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Haven Protocol  


XHV Price:
All Time High:
Market Cap:
$2.3 K

Circulating Supply:
Total Supply:
Max Supply:


The last known price of #XHV is $0.000296 USD.

Please note that the price of #XHV was last updated over 60 days ago. This can occur when coins have sporadic price reporting, no listings on exchanges or the project has been abandonded. All #XHV statistics should be considered as 'last known value'.

The lowest XHV price for this period was $0, the highest was $0.000296, and the exact last price of XHV was $0.00029614.

The all-time high XHV coin price was $29.06.

Use our custom price calculator to see the hypothetical price of XHV with market cap of BTC or other crypto coins.


The code for Haven Protocol crypto currency is #XHV.

Haven Protocol is 6.7 years old.


The current market capitalization for Haven Protocol is $2,324.

Haven Protocol is ranked #1082 out of all coins, by market cap (and other factors).


There is a very weak volume of trading today on #XHV.

Today's 24-hour trading volume across all exchanges for Haven Protocol is $9.00.


The circulating supply of XHV is 7,849,101 coins, which is 43% of the maximum coin supply.

Note the limited supply of Haven Protocol coins which adds to rarity of this cryptocurrency and increases perceived market value.


XHV is available on several crypto currency exchanges.

View #XHV trading pairs and crypto exchanges that currently support #XHV purchase.



Haven Protocol: “Change Unlock” Improvement

One step closer to digital cash The long term aim for Haven Protocol has always been to provide a true digital version of cash, usable by anyone, anywhere. One of the most important aspects of making Haven truly usable and flexible is the ability to convert between the network’s private assets with the minimal amount of friction for users. As the network grows and matures, the user experience will be refined, and we’re now very pleased to announce that an important step forward in this regard has been implemented into the protocol. Change Unlock Improvement Up until now, when you send an amount of XHV to your Haven Vault to convert to xUSD, it was likely that the “change” portion of that amount would be locked up for the same duration as the amount you wish to convert. An example of this is shown below: Jonny sends 10 XHV to his vault and wants to convert 6 XHV to xUSD using the low (7 day) priority unlock. This converts the 6 XHV but also locks the remaining 4 XHV (the change) for the same period of time (7 days). You can read details of how a CryptoNote ‘note’ transaction works here This makes it cumbersome for users to manage their assets without potentially making portions of their balance unusable until the transaction is complete. But, not any more. The Haven developers have now implemented a new method to eliminate the change unlock issue for users. This improvement will apply to all conversions, inclu...

Proposal to Revise Haven Protocol Tokenomics

Introduction. — Since the successful launch of Haven 2.0 in November, the Haven Protocol team and community have discussed potential changes to improve the protocol’s tokenomics. These ideas have included new unlock times, fees, and protocol tools. Last month the team and several contributors formed a tokenomics working group with the goal of refining this discussion and presenting a proposal to the entire community that could be implemented quickly. This proposal is the result of that discussion and reflects the input of many different community members. We will solicit feedback from the community on this proposal with comments due by January 12. Comments should be submitted in the Discord #tokenomics-proposal channel. Based on that feedback, we will revise the proposal if needed and initiate a community vote to be conducted using a whitelisted Discord process by January 19. If the proposal is approved, the team will work quickly to deploy these changes and begin testing, with the goal of conducting a hard fork by February 9. Contributors to this proposal are: Madlentil, Rarecommons, AHawk, Fang, Harlequin, DougieWatts, Vorados, Kleinroy, GreyWolf, Dweab, and xMattyk. Thanks also to Enzodellasiglia for his input into the asymmetric locks. — Proposal Summary. — Change XHV and xUSD unlock times to an asymmetric model and eliminate priority options:Offshore (XHV to xUSD): 21 daysOnshore (xUSD to XHV): 12...

Haven 2.0: Public Testnet, Cypher Stack Analysis, Bug Bounty Program

Today we’re pleased to announce a number of significant milestones as we prepare for the launch of Haven Protocol 2.0.Haven Protocol 2.0 Release Candidate in Public Testnet Most importantly, the Haven Protocol 2.0 codebase is now available for public testing. The first release candidate was published today on GitHub. This new and radically improved version of the code comprehensively addresses the attack vectors used during the June 2021 exploits. In addition to extensive enhancements, refactoring, and months of penetration testing by an experienced third party Monero expert, an additional level of validation has been designed and implemented to prove mint and burn values of Haven’s xUSD and xAssets. The next step is for the team and community to test this release candidate in preparation for the Haven Protocol 2.0 fork. xAsset, xUSD and XHV conversions can be reinstated as soon as this improved version is live and the network is secure. Public testnet details The Haven Protocol 2.0 testnet is running on the Haven Main branch v2.0.0-rc1. You will find links to Command Line Interface (CLI) binaries below. Desktop and web vaults will follow shortly.WindowsMacOSLinux 2.27Explorer Please note: the Haven Protocol 2.0 testnet is currently at block 5356, running fork v17. At block 5,600 (in approximately nine hours) this will switch to hard fork v18 in order to replicate the upcoming mainnet fork. Until this point, xUSD an...

