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APW Price   

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APW Price:
$1.4 K
All Time High:
Market Cap:
$61.6 M

Circulating Supply:
Total Supply:
Max Supply:


The price of #APW today is $1.32 USD.

The lowest APW price for this period was $0, the highest was $1.32, and the exact current price of one APW crypto coin is $1.32390.

The all-time high APW coin price was $5.84.

Use our custom price calculator to see the hypothetical price of APW with market cap of ETH or other crypto coins.


The code for APWine crypto currency is #APW.

APWine is 3.7 years old.


The current market capitalization for APWine is $61,613,056.

APWine is ranking downwards to #340 out of all coins, by market cap (and other factors).


The trading volume is small today for #APW.

Today's 24-hour trading volume across all exchanges for APWine is $1,390.


The circulating supply of APW is 46,538,957 coins, which is 93% of the total coin supply.


APW has very limited pairings with other cryptocurrencies, but has at least 1 pairing and is listed on at least 3 crypto exchanges.


Note that there are multiple coins that share the code #APW, and you can view them on our APW disambiguation page.



We’ve Migrated to

Hello readers, APWine protocol news and updates have been moved to the following URL: Mirror is the world’s first decentralized writing platform that permanently houses content on the blockchain. See you there! We’ve Migrated to was originally published in APWine on Medium, where people are continuing the conversation by highlighting and responding to this story.

APGP10: APW Distribution to veAPW Holders [Now Live]

APGP10 has been executed. All veAPW holders are now entitled to APW distribution. The idea to distribute APW to veAPW holders was first proposed on May 1, 2022, by Dydymoon on the APWine governance forum. The proposal’s rationale was to use the unclaimed APW tokens from the genesis airdrop to bootstrap the governance participation. The vote to add APW rewards for veAPW holders has been put on Snapshot on May 6, 2022. In a unanimous vote, the community voted for distribution of unclaimed APW to veAPW holders. — What’s next?. — The unclaimed APW amounts to 262500 tokens, of which 12500 have been already used to bootstrap the APWine Bounties Initiative. The APGP10 has been executed on July 14, 2022, and the remaining 250000 (0.5% of the total supply) APW are now being distributed to veAPW holders in the following schedule over the course of the next 2 years.Distribution schedule — Where to check the APW balance from distribution?. — Head over to the APWine governance page and look for this box: Here, you’ll be presented with an option to lock your APW via the [Manage APW Lock] button. If you’re an existing veAPW holder, you’ll be able to preview your accumulated APW by hitting the [Rewards] button. Users can withdraw any balance of APW (greater than 0) directly into their wallets. — Resources:. — APGP 10 — SnapshotAPGP 10 Governance Forum DiscussionPanel for veAPW holdersE...

Winelisting 4 is Now Live

Vote on your favourite interest-bearing tokens to be integrated into APWine. Winemakers, the time has come for you to vote on the 4th Winelisting full of juicy interest-bearing tokens (iBTs). The voting went live at 12:00 PM CET on 13 Jul 2022 and will end at 12:00 PM CET on 20 Jul 2022. Vote via APWine App or directly on the Snapshot. This round hosts a record amount of 28 iBT candidates across Mainnet, Polygon and Arbitrum Networks: — Mainnet: Vote here 🗳️. — aBUSD : Aave (Proposal)aDAI : Aave (Proposal)aMANA : Aave (Proposal)icETH : Index Coop (Proposal)sPSP_9 : Paraswap (Proposal)iETH : Instadapp (Proposal)cETH : Compound (Proposal)sanUSDC_EUR: Angle Protocol (Proposal)eagEUR : Angle x Euler (Proposal)bnETH : Bancor (Proposal)bnAPW : Bancor (Proposal)bnBNT : Bancor (Proposal)bnUSDC : Bancor (Proposal)pLQTY : Pickle Finance (Proposal) — Polygon: Vote here 🗳️. — stMATIC : Lido Finance (Proposal)mooJArvis2CAD : Beefy Finance (Proposal)mooSushiJRTETH : Beefy Finance (Proposal)mooJarvis2SGD : Beefy Finance (Proposal)mooJarvis2JPY : Beefy Finance (Proposal)mooJarvis2EUR : Beefy Finance (Proposal)mooJarvisCurveAm3CRV : Beefy Finance (Proposal)dQuick : Quickswap (Proposal) — Arbitrum: Vote here. — mooTriCrypto, mooCurve2Pool, mooCurveRenBTC, mooAbrcdbrMIM-2CRV, mooSushi-USDCETH, mooSushi-gOHMWETH : Beefy Finance (Proposal 1 & 2)What are the benefits of ...

