| Primecoin 
| #XPM
XPM Price: | $0.05 | | Volume: | — | All Time High: | $4.08 | | Market Cap: | — |
Circulating Supply: | 28,839,207 |
| Exchanges: | —
| Total Supply: | — |
| Markets: | —
| Max Supply: | — |
| Pairs: | 6
The last known price of #XPM is $0.05 USD.
Please note that the price of #XPM was last updated over 660 days ago. This can occur when coins have sporadic price reporting, no listings on exchanges or the project has been abandonded. All #XPM statistics should be considered as 'last known value'.
The lowest XPM price for this period was $0, the highest was $0.051, and the exact last price of XPM was $0.05114.
The all-time high XPM coin price was $4.08.
Use our custom price calculator to see the hypothetical price of XPM with market cap of BTC or other crypto coins. |
The code for Primecoin crypto currency is #XPM.
Primecoin is 9.8 years old. |
The current market capitalization for Primecoin is not available at this time.
Primecoin is ranking downwards to #8862 out of all coins, by market cap (and other factors). |
The trading volume is unknown during the past 24 hours for #XPM. |
The circulating supply of XPM is 28,839,207 coins. |
 Is Elon Musk a Phony? Part One: The Pied Piper of Twitter. — I’d no sooner trust a billionaire with free speech than I would a poet with money. In this article I will explore whether Elon Musk is deserving of the adulation he currently receives (in some circles) as a champion of free speech, as an outspoken critic of the World Economic Forum, and as a disruptor of the Deep State. The article is divided into three parts. This is Part I, The Pied Piper of Twitter. Parts II and III will be published next week. The Pied Piper of Twitter, Pushmi-Pullyu, A Twist in the Thiel, — The Pied Piper of Twitter - Tesla’s CEO may warble twitter in interviews as though the word had been tooted down the whistle-end of a Chupa Chup Melody Pop, but it’s in writing that the self-proclaimed free speech absolutist (and sometimes incoherent mumbler) finds his voice. And it was one of his tweets which stuck in my craw of late. Musk talks a big game, and in reply to concerns over the appointment of Linda Yaccarino, Chairman of the World Economic Forum’s Taskforce on Future of Work (whatever that means), Musk sympathized:“I hear your concerns, but don’t judge too early. I am adamant about defending free speech, even if it means losing money.” Wait, what did he just say? Even if it means losing money.?! I’ll argue that this statement is total bullcrap and that Elon is a phony. Let us begin. — Elon Musk on Twitter: "I hear yo... 
|  Moving From Medium To DARA After eight months of toil, The Immutable Network have unleashed the DARA Extension in the Chrome Web Store. The time has finally come. The time has come to permanently save and make immutable my articles, from ARRR to ZANO. Originally published on a crypto news site some years ago, then republished on Medium following that site’s closure (which ultimately inspired The Immutable Network) the articles will now find their home on DARA. The DARA browser extension saves each article to IPFS, and then each IPFS hash on Binance Smart Chain. The process costs roughly a nickel and dime worth of $DARA token, and takes only a few seconds. The Immutable Network hosts a cluster of IPFS nodes and uses the blockchain records as an immutable database to verify and authenticate its library of information. When saving I can add my DARA (BSC) address to the blockchain record. All my work will be republished using my account, and readers can be sure that any other articles published with my blockchain address must be mine. Once saved I’ll tweet out some of my favorite writings with some side-by-side pics so everybody can see the power of the DARA browser extension in making perfect copies which will outlast their counterpart on Medium. I truly hope that bloggers, journalists, researchers, students, teachers, tweeters, writers and readers will use the DARA extension to save what is most important to them.
|  Andrey Sabelnikov: From CryptoNote to Zano This article was originally published on The Daily Chain, 30th April 2020.Andrey Sabelnikov“Nothing really special was in the introduction, I guess, and we are still in contact.”— Andrey Sabelnikov, April 2020, speaking of Nicolas van Saberhagen — The Godfather of CryptoNote - After today you will never forget the name Andrey Sabelnikov. The origins of CryptoNote, the technology used in Monero and hundreds of other privacy coins is shrouded in more mystery than Bitcoin. CryptNote borrowed ideas from Bitcoin, but is a completely different technology focused on private financial transactions. Bytecoin, the first CryptoNote coin (from which Monero forked), and the CryptoNote Project also remain complete enigmas. The former is considered by many to be a scam because of its uncertain origins, and presumed premine. That Bytecoin was the first CryptoNote coin is not contested.Diagram depicting active CryptoNote coins, whose history starts with Sabelnikov’s original implementation in Bytecoin (image from forkmaps) As with Bitcoin, the CryptoNote story begins with a whitepaper appearing, as if out of nowhere. Its anonymous author, the Satoshi of CryptoNote, is Nicolas van Saberhagen. Some have speculated that Saberhagen and Sabelnikov are one and the same, but the Russian who graduated from Saint Petersburg State University of Aerospace Instrumentation as a system programming engineer before working in the antivirus spac... 
