| Warp Finance
WARP Price: | $0.34 | | Volume: | $709 | All Time High: | $1,061 | | Market Cap: | $46.3 K |
Circulating Supply: | 136,172 |
| Exchanges: | 1+
| Total Supply: | 150,000 |
| Markets: | 1+
| Max Supply: | — |
| Pairs: | 2
The last known price of #WARP is $0.34 USD.
Please note that the price of #WARP was last updated over 280 days ago. This can occur when coins have sporadic price reporting, no listings on exchanges or the project has been abandonded. All #WARP statistics should be considered as 'last known value'.
The lowest WARP price for this period was $0, the highest was $0.340, and the exact last price of WARP was $0.34015.
The all-time high WARP coin price was $1,061.
Use our custom price calculator to see the hypothetical price of WARP with market cap of ETH or other crypto coins. |
The code for Warp Finance crypto currency is #WARP.
Warp Finance is 8.2 years old. |
The current market capitalization for Warp Finance is $46,318.
Warp Finance is ranking upwards to #2009 out of all coins, by market cap (and other factors). |
The trading volume is weak today for #WARP.
Today's 24-hour trading volume across all exchanges for Warp Finance is $709. |
The circulating supply of WARP is 136,172 coins, which is 91% of the total coin supply.
Note the unusually low supply of Warp Finance coins which adds to rarity of this cryptocurrency and increases perceived market value. |
WARP has limited pairings with other cryptocurrencies, but has at least 2 pairings and is listed on at least 1 crypto exchange.
View #WARP trading pairs and crypto exchanges that currently support #WARP purchase. |
Warp Finance going offline on the 13th march 2024 Warp Finance going offline on the 13th march 2024 - As the titled indicates the days of Warp Finance are coming to an end. This final Medium post is written to give you final important information. — V1 Frontend Users - For users of Warp Finance’s V1 frontend will this post be very important. Writing about Warp Finance is going offline it means that the hosted frontend will be taken offline. The smart contracts will remain active as they still contain tokens. You should check the following domains if you still have funds on them: v1.warp.finance On 13th March 2024 the servers will be shut down which result the URLs pointing to an empty space and returning an error from this moment onwards. You will then have to user the Smart Contract addresses to interact and to deposit and withdraw from the platform. While writing this post almost no tokens are borrowed via V1 which allows a withdrawal without any problems. USDC, USDT and sUSD have no borrowings against them. Only DAI tokens have a borrow rate of 7% which means that if all DAI depositors want to withdraw their tokens some will stay locked until the moment the borrower is repaying the loan or is getting liquidated. — V1 Smart Contract Users - The smart contracts keeping Warp V1 will stay activated. For unexperienced users it can be a bit difficult to guide through the jungle of contracts on Mintscan. The give some help for this you can find an assembled list...
| Q1 2023 — Warp Finance Update Q1 2023 — Warp Finance Update - — Opening Words from the Team - Dear fellow Travelers, We are excited to share with you our first quarterly update as a newly organized team. As you may recall, in mid-January we announced that Warp Finance was leaving the Advanced Blockchain incubator to regain full control over the protocol and product. Since then, we have been working hard to put ourselves in a better position to achieve our goals. We knew that leaving the Advanced Blockchain incubator was a risky step, as we were leaving a safe harbor, but still it was a required one to make the progress we need to finally release a working product with great product-market-fit. The first quarter was filled with background tasks that were necessary to stay sovereign and to remove legacy issues from the past. Despite these distractions, we are proud to report that we made more progress during Q1 2023 than we did during the second half of 2022 during which we have released the Warp v2 Beta. We were able to renegotiate all open liabilities and free up enough budget to continue development of the protocol. At this moment we are also happy to confirm that we indeed have enough funding to release Warp Finance version 2 which will have a new focus and which will be explained more a bit below. We are now standing on our own feet again, working with our own infrastructure and developing the future of Warp Finance with our own budget. O...
