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XSTUSD Price   

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SORA Synthetic USD  


All Time High:
Market Cap:
$29.1 K

Circulating Supply:
Total Supply:
Max Supply:


The price of #XSTUSD today is $0.023 USD.

The lowest XSTUSD price for this period was $0, the highest was $0.023, and the exact current price of one XSTUSD crypto coin is $0.02271.

The all-time high XSTUSD coin price was $3.81.

Use our custom price calculator to see the hypothetical price of XSTUSD with market cap of ETH or other crypto coins.


The code for SORA Synthetic USD crypto currency is #XSTUSD.

SORA Synthetic USD is 3.1 years old.


The current market capitalization for SORA Synthetic USD is $29,110.

SORA Synthetic USD is ranked #1013, by market cap (and other factors).


There is a weak daily trading volume on #XSTUSD.

Today's 24-hour trading volume across all exchanges for SORA Synthetic USD is $113.


The circulating supply of XSTUSD is 1,281,944 coins, which is 100% of the total coin supply.

Note the limited supply of SORA Synthetic USD coins which adds to rarity of this cryptocurrency and increases perceived market value.


XSTUSD is a token on the Sora blockchain.


XSTUSD has limited pairings with other cryptocurrencies, but has at least 3 pairings and is listed on at least 2 crypto exchanges.

View #XSTUSD trading pairs and crypto exchanges that currently support #XSTUSD purchase.



SORA Ecosystem Update #69, September 18, 2023

SORA development status updates are released every two weeks with development updates from across the community. Enjoy the September 18, 2023, Ecosystem updates! — SORA Integrated Plan - — You Are Here — SORA Summer Edition (ソラの夏). — Many worlds, one economy. The rains of Autumn have begun in some parts of the world, but at SORA, Summer is in full force as we continue to build the new economic order. The SORA Synthetics (XST) platform was recently released, and there are already 19 XST-based assets available on! Assets like XSTXAU (synthetic gold) or XSTAG (synthetic silver) join the likes of synthetic Swiss Franc, Euro or Japanese Yen or US cuckbucks (XSTUSD). Additionally, celebrating the SORA Synthetics platform launch, you can participate in an airdrop bounty program to earn part of a $34K pool while learning all about SORA Synthetics and Polkswap. This is an excellent opportunity for new users to onboard to the SORA ecosystem, all the while accruing rewards by doing so. If this sounds interesting, check out the rules of engagement in this article. If you are already participating in the airdrop, that is only phase one! You can check your progress at and find shortcuts to the different tasks. Good luck! The SORA Synthetics platform is still generating attention. Yesterday, SORA contributor Mathieu conducted an interesting Ask Me Anything (AMA) session with th...

SORA Ecosystem Updates #68, August 31, 2023

SORA development status updates are released every two weeks with development updates from across the community. Enjoy the August 31, 2023, Ecosystem updates! — SORA Integrated Plan - — You Are Here — SORA Summer Edition (ソラの夏) - Many worlds, one economy. August 2023 has been quite the eventful month, as a hurricane hits some parts of the world and former francophone colonies in Africa are rising up against their governments due to the people’s desperation enduring regimes of leaders who twist their system to obtain perpetual power, at SORA, we continue to build to improve the world. Making the world a better place does not mean giving away free money to pump dem bagz into an early retirement. It means equalising the playing field so everyone can have the same opportunities. The opportunity to have education, a roof over one’s head, enough healthy food to eat and never sleep hungry, and the opportunity to be heard and participate in the decision-making process. These may seem trivial to some more fortunate people, but this notion is alien to others and almost impossible for many people worldwide. We aren’t naïve. Indeed, the problems that plague our world will not be solved by throwing money at them. Look at how far the IMF or World Bank have gotten, effectively taking over the countries they “help.” We understand that significant changes come one step and one day at a time, and meaningf...

SORA Ecosystem Update #67, August 18, 2023

SORA development status updates are released every two weeks with development updates from across the community. Enjoy the August 18, 2023, Ecosystem updates! — SORA Integrated Plan - — You Are Here — SORA Summer Edition - Many worlds, one economy. The SORA Summer (ソラの夏) is warming up, as we are at a crucial defining point for the entire ecosystem. With the multiple bridges to SORA in an advanced testing phase, SORA Card having started signups, and the XST platform soon being available, the SORA community now focuses on the SORA Polkadot crowdloan. Welcome to the SORA Summer. Here’s what you can expect: — A Message From the SORA Technical Contributors.. — We want to thank you all for your ongoing support and the SORA Community, who diligently compile these updates for you every two weeks. This is an extraordinary time for the SORA network, as much of the work we have been doing to ensure the SORA Integrated Plan progresses has reached a significant milestone. We have begun the Polkadot Parachain Crowdloan, and with your support, we hope to open the floodgates to multiple networks. Before we continue with some information about the Polkadot Parachain crowdloan campaign, there are some clarifications to address. First and foremost is the SORA community’s commitment to decentralization and open-source software. As SORA is an economic system for the benefit of all humanity, its technol...

