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WadzPay Token  


WTK Price:
$2.1 K
All Time High:
Market Cap:

Circulating Supply:
Total Supply:
Max Supply:


The last known price of #WTK is $0.000339 USD.

Please note that the price of #WTK was last updated over 50 days ago. This can occur when coins have sporadic price reporting, no listings on exchanges or the project has been abandonded. All #WTK statistics should be considered as 'last known value'.

The lowest WTK price for this period was $0, the highest was $0.000339, and the exact last price of WTK was $0.00033892.

The all-time high WTK coin price was $5,967.

Use our custom price calculator to see the hypothetical price of WTK with market cap of ETH or other crypto coins.


The code for WadzPay Token crypto currency is #WTK.

WadzPay Token is 3.8 years old.


The current market capitalization for WadzPay Token is not available at this time.

WadzPay Token is ranking downwards to #5328 out of all coins, by market cap (and other factors).


There is a small volume of trading today on #WTK.

Today's 24-hour trading volume across all exchanges for WadzPay Token is $2,056.


The total supply of WTK is 2,999,999,999 coins.


WTK is a token on the Ethereum blockchain.


WTK is available on several crypto currency exchanges.

View #WTK trading pairs and crypto exchanges that currently support #WTK purchase.



The Collapse of Silicon Valley Bank and USDC Depegging — Implications for the Payment Industry

The Collapse of Silicon Valley Bank and USDC Depegging — Implications for the Payment Industry - Written by: Stanislav Madorski This is an opinion piece. The opinions shared within are expressly those of the author and do not constitute financial advice. Summary: The article discusses the recent depegging of USDC from its underlying asset and the collapse of Silicon Valley Bank (SVB), and their implications for the payment industry. The author suggests that the catalyst for USDC depegging was likely the collapse of SVB, which triggered a banking run and resulted in insufficient funds to cover the withdrawal requests. This caused a panic in the virtual asset market, with investors selling USDC and offramping into fiat or USDT. However, Circle, the issuer of USDC, managed to restore the peg within 24–48 hours. The author argues that this short blip is quite inconsequential when compared to fiat depegs. The optics of the SVB collapse caused by the banking run created a climate of fear within the USA, and the government quickly stepped in to protect funds for many classes of investors and depositors, while a private company took the opportunity to buy over the company, intending to make most customers whole. The article suggests that WadzPay’s operating model hedges many of the risks inherent in the traditional payment industry, making it more resilient to such events. A Turbulent Weekend It was a day like any other. O...

WadzPay and Geidea Team Up to Reimagine a Cutting-edge Payments Experience for Pilgrims

Written by: Jaqueline Geidea, a leading fintech company in Saudi Arabia and WadzPay Middle East Technology (affiliate of WadzPay Worldwide) have forged a new strategic partnership to power the transformation of pilgrimage payments. WadzPay blockchain-based payment solutions allow Hajj and Umrah pilgrims to set up their own e-money wallets on their mobile devices to be used for their expenses. Once the wallet is loaded, the pilgrim is ready to spend in Saudi Arabia with lower transaction fees and a user-friendly refund process. According to Mastercard’s latest Global Destination Cities Index, Mecca attracted $20 billion in tourist dollars in 2018, second only to Dubai. The number of pilgrims is expected to increase significantly in the coming years, with the Kingdom having set a goal to host 30 million pilgrims by 2030, in line with Saudi Vision 2030. This year, the hajj rituals were performed by at least one million pilgrims worldwide after two years of restrictions due to the COVID-19 pandemic. WadzPay partnered with Algorand, a high-performance, next-generation ISO 20022 and Sharia-compliant blockchain with a roadmap to 46,000 transactions per second to deliver industry-leading stability and near-instant finality to its clients. Geidea is utilizing the issuance of an e-money wallet, specifically for Hajj and Umrah, to be used in over one million point-of-sale (POS) terminals deployed across multiple merchants throughout...

