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XCM Price   

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Coinmetro Token  


XCM Price:
$53.4 K
All Time High:
Market Cap:
$355.3 K

Circulating Supply:
Total Supply:
Max Supply:


The price of #XCM today is $0.06 USD.

The lowest XCM price for this period was $0, the highest was $0.059, and the exact current price of one XCM crypto coin is $0.05927.

The all-time high XCM coin price was $0.92.

Use our custom price calculator to see the hypothetical price of XCM with market cap of BTC or other crypto coins.


The code for Coinmetro Token crypto currency is #XCM.

Coinmetro Token is 6 years old.


The current market capitalization for Coinmetro Token is $355,342.

Coinmetro Token is ranked #907 out of all coins, by market cap (and other factors).


There is a modest volume of trading today on #XCM.

Today's 24-hour trading volume across all exchanges for Coinmetro Token is $53,387.


The circulating supply of XCM is 5,995,032 coins, which is 2% of the maximum coin supply.

Note the limited supply of Coinmetro Token coins which adds to rarity of this cryptocurrency and increases perceived market value.


XCM is a token on the Ethereum blockchain.


XCM has limited pairings with other cryptocurrencies, but has at least 3 pairings and is listed on at least 3 crypto exchanges.

View #XCM trading pairs and crypto exchanges that currently support #XCM purchase.



Coinmetro AMA: February 4, 2022

Highlights of the latest AMA with CEO, Kevin Murcko In this week’s AMA Coinmetro, CEO Kevin Murcko talks about our major Redesign some Bizdev, and FATF grey-listing countries, among other topics! You can catch up with the written summary over on our main blog. Head to the blog now! Highlights of the latest AMA with CEO Kevin Murcko. If you are new to Coinmetro, make sure you signup and get started.

Coinmetro AMA: January 28, 2022

Highlights of the latest AMA with CEO, Kevin Murcko In this week’s AMA, Coinmetro CEO Kevin Murcko talks about our Discord Pre-Launch and the upcoming official Discord Launch on February 1st and L1 versus L2 solutions, among others! You can catch up with the written summary over on our main blog. Head to the blog now! Highlights of the latest AMA with CEO Kevin Murcko. If you are new to Coinmetro, make sure you signup and get started.

Coinmetro AMA: January 14, 2022

Highlights of the latest AMA with CEO, Kevin MurckoCoinmetro Live AMA 14 Jan, 2022 In this weeks AMA, Coinmetro CEO Kevin Murcko was very happy… there is more, he described his thoughts on crypto bans and Whaleroom, a small cap social token. Also Kevin shared details on the multifaceted nature of Coinmetro. You can catch up with the written summary over on our main blog. Read the summary! You will also learn about Kevin’s idea that Proof of Forehead will be a concept at some point, not sure exactly how it would work, maybe we need laser beams and such, it could cause liability issues too? Highlights of the latest AMA with CEO, Kevin Murcko If you are new to Coinmetro, make sure you signup and get started.

Coinmetro AMA: January 8, 2022

Highlights of the latest AMA with CEO, Kevin MurckoCoinmetro Live AMA Jan 8, 2022 In his latest AMA, Coinmetro CEO Kevin Murcko teased the addition of further vaulting/burning mechanisms for XCM, big plans to expand the team as Coinmetro is growing rapidly, and explained how we may obtain further licenses for a move into offering challenger banking services. With a great start to 2022, we are excited to share a written summary over on our main blog. Read the full summary! You can also watch the whole video here, just make sure you grab some popcorn! It was a good one! If you are new to Coinmetro, make sure you signup and get started.

CoinMetro Welcomes US Clients

The Best Exchange for Americans to Buy and Sell Cryptocurrency CoinMetro is proud to serve Americans! With an unclear regulatory framework for cryptocurrency in the United States, it may be difficult for residents to find a safe & compliant exchange to trade digital assets. But look no further. Welcome to our Metropolis!The Best Exchange for AmericansLowest Fees in Crypto for US Clients We are not the average exchange, charging outrageous fees to retail clients. You’ll find that CoinMetro beats ALL the big players in the industry. From trading fees to deposit & withdrawal fees, you simply cannot find another exchange with a better structure than our financial metropolis! Check out CoinMetro’s complete fee structure including deposits & withdrawals here.Lowest fee U.S. Crypto ExchangeFunding Options Don’t ever miss a dip again! Users are able to INSTANTLY fund their CoinMetro accounts with USD through ACH transfers. This is done through Plaid integration. Plaid is a very well known and trusted third party which allows you to login to your bank through the CoinMetro interface, so you do not have to leave the exchange to make a deposit. It’s so simple! We also provide the option for WIRE transfers, including international transfers via SWIFT, in case your bank does not support ACH just yet.Trading Pairs We have become THE fiat on/off ramp for the US Dollar (“The most wonderful piece of paper in the world...

CoinMetro Exchange: XCM Ecosystem Adoption

The Best Crypto Exchange, Fueled by UtilityCoinMetro Native TokenCoinMetro Token — XCM CoinMetro is an EU-licensed crypto platform offering fiat-crypto-fiat exchange services, margin trading, copy trading, an STO marketplace, and instant fiat on & off ramps in EUR, GBP, & USD. XCM is our native utility token for the growing ecosystem. More fiat options are available including SWIFT payment, covering AUD.Key DriversXCM Price as of 12th Jan 2021 Market Cap — $55,912,019 Max supply — 330,000,000Locking XCM Users are able to lock XCM for participation in IEOs and gain early access to platform features, any flash sales or big events. XCM holders can lock in XCM to join one of three tiers that offer a wide range of benefits. Holders will earn from an increased maker bonus when using maker orders (limit orders that add liquidity). The maker bonus is paid from the gross taker fee — taker pays 0.1% and maker earns up to 0.05%. The benefits also include earning rebates on taker fees paid and getting increased interest in any staking rewards. In order to open a copy trading account, we require managers to lock up a minimum of 10,000 XCM. This ensures that they have exposure to XCM and act in good faith, as well pushed demand for XCM to start earning as a copy trade manager.XCM Locked in the Ecosystem Locked as of 12th Jan 2021 6,435,000 XCM / $1,098,807Vaulting XCM 100% of all exchange fees collect...

