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ASTRO Price   

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ASTRO Price:
$25.4 K
All Time High:
Market Cap:

Circulating Supply:
Total Supply:
Max Supply:


The last known price of #ASTRO is $0.06 USD.

Please note that the price of #ASTRO was last updated over 660 days ago. This can occur when coins have sporadic price reporting, no listings on exchanges or the project has been abandonded. All #ASTRO statistics should be considered as 'last known value'.

The lowest ASTRO price for this period was $0, the highest was $0.055, and the exact last price of ASTRO was $0.05526.

The all-time high ASTRO coin price was $2.13.

Use our custom price calculator to see the hypothetical price of ASTRO with market cap of BTC or other crypto coins.


The code for AstroTools crypto currency is #ASTRO.

AstroTools is 2.6 years old.


The current market capitalization for AstroTools is not available at this time.

AstroTools is ranking downwards to #22556 out of all coins, by market cap (and other factors).


The trading volume is modest today for #ASTRO.

Today's 24-hour trading volume across all exchanges for AstroTools is $25,427.


The total supply of ASTRO is 5,000,000 coins.

Note the limited supply of AstroTools coins which adds to rarity of this cryptocurrency and increases perceived market value.


ASTRO has very limited pairings with other cryptocurrencies, but has at least 1 pairing and is listed on at least 1 crypto exchange.


Note that there are multiple coins that share the code #ASTRO, and you can view them on our ASTRO disambiguation page.



Roadmap MKII — Go Home API; You’re Drunk!

Roadmap MKII — Go Home API; You’re Drunk! - It’s only been a little over a month since we published our roadmap, but it’s already time to do some serious reprioritization. We assumed that Uniswap’s API would be capable of staying sober long enough to get the brunt of our planned features into production before committing to building an in-house data source. Unfortunately, that isn’t the case. Their API passes out at least once a day, making our intern look like an incompetent ass, and we can’t have that... — So, here’s roadmap MKII: - — V.0.8.6 released October 25th, 2020: - Unlimited favorites & alerts now available in ALL tiers, including Free Tier!Unicrypt URL’s fixed.Button added to clear alerts. — V.0.8.7 coming October 30th, 2020: - Extended mobile support including WalletConnect for Trust Wallet connection.Activation of powerups for holders of “Pipe Cleaner” and “BFG-9001” NFT’s. — RC2 “Blocky Fits” coming November 6th, 2020: - Pancakeswap support to complete Binance Smart Chain integration.Daily popular token information.USDT trading pairs. — V1.0 “Jumping Plumber” coming November 30th, 2020: - New multistream database — fueled by multiple competing data sources each aiming serve trade data in the fastest possible time — expect a significant improvement in reliability and latency!Fully-functional Trading View charts —...

Get to the Drop Zone!

The first AstroTools airdrop is complete… “BFG-9001” (limited to only 10 tokens) — these rare gorilla blasters will pew-pew over 9000 counter-traders and send them to their bearish deaths, as we inevitably move to our final “Ass Kong” version release in the future. In other words, these tokens will soon provide lifetime unlimited AstroTools access without monthly fees, ever, to anyone who possesses them! BFG winning addresses are here. “Pipe Cleaner” NFT’s (limited to only 50 tokens) — have been dropped to 50 randomly selected addresses who held 1,000 ASTRO between the 1st and 21st of October! Once activated, these tokens will grant unlimited access to our 32-bit membership tier without additional ASTRO tokens, plus no monthly fees for six months as we leap into the “Jumping Plumber” version release. After six months, holding this token will reduce any monthly fees by 50%! Pipe Cleaner winning addresses are here. “Noob Cannon” NFT’s (limited to only 1167 tokens) — have been dropped to early adopters, and qualifying Beta Pass participants. We still haven’t decided exactly what these powerups will do, but at some point, we’ll blow you away by revealing this mystery powerups final form! If you want to have a poke around the full collection, check current holders, or see if any of these have made their way onto the market; the full collection can be viewed on Rarible, here. Team...

