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Unslashed Finance  


USF Price:
All Time High:
Market Cap:

Circulating Supply:
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Max Supply:


The last known price of #USF is $0.026 USD.

Please note that the price of #USF was last updated over 460 days ago. This can occur when coins have sporadic price reporting, no listings on exchanges or the project has been abandonded. All #USF statistics should be considered as 'last known value'.

The lowest USF price for this period was $0, the highest was $0.026, and the exact last price of USF was $0.02637.

The all-time high USF coin price was $12.28.

Use our custom price calculator to see the hypothetical price of USF with market cap of SOL or other crypto coins.


The code for Unslashed Finance crypto currency is #USF.

Unslashed Finance is 2.7 years old.


The current market capitalization for Unslashed Finance is not available at this time.

Unslashed Finance is ranking downwards to #4668 out of all coins, by market cap (and other factors).


There is an unknown daily trading volume on #USF.


The total supply of USF is 86,000,000 coins, which is 100% of the maximum coin supply.


USF is a token on the Ethereum blockchain.


USF exchange data is not currently available.



Kyber Network and Unslashed Finance partner over a $20m Native Insurance to protect Kyber Network…

Kyber Network and Unslashed Finance partner over a $20m Native Insurance to protect Kyber Network and DMM users - Kyber showing the way with the largest Native Insurance buy in DeFi Kyber Network is now offering the first Natively Insured Pools for the Dynamic Market Maker (DMM) protocol! The policy acquired by Kyber covers up to $20m (10,000 ETH) and is focused on smart-contract risk.Kyber has made the decision to purchase bulk insurance for the DMM, covering all liquidity providers and market-makers. In doing so, Kyber demonstrates the importance of combining the transparency of self-custody and smart-contract audits with insurance as an additional layer to mitigate risk for users. — Kyber’s Commitment to Security - Kyber Network recently launched the Dynamic Market Maker (DMM), an innovative, next-gen AMM designed to optimise fees and enable extremely high capital efficiency for liquidity providers. Kyber was one of the earliest DeFi protocols focused since 2017 on providing seamless onchain liquidity through an open reserve architecture. Kyber has always maintained a high standard of smart contract security, and its liquidity infrastructure has facilitated close to $5 Billion worth of trading volume for thousands of users, while managing more than 50 reserves and being integrated to over 100 decentralised applications. DMM is a new major protocol that will be added to Kyber 3.0’s liquidity hub and ...

Perpetual Protocol and Unslashed Finance partner to protect Perp’s vAMM Vaults

Perpetual Protocol is offering the first Natively Insured Vaults for Decentralised Perpetual Contracts trading by leveraging their newly listed policy on Unslashed Finance! With this policy, Perpetual Protocol will cover about 2.5m$ of user funds and also offer an incentive of around 2500 PERP tokens to be distributed by the Unslashed DAO over a period 6 months.The Perp DAO has made the decision to purchase bulk insurance for its own protocol, covering all derivative traders on Perp’s vAMM. In doing so, Perpetual Protocol demonstrates the importance of combining the transparency of self-custody, smart-contract audits and insurance as an additional layer to mitigate risk and cover users. — What led Perp DAO to this unique decision? - Perpetual Protocol is a decentralised perpetual contract protocol for every asset, made possible by a Virtual Automated Market Maker (henceforth referred to as a “vAMM” or “vAMMs”). Traders can trade with the Virtual AMMs directly without the need for counter-parties. The Virtual AMMs provide guaranteed on-chain liquidity with predictable pricing set by constant product curves. The Virtual AMMs are also designed to be market neutral and fully collateralised. Perpetual contracts represent by far the largest volumes of trading in crypto and Perpetual Protocol is leading the way in decentralised perpetuals. While trading, users can use up to 20x leverage long or short, have transpare...

Epoch 7 Mining Rewards

As Epoch 6 is coming to an end on block #12245099 and Epoch 7 starts on Block #12245100, we are announcing the continuation of both Capital Mining and LP mining programs. We will also publish the second State of Unslashed Report at the end of Epoch 7! — Epoch 7 rewards - Epoch 7 starts on Block Number 12245099 and ends on Block Number 12342761. The rewards structure for Epoch 7 will be the same as the one for Epoch 6. The breakdown is therefore the following: Capital Miners Rewards Capital Miners: 75 000 tokens for Epoch 7miners (joined before start of Epoch 7 and stayed until the end of Epoch 7), Bonus for Committed Capital Miners (Epochs 6 & 7): 75 000 tokens (joined before or during epoch 6 and stayed until the end of epoch 7), 100 000 tokens go to the “Long Term Thinkers Vault” that will be distributed to Epoch 7 Capital Miners who meet a certain number of criteria to be determined by the Unslashed DAO and to be applied retroactively., Uniswap LP Miners Rewards LP miners: 200 000 tokens for epoch 7 LP miners (joined at any point during or before epoch 7 and stayed until the end of epoch 7), Bonus for LP miners: 100 000 tokens (joined during or before epoch 6 and stayed until the end of epoch 7), — LEARN MORE ABOUT UNSLASHED FINANCE - We are Unslashed and we’ve got your back! Website: Invitations: Twitter : @UNSLASHEDF Telegram: @UnslashedFinance Discord: disco...