APWine is Coming to Arbitrum

The APWine DAO has chosen Arbitrum as the next deployment destination for the protocol. Discover all the benefits of the Arbitrum Network. Dear Winemakers, We are excited to share the outcome of the latest on-chain governance vote, in which the majority of voters chose Arbitrum as the next destination for the APWine Protocol.Voting results First posted by a user CoolGuy on Jan 21, 2022, the APIP 2 sparked week-long discussions between community members weighing the pros and cons of various networks. Six months later, on Jun 20, the APIP was put to on-chain voting during which all members with veAPW power could cast their votes. The vote ended on Jun 27 with Arbitrum gaining 50.48% of all casted votes. — Deployment. — The result obligates the core APWine members to fulfil the APIP and deploy the protocol on the Arbitrum Network in a timely manner. Given the volatile nature of blockchains, no specific deployment date can be set. However, the team remains optimistic and aims for mid-Q3 to officially deploy on the Arbitrum network. — Arbitrum in Numbers. — With over 51% TVL market share, Arbitrum is currently the fastest-growing layer2. Transaction costs are significantly lower compared to Mainnet and are also near-instant. DeFi users for whom gas prices on Mainnet are a real challenge will soon be able to get their feet wet with yield tokenization without stressing about high fees. As the Arbitrum E...

Unleashing stETH with APWine

Earn fixed interest on your underlying wETH, speculate on APY evolution or provide liquidity to APWine’s AMM to earn on the Yield Tokenisation trend. APWine offers new possibilities to stETH/wETH holders. By introducing a derivative layer for DeFi’s yield, they can now unleash the following opportunities: Hedging from APR volatility — for those who enjoy fixed income streams, Future yield in advance — why wait months when you can get it today, Speculation on APR evolution — forget trading on asset’s $ price fluctuations; % speculation is now a thing, Earning via Liquidity Provision — earn swap fees & APW rewards as traders speculate., These are the pillar features of APWine as of today. In this guide, we’ll discuss each point in detail while explaining the benefits & risks involved. Grab yourself a cup of coffee, and let’s get started ☕️ — 🔒 Fix APY on wETH — Hedge from volatility. — Source: Lido With Ethereum’s switch to PoS on the horizon, Lido sees users piling up to stake their $ETH to earn staking rewards. As the official Lido graph shows, growing deposits suppress APR over time. If you’re one of the stakers, chances are you’ll see APR continuing its downtrend, resulting in lower yields from staking rewards. Until recently, yield farmers could do nothing to hedge from APY volatility. Being at the mercy of the market doesn’t sound fun. APR ch...

APWine x Idle — The Ultimate Guide to Getting Future Yield Today, APY Speculation & Earning AMM…

APWine x Idle — The Ultimate Guide to Getting Future Yield Today, APY Speculation & Earning AMM Fees The latest Idle x APWine integration of interest-bearing tokens unleashed a suite of yield opportunities that weren’t possible before in DeFi. APWine is the pioneering yield tokenization protocol allowing you to get yield in advance (even today!) instead of waiting 3 months, speculating on APY evolution or hedging your passive yield from APY volatility. These and more fantastic options are now available for Idle users today. Grab a cup of tea and make yourself comfortable ☕ First, we’ll guide you through all the cool things APWine enables for Idle users. A comprehensive step-by-step tutorial is further in the article. Let’s get started! — 🔒 Fix APY — Hedge from volatility. — Like the price of $BTC or $ETH, the Annual Percentage Yield (APY) tends to be volatile. It’s a metric every DeFi staker, lender or yield farmer takes under consideration when deploying their precious crypto assets to any yield-generating platform. Idle users are also exposed to APY volatility when dealing with both Junior & Senior Tranches. 🍇 APWine lets you fix yield for a certain period so that you don’t have to worry about APY volatility. — 📈 APY Speculation. — Price speculation is crypto’s daily bread — everyone is familiar with the concept of the asset value going up and do...

