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WMBX Price   

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WMBX Price:
All Time High:
Market Cap:

Circulating Supply:
Total Supply:
Max Supply:


The last known price of #WMBX is $0.000127 USD.

Please note that the price of #WMBX was last updated over 690 days ago. This can occur when coins have sporadic price reporting, no listings on exchanges or the project has been abandonded. All #WMBX statistics should be considered as 'last known value'.

The lowest WMBX price for this period was $0, the highest was $0.000127, and the exact last price of WMBX was $0.00012708.

The all-time high WMBX coin price was $0.037.

Use our custom price calculator to see the hypothetical price of WMBX with market cap of BTC or other crypto coins.


The code for Mobie crypto currency is #WMBX.

Mobie is 1.6 years old.


The current market capitalization for Mobie is not available at this time.

Mobie is ranking downwards to #11291 out of all coins, by market cap (and other factors).


There is a weak volume of trading today on #WMBX.

Today's 24-hour trading volume across all exchanges for Mobie is $114.


The total supply of WMBX is 947,917,567 coins.


WMBX has very limited pairings with other cryptocurrencies, but has at least 1 pairing and is listed on at least 1 crypto exchange.



Miami Crypto & Mobie App Updates

Founder & CEO, Brandon Burgason on Stage at NFT Week in MiamiMobie has been very present at NFT Week Miami with founder and CEO, Brandon Burgason, speaking live on the main stage this past Saturday. Topics discussed: How the utility function of NFTs drives new and exciting use cases for the technology and creates impact beyond just social impact. The discussion sparked offshoot conversations with many companies in attendance at the event and started bridging some of the technology that Mobie is developing in our Web3 business line with other new developments in the space. The in-person networking time in Miami has also been instrumental in finalizing agreements with several key advisors and investors coming into our fundraising round as we look to capitalize on our international expansion and marketing push in the coming months.New Update To Mobie App! A new version of the Mobie App is live on Android and is Pending App Store Approval! From a fresh new home screen and payment flow to easyUpdated Home ScreenUpdated Wallet ScreenUpdated Exchange FlowNew Earn Interface Functional updates: new groundwork for in-app staking has been solidified in this release as well as more support for XLM testing.April AMA Originally planned to happen Live from BTC Miami, this Wednesday, however, we have been advised by a partner that there is a “cannot miss” panel at BTC Miami Conference regarding onboarding retail into the cryp...

Fundraising & Development Update

This Week At Mobie First, a Quick Update: As a result of some last-minute scheduling conflicts, the Mobie March AMA was moved from last Wednesday to This Wednesday. We apologize for any inconvenience and are excited to see you all on Wednesday! If you have not already registered for the AMA, please do so hereFundraising for Mobie! Mobie Payments, Inc has filed its Form D to begin the capital raise process on the heels of our domestic App launch. As Mobie continues to navigate the ever-changing payments landscape and develop new IP, this fundraising round will provide fuel for the fire to continue the mass proliferation of the Mobie App and continue to support the innovations across the board. We are excited to welcome new strategic partners to Mobie through this fundraising process and will share more information as the time is right.Development Update With some relocations and turnover on our development team, we experienced some delays over the past few weeks on the front-end redesign of our user onboarding flow. This redesign is a critical component for streamlining the onboarding process and opens the door for our international expansion. We are expecting the front-end development to catch up to back-end systems over the next two weeks and will continue to provide updates on that front as well.App Traction Over the past month, we have seen a 30% increase in app sessions from the previous month, which means people are...

Mobie March AMA & TikTok

Getting excited for Wednesday? We are! It’s hard to believe that it’s already been another month since we have had our last AMA, but it’s the time! Here’s the topic list:On-Chain Staking Pre-Launch CompetitionNew App Downloads update and Marketing UpdateStellar Partnership UpdateNew Retailer UpdateInternational Rollout UpdateRewards & Ways to Win update On top of this, we will of course be answering all your questions so be sure to register here and submit your questions when you sign up or in the Mobie official telegram or discord channels. Looking forward to seeing you all on Wednesday! In the meantime, make sure you follow Mobie on our new TikTok channel!! Mobie March AMA & TikTok was originally published in Mobie Network on Medium, where people are continuing the conversation by highlighting and responding to this story.