State of Unslashed (1): Epoch 5 report and start of Epoch 6

As Epoch 5 is coming to an end on block #12147437, the Unslashed Finance team is excited to announce the 1st State of Unslashed Report. This report is part of the Carte Blanche Proposal that gives the team 3 months starting from March, 25th, 2021 to push the protocol and product forward while reporting to the Unslashed Finance DAO & community and discussing the important topics as part of the DAO decision making process. A report will be published every 2 to 4 weeks to summarise the latest developments and put an emphasise on the most important events. — Epoch 5 summary - — 1. Capital Miners APY. — Following the Signalling Vote that took place on March, 14th that put an emphasis on rewarding more long-term focused Capital Miners, we saw a natural outflow of capital from the Spartan Bucket that lead to the stabilisation of the APY between 32% and 44% (up more than 50%). The stabilisation shows that this mining policy in particular and behaviour-based rewards in general are important factors that can allow Unslashed to attract Capital Miners whose vision and interests are aligned with the project’s and concurrently avoid adversarial mining.Uniswap Pool Liquidity The USF/ETH Uniswap Pool has been growing both in ETH value and in USF value while delivering between 270% and 350% APR. This signals the build-up of a solid base of long-term supporters with a strong interest in accumulating more USF tokens t...

Announcing the Unslashed Finance DAO

Early DAO attempts in Ancient Greece — Birth Labor and Token Delivery - On March 3rd, 2021 (AD), we released the smart contracts source code for the USF token and the Unslashed Finance DAO on github.  — @UnslashedF A few hours later, an anonymous community member deployed all the smart contracts. $USF was born. Capital Miners were able to start withdrawing their rewards and a Uniswap Pool was created.  — @NolanVanmoortel Not many people paid attention to the DAO smart contracts that were part of that same deployment. Today we are here to tell you more about it! — Compound-style Governance and Tally tooling! - Compound-style Governance systems is becoming the standard for DAO-centric projects, and is probably one of the best in DeFi. It backs billions of dollars and its community regularly proposes and votes on changes via its governance. It is also the same governance tool used by Uniswap and also backs billions of dollars. The system is comprised of three basic contracts, is easy to reason about, and has been very closely audited. Tally is a friendly user-interface for the governance smart-contracts, it empowers user owned governance through a voting dashboard, governance tooling and real time research and analysis.Governance, Governance, Governance The app can be used to review data on governance systems, active and past proposals, and individual delegates or token ...

USF Token Launch and LP Mining on Uniswap!

20th century token holder The withdrawal process for USF token is now open and the LP mining on Uniswap begins as of Blocknumber 11966100! USF token address is: 0xe0e05c43c097b0982db6c9d626c4eb9e95c3b9ce Make sure to double check it when depositing liquidity or trading on Uniswap. We will also announce the pool address on both telegram and Discord. — How to withdraw USF tokens?. — It is as easy as 3 clicks! First click.what could “USF Rewards” be for? 😉 Second on withdraw …. And the classic third metamask click!…confirm the transaction! Once the transaction is processed you will be the proud owner of some well-earned USF tokens ✨ Important: as mentioned previously, about 25% of the USF tokens earned will be available for immediate withdrawal, the remaining 75% will be vested linearly over a period of 15 days. — LP mining on Uniswap. — LP mining is starting at Blocknumber 11966100. 200 000 USF Tokens will be distributed to LP miners on the USF/ETH pair, these rewards will be calculated block per block and on a prorata temporis basis, then distributed linearly after the end of Epoch 4 over 15 days. In order to qualify, the LP needs to hold his LP tokens in his wallet until the end of Epoch 4. Each block a bit more than 2 USF tokens will be earned by LP miners. Bonus Rewards for committed LPs: A bonus of 100 000 USF tokens will be distributed amongst those who provided...

