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ZEON Price   

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ZEON Price:
All Time High:
Market Cap:
$5.5 M

Circulating Supply:
Total Supply:
Max Supply:


The last known price of #ZEON is $0.000218 USD.

Please note that the price of #ZEON was last updated over 300 days ago. This can occur when coins have sporadic price reporting, no listings on exchanges or the project has been abandonded. All #ZEON statistics should be considered as 'last known value'.

The lowest ZEON price for this period was $0, the highest was $0.000218, and the exact last price of ZEON was $0.00021836.

The all-time high ZEON coin price was $0.020.

Use our custom price calculator to see the hypothetical price of ZEON with market cap of ETH and how the supply affects the price of ZEON at different market capitalizations.


The code for Zeon crypto currency is also #ZEON.

Zeon is 5.1 years old.


The current market capitalization for Zeon is $5,483,580.

Zeon is ranking downwards to #1353 out of all coins, by market cap (and other factors).


There is a very weak daily trading volume on #ZEON.

Today's 24-hour trading volume across all exchanges for Zeon is $23.00.


The circulating supply of ZEON is 25,112,820,353 coins, which is 50% of the maximum coin supply.

Zeon has a relatively large supply of coins, 207 times larger than Ethereum's supply, as an example.


ZEON has limited pairings with other cryptocurrencies, but has at least 3 pairings and is listed on at least 1 crypto exchange.

View #ZEON trading pairs and crypto exchanges that currently support #ZEON purchase.



Your tokens on BitMart

Hi! Now the best time to buy ZEON tokens on ZEON is a Top Gainer on Coinmarketcap in 2022., 12X since 01.04.2022. Stable growth since fundrasing company in 2018–2246%. Fixed floor price of token so holders are insured., Launch of DeFi Platform with more than $25M TVL in 1–2 months. Staking of ZEON token and payouts in USDT. During the bear market it is absolutely amazing., Listings on tier 1 exchanges such as Gate, Kucoin and Huobi in progress., Official sponsor of FileZilla — one of the most widely used FTP clients., Do not miss next price increase. Zeon Team ❤️ © 2017–2022 Zeon Network, the UK Foundation. Licenses: exchanging a virtual currency against a fiat currency, providing a virtual currency wallet service. Nothing in the newsletter constitutes professional and/or financial advice. U.S. customers can trade ZEON token on BitMart.

Token Price

The collapse of Terra Luna (and UST) has alarmed the crypto industry, and that’s why Zeon Foundation officially fixes the floor price of Zeon Token — 0.0005 USD or the fundraising price. Every holder may know that we guarantee the buyback of all tokens. Floor price can only be changed upwards. Even if USDT, Ethereum, BNB would copy a history of Terra Luna — Zeon Community is insured. Terra Luna stablecoin collapse: there is no use of UST in Zeon Network’s payment ecosystem, so there would be no negative effect on our products and token price. #LUNA #ZEON #crypto #news #defi #Ethereum #blockchain Token Price was originally published in ZEON NETWORK on Medium, where people are continuing the conversation by highlighting and responding to this story.

Token Burn and Price Expectations

Token Burn Our 2nd token burn 1 billion ZEON being burned and being removed from the ecosystem forever. This equates to around $1 million. It is a strong sign that our business model is functioning at a very healthy rate. We’ve long believed that the world needs a fully decentralized, open-source, public chain with high speed and low fees. 1st Token Burn: 4,000,000,000 ZEON — Transaction Hash 0xa87dd22326e41765cf02d9b28a779d699a5c2daa8691cecfa7b747cbb14cfbe0 2nd Token Burn: 1,000,000,000 ZEON — Transaction Hash 0x55c0c17d9104e32d356659b0dfd3bad720a056b0d8e062c73d1e4bef1c22dad9 10% of Total Supply = 5,000,000,000 ZEON burned. A great example of burn is $BNB (the rapid rise of BNB’s price after each burn) and our team hopes to get the same results after the 2nd burn. 🔥 Token Burn and Price Expectations was originally published in ZEON NETWORK on Medium, where people are continuing the conversation by highlighting and responding to this story.

Zeon Vpn

Free VPN. No ads. Download and start now. EN ZEON Network published the first application — ZEON VPN. Our team supports a decentralization and the right to respect for a private and family life. And we decided to develop a VPN application and make it #1 for crypto users. Features:No adsNo registrationNo logsStrong encryption algorithms (AES-256)High speed servers in 20+ countriesSimple to useAdvanced Privacy PolicyFree tokens for download and use Our mission: improving your anonymity and protecting your personal data. Download the application now, leave your review and it will help develop the best VPN for crypto users. Instructions about free tokens for using the application will be published soon. Download ZEON VPN for Android PC versions will available soon. RU ZEON Network публикует первое приложение для Android — ZEON VPN. Команда ZEON Network поддерживает децентрализацию и право пользователя на приватность. Используя опыт команды разработчиков, мы решили создать приложение VPN и сделать его #1 VPN для крипто сообщества. Особенности:отсутствие рекламыотсутствие регистрацииотсутствие лога256-битное шифрование данн...


Legal updates Trust is one of the key factors for developing the best services in the world. A trusting relationship between the user and the organization is possible if there is a transparent structure of the organization. ZEON Network officially became a FinTech company of the United Kingdom and issued 50 billion shares, which equates to 50 billion issued ZEON tokens. We will provide an innovative mechanism for obtaining official shares in the form of certificates (tokenization of the company). We do not revoke the right of users to anonymously buy and own ZEON tokens, we saved this right as a fundamental factor of decentralization. A company in the UK opens up significant opportunities for partnerships with institutional investors, banks, and IT companies. ZEON Network services (crypto wallet, loans secured by crypto assets, deposits in BTC, ETH, USDT, and other tokens) will become more accessible for potential partners because of English trust law which concerns the creation and protection of asset funds. ZEON Network 40 Shelton Street, London, England, WC2H 9JQ RU Для разработки самых лучших в мире продуктов одним из ключевых факторов является доверие. Доверительные отношения между пользователем и организацией возможны при наличии прозрачной структуры са...