Welcome back to us…Master.

You asked (many times), and we listened. Today we are introducing a new membership tier, and yes, you only need 250 ASTRO to qualify! Rather than diluting our 1,000 ASTRO offering by cherry-picking features, we’ve decided to UPGRADE our 1,000 ASTRO offering with an enhanced version of the new-listings explorer, which offers significantly more data. 250 ASTRO holders will have access to the original new listings page, which shows the most recent listings. To make this work, we’ve had to rename each of the tiers: 8-bit is now 16-bit, 16-bit is now 32-bit, And the N64 has landed., “Stop speaking in tongues, human, you’re confusing me!” We’ve juggled things around a bit; here are our new membership tiers:“I hold 250 ASTRO; when will I get access to the new-listings explorer?” Our intern is already hard at work. We expect him to deliver by Thursday 8th October at 6 pm ET. If he fails, we’ll withhold his ramen for the rest of the month.“I’m holding 1,000 ASTRO; when will I get access to ALL previous listings?” We’re starting with one week’s worth of data, but we’ll be backfilling over the coming days. We expect this process to take around a week, but we’ll keep you posted. As above, the changes will be available by 6 pm ET on Thursday, 8th October.“RC1 “Pac Dude” is just around the corner, so what can we expect next?” Performance improvements & bug fixes, Improved mobile support,...

Okay Guys, Let’s Buff Up First

Non-Fungible Tokens for Yes-Functional Features It’s airdrop season. Some tokens make it big; some go to oblivion. Most require sitting in Telegram for 7 hours while you Alt-Tab between AstroTools and /biz/ before you can finally fill out Google Form 6 of 14. Well, no more of that painfully slow turtle-stomping-through-peanut-butter-level bullshit. We’re AstroTools — you know, space and stuff that’s cool, fast, and techy. So we’re rewarding loyal AstroTools users with an NFT airdrop! Get to the Drop Zone All users who hold at least 1,000 ASTRO between Thursday, October 1st, 2020, 22:00 ET and Wednesday, October 21st, 2020 22:00 ET will have a chance of receiving the following limited edition NFT:“Pipe Cleaner” (limited to only 50 tokens) — Eliminate space-time warpers who try to out-trade you. Grants unlimited access to the 16-bit Membership Pass without requiring ASTRO tokens, plus no monthly fees for six months as we leap into the “Jumping Plumber” version release. After six months, holding this token will reduce any monthly fees by 50%. We know the Beta Pass was a sweet deal that provided full access for a low price, but alas, we must move forward. Beta pass holders that upgraded to the full 16-bit plan (1,000 ASTRO) before October 1st (22:00 ET) and continue to hold through the Oct 1–21 window will have a chance to win a very special NFT:“BFG-9001” (limited to only 10 tokens) —...

The Dev Dungeon of Paku-Paku Taberu, Puck-Man

Every part of our lives here at AstroTools is measured in bits. We aim to iterate quickly, by dressing up our lead dev in a Zelda costume and hiding him away in a dungeon behind a cardboard cut-out of Gannon. It seems to work; there have been no complaints. The strat has delivered a steady stream of small yet trendsetting features every few days, glittering our path to RC1 “Pac-Dude” with treasures. Every once in a while though, we free the princess and allow him to spend some time investing in $LINK. However this time, the reunion didn’t last long. My guess? He longed $LINK last he was let out, but our intern saved his ass and went short as he left to be put back into the dungeon. So embarrassed, he now won’t even come out when we play “The Dev Went Down to Georgia” on the ocarina. We’d like to believe this release is the culmination of him slaving away in the dungeon since, but we have a hunch this release is the work of the intern as well. — It’s a Secret to Everybody - We are all equally shocked by the surprisingly gnarly features of Release 0.7.0, whoever did it:- Integrated Uniswap trading- Your own pair-specific trade history- ChartEx quick link (celebratory promo for CHART holders below)- Zerion integration And we need to discuss the impending Gloom:16-bit beta passes expire on October 1st Though we’re getting word from Hell on Earth that there may be saving grace in Our Hero Gloomguy:SNAP...