CoinMetro — Beneath the Surface

CoinMetro — Beneath the Surface “The Best Crypto Exchange” is just the tip of the iceberg!Low Fees We are not the average exchange, charging outrageous fees to retail clients. You’ll find that CoinMetro beats ALL the big players in the industry when it comes to fees. From trading fees to deposit & withdrawal fees, you simply cannot find another exchange with a better structure than our financial metropolis! The ONLY trading fee that we apply on our exchange platform is for Takers, which is set at 0.10%. And even then, Takers can earn up to 20% back in rebates! Makers enjoy feeless trading, PLUS makers can earn up to 50% of the Takers fee back in rebates. We also offer a simple to use Dashboard Swap Widget which allows our users to swap any fiat/crypto, crypto/crypto pair they wish, with no fees..CoinMetro SWAP Feature Check out CoinMetro’s complete fee structure including deposits & withdrawals here.Lowest Fees in CryptoUI/UX We are very proud of each of our unique platforms and understand the need to constantly review, adapt and update our products to fit the needs of our growing user base! CoinMetro’s product and development team are always connected to the community for feedback, which is used to ensure we are building out services to meet the needs of our users. This can range from reviewing feedback given to the frontline team in customer support, shared in our telegram group or even video ca...

CoinMetro Exchange: Q1 Roadmap 2021

We Grew 20x in 2020! We ended 2020 on a major high with massive growth numbers all round. From January to December our volume grew 30x, signups grew 12x and our revenue grew a huge 20x.CoinMetro 2020 Growth Numbers Based on feedback we receive from new clients, CoinMetro is a very easy to use and reliable platform with low fees and amazing 24/7 live support. There are still many ways we can look to improve the overall UI, but the progress during last year was incredible. Our goal is to be the best crypto exchange, with the greatest user experience. We were able to introduce instant USD, EUR and GBP support, additional XCM use cases and Europe’s first end-to-end tokenized securities platform in 2020, this was a major catalyst for our growth and revenue increase, as we remain well poised for similar growth in 2021 with bigger marketing campaigns and more effective funnels to our existing products and the addition of new features in 2021.2021 is the “Year of XCM” We are now proud to present our Q1 2021 Roadmap!CoinMetro 2021 Q1 RoadmapXCM Ecosystem Updates CoinMetro’s current investors have pledged huge support for shareholders and XCM holders to support token price and liquidity. We have a constant open dialogue with them, and they are excited to back the growth of the company, the community, and the XCM token in anyway they can. This will extend our runway as well as provide us with the means to offer the commun...

CoinMetro AMA: December 18, 2020

CoinMetro AMA: December 18, 2020 Quant Staking is now LIVE! If you are holding QNT on deposit in CoinMetro… you are getting staking rewards RIGHT NOW! Paid in XCM at a rate of 2.5% or 5% per year, AND the rewards are updated every four hours. How many ‘soons’ until CAD? 1,000 retweets on a tweet for Canadian dollars on the exchange and we’ll add it :) We need there to be a proven demand before we spend on supporting additional currencies, we are aiming to focus spending on high impact updates. If people want CAD we will support CAD. Volume on CoinMetro is up a lot recently! What is the increased revenue allowing you to do? We are still below the burn rate. So it isn’t necessarily that cut-and-dry. So mainly going to expenses. But it allows us to have some breathing room and most money we have set aside is for marketing. Is it secure to hold QNT on CoinMetro? Your money is secure on CoinMetro! We have countless protocols in place to keep your money safe. Kevin goes very in-depth to explain what our employees are doing to remain secure and avoid any issues. What do you think about the future of Quant? As CEO, Kevin must be careful with speculating. But simply put, he thinks they are great and views them very positively. CoinMetro would not be working with them if we didn’t feel they could help benefit our community. How does CoinMetro use the QNT that is being staked on the platform? CoinMetro does not direc...

CoinMetro AMA: December 11, 2020

CoinMetro AMA Summary 11th December 2020 Would you give us a quick summary of the decision to raise the XCM price floor to three cents?It was partially done as a thank you to so many loyal members of our community that regularly were buying at or below three cents for the last couple years.It was also done in preparation for some new buying to come into the market from larger investors. What will be the APY (Annual Percentage Yield) for staking XCM? And will this happen in December?Staking of some sort should indeed happen in December. But XCM is not the very first asset on the list for staking. No specific numbers just yet.But you could expect to stake other assets and get paid in XCM! XCM floor price was changed, why don’t you revalue tier prices as well?The floor price has never been correlated to tier prices/sizes. Tiers may very well be re-evaluated in the future, but at the moment Kevin believes they still fit pretty well Sounds like recently we have had good news about funding. Can you elaborate?In the last couple weeks the team has been serious discussions with current investors, and new investors brought in by those other investors.They are making sure we have the funding we need going forward, as well as supporting the price of XCM!There is a plan in place and money is being funneled. Oliver mentioned in Telegram that you will have access to many hedge funds. Can you elaborate? One of our shareholders has a...

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