| Written AMA summary Hello Warp Finance community, First of all, thank you very much for the mostly positive reception of recent news. We were not sure how the update is going to be received by you but are very happy that most of you agree with the path we want to move forward on. You have asked a bunch of questions during yesterdays AMA and we have tried to write our answers down accordingly how we gave them and you can find them grouped in three different categories. — Warp Team - Q: Who is in the Warp team currently? (Answering like Q1 is confirmed) A: At the moment, we can only confirm and announce two members of the team. You know the first person quite well as it is no one less than MrStiive. He started as an interested person in Warp Finance and was contracted as marketing consultant for the project since April 2022. In October the same year MrStiive took over control of the product as visionary of Warp as one action of the Advanced Blockchain incubator and became the so called ‘Project Lead’ which will turn into a product leadership role. The second person is Chris who has not been in the official Warp team up until now. Chris is a doxxed person and we want to transparently share that he has a current role at Advanced Blockchain. His now role in Warp Finance is unrelated to his other role at Advanced Blockchain and won’t compromize the independency of the project. We went into more details about his role at Advanced Blockchain...
| Warp Finance leaves the Advanced Blockchain incubator Hello Warp Finance community, Today we announce that Warp Finance has left the Advanced Blockchain AG incubator and returns to be a fully independent project! This update brings both positive and challenging changes, but we firmly believe that the advantages outweigh the disadvantages. One of the toughest challenges we will face is rebuilding the development team, an excercise we had to do already too many times, as we will no longer have access to the developers from Advanced Blockchain AG. However, we are already in talks with several developers, some of whom are “Warp Finance OGs” who have worked on the first version of the protocol and have shown interest in returning to the project. We are not satisfied with the speed of our own development in 2022 and see this as an opportunity to set the sails right one last time. Now that we are no longer part of the incubator, we can post more regularly and be more transparent in our communications with you. Being in the cosmos of a stock-listed company can place restrictions on communication, and we are committed to being as transparent about all new developments as possible moving forward. This includes sharing information about our financial capabilities, payment structure, product development status, team member status, and road map updates. However, we want to respect the privacy of individuals who choose not to be publicly facing (for now). We would like to thank the activ...
| The $warp magazine edition #06 Star Warps; Rogue One - Welcome to the sixth instalment of the Warp Magazine, and the last of 2022. As always, the idea behind the Warp Magazine is to unravel the unique components of the Warp technology stack, and spill some ‘alpha’. Usually, the Magazine is also accompanied by a ‘Devlog’, however, as noted in our last edition we are actively looking to engage more solidity developers resources. There have been lots of discussions, but we were not able to solidify any outcomes in time for this edition. Before posting about development progress, we’d like to have clarity over our new team structure and its organization, and thus this magazine edition will omit the devlog section until there is more clarity on the above. We will provide a more formal update as soon as possible, but won’t be answering individual questions on the topic until this is finalized. While waiting on an update to resources, please note that we have made progress on other elements since the previous update; for example, liquidation testing of the new pair types (testnet and mainnet) which is required before pair deployment, and implemented many front end improvements (most pushed to production already). More details and the outcome of such tasks will be provided in the upcoming devlog update. As always with the magazine, here are a list of some important links; Warp finance website, v2 dApp platform, Deconstructing the Warp vision (the t...
| Warp Devlog #18 Dear Warpies, There have been some important changes since the last update in the Warp Magazine #05, namely to staffing as seen below. This sprint, work continued on the elements of Chisel audit, deploying new pairs, and updates to frontend and backend. Please see below for more details. As always, here are some links relating to the Warp universe; Warp finance website, v2 dApp platform, Deconstructing the Warp vision (the three pillars), $warp magazine edition #01 (WARP, the ultimate incentive mechanism), $warp magazine edition #02 (Looping, the ultimate gains multiplier), $warp magazine edition #03 (Chisel, the ultimate DeFi yield aggregator), $warp magazine edition #04 (Lending versus minting), $warp magazine edition #05 (Chisel; B2B bribeable TVL), Old v1 platform, — We are Hiring! - Unfortunately, since our last dev-log update (Magazine #05), our lead developer had reduced their hours to half-time, and have reduced their hours further from this week to pursue a new opportunity. This means, progress on all contract work will be hampered until we can find replacement developer resources. We are therefore actively looking for additional solidity developers resources, and the team has been actively contacting developers through our channels and networks. We are also open to recommendations and self-promotion, specifically of developers with experience in DeFi protocols; proficient in concepts such as pricing ora...