From “Ping” to “Ass Kong”

IT’S DANGEROUS TO GO ALONE! TAKE THIS. The AstroTools MVP landed ten days ago, providing DeFi traders with a new data dashboard that thousands of you have been using daily, demonstrating serious demand for a reliable data toolset and another excuse to tell your wife or girlfriend that you are busy working. Since launch, we’ve been churning through bug fixes and adding new features as we drive toward the launch of our beta, “Space Intruders”: New Listings — The go-to list for new Uniswap listings, complete with indicators highlighting tokens created by contract generators, and live rug pull warnings to keep you #SAFU, Token Explorer — Enter your desired `age`, `volume`, `TX count`, and `liquidity` criteria to show a list of matching pairs for further analysis., Whale Alert — Astro’s first to market solution enabling filtering of TX’s below a user-selected threshold. Want to track all buy and sell orders over >$10k? Whale Alert has your back., Dark Mode — When you no longer need to pretend to be doing work at the office with light mode, you can now save your eyes from bright screens while crushing bearish rebels in the galaxy., Roadmap Our roadmap starts with “Ping,” before journeying through your local game store’s dollar bin, culminating at “Ass Kong”, a quantum leap for our killer app — adding fully integrated trading features to remove yet another tab from your bro...


Hello, and welcome to AstroTools! A DeFi dashboard that bridges the information gap between centralized and decentralized exchanges, giving you an analytic edge to supercharge your trading experience. Here’s a list of frequently asked questions to help you get started: Q: Why does the ASTRO token exist? A: ASTRO is a membership token that users will need to hold to access the first production version of AstroTools (Release Candidate 1 — RC1). Q: How many ASTRO tokens are required to access AstroTools? A: We’ve decided to let the market calm down before confirming token holding requirements. Rest assured, we intend to make AstroTools as competitive and accessible as possible. Q: When will RC1 go live? A: RC1 will go live towards the end of September. Keep an eye on our social channels for further updates. Q: How do I report a bug or feature request? A: You can submit a feature request here: — we’d love your feedback! Q: Will there be a dark mode available? A: Our eyes hurt too; we’re on the case. Q: Will you improve the charting experience, add drawing tools, etc? A: Absolutely! This is our MVP, so it’s a little clunky, which is why it’s free, but we have ambitious plans. Watch this space! Q: How do I learn more about AstroTools? A: Our “hello, world” blog post contains a bunch of useful information:

Hello, world!

Meet AstroTools, a DeFi dashboard that bridges the information gap between centralized and decentralized exchanges, giving you an analytical edge to supercharge your trading experience. Why does AstroTools exist? We couldn’t find an efficient way to evaluate and navigate between prospects, so we took it upon ourselves to build something new, taking inspiration from numerous existing solutions we all know and love. Product Information The product you see today is our MVP, with limited but useful functionality. We’re offering all users free access to the MVP for the first two weeks to allow our development team to hone the user experience and start implementing our roadmap of features, which we’ll publish in the coming days. After the trial period ends, users will need to hold ASTRO to gain access to premium features. We believe that our product’s accessibility is vital to our long-term success, so we intend to let price discovery unfold before confirming token holding requirements for premium features. Doing so will enable us to set competitive pricing, allowing the maximum number of users to benefit from our tools. Tokenomics The AstroTools pre and private sales concluded yesterday, September 2nd, raising 75 ETH in preparation for the public Uniswap listing, which commenced a little after 8pm CET today, September 3rd. Tokens were listed at the same price as both earlier sales (0.00005 ETH). Since then, 75 ETH and 1,5...

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