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XLM Price   

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XLM Price:
$0.1 B
All Time High:
Market Cap:
$11 B

Circulating Supply:
Total Supply:
Max Supply:


The price of #XLM today is $0.34 USD.

The lowest XLM price for this period was $0, the highest was $0.344, and the exact current price of one XLM crypto coin is $0.34420.

The all-time high XLM coin price was $0.92.

Use our custom price calculator to see the hypothetical price of XLM with market cap of BTC and how the supply of XLM affects the price at different market capitalizations.


The code for Stellar is #XLM.

Stellar is 10.5 years old.


The current market capitalization for Stellar is $10,536,867,299.

Stellar is ranked #12 out of all coins, by market cap (and other factors).


There is a very large volume of trading today on #XLM.

Today's 24-hour trading volume across all exchanges for Stellar is $120,462,078.


The circulating supply of XLM is 30,613,001,755 coins, which is 61% of the total coin supply.

Relatively, Stellar has a large supply of coins, 1,392 times larger than Bitcoin's supply, for example.


XLM is the native coin for the Stellar blockchain.

View the full list of Stellar blockchain tokens.


XLM is well integrated with many pairings with other cryptocurrencies and is listed on at least 71 crypto exchanges.

View #XLM trading pairs and crypto exchanges that currently support #XLM purchase.



Stellar Community Blog Bounty

Attention all Stellar community members! Have you done anything cool on Stellar? We want to hear about it! Heck, we may even pay you! We are excited to announce a new bounty program for our community blogs. For a limited time, if you submit a post to our community blog and it gets approved for publishing, we will give you 250 USDC. We are looking for high-quality, informative, and engaging content that highlights the capabilities and potential of the Stellar network. To participate, all you have to do is submit your community blog to us. If your submission is selected, you will earn 250 USDC as a reward. This is a great opportunity for you to share your knowledge and insights about the Stellar network and earn some cryptocurrency at the same time. We are looking for a wide range of content, including but not limited to: Introductions to the Stellar network and its features, Use cases and real-world applications of the Stellar network, Technical explanations and tutorials, Comparisons with other blockchain networks, Predictions and future developments of the Stellar network, To submit your community blog, please email us at with the following information: Your name and contact details, The title of your blog post, A link to the draft of your blog post on, We will review all submissions and select the best ones for publishing on the Stellar community blog. Don’t miss out on this oppor...

DAOs & Don’ts #1: The DAO

DAOs & Don’ts is a blog series to research potential solutions that support the implementation of decentralized governance in the Stellar Community Fund (SCF). Read more in this blog post. Each issue will explore a particular decentralized community or DAO to identify its successful features or achievements (DAOs) and vulnerabilities or downfalls (Don’ts). Join the discussion in our SCF Discord! Let’s get started where it all began: The DAO. The DAO launched in 2016 and was a platform for collective investment in blockchain-based projects. It was the first functional DAO implementation and the highest-funded crowdfunding project at the time, raising around $160 million in ether in weeks. Soon after, disaster struck, and The DAO’s code was exploited with the attacker siphoning off a considerable amount of the committed digital assets, resulting in a disruptive hard fork of the Ethereum blockchain. Was this exploitation an attack or a vulnerability in the code? Was it preventable? What made this initial DAO implementation so popular? Read on to learn about The DAO’s history and the DAOs and Don’ts we can learn from. — How The DAO got started - By 2016, there was some talk of the DAO concept in the Ethereum community but not much concrete development, especially in the funding space. At this time, was developing an IoT company that builds smart locks to unlock the doors of “decentralized Airbnb...

SCF#11 — Announcing the winners!

SCF#11 — Announcing the winners! - The 11th round of the Stellar Community Fund (SCF) has come to an end and we are excited to announce the winners! SCF#11 received 152 submissions, and 50 selected teams (a new record!) based in 34 unique countries* were put forward for community discussion and vote. In the end, 21 projects were awarded their requested budgets. The full list of winners is below, but first, here’s a bit about how this round went, and about what made it unique… — Startup Bootcamp - On November 1–4, 29 selected teams participated in the first-ever virtual startup bootcamp on the SCF Discord. The bootcamp adopted a self-serve Design Sprint Process created by DFS Lab where dedicated facilitators and technical mentors supported teams to define a problem, storyboard a solution, and develop a rapid prototype. To gamify the process, we tracked progress on a leaderboard, and anyone from the Stellar community could vote to award prizes for the teams’ output of the bootcamp activities. The results were exciting! Participating teams reached an average 90% completion rate of bootcamp activities, and survey respondents (23 of 29 teams) rated the process an average of 4.7 out of 5 stars, which means they found the bootcamp helpful and would recommend the design sprint process to other teams. — Candidate Pitches - After the bootcamp, 47 of the 50 selected teams presented their projects live during ...