| The $warp magazine edition #05 Star Warps; The Force Awakens - Hello dear readers, The fifth edition of “the $warp magazine” is here. As usual, the magazine will run through developer updates from the past fortnight, community questions and feedback, and an Alpha section. Below are some links relating to the Warp universe; Warp finance website, v2 dApp platform, Deconstructing the Warp vision (the three core pillars), Previous $warp magazine edition #01 ($WARP, the ultimate incentive mechanism), Previous $warp magazine edition #02 (Looping, the ultimate gains multiplier), Previous $warp magazine edition #03 (Chisel, the ultimate DeFi yield aggregator), Previous $warp magazine edition #04 (Lending versus minting), Old v1 platform, — Dev Updates - Featuring the latest development updates: — Chisel Audit - Since our last update, the Chisel audit process has officially begun! We received the first pass of feedback from the auditors, which our team is now going through and determining our response to each of the items. The team’s view is that the feedback from the auditors was well thought through, and provides some valuable suggestions. We hope to finalize our implementation plan by the end of next week, such that we can holistically make any improvements to the code (without opening up any new bug potentials), before proceeding with the next round of the audit. As always, we will continue to keep the community informed about the pro...
| Warp devlog #17 Hello Warpies. This past fortnight has included some big developments, including some structural changes to the project and team. The devs have been hard at work implementing our vision, while management has been pursuing opportunities surrounding some impromptu external interest of the Warp protocol and its unique vision. — Warp Team Recomposition - The Warp team has undergone some recent changes over the past weeks, with the goal to reduce burn rate and management overhead. This was performed to make the development more sustainable in case of a prolonged bear market, and to ensure the longevity and long-term success of the project. The team, in conjunction with our main supporters, Advanced Blockchain AG (ABAG), made the difficult decision to focus our resources on tech development towards the full-feature launch of V2. As many of you know, as part of these difficult decisions, 30th of September was the last day of Shrimpy, our full-time community manager. Shrimpy was one of the project’s oldest community facing employees, and will be sorely missed by the OG’s (although he’s still hanging around in the TG). Furthermore, the marketing content lead of ABAG has also been retired as of the first week of October, and thus will no longer be assisting Warp in this regard. The team thank both for their service towards the Warp project and community. On the management side, Bam, our Project Manager and Team Lead, has a...
| the $warp magazine edition #04 The #Warparmy Strikes Back! - gm #Warparmy! The fourth edition of “the $warp magazine” has arrived! Development is progressing steadily and we are working towards accomplishing milestones on the Warp roadmap! Talking about roadmaps… visit the warp.finance website at your convenience as a short-term roadmap (till the end of the year) has been included towards the bottom of the homepage, with insights into predicted Chisel and veWARP launch dates! 👀 Roadmap sneak peek. Head over to the website to unravel the hidden timeline! Marketing activity is on the rise as indicated in the last edition. Talks are ongoing with Element Finance and we hope to deliver great news at the earliest! Before we explore the Dev Updates section, below are the important links that you should regularly refer to, to better your understanding of the #Warpverse and where we are currently at. As always, the $warp magazine serves as your one-stop destination for all things Warp (of course, you must follow our socials for juicy, daily snippets 😜)! Warp v2 Beta run-through explainer video, Warp v2 Beta run-through explainer script, AMA outlining the platform & addressing questions, Deconstructing the Warp vision, The $warp magazine edition #03, Landing page, New platform, Old platform, Without further ado, here are some juicy development updates! — Dev Updates - Featuring the latest development updates: — New Lending Pair Deplo...
| The $warp magazine edition #03 The #Warparmy Returns - Hey hey, #Warparmy! The third edition of “the $warp magazine” is here! A lot has happened behind the scenes since we published #02. We also increased efforts on the marketing side, where we held a joint private AMA with Decentralized ETF, on Telegram and recorded the call. We also published the AMA on YouTube (link below) and are working towards collaborating with other like-minded projects — turn on Twitter notifications to learn about our next AMA, which will be very soon! P.S: Something is cooking with Element Finance… 👀 On the development front… Well, we have an entire section dedicated to the cause, so read on! Before we dive into the Dev Updates section, here are some important links that you should refer to from time to time to enhance your knowledge of the #Warpverse. Remember, the $warp magazine serves as your one-stop destination for all things Warp (of course, you must follow our socials for juicy, daily snippets 😜)! Warp v2 Beta run-through explainer video, Warp v2 Beta run-through explainer script, AMA outlining the platform & addressing questions, Deconstructing the Warp vision, The $warp magazine edition #02, AMA with Decentralized ETF, Landing page, New platform, Old platform, We recommend visiting the Warp v2 Beta platform (link number 8) often, as new isolated lending pair implementations could drop at any time — remember from the last installment, t...