Good news

Hotbit, IDEX, Forkdelta enable withdrawals of ZEON. Please, make a swap of ZEON tokens. Only 10 days left to make a Token Swap. List of IDEX traders that did not make Token Swap. Please, withdraw ZEON token from IDEX and send tokens here Otherwise, your wallet may be blacklisted on IDEX. 0x74c8c6ce9766c5f77e3e1ad5c75fe7da07199fc8 0x04d9f3c411256d591c6edc784649477e50521e12 0xda405f7cb86f03ffdbbb3f43e5a3bfcb208d3d81 0x0fd2cf82d6d0131233b4793bdeeac02e76a16207 0x12cdaa46ed3200146740747b10c84f3c39991fc2 0x2677a482a7D72466ac2Cf5D930aa0731987F8F6B 0xe7860481617b7cdf19e8ac6f94ce77c04486b1aa 0x7387d5ae4caeeb2b71c66af74f485f54cd8ce2a5 0x3FC3386d5d6955865EFFFDB872Eb2038e9e4aDF8 0x50b4d4301c2ca3c729a3d983558db26856be78c8 0xc3fcc4284a9f7b2e226e097851c893e04f5d3e7b 0x3482305dCB32616b56B62c93f93976caC8B6CDCa 0xa5d891ccdf8243d2c5851ff616238ae473cdb256 0x4b0fC7E3EcB09f340946331B596AFc4B044D58f5 0xbc21a07cf6fa6926775df2add9d52ad4ed3cca36 0xb03afd77df1e9a9ed25e6da333f07b910e9784de 0xE0cB656E4B3C473e69a5A0080Dbc1AcE3b9049b3 0xb3c607cf552e221f7affff436b024ce886f0e2a9 0x1f1a7ed39db623f2075f9205f6cf8f7742fe8380 0x21a6ff804887c5761c0997c8c82cddafe2cb591f 0xa0c2bc6c06d9c095751ccee9d260a7ee2225368b 0x4432cDf1D38067d35AC1158C81dF656137Eb3A98 0x49ad800eb3314c69a76f2bfdaeed2d8bf31b81c1 0xc1579d4daad290198212ab9e045fcca0872c6e6c 0x147594a96e546dbe5240aad4070940476e732c7e 0x610f09969f6e6440da250b54bd4b6564f0db6ae2 0x91e5bec232f103...


Hotbit and IDEX enable withdrawals of ZEON. Please, make a swap of ZEON tokens. You need to cancel your orders on the exchanges and to make a withdrawal of ZEON to your individual wallet. Then send tokens on the official address of SWAP process — 0x04e9DC7A6c2E2db000b92865FFfCbDC54A840B25 All trading on Hotbit has been stopped. Any questions — Follow announcements — Token Swap Instruction — ZEON Swap 🚀 was originally published in ZEON NETWORK on Medium, where people are continuing the conversation by highlighting and responding to this story.

Token Swap

What is the Token Swap? With the token sale which ended last year, the ZEON Team distributed ERC20 ZEON tokens, which are currently being traded in the top exchanges. Now, we plan to update the Ethereum smart contract to release new functions. The Token Swap will be made with an exchange rate. How will the Token Swap be made? The Token Swap will be implemented through the exchanges that ZEON is listed on (1st stage) and smart contract (2nd stage). 1. The Token Swap using exchanges If you are holding your ZEON tokens on the swap will be made automatically. If you are holding your ZEON tokens on the swap will be made automatically. You will get updated ZEON tokens automatically. The Token Swap will be made with an exchange rate without losing the USD value of your assets. If you have any questions please contact via or in the Telegram chat. If you are holding your ZEON tokens on all your orders 2. Withdraw ZEON tokens to the personal address 3. Then send ZEON tokens to our official address: 0x04e9DC7A6c2E2db000b92865FFfCbDC54A840B25 You will receive updated tokens on the sender’s wallet. 2. The Token Swap using smart contract If you are holding your ZEON tokens NOT on the exchanges, you need to send ZEON tokens to our official address: 0x04e9DC7A6c2E2db000b92865FFfCbDC54A840B25 Deadline: 10.07.2020. Otherwise, your wallet should be blacklisted by smart-contract. You...

Monthly Trading Statistics

17.04.2019–17.05.2019 Total trading volume: 20 591 337,00 USD (+485.36%) 30 Day High: $0.001795 USD (-21,44%) 30 Day Average price: $0,001267 USD (-21,79%) Circulating supply: 24 112 520 288 ZEON Main trading pair: ZEON/BTC Data: Traders who buy/sell on IDEX get +2% rewards on their monthly volume. Monthly Trading Statistics was originally published in ZEON NETWORK on Medium, where people are continuing the conversation by highlighting and responding to this story.

ZEON and MetaMask

ZEON is now available in MetaMask by default as top tokens after the audit. You can install the MetaMask add-on in Chrome, Firefox, Opera. MetaMask includes a secure identity vault, providing a user interface to manage your identities on different sites and sign blockchain transactions. ZEON and MetaMask was originally published in ZEON NETWORK on Medium, where people are continuing the conversation by highlighting and responding to this story.

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