| Wakanda Inu 
| #WKD
WKD Price: | $0.00000000211 | | Volume: | $342 | All Time High: | $0.000000485 | | Market Cap: | $321.0 K |
Circulating Supply: | 151,784,793,932,708 |
| Exchanges: | 1+
| Total Supply: | 166,197,401,864,146 |
| Markets: | 2+
| Max Supply: | — |
| Pairs: | 4
The last known price of #WKD is $0.00000000211 USD.
Please note that the price of #WKD was last updated over 150 days ago. This can occur when coins have sporadic price reporting, no listings on exchanges or the project has been abandonded. All #WKD statistics should be considered as 'last known value'.
The lowest WKD price for this period was $0, the highest was $0.00000000211, and the exact last price of WKD was $0.00000000211483.
The all-time high WKD coin price was $0.000000485.
Use our custom price calculator to see the hypothetical price of WKD with market cap of BTC and how the supply of WKD affects the price at different market capitalizations. |
The code for Wakanda Inu crypto currency is #WKD.
Wakanda Inu is 2.9 years old. |
The current market capitalization for Wakanda Inu is $320,998.
Wakanda Inu is ranking upwards to #5926, by market cap (and other factors). |
There is a weak daily trading volume on #WKD.
Today's 24-hour trading volume across all exchanges for Wakanda Inu is $342. |
The circulating supply of WKD is 151,784,793,932,708 coins, which is 91% of the total coin supply.
Relatively, Wakanda Inu has a large supply of coins, 6,899,309 times larger than Bitcoin's supply, for example. |
WKD has limited pairings with other cryptocurrencies, but has at least 4 pairings and is listed on at least 1 crypto exchange.
View #WKD trading pairs and crypto exchanges that currently support #WKD purchase. |
 Introducing wLOT: Your Gateway to Winning with Wakanda Inu Greetings, Wakanda Inu community! We are excited to introduce our newest product: the revolutionary Wakanda Inu LOT (wLOT). This DAO-sponsored product is specifically designed to bring excitement and rewards to our dedicated community members. wLOT is an innovative product that combines funds from seven participants and utilizes the Binance oracle to randomly select three fortunate winners. It's not just a game; it's a community-driven opportunity to win big with Wakanda Inu. Participation in the game necessitates the use of Wakanda Inu's native token, WKD, for all users. This requirement aims to foster inclusivity among our vibrant community and enhance the value of the WKD Token. Following the completion of each cycle, the pooled amount is distributed among the winners with the assistance of the Binance Oracle. The first winner receives 40%, the second winner receives 25%, and the third winner receives 15% of the total amount. In order to prioritize sustainable progress, we take 5% of WKD from each cycle and burn it, contributing to deflation. Additionally, 15% is allocated towards development and marketing efforts, fostering the growth and advancement of Wakanda Inu. To ensure a fair and transparent selection process, the winner is determined through the Binance Oracle's Verifiable Random Function (VRF), eliminating any possibility of external interference. At present, a wallet address can only participa... 
|  How Wakanda Inu's Token Burn Policy Ensures Long-Term Viability - A Winning Strategy With a dynamic and encouraging community propelling our project, Wakanda Inu has emerged as a powerful contender in the cryptocurrency market. One way we’re expanding our project is through our weekly WKD token burn events. In this article, we'll explore the token burn event's purpose, its advantages for the long-term sustainability of our Wakanda Inu project, and how our community members can participate and further support our initiatives through the WKD NFT Raffle draws. — What Exactly Is Token Burn? - The phrase "token burn" implies the intentional destruction, or "burning," of a particular number of tokens by transferring them to an unusable address, effectively removing them from circulation. The purpose of a token burn is to reduce the total supply, which can have several benefits for the project and its community. In the case of Wakanda Inu, our WKD token burn events are programmed to occur every week. 15% of the $BNB generated from the WKD NFT Raffle draws is for the buyback and burn of $Wkd tokens during the token burn events. We have successfully burned 689 Billion WKD since the WKD NFT Raffle draw system went live. The token burn is an enormous accomplishment for us because it reduces the total supply of our WKD tokens and has numerous positive effects on our ecosystem. — Benefits of WKD Token Burn Events - Firstly, when the total supply of our WKD tokens reduces, the v... 
