual-hash mining with rewards in both BBP + XMR. This is slightly different than merged mining, in that BBP’s blocks are now solved with an equation that prevents pre-image attacks. In theory, miners will receive approximately 190% more revenue for mining (more specifically, 90% in XMR rewards, and 100% of your hashpower in BBP rewards), while still contributing 10% to orphan charity. Each RandomX hash has a full 100% chance of solving a BBP block (or a pool share), while each RandomX hash still has an equal chance of solving an XMR share. RandomX Dual Mining Guide: Video Tutorial — How to Setup Cancer Researching 1 Million BiblePay Giveaway for Researchers Every Month! Dynamic Whale Staking Potentially gain 20%+ interest on your coins by burning them for one year! Buy Gift Cards Instantly with BiblePay! BiblePay now trades to 9 decimal places of Bitcoin Sell Pressure Mitigation ROADMAP, REBRAND, CORE Roadmap Updated Vote on Rebranding What is BiblePay? What makes BiblePay unique? CHARITY ONETrack International (Cameroo...

BiblePay — Q4 Updates 2019: October, November, December

BiblePay — Q4 Updates 2019: October, November, December - Mandatory Upgrade v1.4.8.4 Download Wallet: NOTE: Upgrade goes live at Block #166075, approximately 12/26/2019 BiblePay has merged in all Dash v0.14 code and fixes up to November 2019! ChainLocks Enabled Chainlocks theoretically makes it almost impossible to perform a 51% attack on BiblePay! Deterministic Masternodes Enabled Masternodes can now be setup to have 3 roles, Owner, Operator and Voter BOINC is a program that lets you donate your idle computer time to science projects, BiblePay has improved and added back in coin rewards for contributing to real science research! Proof of Distributed Computing (PODC) Setup “World Community Grid’s research projects have analyzed aspects of the human genome, HIV, dengue, muscular dystrophy, cancer, influenza, Ebola, virtual screening, rice crop yields, and clean energy” Block Reward Breakdown Changes Quantitative Tightening (QT) Disabled Permanently Proof of Work Mining: AntiBotNet (ABN) Removed Miners no longer need to have coins in order to mine! Anyone can mine! External Miner Developed NOMP Pool Released NOMP Pool Mining Tutorial Mining Pool Stats Dynamic Whale Staking (DWS) Added Potentially gain i...

BiblePay — Updates for 2019: July, August and September

BiblePay — Updates for 2019: July, August and September - Mandatory Upgrade v1.4.4.8 Download Wallet: New Quick Start Guide Learn how to earn BiblePay (BBP) coins in multiple ways - Masternodes (Sanctuaries) - Proof of Giving (POG) - Proof of BibleHash (POBH) - Healing Diary Entries CameroonOne Paternship — Proof of Orphan Mining (POOM) Directly sponsor an orphan and be rewarded BBP coins in your wallet! Tokok Exchange Listing Based in British Virgin Islands, Tokok trades hundreds of millions of dollars in volume every day, and with built in Chinese language support, we have now entered into the Asian market Trade Ethereum for BBP: How to Register: Chinese Translation of Bible added to Wallet, SouthXChange Supports Debit/Credit Cards Our #1 Exchange for trading BBP coins, SouthXChange, has partnered with Carbon to allow users in Argentina and Latin America to buy cryptocurrency with Visa, Mastercard and Apple Pay Christian Treasure Trove (Christian Spaces) “We believe some IT companies are starting to censor Christianity related content … We are working on a solution to host critical Christian information, forever, using our 2nd tier nodes, Masternodes (Sanctuaries). Once information is uploaded into BIPFS, it will be available as part of our exposed web presence (its a FQDN...