Introducing Zaps: Increasing Capital Efficiency & Gas Savings For Fixed Rates

Fix rates with sizeable capital in one transaction at a lower cost. If you ever tried to fix rates with sizeable capital, you most likely faced the ‘Insufficient liquidity’ alert. Today, we’re happily saying goodbye to that issue by introducing Zaps ⚡ — a routing model that enables fixing rates with sizeable capital with the same levels of liquidity in the APWine protocol. — What’s new?. — Open full resolution When fixing rates on your underlying token, you‘ll see a nifty chart visualising the routing process. APWine automatically detects and highlights the best route to fix rates on your capital. Fixing rates with Zaps ⚡ is capital-efficient and wraps it into one transaction, saving you gas fees ⛽ and precious time. — Available when?. — Zaps ⚡are now available on all pools across Mainnet & Polygon. Start here: APWine APWine pioneers the evolution of yield farming, allowing users to tokenise unrealized yield. Speculate on the yield generated by DeFi protocols. Hedge risk on your passive revenue by converting it into futures. Capitalize on this growing trend by providing liquidity without worrying about impermanent loss. Connect with Winemakers: Twitter |Discord |Website Introducing Zaps: Increasing Capital Efficiency & Gas Savings For Fixed Rates was originally published in APWine on Medium, where people are continuing the conversatio...

Hack with APWine! It’s Time For Virtual Hackathon ft. HackMoney

Calling all hackers and super-shadowy coders to take part in our virtual hackathon! $8000 in $APW Prizes for winners ft. Superfluid! Hack from home to win $APW Prizes! We’re excited to inform APWine is sponsoring this year’s HackMoney — a virtual hackathon where talented hackers and devs compete to win money prizes for their cool projects. This time we’ve teamed up with our friends at Superfluid for one of the bounties! What’s more, APWine’s Co-Founder will give an online workshop on May 10th. The link is yet to be posted on HackMoney’s homepage. Is there still time to apply to hack? Yes it is! Bounties & Prizes — 🥇 $5000 in $APW. — Best yield strategy leveraging APWine: vaults, bots, automated strategy etc. — 🥈 $2000 in $APW. — Best integration with another protocol: leverage APWine and other DEFi building blocks to create new products. — 🥉 $1000 in $APW. — APWine x Superfluid: build something cool that involves both! Find the ongoing communication with APWine team via our dedicated channel at ETHGlobal Discord here.Prepare Yourself Find APWine documentation here and our SDK here. Tip: Tune into our Discord to meet fellow Winemakers and ask for ideas what to build! Good luck!Explore APWine APWine pioneers the evolution of yield farming, allowing users to tokenize unrealized yield. Speculate on the yield ...

Devconnect & ETHAmsterdam Highlights (With Pictures)

New friends, workshops & hackathon. Let’s recap it all! Winemakers, APWine’s core team went to Amsterdam last week (17–24 April) to spend collaborative time with other Web3 community members. That week overlapped two major Web3 events; devconnect & ETHAmsterdam — where APWine was the pillar sponsor of the latter. During this time, we’ve made a bunch of new friends, valuable connections, strengthened the team bonds and left with a ton of new ideas. (we also did some partying after hours 🤫) Let’s recap it all!Highlights — First coffee after arrival. — Gaspard & Yanis warming up shortly after arrival — Lunch with friends. — From the left; Ulysse, Lola (Blackpool), Gaspard, Sam, Marc Zeller, Antonie (LOGYKAL) & Yanis — Road to Being Famous. — Gaspard giving an interview! — Making new friends. — Antonie with new frens at Consensys & Ledger — Hacking stuff on the fly w Fiatdao. — source — Our humble booth 🍷. — Sam couldn’t believe we were giving all that swag away — The Swag 🍇🍇🍇. — so sleek — Introducing APWine to hackers. — Gaspard on stage! — Workshop time. — by Ulyssewrong country fren — Hackaton Winners!. — MauriceWbr, kkpeckk won $5K in APW with their automated strategy for APY futures — A well-deserved party time 🍷. — Ire...

Ultimate Guide to Period Switch

Read this April 2022 updated guide if you provided liquidity or hold any of the FYT & PT tokens. Winemakers, Today we’re releasing a refreshed guide to period switch. You can also find the content of this article on our dedicated page ‘Period Switch’ in our FAQ — if any changes to this process will be introduced, it’ll be reflected there first, followed by a Discord/Twitter notification. Periods APWine Protocol operates in 3-months cycles known as periods. During the period switch, some of the pools might be discontinued for various reasons like technical changes of the underlying token or pulled down for maintenance.Note that there can be several periods active at the same time. 📝All the information on major changes to pools will be posted via the pool-updates channel on our Discord. What’s more, our users need to take action regardless of whether they want to continue using APWine Protocol or withdraw funds completely. Here’s what you need to do: 💧 Liquidity Providers (LPs) Head over to your portfolio page -> Liquidity tab to see your all LP tokens. Here, you’ll be presented with these options for each LP token: ⚠️Important: On March 30, 2020, APWine introduced a new mechanism for liquidity providers that doesn’t require LPs to additionally stake LP tokens to receive $APW rewards. However, the ‘Unstake⚙️’ button is still visible as users still have some LP tokens staked ...

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