Blockchain — Consensus is the ‘Name of the Game’

Blockchain — Consensus is the ‘Name of the Game’ - Written by: Hrushikesh Bornare In the context of blockchains and digital currencies, we have been frequently hearing about some key words like proof-of-work (PoW) and proof-of-stake (PoS) which are two of the most prevalent consensus mechanisms/algorithms. Proof of Work (PoW) is the most common consensus algorithm, and more than 75% of the digital currency market capital is controlled by it (up until the recent Ethereum merge). We will understand more about the consensus algorithm in this article. Need for a Consensus Algorithm: A consistent state of the blockchain across all the nodes in the network needs to be guaranteed by some means in the blockchain technology. The consensus algorithm ensures this as a procedure via which all the peers of a blockchain network reach a common acceptance of the real-time state of the distributed ledger. For any new block that is generated, there must be one single version of truth at any/every node in the blockchain., Consensus mechanisms strengthen the effective operation of blockchains and ensure a single, consistent, and truthful ledger agreed on by most nodes. Some consensus mechanisms are designed to work best in public networks while others perform better in private networks., Some consensus mechanisms might prioritize various parameters like speed, efficiency, security etc. For e.g., Security might be helpful in the areas ...

WTK Airdrop on BitMart

Dear WTK Community, On June 29th, we made the following announcement: wadzpay.medium.comIn fulfilment of the above, we executed the snapshot on 1st July 2022 00:00 Singapore Time successfully and completed the airdrop distribution within 7 days. We were eager to announce that we had fulfilled our promises to all WTK token holders pursuant to the airdrop campaign. Unfortunately, the airdrop to the BitMart Exchange had an issue, as BitMart had claimed that they had received a shortfall of WTK tokens equivalent to approximately 18%.After several discussions and correspondences between BitMart and us, BitMart reduced the claimed shortfall, but there was still a gap in excess of 2 million WTK. It was important to us that everyone in the community received the promised tokens at a 1:1 ratio. We finally agreed to personally cover the gap in token numbers, as investor interests are always paramount to us. We duly complied with this agreement and transferred the said WTK tokens on 18th August 2022. We can now finally announce that we have fulfilled our promise pursuant to our above announcement of 29 June 2022.We value our ongoing relationship with BitMart and will continue working closely together in the future. We also thank WTK holders for their support, who we also thank for their patience while we resolved the issue.

How can Blockchain Technology Solutions Solve Challenges Within A Traditional Payment System?

How Can Blockchain Technology Solutions Solve Challenges Within A Traditional Payment System? - Written by : Khaled Moharem Blockchain technology has received a lot of attention due its potential in transforming an endless number of industries including a plethora of opportunities for the Banking Sector. Blockchain technology has the potential to revolutionize the traditional payment system as we know it by making it more cost effective, efficient, and secure. The adoption of blockchain technology by the banking sector enables them to not only solve multiple issues that a traditional banking system would face but also capitalize on the trending digital currency market. Here are several ways where blockchain technology would be able to solve challenges within the traditional payment system: Interoperability One of the main problems that the financial sector has faced was that their systems were not easily interoperable. Financial Interoperability within the financial sector had to be constructed with significant efforts for banks, financial institution, and money transfer operators to connect their unique systems with each other. This translated into long delays and high fees with each intermediary adding its costs. However, Blockchain technology provides a solution to these problems as it can be integrated within the financial infrastructure easily, enabling the banking sector to provide cheaper, faster, and secure paym...

Interview with Renda Rahmi: the Latest Trends People Need to Keep Their Eyes on about…

Interview with Renda Rahmi: the Latest Trends People Need to Keep Their Eyes on about Blockchain-Based Payments - Written by : Renda Rahmi Team Spotlight & Power Hour Episode 16 features Renda Rahmi — Vice President Marketing at WadzPay. Hear from her on what is coming next for WadzPay and her thoughts about the latest trends that people need to keep their eyes on about blockchain-based payments. Head over to our Youtube Channel to listen to her insights. — Team Spotlight - Tell me how you got started in your career. And what makes you passionate about being a marketer in a blockchain space? I started my career with a marketing background; I have worked in different industries, B2B and B2C, fashion and lifestyle, FMCG, and technology. I grew fond of the tech industry over the past several years and now I work in the blockchain payments space. I find blockchain technology very interesting, and in the future, as payment innovation evolves, it will become more effective. Perhaps run us through what a day in the life of ­WadzPay’s Vice President — Marketing and the team? I always start my week by prioritizing deadlines & monitoring pending tasks within my team, solving bottlenecks — how to make us work as a team efficiently and how to achieve it together, whether its duties for the internal team or external department. An excellent start to the day; I will say I go to the gym at 6:00AM for tw...