|  I have a dream What I look forward to, among many things, is the opportunity to bring to the market a product which is simple to use, free to use, and self-sustaining as long as a small percent of users take advantage of our premium features. I want the DARA Chrome extension, which starts life by saving blogs and articles posts to IPFS and attesting authorship with records of hashes/title/date/author to The Immutable Ledger on BSC, to blow this space away. Our devs will deliver, and when in future VC fund managers ask how much The Immutable raised to release DARA which seduced million of writers to move to The Immutable publishing platform, and they’re told “around 70 thousand dollars,” I want them to laugh louder and deeper than they have since high school. I have a dream that DARA will usher in a new class of free products that leverage the best technologies to empower us, the people, to reclaim what is rightfully ours — our words.
|  An NKN Odyssey: A Billion Nodes with Dr. Zhang This article was originally published on The Daily Chain,7th January 2020.“Let me be explicit: the current NKN node code, without any modification, will work with one billion full nodes without any problem.”— Dr. Yiliun Zhang, NKN CTO, November 20 2019 New Kind of Network (NKN) is a project aiming to create the world’s most efficient, scalable and decentralized communication network. Earlier this month, after over a year of courting Binance and following a spectacular landslide victory in the exchange’s revamped Community Vote, NKN was finally listed. In high-spirits it is a great opportunity for us to catch up on what other progress NKN has made. In the past I have written a detailed and lengthily primer for NKN, and published an interview with its modest yet brilliant founder Yanbo Li. The primer details the tech behind NKN with a focus on the bewildering world of cellular automata, a stunning method for modelling the world around us. Cellular automata reveal with startling results the truth of how simple rules can create complex systems and patterns. These systems exist in life and nature, and with the language of cellular automata we are better able to grasp how even the seemingly chaotic or random are borne out of simple rules: like a pattern on a shell or the leaves of a tree, or even the Universe. For NKN, understanding the behavior of these puzzling contradictions is the inspiration for its revolutionary ... 
|  AltsBit Hack: The Buried Lead This article was originally published on The Daily Chain, 11th February 2020. — $330,000 worth of cryptocurrency stolen.. — The Altsbit exchange alleged hack recently covered by Cointelegraph and other media outlets is significantly worse than reported. “Altsbit lost about $70,000 in Bitcoin and Ether” reported Cointelegraph yesterday, February 10th.“After Altsbit first reported on the hack on Twitter on Feb. 6, the exchange released withdrawal instructions on Feb. 9. According to the statement, the hack caused Altsbit to have lost 6.929 Bitcoin (BTC) and 23 Ether (ETH), among losses in other cryptocurrencies such as Pirate Chain (ARRR), VerusCoin (VRSC) and and Komodo (KMD).”— Cointelegraph, February 10th Bizarrely, Cointelegraph and other media outlets buried the lead (or “lede” depending on your preference) and did not account for the losses in Pirate Chain (ARRR) and Verus Coin (VRSC), which increase the reported losses of $70,000 to $330,000.Excerpt from AltsBit statement Pirate Chain, whose next reward halving is expected at the end of this month, was most heavily hit with a staggering 3,924,082 coins stolen, or about 2% of the total supply stolen (4% of the circulating supply). At the time of publishing this amounts to $219,748 at 5.6 cents a coin. However, Verus holders fared even worse. 414,154 VRSC, or $35,203 at 8.5 cents a coin, were also stolen. Verus holders will be compensated less... 
|  13 Questions: PirateChain’s Pirate Queen Jane Mercer, aka radix42, talks Life, Satoshi and… 13 Questions: PirateChain’s Pirate Queen Jane Mercer, aka radix42, talks Life, Satoshi and Everything - This article was originally published on Human Action, 4th June 2019, and republished on The Daily Chain, 9th September 2019.Jane Mercer“I was the person that bugged satoshi to start the first bitcoin mailing list”— Jane Mercer Following my recent interview with FishyGuts and MrLynch of PirateChain I remained in The Wailing Barnacle (PirateChain discord). One afternoon I started researching another ARRR core dev, radix42. I found this CoinDesk article entitled “Zcash Pays Off Developer to Avoid Blockchain Split”In a forum post published Tuesday, the sole maintainer of the Windows zcash wallet software, D. Jane Mercer, said he was going to cease development of the clients and release a zcash competitor “rebranded as another coin,” if he didn’t get further funding for his work. The attentive reader may already understand my confusion, referencing the Pirate Queen as he, and him. I asked in the Barnacle and Jane quickly responded, and later DM’d me with more details. We got chatting and pretty soon I had enough material to publish another interview, even though it had not been my intention at the outset. In order to preserve the natural flow of that conversation, which I enjoyed immensely, I publish her words verbatim. I edited my own very slightly for the sake of clarity. The usual format for 13 Questio... 