Unslashed Private Launch, Epochs 1–2–3: Looking Back, Looking Ahead

Looking back on the first 3 Epochs - The past few weeks have been intense and a tremendous success for Unslashed. After 2 testing phases on both testnets and mainnet, we started our Capital Mining Program on Block #11659127 (Jan-15–2021 10:26:41 AM GMT) along with a private launch of the platform. We are thrilled to announce that within the span of a few weeks, 45 000 ETH of capital were supplied and more than 216 000 ETH worth of coverage were sold.Capital Supply growth …“The first 3 epochs of our private launch attracted over 45,000 ETH into the Spartan Bucket”…followed with Cover Amounts growth The first listed policies were sold out in a matter of hours (who said there was no demand for insurance?!)  — @UnslashedF The new capital inflow lowered the APR coming from the premiums paid by cover buyers on the 4 initial policies…1.38% 😕 …then it started to grow…3.7% 🤑 … and it grew further as more policies were listed and more coverage sold!4.8% 🤑 🤑“The APR from the premiums earned grew from around 1% at end of Epoch 1 to 4.8% at end of Epoch 3, with a total of 7 policies listed” We also made history with our friends at by doing the first DAO to DAO insurance transaction…  — @UnslashedF …casually sold a 1,000 ETH insurance to ParaSwap…  — @UnslashedF … and partnered with to provide them with Inst...

Lido and Unslashed create a new standard: insurance as an integrated solution

Lido + Unslashed = ❤ Lido and Unslashed are making history with the first DAO to DAO insurance transaction!The Lido DAO has made the decision to purchase bulk insurance for its own protocol instead of passing the buck to its users. In doing so, Lido demonstrates how important insurance can (and will be) in protocol competitiveness and sets a higher standard of service to its users. Huge! — What led Lido DAO to this unique decision ? - Lido is a liquid staking solution for ETH 2.0 backed by industry-leading validators. Lido allows users to stake their ETH without locking assets while maintaining infrastructure and participating in on-chain activities like lending. Lido attempts to solve some of the problems associated with initial ETH 2.0 such as staking illiquidity, immovability and accessibility — making staked ETH liquid and allowing for participation with any amount of ETH to improve security of the Ethereum 2.0 network. While staking ETH, users receive staking rewards, but it also comes with a risk: slashing.Slashing… hurtsSlashing refers to the forfeiting of rewards and subsequent losses for an Ethereum validator due to a multitude of factors. These factors include breaking network consensus, node downtime or double-signing. It represents a penalty for ineffective validation and results in a loss of funds for validators and, subsequently, for entities staking with these validators. Currently, if a slas...

Customising your risk exposure inside the Spartan Bucket

Jay-z showing us what hedgin & pimpin looks like Buckets are a key feature and strong innovation from Unslashed Finance. This package of different policies offer many advantages for Capital Suppliers. The Bucket allows users to supply capital while maintaining relatively comfortable risk diversification. If there’s an event resulting in a claim on one of the policies within the bucket, the user is only impacted on that specific policy, and not on the entirety of the capital supplied to the bucket., The bucket also enables capital efficiency. It allows users to cover more ETH within the bucket than within a specific pool with the same capital, allowing them to earn more premiums., — The only drawback?. — You can’t choose which specific policies you can and cannot provide coverage for. Luckily, Unslashed Finance offers users the ability to customise risk exposure.If you’re concerned about specific risk exposure and want to look for ways to mitigate the risk of some of the policies you are providing coverage for, Unslashed Finance has a solution. — Hedging and The Spartan Bucket - The Spartan Bucket contains 24 (with more to be added in the future) different policies. Although most of the policies in this bucket are deemed low-risk, different Capital Suppliers might have different risk perceptions. So should a user have the desire to avoid risk on a specific policy found within the bucket, Unslashe...

Introducing Unslashed Cover Mining: earn yield while protecting your assets!

Want to protect your assets from potential threats with ease? Want to earn yield while doing so? If so, then you’ve come to the right place. — We are excited to announce our Cover Mining program - Cover mining rewards users for putting their trust in us and choosing Unslashed Finance to protect their assets.When you purchase coverage through Unslashed Finance, not only will you insure your assets, but you will also earn $USF tokens (Unslashed Finance’s governance token). — How does cover mining work?. — A total of 100,000 $USF tokens will be distributed to Cover Miners through epochs 1, 2, and 3. The approximate end date is February 28th, 2021 (block number to be announced). Cover Mining rewards are calculated: - on a prorata temporis basis, - linearly, - and based on the amount of premiums paid => Start mining now by just buying coverage: app.unslashed.financeTime to enter the mining program! — Buying coverage and mining rewards is quite easy. - Let’s see how it works. — Purchasing Coverage in less than 1 minute. — In order to receive $USF rewards, you will need to purchase coverage. Fortunately, we have made purchasing cover very easy.All you need to do is visit Unslashed Finance and choose from one or more available policies. From there, you can choose exactly how much ETH you would like to insure under each specific policy. By adding coverage, you will now ...

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