Sorobanathon is for artists too!

Stellar Quest Series 5 At our annual Meridian conference in Rome, we proudly announced the FutureNet launch of Soroban, our new smart contract platform built on WASM and Rust. With this launch, we wanted to give you the chance to tinker and earn. Between now and December 15, 2022, join Sorobanathon: First Light. Experiment with Soroban and submit a code example, issue, tutorial, blog post, video, or even Stellar Quest art documenting your experience. Qualified submissions will receive awards of 250–3,000 XLM. It’s a fun, low-lift way to learn, test things out, and provide valuable feedback to both the Soroban development team and the Soroban ecosystem as a whole. You may have noticed that last item on there. Yes, SDF wants to pay you for art. I just finished Inktober. I wasn’t ready to let the fun end yet so I started using the Quest narratives as prompts, and I’m inviting you to join in. We’ve got some amazing NFT artists on Stellar, and I can’t wait to see submissions for Sorobanathon:First Light from them.My final Inktober piece. If you’re not familiar with Stellar Quest, it is SDF’s gamified educational program. Stellar Quest Live Series 5 is delving into Soroban and releases a new quest every Monday at 6am PT and Thursday at 6pm PT. Each Quest includes a few paragraphs of a narrative over the course of the entire series tying in with the Quest line (don’t forget to check out our twitch streams for eac...

SCF#11 — Community Discussion (officially) begins!

SCF#11 — Community Discussion (officially) begins! - Community Discussion (officially) has begun! While submissions are open until October 30th, everyone has the chance to weigh in on the first set of selected candidates of SCF#11 (with the second set published on November 7th) until the Community Vote ends on December 4th. The Community Discussion is beneficial for both the contestants and the community: contestants get to advocate for their projects, and the Stellar community can interact directly with developers and entrepreneurs to help them hone their pitches and refine their submissions. There are a few ways you, as community members, can get involved: — 💬 | Now — December 4: Engage with projects in the #scf-11 channel on Discord. — Prizes are nice, but constructive feedback is invaluable and can help a project for a long time. Start by reading through entries on Open up the #scf-11 forum channel in the SCF Discord, navigate to the project you’re looking for and engage! Ask questions and let them in on your experience as you look through their submission and test their product. Check out these do’s and don’ts when providing feedback to submitters. The more you engage, the stronger the entries become, and the bigger the impact SCF has on the Stellar ecosystem and beyond. — 🗳 | November 1–4: Vote for best progress in the SCF#11 Startup Boot...

The Future of Community Funding

“Winning the SCF #10 wasn’t just about getting a grant, we had the opportunity to build and scale our mission with a community that really cared about what we were building and supported us through every step.” — Emmanuel Evarist, Link (winner of SCF#10) The Stellar Community Fund (SCF) is an open-application grant program hosted by the Stellar Development Foundation (SDF) that distributes up to 24M XLM annually to Stellar-based developers, startups, and full-fledged companies based on community input. Not only do projects get a chance to win funding, but they also receive helpful feedback and support, make invaluable connections, and acquire a sense of belonging in the Stellar ecosystem. As you may have read, we recently published a historical overview of the SCF detailing its evolution from its inception six years ago. We’ve iterated on the fund a lot over the years based on community feedback, and we will continue to do so as we strive to make SCF as effective and valuable as possible for those submitting projects and for the rest of the community. Which is why we’re opening up an exciting new discussion: turning SCF into a DAO! — What is a DAO? - Decentralized Autonomous Organizations (DAOs) are a relatively new method of organizing initiatives, companies, or communities with a transparent set of rules encoded in smart contracts controlled by the organization’s members and not influenced by a cen...