How to Sign Up for SORA Card, a Walkthrough

In this article, you will find a walkthrough to sign up for SORA Card and undergo the KYC process.. — Although signing up and undergoing KYC for SORA Card is straightforward, this article will help you resolve any questions you might have. In this article, you will find: The channels and options to apply for SORA Card, The documents and information you should prepare for a smooth KYC process, The registration and KYC flow, You can read more about where to sign up and the pre-requirements in the article that announced SORA Card signups. We have summarised it again below. — 1. Channels and options to apply for SORA Card - There are two channels to apply for SORA Card: On the dApp, Through the SORA Wallet mobile app (available on Google Play and the Apple App Store), *If you just downloaded SORA Wallet, store your seed phrase safely. And the three options to apply for SORA Card, along with the fees for each option, are: If you already have more than €100 worth of XOR in your account, staked, or in a pool where you provide liquidity: the application with your SORA address is free;, If you want to purchase XOR to have the €100 balance for a free order, you can buy XOR worth up to €700 within the app with only soft KYC required (details below);, If you do not have €100 worth of XOR and don’t want to purchase it, there will be a fee of €20 to apply for KYC and the SORA Card availab...

SORA Card sign-ups are LIVE!

We are thrilled to announce the launch of sign-ups for SORA Card!. — SORA Card, the neobanking-inspired solution bringing an IBAN and debit card to your DeFi applications, is now open to sign up. Keep self-custody over your crypto while having your IBAN, debit card and daily finances in the same app. SORA Card is for people who value freedom. In this initial phase, users can request their SORA Card, comply with the application requirements through an integrated on-ramp, and complete the KYC procedure. Shortly after, IBAN functionality, powering SEPA transfers, and the possibility to receive fiat funds will be activated. Here is a summary of the process and requirements to sign up for SORA Card. There are two channels to apply for SORA Card: On the dApp, Through the SORA Wallet mobile app (available on Google Play and the Apple App Store)*If you just downloaded SORA Wallet, safely store your seed phrase., Find out more at The three options to apply for SORA Card, along with the fees for each prospect, are: If you already have more than €100 worth of XOR in your account: the application with your SORA address is free;, If you want to purchase XOR to have the €100 balance for a free account, you can buy XOR worth up to €700 within the app with only soft KYC required (details below);, If you do not have €100 worth of XOR and don’t want to purchase it, there will be a fee of €20 ...

SORA Ecosystem Update #66, July 28, 2023

SORA development status updates are released every two weeks with development updates from across the community. Enjoy the July 28, 2023, Ecosystem updates! — SORA Integrated Plan. — The SORA Integrated Plan Many worlds, one economy. The last time we caught up was on the fourth of July, between barbecues and fireworks, celebrating overthrowing monarchy with a plutocratic system. June’s updates set the tone for the Summer of SORA; a month later, we’re back with the latest news from the ecosystem. Some community members mentioned that monthly updates would be interesting, so we thought it would be worth a try. Welcome to the first Monthly SORA update. We’re not sure if this is a format that should be used moving forward, and we would love to know your thoughts. Do you like monthly updates? Would you prefer to continue having bi-weekly updates? Let us know on Twitter and Telegram. The spectrum of decentralization includes such seemingly minor things as the frequency that you’re updated on the progress of the SORA Integrated Plan. Without further ado, let’s jump right in. The first order is bridges; the SORA <> Kusama parachain bridge is functional already on the testnet. Currently, the focus is on giving the bridge a UI while it is also being audited and bugs found are fixed. At the risk of sounding like a broken record, bridges are notorious targets for online and IRL attacks. Audits a...

