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WSDQ Price   

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WSDQ Price:
All Time High:
Market Cap:
$1.9 K

Circulating Supply:
Total Supply:
Max Supply:


The last price of #WSDQ is not available. This project may no longer be supported by coin developers.


The code for WASDAQ crypto currency is #WSDQ.

WASDAQ is 2.2 years old.


The current market capitalization for WASDAQ is $1,870.

WASDAQ is ranking downwards to #1761 out of all coins, by market cap (and other factors).


The trading volume is unknown today for #WSDQ.

Today's 24-hour trading volume across all exchanges for WASDAQ is $1.00.


The circulating supply of WSDQ is 150,000,000 coins, which is 15% of the maximum coin supply.


WSDQ has very limited pairings with other cryptocurrencies, but has at least 1 pairing and is listed on at least 1 crypto exchange.

View #WSDQ trading pairs and crypto exchanges that currently support #WSDQ purchase.



Web3 : What about the well-being of investors and project owners in this new world, which combines…

Web3 : What about the well-being of investors and project owners in this new world, which combines finance & technology, but never sleeps. - An ad showing: The advantage of investing in real estate, rather than in crypto, is that you sleep better. Invest serenely in real estate with Cogedim. I see more and more investors tired of 24/7 trading, of going to bed late at night and getting up early with the fear of discovering that prices have crashed during the night. Or being half-conscious at parties too absorbed by the charts. Furthermore, also project owners are stressed and worn out from working 24/7 and managing their communities day and night…resulting in a burn-out. I see more and more tweets on weekends saying, “Let go of crypto” and to enjoy the sun, family, and friends. In short… life. Moreover, the crypto activity on twitter at weekends speaks for itself: there’s a decrease as well as the market trading volumes. So why not go all the way with this idea? Do all governance tokens need to be traded 24/7? Do all NFTs need? And charities one? Other utility tokens don’t need it and it will be even more true with security tokens tomorrow. This is the vision I have of Woken: a whole ecosystem of several markets regulated by schedules to allow all new project owners /companies to tokenize, and thus put the personal welfare at the heart of this Blockchain. A market within the market. To return to my pers...

Web3: qu’en est-il du bien être des investisseurs et porteurs de projets de ce nouveau monde, qui…

Web3: qu’en est-il du bien être des investisseurs et porteurs de projets de ce nouveau monde, qui allie finance & technologie, mais qui ne dort jamais - Je vois de plus en plus d’investisseurs fatigués du trading 24/7, de se coucher tard le soir et de se lever tôt, avec la peur au ventre de découvrir que les cours se sont écroulés pendant la nuit. Ou d’être a moitié présent lors des soirées, bien trop absorbés par les charts. Mais également des porteurs de projets, stressés et usés de travailler 24/7 et de gérer jours et nuits leurs communautés… avec pour conséquence un burn-out. Je vois de plus en plus de tweet les weekends disant de « lâcher la crypto », de profiter du soleil, de la famille, des amis, bref… de la vie. D’ailleurs l’activité crypto sur twitter les weekends parle d’elle même : elle est bien en baisse, tout comme les volumes d’échange sur les marchés. Alors pourquoi ne pas aller jusqu’au bout de cette idée ? Est ce que tous les tokens de gouvernance ont besoin d’être échangé 24/7 ? Est ce que tous les NFTs ont besoin de l’être ? Les charity ? D’autres utility tokens n’en ont pas besoin et ça sera encore plus vrai avec du security token demain. C’est la vision que j’ai de Woken : tout un écosystème de plusieurs marchés « régulés » par des horaires pour permettre à tous nouveaux porteurs de projets / sociétés, de s’y token...

Information Importante Concernant Le Passage A L’heure D’hiver Ce Weekend

Le horaires de trade du Wasdaq NE CHANGENT PAS et seront TOUJOURS DE 1:30 PM à 8:00 PM UTC ‼️ Pour les pays qui pratiquent le passage à l’heure d’hiver (vous reculez d’une heure par rapport à votre UTC) vérifiez votre heure locale pour vous référer à nos heures de trading (1:30 PM à 8:00 PM UTC) ‼️ Pour les pays qui ne pratiquent pas le passage à l’heure d’hiver, rien ne change pour vous. Si vous avez le moindre doute, notre site Internet et nos réseaux sociaux vous indiquent toujours l’heure exacte du marché du Wasdaq et lorsqu’il va ouvrir / fermer

Important Information For Countries That Do Have Daylight Saving Time (dst) This Week

Wasdaq trading hours DO NOT CHANGE and are always still 1:30 pm to 8:00 pm UTC ‼️ For countries that do have Daylight Saving Time (you move back one hour from UTC), check your local time to refer to our times (1:30 pm to 8pm UTC) ‼️ For countries that are not affected by Daylight Saving Time, this does not change anything for you. And if you’re ever in doubt, our website and social networks always tell you the exact time the Wasdaq market opens.