FAQ: Upcoming WTK Airdrop

Dear WTK Community, We are excited to confirm that the airdrop for all WTK holders will be happening in July! For every 1 WTK you hold, you will receive an additional 1 WTK. All holders are eligible regardless of exchange, or wallet solution. The snapshot for the upcoming airdrop is coming up on 1st July 00:00 Singapore Time. This means that if you hold WTK at midnight on that date, you will receive additional WTK. The snapshot will capture all WTK holders across all blockchains, whether held on hardware or software wallets. The exchanges will also sync the snapshot timing for their holders. For 99.8% of holders, no action is required. However, to make sure that everything goes smoothly, we would like to ask holders not to make any deposits/withdrawals/transfers for 4 hours after the snapshot. Q. How many tokens will I be airdropped? A. For every 1 WTK you hold, you will receive an additional 1 WTK Q. What do I need to do to participate? A. Unless you have deposited your WTK into a DEX LP, you don’t need to do anything (more on that below) Q. When will I receive my airdrop? A. The airdrop will be made progressively over the course of a week. We will use the same double validation principles that we used after the BitMart security incident to ensure that all current holders receive their tokens. The exchanges will announce their airdrop timings soon. Q. My WTK is deposited into a liquidity pool on Xswap/other DEX, will I ...

WTK Updates — We Will Launch Our Blockchain!

WTK Updates — We Will Launch Our Blockchain! Dear WadzPay Community, We would like to share some updates about our upgraded strategy for WadzPay Token. Below is our current approach towards exchange listings, as well as details on how we will turbocharge the utility of WTK in the future. Since launching WTK, we have been overwhelmed with support from one of the most positive and supportive communities in our industry. One of our consistent goals has been to provide utility for WTK. One thing that is holding us back from the real world utility that we are on the cusp of achieving, has been the antiquated tokenomics which were at first developed in 2019. There are two big strategic evolutions that we are now working on: 1. Regional exchange listings: regulations around tokens are evolving at a rapid pace in some of our key markets. When it comes to our customers (such as financial institutions and merchant networks), many are tied to local market regulations and need to procure tokens from locally licensed or approved exchanges. Additionally, large numbers of investors sit in those markets and are unable to acquire WTK. These markets include India, Indonesia, UAE, Africa and even USA (particularly when it comes to institutional investors). We have multiple large customers in some of those markets who are asking to purchase WTK but are unable to due to these restrictions. This also gives us the opportunity to have local ...

Interview with Olivier Dipenda: Why the African Market is Vital for WadzPay

Written by : Olivier Dipenda Team Spotlight & Power Hour Episode 14 features Olivier Dipenda, the Senior Vice President — Market Development Africa at WadzPay. Hear from him on what is coming next for WadzPay, and how he ensures that the goals are aligned with the global company strategy for the African market. Head to our Youtube Channel to listen to his insights.Team Spotlight Can you share your role and how vital the African market is for WadzPay? My role is to lead WadzPay’s business in sub-Saharan Africa and drive digital currency adoption across the continent. This entails developing and executing a good strategy as a call responsibility, building and managing a competent team and servicing our client base in the region. As WadzPay operates across many countries, we must ensure that we are compliant with the regulations in those countries. Africa is an extensive territory and digital currencies in the sub-Sahara specifically are growing exponentially with multiple governments contemplating launching their own central bank digital currency and WadzPay are in discussions with these banks. So yes, it is a vital market for us, one that we take very seriously. How would you describe your management style? A participative management style. I like collaborating closely with my team to develop strategies and make decisions collegially. My aim is to ensure that each member of my team’s voice is heard and that ...

WadzPay Leaders Aligned on Growth Strategy at Global Leadership Connect in New Delhi

New Delhi, April 25–27, WadzPay hosted the inaugural Global Leadership Connect, a flagship Head of Department meet up from different geographical areas of WadzPay operations to educate, empower, and bring all WadzPay leaders together to solidify a global strategy and achieve more significant results. Heads of Departments attended from various countries, such as Singapore, United Arab Emirates, India, Indonesia, and South Africa. Aligning with the Noida office inauguration, the Global Leadership Connect discussed a series of potential partnerships, product and technology roadmaps and key execution milestones. This year, massive hiring is still the critical agenda for WadzPay; the talent will primarily be allocated to the technology department. The new Group Head — Technology, Venkata Kiran, and SVP & Global Head — Human Resources, Parag Patil, will prioritise massive hiring and expansion during the second quarter of 2022. VC-based fundraising is also a high-priority agenda for WadzPay’s short-term strategy. While market expansion is also part of the focus, this quarter will be go time for the African market, led by Olivier Dipenda (Ex-FIS Director) based in Johannesburg, to continue the proliferation of blockchain-based payment platforms and market acquisition. Working behind the scenes, Dinesh Verma (Senior Vice President — Product) will work tirelessly along with his team to develop WadzPay product...

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