BiblePay 2019 June Updates

BiblePay Evolution Mandatory Upgrade v1.4.3.1 We have now integrated BiblePay into Dash Evolution! What is Dash? It is the original masternode governance coin, with a monthly budget of over 1 million dollars! We can now easily follow along with their future developments. Current Block Reward Breakdown 20% is escrowed for Governance for expenses paid via our masternode voted budget (10% for Charity, 5% IT, 2.5% P2P, 2.5% PR), 30% is escrowed for Generic Smart Contracts (GSC), 25% is given to the next due Masternode (Sanctuary), 25% is allocated to heat-mining (Proof-of-BibleHash POW mining), Mobile Apple iOS Wallet Released New Description “Launched in July 2017 with no premine and ICO, BiblePay describes itself as a decentralized autonomous cryptocurrency that gives 10% to orphan-charity (with Sanctuary governance). The project is passionate about spreading the gospel of Jesus, having the entire KJV bible compiled in its hashing algorithm (POBH). BiblePay (BBP) is deflationary, decreasing its emissions by 19.5% per year. The project views itself as a utility that provides an alternative method for giving to charity. With Generic Smart Contracts, the project seeks to become the go-to wallet for Christians. In the future, the team intends to lease file space on its Sanctuaries and release corporate integration features, such as c# access to the blockchain. The BiblePay platform is a deriv...

BiblePay 2019 March & April Updates

Recap — What is BiblePay (BBP)? - Fork of Dash Launched July 23rd 2017 - No Premine, No ICO - Deflationary (-1.5%/month, -19.5%/year [coin emission rate]) - 5.2 billion BBP coins by Year 2050 - Unique algorithm Proof of BibleHash (POBH) that chains bible verses - CPU Mining Only, GPU/ASIC Resistant (Anyone can mine!) - 10% mined coins donated to Charity each month - Masternodes and Monthly Budget Proposal System live December 2017 Accomplishments - 30,000+ years of CPU time donated to Cancer & Disease Research - $160,000+ donated across four charities - At peak sponsoring 339 orphans each month (currently 78) Now to the news! Latest Mandatory Upgrade v1.2.0.1 “Switch network fully to POBH (proof-of-bible-hash) until Dash Evolution ready” Download Wallets: How to Update and Clean Wallet? (Link) New 2nd Block Explorer (Way faster and more features!) Rob, Founder and Lead Developer of BiblePay, Resigns from Gridcoin Proof of Distributed Computing (Cancer Research Mining) removed Masternode Collateral will increase from 1.5 million to 4.5 million BBP Quantitative Tightening is being added An algorithm where money supply (new coin issuance) dries up when the market price is below the “acceptable useful price” and normal emission operations resume when the BBP price is above the threshhold target value...

BiblePay October 2018 Update

BiblePay has been working very hard to provide the best cryptocurrency experience to Christians around the world, and we would like to share an overview with the things we’ve been working on. Also, we would like to thank everyone that has contributed to this amazing project thus far, and are proud to have such amazing people among us. Developer Status: MIP: Working on Church Tithing ability for Mobile Wallet., Bhavani: Adding proposal summary by expense type graph to core wallet., Rob: Working on IPFS Pin, IPFS hashgraph, IPFS garbage collector, IPFS Christian camps, in-wallet letter writing, object voting by non-sanctuaries, releasing a faster IPFS in-wallet list., Key-man-risk: Rob: Working to setup shared repository rules with MIP and then perform a repo test. Deadline: October 31st, 2018. WebSite ( Initiated by Andy-25-leaders, the request was a clearer and brighter landing page for investors and new users — with several enhancements: including clearer instructions on downloading BiblePay, using BiblePay, and more prominent links for buying BiblePay, and a clearer path for the most common operations. These changes have been complete by Togo and Jaap on October 14th. Please review our new website at Compassion: We have successfully decreased our budget from 329 monthly orphans down to 132 (with 100 at We are now waiting for the exact credit memo figure (sin...

Charity Profile: Kairos Children’s Fund

Andrew Scribner, founder of the Kairos Children’s Fund, has written an article for us, explaining the Fund and the impact they are having: Kairos Children’s Fund is a program that sponsors the education of children who could otherwise not go to school, or would have a very difficult tone doing so. In the Philippines,education is technically free. Just as in most countries, public school is free. But there are payments for assignments and projects and school fees.there are other costs — such as transportation, lunch, snacks,and uniform. Often, parents would even decide not to send their children to school but to work instead. This is the case of some high school students, who would have had to earn money so that their younger siblings could go to school. It is really a joy to see parents whose kids would miss out on an education, but are now able to expect their son or daughter to graduate from high school and maybe even college. Our motto is Educate a Child — Help Alleviate Poverty. This is true; poverty is found most often among the least educated. These are people often not given a fighting chance, since those more privileged do not understand the real struggle. For example, the families in our program do care for their kids education, yet the reality of life is too tough. It’s easy to say that education should be a priority, yet in the urgency of survival, it is just not that easy. Besides just money ...

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