⚠️ Erratum on daylight saving time support (DST) ⚠️

During the preparatory tests for Avalanche, we detected that the Gatekeeper does not support DST. This feature could not be coded directly in the Gatekeeper because there is uncertainty about the continuity of the DST of the countries concerned. In our initial design, we planned for the Wasdaq contract owner to update the Gatekeeper. Following the security audit we performed last August, it appeared that this functionality added a security problem, as the Gatekeeper could be replaced by a malicious contract. In order to close this loophole and to guarantee a strict security contract on the DeFi, we decided to renounce the Wasdaq contract and to use the current Gatekeeper for good. A contract already deployed on the blockchain cannot be modified, so we cannot modify the time change for winter time. Wasdaq trading hours do not change and are always still 1:30 pm to 8:00pm UTC. For countries that are not affected by Daylight Saving Time, this does not change anything for you. For countries that do have Daylight Saving Time (you move back one hour from UTC), check your local time to refer to our times (1:30 pm to 8pm UTC. ) And if you’re ever in doubt, our website and social networks always tell you the exact time the Wasdaq market opens. original article 👇 — ⚠️ Important information for Europeans about the winter time changeover ⚠️ - In Europe the winter time changeover is on October 31, but in the Unit...

Beta tests of the Wasdaq bridge has started

We have started the beta tests of the bridge on Binance Smart Chain Testnet and Avalanche FUJI C-Chain. We are proud to share with you the first version of the Wasdaq Bridge front end.wasdaq bridge front en

Beta version of the bridge

As announced, Wasdaq will arrive on Avalanche next month. This is an important milestone for our projet. Developers are doing great progress and today we can show you a version of the bridge. This bridge will allow any Wasdaq investor to transfer their WSDQ tokens between Binance Smart Chain and Avalanche. — The beta test phase of the Binance Chain — Avalanche bridge will start soon. - Below you see a transfer from BSC Testnet to Avalanche Fuji network

Second fundraising for WASDAQ to accelerate its development

After a first fundraising round from OTC investors last July 2021, we are pleased to announce that we have carried out a second round of fundraising from the same OTC investors, this time to accelerate the development of the project and respect our roadmap time. — Q4 2021: Contract-Chain Avalanche and Bridge - Avalanche — AVAX This sum will allow us to launch Wasdaq on Avalanche in addition to the BSC. Holders will be able to trade $WSDQ on the Binance Smart Chain or on Avalanche Chain, or both if they wish using a bridge developed by our team and let holders transfers their tokens between the two networks. — Why Avalanche Chain instead of Ethereum Chain ? - Due to the cost-push inflation of gas fee on Ethereum we believe it’s better to display $WSDQ on Avalanche first. The reason is twofold: Avalanche price gas fee is several orders of magnitude lower than Ethereum, Avalanche “Contract Chain” supports the Ethereum virtual machine : this allows us to display our BSC code without any modification., The bridge that we are developing will allow to use several Blockchains and not only BSC and Avalanche. — When will WSDQ be live on Avalanche? - We should be live on Avalanche Chain for mid-October / early November — WSDQ price will be the same on BSC and Avalanche? What about the Supply ? - The launch price of $WSDQ on Avalanche will be identical to BSC. Price variations between network...

WASDAQ: The Revolutionary Token Bringing Investors Better Life/Investing Balance with Pre-Defined…

WASDAQ: The Revolutionary Token Bringing Investors Better Life/Investing Balance with Pre-Defined Hours - Within the investment world, there is always a fear of the ever-changing markets. One day you could invest an insane amount of money, see the value rise to new heights, then watch its value plummet. Honestly, it’s scary, especially in the DeFi space where trading is highly volatile. Tokens fluctuate with the rise and fall of the market, and many other external factors. To combat these fears, enter the revolutionary solution, Wasdaq $WSDQ. A first of its kind token traded within pre-defined hours, giving holders the investing/life balance we all secretly crave. — Wasdaq’s Story - Created by two developers in France and Germany on May 2021, in one week, Wasdaq has certainly faced its challenges. One week from an idea to full-on implementation. One week to create a website, design a logo, write content, create a visual identity, publish a litepaper, sketch a roadmap, and write smart contracts. One week. Then they had three weeks to grow and promote their project to a community with no marketing funds. Initially they began with an ICO, but unfortunately it failed. Then they whitelisted which only provided them 12 addresses for launching the token. Raising awareness and funds is no easy task, no matter what project or blockchain you’re on. They had to impress their community, but also their IRL investor. Wasdaq...

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