|  Join the Wakanda Inu NFT Raffle Draw Referral Program & Win Big The world of NFTs is increasingly being drawn to our WKDRaffle draw platform. Our Wakanda Inu NFT raffle draw platform is a decentralized product that grants exposure to NFTs by allowing users to participate in an online raffle game with a chance to win NFTs while helping to bring African art and culture to the forefront of the NFT community. To promote our WKDRaffle initiative, we've introduced an exciting referral program that offers everyone the opportunity to earn big prizes through the NFT raffle draw. Our concept is unique and a first-of-its-kind in the NFT ecosystem. We should embrace it and make it known and accessible to the broader crypto community. In this article, we'll examine the details of Wakanda Inu's NFT raffle draw referral program and how to participate to increase your chances of winning substantial rewards. — What is the Wakanda Inu NFT Raffle Draw Referral Program? - Our Wakanda Inu referral program is an exciting initiative planned to encourage everyone to promote our platform to their friends. The program is simple and straightforward. All you have to do is share your unique referral link with your friends, and for every person that participates and wins using your link, you will earn a share of the 5% allocated to referrals in each raffle draw cycle. The more referrals you make, the more chances you have to earn big. The raffle draw features our unique and highly sought-after HATUT... 
|  The Wakanda Inu (WKD) NFT Raffle is now live! The Wakanda Inu raffle draw is a new and exciting NFT raffle that offers the opportunity to win rewards while supporting a great cause. The raffle draw is a multi-winner system organized by the Wakanda Inu community. The Wakanda Inu raffle draw runs by allowing a participant to mint 1 type of the 5 unique sets of Wakanda Inu NFTs (HATUT_ZERAZ_E) in cycles. In each cycle, 2000 of these NFTs can be minted, and each NFT minted is an automatic entry ticket to participate in the raffle draw. WKD Raffle is the first use-case for Wakanda Inu NFT, and it is designed to use most of the funds accrued from NFT minting to develop and promote the Wakanda Inu ecosystem. — Fund distribution in each Cycle - The funds from each Raffle is distributed in the following order. 50% of the cycle funds are shared among winning entries as the cycle reward, making it an engaging experience for individuals looking to benefit from the raffle draws. 12% of funds are set apart for funding the DAO multi-sig, which will be used to support the promotion of social and development of dApps that further promotes the use-cases of WKD token and WKD INU NFTs. The DAO funds will also be used to finance Wakanda Inu Charity efforts and will be voted on by the community. 5% of each cycle fund incentivizes those who referred others to participate in the WKDRaffle. 15% is used to buy back and burn WKD tokens from Pancakeswap and Wakandaswap, effectively removi... 
|  Introducing the Wakanda Inu NFT Raffle You might have come across raffles while attending a charity event, local community gathering, or browsing online. Raffles are a popular game of chance that allows participants to purchase tickets for a chance to win prizes through a random drawing. With their widespread appeal, they offer an exciting and engaging way to test your luck at fun games. But what exactly is a raffle? A raffle is a game of chance in which participants purchase tickets for an opportunity to win a prize. Typically, these tickets are sold at a predetermined price and the winner is decided through a random drawing. Raffles are often held in physical locations and also on digital platforms. In this article, we shall be exploring the Wakanda Inu Raffle. — What is the Wakanda Inu NFT Raffle & how it works works - The Wakanda Inu Raffle is an online game of chance where participants acquire or mint NFT tickets to participate in a four-phase raffle cycle. Once the four cycles ends, winning participants can then claim their winnings (if they win). The raffle works in four cycles namely the Closed, Open, Drawing Winners, and Post Draw — we will explain what each of the steps in the cycle means but we should note that each cycle has a maximum of 2000 participants with a minimum number of winners in a single raffle set at 300 while a maximum number of winners is 500. Now, let’s explore each of the phases or steps in a Raffle cycle. — ... 
|  Understanding Market Forces: Why Cryptocurrency Prices Drops The financial revolution that cryptocurrency has brought has taken the world by storm. There are a lot of new types of products and possibilities being unlocked thanks to the underlying technology behind cryptocurrencies — blockchain. Blockchain features unparalleled transparency, security, and decentralization, and it has become an interesting go-to technology for businesses and individuals seeking to exploit its unique features. Despite the many great benefits which blockchain offers, there is still some misconceptions about what it is and how it works. One of the most common misconceptions is that developers control the price of cryptocurrencies. This can be a concern for some crypto investors or traders especially when the price of a cryptocurrency suddenly plummets since they do not know the price of cryptocurrencies are a function of market forces — supply and demand. In this article, we will discuss why cryptocurrency prices fall and what factors contribute to such situations. — How are cryptocurrency prices determined? - Before exploring the reasons for cryptocurrency price declines, it's crucial to understand how cryptocurrency prices are determined. The price of cryptocurrencies is subject to market forces, supply, and demand. Their value can fluctuate rapidly based on changes in market sentiment and investor behavior. What this means is that the price of cryptocurrencies can be influenced by ... 