Haven 2.0 — Frequently Asked Questions

Haven 2.0 — Frequently Asked Questions As we complete development work on Haven 2.0 and prepare for its launch, our growing community of xChads have asked many questions about the project’s next steps, using the protocol, and troubleshooting. Below is a collection of answers to the most frequently asked questions. These answers will be updated here as we move closer to launching Haven 2.0. When will the Haven 2.0 fork occur? The fork date will be announced once audits of the new mint and burn validation and codebase have been completed, testnet and stagenet have run successfully, and the team is ready to release the updated protocol. This work is ongoing and substantial progress has already been made. You can read the latest update from the Haven team here or visit Haven’s Discord for more regular updates. What’s the difference between Haven 1.0 and Haven 2.0? Haven 2.0 is a significant revision of Haven’s core codebase (Haven 1.0). It includes substantial security updates, including a new mint and burn validation, as a result of the June 2021 exploits. Haven’s private assets (XHV, xUSD, xBTC, etc.) will not be affected by this upgrade, and there will be no difference between current and future assets available on the network once Haven 2.0 goes live. Any assets you hold now or buy on exchanges will remain valid after the fork. You can read more about Haven 2.0 in the latest update from the team. Do I have...

Haven 2.0 Release — Status Update

Haven 2.0 Release — Status Update Dear Havenauts — The release of Haven 2.0 will mark a significant revision of Haven’s core codebase and a critical step-change in the project. It will also include substantial security updates, as referenced in last month’s technical overview of the June 2021 exploits, in the form of a new mint and burn validation. This release will also mark a major milestone for the project. With a significantly improved protocol, the delays of the June 2021 exploits will be behind us, and we’ll benefit from new processes and procedures with a focus on security and testing. At this point, the team and community’s focus can shift back to growing the future of private money, with collaborations such as THORChain, exchanges, and third-party wallet integrations. The Haven 2.0 release will go live in the next hard fork, which will be scheduled once all necessary development work is complete and audited. This release will also allow in-vault conversions to be re-enabled. Please be aware that the development team will be taking no risks and leaving no stone unturned. As a result, the following steps are subject to change as we work towards the release. — Haven 2.0 Development Plan. — The initial draft of the Haven 2.0 code is complete and has been in circulation for a number of weeks. This includes the new mint and burn validation. This fully functional proof of concept requires three ...

Haven Protocol: July 26 Update and Next Steps

Fork 1: rollback successful Following the release of v1.4.1 last week, the majority of exchanges, pools, and other nodes are now running the latest version of Haven Protocol. Some miners experienced an issue with the original fork (v1.4.0) which resulted in reports of rejected transactions. This issue was resolved by the latest version (v1.4.1). The chain is now functioning smoothly. XHV, xUSD, and xAssets can now be sent and received without any issues. The rollback is now complete and successful. Updated Haven Vaults can be found here. This is the first step in Haven Protocol’s two fork recovery plan, detailed here.Exchanges reopening All exchanges have been notified of the new version, and that deposits and withdrawals can now be enabled. They will each come online in their own time, but they should be moving to restore the usual service. Deposits and withdrawals on TradeOgre are now open. In addition, we are working with each exchange to ensure their own internal balances are correct and making payments from the governance wallet where necessary to meet our obligations. We are aware that some exchanges are attempting to recover transactions that were reversed by the rollback by requesting users return or resend funds that were reversed. We thank those individuals who have cooperated with the exchanges. Technically those funds do not belong to the user and should be returned to the exchange. Exchanges do not profit fro...