|  13 Questions: Interview with Yanbo Li, NKN founder and OnChain co-founder This article was originally published on The Daily Chain, 18th November 2019.“I turned my attention to open source and Linux, and began following the footsteps of Richard Stallman and Linus Torvalds, instead of Kevin Mitnick.”— Yanbo Li, November 2019 — 13问:访谈NKN创始人、OnChain联合创始人李彦博 - The single greatest thing about doing these interviews is meeting all the people from different walks of life, cultures and backgrounds, who are involved with this technology. Whilst talking tech is always great fun, and the bread and butter of any crypto interview, talking exclusively tech can sometimes obfuscate the more subtle and vital sparks of illumination: Why are they doing this? What’s the point (seriously)? What makes them tick? This interview does not mention ‘exchange listings’ or (cough) ‘Binance’. No, dear reader, not this one. This one’s a little different. Since there is already a plethora of technical information written, recorded, and streamed on the subject of NKN (New Kind of Network), and a primer by yours truly, I have taken this interview with Yanbo Li as an opportunity to get personal, in what I hope will prove to be the most detailed and candid interview ever recorded in the crypto space to date. Yanbo grew up in China, made it to Stanford, then went to Motorola, Qualcomm and finally Nokia before co-founding OnChain with Da Hongfei and Jun Li (founder Ontology), th... 
|  13 Questions: Interview with PirateChain’s Captain FishyGuts and MrLynch This article was originally published on Human Action, 5th May 2019, and republished on The Daily Chain, 13th November 2019.“Please support Privacy and your right to financial privacy. Whether it’s protecting your privacy with Monero, Zcash, Zcoin, Grin or Pirate, it’s up to us all to realize that this is Not investment advice, this is necessity advice.”~ FishyGuts, May 1st 2019 — A Crow’s Nest Overview - For this interview I packed my trunk and gained steerage on a frigate bound for Pirate Island in the Komodo Archipelago. The guys here at Human Action tipped me off about some interesting goings-on in the The Wailing Barnacle, a pub on Pirate Island. Oh boy, were they right. I’d heard of Komodo (KMD) before but knew very little about it. PirateChain (ARRR), the subject of this interview, was equally mysterious to me. All I knew at the outset was that the projects are deeply connected.Pirate Island, Komodo Archipelago On landing in the PirateChain discord (The Wailing Barnacle), you’ll see a whole bunch of rooms: pirate chat; bounties and contests; mining; pirate notary services (what was this?); development; and a treasure trove of others. The PirateChain community is very, very active and lots of chat and tipping was going on, which is always a good sign (albeit unusual for pirates), and a galleon of hilarious pirate emojis to mess with. In fact, shortly after landing I was lucky enough to get a tip ... 
|  5 Stablecoins Added to AtomicDEX This article was originally published on The Daily Chain, 13th November 2019. Earlier today the Komodo team announced the addition of five stablecoins to their AtomicDEX exchange. AtomicDEX is the fruition of years of work spent creating a truly decentralized exchange. No proxy token, no gateway protocol. All “swaps” on the exchange are wallet-to-wallet, meaning a user never surrenders control of their funds.“There’s no need to make deposits or withdrawals and never any need to give up control of your private keys to a centralized exchange.”— Komodo announcement Komodo’s DEX (decentralized exchange) has been touted as the holy grail of the blockchain industry. Yet in its nascence AtomicDEX lacks liquidity and trading volume. Order books are thin as the platform looks to increase its user base. What the exchange lacks in liquidity, it more than makes up for in decentralization. Yet gaining popularity is a priority and the suite of stablecoins added today should improve uptake. USD Coin (USDC), True USD (TUSD), Dai Stablecoin (DAI), Paxos (PAX), and Binance USD (BUSD) are the five stablecoins added today.“With this new stablecoin suite added to AtomicDEX, you can easily swap to the stablecoin of your choice without giving up the private keys to your coins, or even leaving your wallet. Whether it’s to avoid market volatility or make a payment in a stablecoin, AtomicDEX lets you do everything from within a s... 