Advertising Update: Mobie App

This past week has been an exciting combination of audience testing and media campaign buzz as two new initiatives went live around the promotions of the Mobie App.Social Media: in tandem with some new and engaging “cash back” audience scoring, we launched a Twitter advertising campaign to drive audiences to the app store and encourage the downloading of the Mobie. App. The campaign has been live for a week and we have already seen a lift of several hundred new page views on the app store directly from the ad unit.App Store Keyword Optimization: Just as important as Search Engine Optimization, App Store Optimization is the process of associating Mobie with keywords and phrases in the search process on iOS. We have launched an optimization campaign over this past week on keywords like “crypto rewards” “cashback” “rewards” and “shop with crypto” to improve how Mobie is ranking in the app store. This campaign has resulted in a series boost in app downloads! In total last week, we had over 350 new app downloads and an average user session of 1.69 times per day. This means most people are using the Mobie app more than once per day! We also had a significant reduction in crashes, with only 1 app crash in the week reporting period!! This is a huge reason to celebrate. NOTE: the above metrics are only for users who have opted into sharing their device information with Apple. And are only on the iOS store. Coming...

A Rewarding Journey: Get the Mobie App

When we talk about Mobie and user acquisition and rewards, we often talk about our data strategies, our targeting, and our existing community of shoppers and savers who are constantly using the Mobie App. What we don’t often talk about is the rewards-motivated strategy of new user acquisition that we are deploying soon. Today, we wanted to take some time to review the next component for Mobie Earn, which is centered around driving high-impact traffic to the Mobie App to start shopping and earning rewards! The best part about this new age of Mobie users, is they are joining the app at a remarkable time when MBX rewards are being integrated into our daily spending patterns. Action Based Rewards As many of you know, action-based rewards are already live in the Mobie app and are already incentivizing both user adoption of the Mobie App and user adoption of MBX. As users engage and grow in the Mobie App and ecosystem, we see a whirlwind of exciting activity on the app as they start to drive additional usage in the app based on the action-based rewards component. Rewards Motivated Consumers In today’s spending culture, earning cash back, discounts, and rewards has become a vital way that many people cut costs on their budgets and save up small funds on the side to pay for extra living costs and bonus items like trips, travel, entertainment, and dining out. With Mobie Earn, we will allow users to earn up to 8% back in MBX which ...

Mobie Earn: A New World of Crypto Rewards

Overview We are proud to announce the blueprint for “Mobie Earn”. Mobie Earn is the collective of all our rewards features and functionalities. Our goal is to develop and deploy the core components of the Mobie Earn ecosystem during the month of February! Rewards are central to the Mobie ecosystem and, as such, we take them very seriously. Today we are excited to outline the scope of our upcoming rewards framework. We are still finalizing details but are excited to share these components with our community as we formalize each phase of the program. There are multiple planned parts to the Mobie Earn ecosystem. Here are the first six modules that we are planning to form the foundation of the rewards program. Today we will be outlining the following rewards components:One Time Single Action RewardsIn-App Staking: “Rewards for Staking/Holding MBX”Single-Sided Staking (On Chain)LP Uniswap Staking (On Chain)Affiliate RewardsShopping Rewards These rewards modules will contain a variety of components to encourage Mobie adoption and use cases across a range of applications both in-app to on-chain. One Time Single Action Based Rewards are designed to encourage onboarding and use of the Mobie App. In this program, we will be offering action-based incentives to users who complete various tasks and phases within the app. We see this as critical to getting non-crypto users invested into cryptocurrency, starting with MBX. The ma...

This Week At Mobie! Rewards & our February AMA

We have an exciting week lined up for you! With the final touches coming to our six-module rewards overview, we are almost ready to hit publish and release the details of each of the modules to the public! Want a quick sneak peek? Reward Modules include:One Time Single Action RewardsIn-App Staking: “Rewards for Staking/Holding MBX”Single-Sided Staking (On Chain)LP Uniswap Staking (On Chain)Affiliate RewardsShopping Rewards Curious to learn more about rewards but don’t want to read a 6-page document this week? Then join our AMA!! Register here and submit your questions ahead of time to hear the answers you’re looking out for. The Monthly Mobie AMA is this Wednesday at Noon PST and we can’t wait! Keep your eyes peeled for the rewards update ahead of the AMA and we will see you all Wednesday! As always, please reach out directly to if you ever have any issues with the app. -The Mobie Team This Week At Mobie! Rewards & our February AMA was originally published in Mobie Network on Medium, where people are continuing the conversation by highlighting and responding to this story.