The History of the Stellar Community Fund

The Stellar Community Fund (SCF) and its predecessor, the Stellar Build Challenge (SBC), have supported Stellar-based businesses and developers since 2016. This makes the fund one of the oldest in the blockchain industry! In this time, we’ve had nearly 400 winners and funded almost 200M XLM, Stellar’s native asset, based on community input. And that last part is what makes the SCF so special: not only do projects get a chance to win funding, but they also receive helpful feedback and support from the community, make invaluable connections, and acquire a sense of belonging with the Stellar ecosystem. It sets projects up for further growth and fuels community engagement, which is why so much has been invested in the fund for over six years. SCF’s history is expansive. And we’ve learned a lot along the way. Read on to discover how SCF has developed since its inception, the colorful ideas we’ve implemented (and for some, removed soon after), and what’s in store for the future. This blog post is a copy of the original resource residing in the SCF Handbook. SCF total stats Throughout the years, SCF has been iterated on many times based on community feedback. To discover when, how, and why the fund evolved, we took a ride on the WayBackMachine and dug into some ancient blog posts and Reddit threads. We’ll talk about the details later on, but here are some key takeaways: SBC 1–3: No-strings-attached funding for proje...

Submissions open for SCF#11!

It’s time: submissions are now open for the 11th round of the Stellar Community Fund (SCF)! Is there a change you can imagine that would make the world a better place? A need out there that’s not addressed by current technology? Apply to the SCF with your Stellar-based project before one of the submission deadlines (Sept 25 & Oct 30) and request the budget you need to realize your vision. ‍ The SCF is an open-application grant program that distributes up to 24M XLM annually based on community input to support the development of products and services built on Stellar. — What’s new? - — 🥾 | SCF#11 Startup Bootcamp. — For the first time ever, selected candidates are invited to participate in a virtual bootcamp from November 1–3. Participants will work with SDF and Stellar ecosystem members to define a problem, storyboard a solution, and develop a rapid prototype before getting feedback from the Stellar community. Learn more about the bootcamp here and complete your SCF submission form before September 25th to be considered! — 📘 | SCF Handbook. — Say goodbye to guessing answers or looking for scattered rules and information. Welcome the brand-new SCF Handbook, a source-of-truth document for everything related to the SCF! While you’ll still be able to view SCF projects, find dates for upcoming rounds, and access submission forms on, the handbook will...

Announcing the winners of SCF#10

Today, we are excited to announce the winners of the 10th round of the Stellar Community Fund (SCF). After two weeks of deliberation, a panel of 52 judges drawn from both the Stellar Development Foundation and the greater Stellar community and ecosystem voted to award 15 projects their requested budgets, and to give away a grand total of over 10.5M XLM**. Similar to last SCF rounds, each project specified a budget request. Judges considered those requests when voting, and as a result, the winners range from single developer projects to launch-ready businesses building the future of finance. It’s a diverse set of projects, and we’re excited to see what they do next! Without further ado, here are the winners ranked by highest vote: — 1. AssemblyScript smart contracts SDK — $59,000 worth of XLM*. — An open-source, free AssemblyScript smart contracts SDK that will help (web) developers implement native smart contracts for Stellar (Jump Cannon). — 2. Beans app — $220,000 worth of XLM*. — A non-custodial wallet where users enjoy free international payments and savings accounts with healthy yields through a user experience that anyone can understand without any blockchain jargon. — 3. Elixir Stellar SDK — $12,000 worth of XLM*. — A LatAm tech talent and innovation incubator aiming to provide support for Stellar in the programming language Elixir through open-source libr...

SCF #10 — Candidate Pitches

SCF #10 — Candidate Pitches - On June 15th and 16th, the Stellar community had the opportunity to interact live with candidates of the 10th round of the Stellar Community Fund (SCF) during five candidate pitch sessions. Almost all candidates presented their Stellar-based solutions and community members provided support, asked questions, and gave feedback. Did you miss any of these sessions? No problem! Read on to view summaries of each pitch, sorted by category, budget request, and project stage. Each project title links to the project’s SCF page, where you can find a demo video and more information about their business model and team. Even if you’re not voting in this SCF round, we encourage you to read about each candidate and engage with the teams in the SCF Discord. — Cross-border payments and remittances - — Mango | $24,600 | Development. — Mango provides the unbanked population of Mexico a cash-to-crypto entrance by offering cash-on-ramps through the thousands of OXXO convenience stores located throughout the region. — CashAbroad | $28,500 | Development. — Helps businesses quickly manage accounts receivable and debt to pay with international merchants and vendors through simple natural language NLP–starting with the Mexico-Colombia corridor. — KometPay | $32,000 | Development. — Makes money transfers easy and accessible to Colombian immigrants in the US by combinin...

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