Haven Protocol Successfully Deploys Rollback Hard Fork

Today Haven Protocol successfully deployed a hard fork (version 1.4.0) to rollback the chain to block 886575. This is part one of a two-stage recovery plan to mitigate the June 2021 exploits and strengthen the protocol as we build the future of private money. Thank you to our dedicated community for guiding this process.Background Beginning on June 22, 2021, malicious hackers attacked Haven Protocol, exploiting several related vulnerabilities. Following the attack, the protocol’s core team worked together with partners to conduct a wide-ranging review of the protocol and its processes. This was done to understand the potential impact and ensure a secure recovery from the exploit. The investigation identified a number of malicious transactions. Most importantly, the team identified and isolated a transaction where the hackers minted an unknown quantity of XHV. As a result, a rollback was proposed to the community as the only way to mitigate the potential inflation, safeguard the protocol, and protect holders. The team recommended the optimal rollback block would be 886575 (June 27, 2021, at 22:21:08 UTC). Following this recommendation, on July 8th a 24-hour ballot was conducted, with the community voting 95% in favor of a rollback. Now that the rollback has been successfully deployed, returning all features of the protocol to a working state is the top priority. The team, along with external contributors and auditors, are ...

Haven Protocol Announces Rollback Hard Fork for Monday, July 19, 2021

Fork process will securely restart Haven Protocol’s chain and open exchanges while third party audits are completed. This document highlights the next steps regarding the upcoming hard forks for Haven Protocol. The team’s top priority is to open up exchange wallets and enable all transactions as soon as possible while completing thorough audits and external review of the updated codebase. These updates are in response to the June 2021 exploits. For further details, please read our full report. Rollback to block 886575 On July 8, 2021 the Haven Protocol community participated in a vote to decide on the best response to the June 2021 exploits. A decision was made by the community to roll back the chain to block 886575 by a decisive 95% majority. This rollback is being incorporated into a hard fork on Monday, July 19, 2021. The fastest and most secure approach requires two forks. A hard fork is required for two primary reasons:Securely enable rollback — reverse exploits that resulted in unknown inflation and enable exchange transactions and sending and receiving of Haven assets.Implement enhanced validation to make any future attempts to exploit conversions impossible. For each day we spend ensuring the protocol is secure, by building and auditing additional validation proofs, we delay the rollback and reopening of the exchanges. At the same time, we cannot rush the required security updates. As a result, it is ne...

Haven Protocol will Rollback Chain to Block 886575 (June 27th)

Do not conduct any on-chain transactions until further notice (Exchange transactions should be unaffected). Beginning on June 22, 2021, malicious hackers attacked Haven Protocol, exploiting several related vulnerabilities. Following an extensive investigation, we conducted a wide-ranging review of the protocol and processes to ensure as smooth as possible recovery from the exploit. We proposed a chain rollback to remove most of the inflation caused by specific exploits, particularly those with an unknown amount. Our investigation determined that the optimal rollback point is block 886575 (June 27, 2021 at 22:21:08 UTC). We conducted a 24-hour ballot on July 8, 2021 to gain consensus from the Haven Protocol community, which voted 95% in favor of a rollback. As a result, work has already started to include this rollback into the upcoming fork. Details of the investigation and plan can be found here. A rollback is where a blockchain is cut as part of a hard fork. Any transaction after the point where the chain is rolled back would be lost, and in effect reversed. It would be as if the ledger is rolled back in time. While this is an extreme response that would typically impact a large number of users, in this case, we significantly mitigated the exploits by closing deposits and withdrawals on exchanges to minimize the movement of funds on the chain. Transactions within an exchange’s closed system are managed on each exchang...

Haven Protocol: Technical Overview of June 2021 Exploits

Introduction Starting from June 22, 2021, hackers attacked Haven Protocol, exploiting several related vulnerabilities. This report explains the impact of these exploits, how they were resolved, next steps for the project, and our key learnings. As painful as this process has been, it has hardened the team and the protocol. There is no doubt that the project is now stronger because of it. The attack took advantage of several vulnerabilities:Miner reward validation hackxJPY to xBTC conversion/transferHidden burn/mint amount bugZero value price record due to oracle being disabled The fact these vulnerabilities were possible has highlighted weaknesses in our development processes. These have been fundamentally overhauled following recent events. Once we are 100% confident that the protocol is secure and appropriate measures are in place, we will execute a hard fork. This will distribute an updated version of the code and potentially instigate a rollback. It is worth noting that much of the analysis required during the recent investigation relies on the visibility of Haven Protocol’s xAsset mint and burn data, which is intentionally public. Addresses and balances on Haven’s chain remain private by default. We were also able to take advantage of the fact our anonymity set on xAssets is very small and not currently mixed sufficiently. This is a known privacy issue on xAssets that will also be addressed in the next fork.Issue...

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