SORA Ecosystem Update #65, July 4, 2023

SORA development status updates are released every two weeks with development updates from across the community. Enjoy the June 30, 2023, Ecosystem updates! If you missed the previous ones: June 16 / May 31 / May 15 / April 21 / April 10 / March 23 / February 27 / February 9 / January 23 / older Ecosystem Updates are archived here, and Dev Updates are archived here. Moving forward, Ecosystem updates from SORA, Polkaswap, and Fearless Wallet will be presented separately, allowing each project to have a space to highlight their specific roadmaps and development. — SORA Integrated Plan - Many worlds, one economy. As the month of June ends, and we bid farewell to the first half of 2023, the SORA community continues to build the foundations for a new world economic order, one where everyone’s voice is heard, and money is used as a tool to foster collective development and growth instead of individual gains that widen the divide between people. The SORA community is working hard to achieve a better world for everyone, picking up the pieces of a legacy system flawed and obsolete and taking full advantage of innovative technologies that facilitate the goal of advancing humanity. Innovations and changes are always scary, but we take on this head-on and build for a better future where regulators, entrepreneurs of all scales, and communities embrace technologies that will improve and bring more transparency and e...

Testing SORA’s HASHI bridge Substrate XCM transfers between Rococo and SORA testnet

Help us test the latest upgrade to the HASHI Substrate bridge!. — Ahead of the full release of the HASHI bridge Substrate XCM upgrade, it is already possible to test sending assets to and from Rococo (Polkadot’s Parachain Testnet) and the SORA testnet (a standalone Substrate test network), utilizing the SORA Rococo parachain and Substrate XCM. — Here is a quick tutorial on how you can help test this feature:. — You will need a Substrate account on that allows use on any chain. You can get Rococo testnet tokens from the faucet provided by Parity. To claim these tokens, input your Substrate address and then verify you’re a human and click the “Get some $ROC” button. Make sure you’ve updated your extension in Settings.Rococo faucet provided by Parity With $ROC tokens on your account, navigate to and switch the network to the Rococo relay chain. Next, navigate to Developer > Extrinsics. Here you will need to select the account that has $ROC tokens from the faucet. The extrinsic to submit is xcmPallet then reserveTransferAssets(dest,beneficiary,assets,feeAssetitem), The dest: is V3, The interior:XCMV3Junctions is X1, The Parachain is 2011, Then in the next section, the Beneficiary:XCMVersionedMultiLocation is V3, Under V3:XCMMultilocation the interior:XCMV3Junctions is X1, The X1:XCMV3Junction is Accountid32 and in the id:[u8:32] section, input your SORA test network acc...

SORA Ecosystem Update #64, June 16, 2023

SORA development status updates are released every two weeks with development updates from across the community. Enjoy the June 16, 2023, Ecosystem updates! If you missed the previous ones: May 31 / May 15 / April 21 / April 10 / March 23 / February 27 /February 9 / January 23 / older Ecosystem Updates are archived here, and Dev Updates are archived here. Moving forward, Ecosystem updates from SORA, Polkaswap, and Fearless Wallet will be presented separately, allowing each project to have a space to highlight their specific roadmaps and development. — SORA Integrated Plan - The SORA Integrated Plan Many worlds, one economy. This section is typically reserved for bringing you up to speed with the last two weeks of development in the SORA ecosystem, as well as other interesting occurrences. However, today’s update is different and exciting, as the entire update has been revamped to make it easier to stay informed about the topics that interest you most in the ecosystem. As they say, the only constant is change, and these updates are no exception. We introduced this section when the SORA Integrated Plan came into effect, mapping out the development and giving you a glimpse into the direction that the project was heading. This time, the updates themselves are changing. Therefore, in this particular article, you will only see updates for SORA. If you are interested in Polkaswap or Fearless Wallet updates, th...

May 31, 2023, Ecosystem Updates for SORA, Polkaswap, and Fearless Wallet

The SORA, Polkaswap, and Fearless Wallet projects are all closely related as they form integral parts of the SORA and Dotsama ecosystems (of which SORA is a part). That is why development status updates are released every two weeks for these three projects, in one convenient place, with development updates from across the community. Enjoy the May 31, 2023 Ecosystem updates! If you missed the previous ones: May 15 / April 21 / April 10 / March 23 / February 27 /February 9 / January 23 / older Ecosystem Updates are archived here and Dev Updates are archived here — Welcome to the May 31 Ecosystem Updates! - — You are Here - The SORA Integrated Plan Many worlds, one economy. The last day of May… The year is almost halfway through and as the Summer starts in some parts of the world, SORA never stops! There is a lot to talk about this time, for starters, users can now nominate SORA network validators from the palm of their hand as of the latest Fearless Wallet update. This is the first Fearless feature available to SORA users as part of their membership in the SORA Builders Programme. Gone are the cold days of winter when you needed to follow a series of steps in the platform now known as… Summer has brought the ability to nominate validators on the network to the palm of your hand. With vast oceans of liquidity, more than one bridge is needed to cross. After all the hard work put into bu...

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