|  Introducing the Wakanda Inu Launchpad & Its Benefits For Blockchain Projects Imagine you have a brilliant and promising idea to build a blockchain-related project. There may be a need to raise funding, but before you can do that, you must put in a lot of effort to be able to come up with a product with appealing use cases. Launching a crypto project is not easy, you’ll need funds, people, and the community that will help drive your product. This is why launchpads were created. Launchpads help to kick-start your project by giving it wings to fly. Understandingly, it’s a tough journey and this is why we have come to make it easier. Introducing the Wakanda Inu launchpad. The highly anticipated launch of the Wakanda Inu Launchpad will be a fascinating event for the blockchain world. The Wakanda Inu Launchpad will create a new opportunity for crypto projects to be seen and gain funding. It will function as a fundraising mechanism that allows blockchain startups to sell their tokens directly to investors. Let's first quickly discuss what the Wakanda Inu Launchpad will imply for the blockchain communities before delving into its benefits. — What will the Wakanda Inu Launchpad imply for Blockchain Communities? - Wakanda Warriors, you asked for use cases. From the liquidity pool, WKDswap, and new website, to the incoming launchpad, we have developed the use cases and are continuing to build assiduously. We are keenly interested in the long-term potential of blockchain technology and conscious of o... 
|  Wakanda Inu: The African Crypto Blazing the Trail with Real-World Social Impact Wakanda Inu commissions solar-powered borehole water in Biala community, Kwara State, NigeriaWakanda Inu (WKD) commissions solar powered water in the Biala Community, Kwara State, Nigeria. Wakanda Inu ($WKD) is a cryptocurrency token held by over 113,000 (One Hundred and Thirteen Thousand) people, the highest number of holders in any African Cryptocurrency project. It was Built as a charity-oriented meme token and, to project the strength of the African people across the globe. With a lot of soon-to-be-released use-cases such as NFT marketplace, Decentralised exchange, Launchpad, and a staking platform in the works, we have once again turned our focus towards giving back to the communities surrounding our loyal and esteemed holders. The United Nations Children’s Fund reported that over 100,000 children under five die of water-borne diseases annually in Nigeria — 90 percent of these deaths were linked to unsafe water and sanitation. Women particularly suffer from the lack of availability to clean and safe water. Charged with transporting water, women and children walk miles to fetch water daily. And, every time they hit the road for a distant water source, they risk facing violence along the way. Decent access to clean, close water reduces that risk, gives women more time and security to invest in family and community development, and gives children the opportunity to be in school. The vast majority of people livin... 
|  NFT Growth in Africa; Prospects, Challenges & Wakanda Inu NFT Marketplace Non-fungible tokens (NFTs) have exploded recently. And Africa is joining the other parts of the crypto world in the hype and buzz. From art and music to games and videos, these digital assets are selling really high, some for millions of dollars. As much as there are traders and observers that believe NFT is just a hype and has nothing substantial to offer, others still believe NFTs are here to stay, and that they will change investment forever.What is an NFT? An NFT is a digital asset that represents real-world objects like art, music, in-game items and videos. They are bought and sold online, frequently with cryptocurrencies, and they are generally encoded with the same underlying software as many cryptos. NFT stands for non-fungible token. It is generally built using the same kind of programming as cryptocurrency, like Bitcoin or Ethereum, but that’s where the similarity ends. Although they’ve been around since 2014, NFTs are gaining popularity and influence now because they are becoming an increasingly popular way to buy and sell digital artwork. According to a report by The Guardian, In 2021, collectors and traders spent $22 billion on NFTs, up from $100 million in 2020.NFT in Africa NFTs, the latest digital trend is fast gaining attention in Africa. Don Jazzy became the pacesetter in the Nigerian music industry in 2021 when he made up to $300,000 in ten minutes on an NFT after collaborating with a digital artist... 
|  Latest on the Wakanda Inu Tik Tok Global Dance Challenge Greetings to the Wakanda Inu dancers. First, we want to appreciate every team that took the time to participate in the Wakanda Inu global dance challenge. The first of its kind. We want to apologise for the long Silence. What a time we've had! Over the past weeks, we've incurred several changes and had many projects underway. A lot of new initiatives have been undertaken and many challenges have been faced. It's safe to say we've had a lot going on for us, but now it is time to reveal our final decision on the dance challenge. The silence is over, and we are ready to let the cat out of the bag. Drum roll! We had a lot of creative entries. The judges had a tough time choosing the winning team because all the video entries were extraordinary. However, the turnover of videos we got, was way below our expectations. For this reason, the Judges have decided to compensate all the participants. Every team performed brilliantly in the challenge, and we have decided to crown every one of you. Congratulations, you are all winners. To get your prize, please send a DM to our official TIkTok account (https://vt.tiktok.com/ZSeV7Ds2n/) from the account you used to submit your entry. Your message must contain the following items to be considered: Wallet Address: 0x.. Link to your video entry: …. We've also released the Panther's Word 2.0 detailing what we intend to do. Wakanda Inu Forever!