Pay With Mobie and Earn Cashback

Here at Mobie, innovation and advancement are at the epicenter of our commitment to payments. That’s why, when we formulate a new partnership or feature enhancement it’s always focused on the ethos of Mobie: payments that make sense.Pay With Mobie One of the recent commitments that we’ve made to improve the payments landscape can be witnessed in our modernized and streamlined “pay” screen right inside the Mobie App. Today we are going to walk through that payments screen in a bit more detail to learn more about the simple and fast way that you can use the Mobie App to pay with cash or crypto and earn rewards.Up to 8% Cashback at Retailers Right from the start of opening your Mobie App, you’ll see our latest cashback information pop onto the screen: earn up to 8% cashback when you shop and pay with your Mobie app! This exciting cashback tier is accessible by participating in our in-App staking of Mobie Coin, set to launch in the coming weeks ahead of our February AMA. For those shoppers who may not be staking MobieCoin in the app yet, there is another option to receive higher cashback percentages.Deals From the “Shop” screen right inside the Mobie App, you will see a new section titled “Hot Deals”. These are retailers where you can earn extra cashback, like 4% at Blaze Pizza or 3% at ACE Hardware, just for paying with Mobie, no additional staking or work needed! This exciting and variable cashback percent...

Update From Mobie 01/17

Happy Monday from the California Headquarters of Mobie! We are working diligently across the board to ensure that all our 2022 roadmap milestones are continuing to fall within reach, and are excited to be bringing you this update today.For those of you who missed it, last week we published our 2022 milestones and roadmap article detailing some of the macro initiatives that we are looking at in web 3.0 in the coming year as well as diving deeper into some of the topics and themes we discussed on the Webinar AMA.Buy MBX enabled in Exchange flow! Mobie App now supports the in-app exchange flow allowing users to buy MBX from right inside their mobie app! This is a tremendous step forward for MBX and we are very excited to see this token functionality fully explored in the app! You can find the exchange features in the “more” button at the bottom of your screen!Transparency On Fees You’ve asked and our team is delivering. Lots of questions have been pre-submitted around the fee structure on our gassless transactions and in-app exchange. To help answer these questions ahead of next month’s ama, the mobie team has been working on a public-facing FAQs document to clear the air around this topic.Submit Your Questions and Get Ready! We are already accepting topics and questions for next month’s AMA. If you have not already registered to attend please do so here. The AMA is scheduled for February 2nd!12 Days of Giveaways p...

Mobie Network in 2022 | 3..2..1…

Mobie was conceived over 3 years ago, born 2 years ago, and launched this past year! In order to get excited about the future, we oftentimes need to take a peek at the past for context, perspective, and as a reminder that the world is changing today more than ever before. It’s because of this extreme rate of change of the crypto space, financial technology, government legislature, and human philosophy (why humans do what they do) that Mobie is excited and geared for an ultra disruptive 2022. Our core goal is doubling down on our core utility: MBX. Here is the spoiler alert for what MobieCoin (MBX) is and will empower in the new year:Cashback on purchases at participating retailers/merchants made through the Mobie App. The more you spend or MBX you hold, the more crypto cashback you will receive on spending.Interest earnings on your MBX for rewarding loyal MBX holders and incentivizing saving alongside spending.Earnings on Liquidity Pool (LP) staking for helping to foster global liquidity of the token and supporting native blockchain tokens/coins.Cross-border payments/remittance/settlement through our partnerships with Wyre and the Stellar Foundation in both fiat and crypto. We’ll unpack these features in more detail across the 3 sections that follow.Chapter 1: Looking Back Looking back on 2021. One global theme that emerged in the fintech space is NFTs. Strangely enough, there have been several active NFT protocols fo...

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