| Uniqly 
UNIQ Price: | $0.0000000762 | | Volume: | — | All Time High: | $65.61 | | Market Cap: | — |
Circulating Supply: | 8,116,887 |
| Exchanges: | 1+
| Total Supply: | 13,000,000 |
| Markets: | 1+
| Max Supply: | — |
| Pairs: | 3
The last known price of #UNIQ is $0.0000000762 USD.
Please note that the price of #UNIQ was last updated over 340 days ago. This can occur when coins have sporadic price reporting, no listings on exchanges or the project has been abandonded. All #UNIQ statistics should be considered as 'last known value'.
The lowest UNIQ price for this period was $0, the highest was $0.0000000762, and the exact last price of UNIQ was $0.00000007617.
The all-time high UNIQ coin price was $65.61.
Use our custom price calculator to see the hypothetical price of UNIQ with market cap of ETH or other crypto coins. |
The code for Uniqly crypto currency is #UNIQ.
Uniqly is 2.9 years old. |
The current market capitalization for Uniqly is not available at this time.
Uniqly is ranking upwards to #1918 out of all coins, by market cap (and other factors). |
The trading volume is unknown during the past 24 hours for #UNIQ. |
The circulating supply of UNIQ is 8,116,887 coins, which is 62% of the total coin supply.
Note the limited supply of Uniqly coins which adds to rarity of this cryptocurrency and increases perceived market value. |
UNIQ has limited pairings with other cryptocurrencies, but has at least 3 pairings and is listed on at least 1 crypto exchange.
View #UNIQ trading pairs and crypto exchanges that currently support #UNIQ purchase. |
 Uniqly Store Generator Contest! Recently, we announced our new product within Uniqly ecosystem and on this occasion we are launching a contest for the best store with a total of 5 ETH rewards! Submit your store idea to win free access. Read the details in this article below. SUBMIT HERE — uniqly.info — Uniqly Store Generator - It’s a very simple, easy-to-use tool which enables the creators to launch their own web3 stores with assets backed by NFTs within minutes! All you have to do is go through easy steps, upload products you would like to sell, set up requirements, currency and prize and that’s it. You can choose between Ready to ship option if you will take care of the production and shipping of the items, or Made to order if you would like Uniqly to take care of production and shipping (t-shirts and hoodies for now in the alpha version). — Ok, but what’s the contest about? - Great question! Everyone who set up their stores until 25.11 will participate in the best stores competition. Uniqly prepared the following rewards: Top 3 most creative stores — that includes types of products, creative marketing and overall idea for the store — 2 eth, 1 eth and 0.5 eth, Bonus reward for the store with the most sales — 1 eth, Additional rewards for selected stores in the form of phygital NFTs, — How can I participate? - You can submit your idea for launching the store through this link: uniqly.info to have a cha... 
|  Uniqly Project Update #8 — Entering the Web2 Uniqly Project Update #8 — Entering the Web2 Uniqly is constantly developing, that’s the fact. To confirm it, we decided to take the next, big steps. We have made some important decisions, hired a few specialists in new directions and we are ready to get to the next level! Are you wondering, what has changed in Uniqly last month? Check the new Uniqly Project Update! May for sure was a fruitful month for Uniqly. Our recent decisions created wider perspectives from the business side. By that, our company will come out into another new direction and — as a result — open to a wider audience. We’re not stopping! Web2 entry As you know, for most of the time we were focused mainly on the Web3. But, as mentioned earlier, for quite some time we’re working on entering a new direction — Web2! During the last few months, our team has been strengthened by a few Web2 specialists, who already have many years of experience in their activities. Now, the time has come to implement our solutions and technology into the mainstream. We have great opportunities in terms of that challenge and it opens up some amazing possibilities. Let’s make Uniqly worldwide! Fresh and simplified Proof of Authenticity You’re probably familiar with our PoA, right? As you know, in Uniqly we can’t resist a minute without thinking about new solutions. Our physical department is developing a new version of the Proof of Authenticity... 
|  How to launch your own collection with Uniqly.io? Have you ever dreamt about your own phygital NFT collection? It may seem difficult and complex, but we come to the rescue with the easiest and quickest way, which will save your time to launch the physical and digital merch for your community. Every project or brand wants to be the best for its supporters. One of the ways to enhance the interaction between project and community is by creating custom merch. This gives community members a way to show support and identify with the project, as well as, a unique way of marketing. Uniqly is a gateway that makes it feasible! Not only the physical one but the digital (linked to the physical items, which you can wear in many metaverses and AR) too! Therefore a special standard has been created — Wearables 3.0! But… how to launch your own collection with Uniqly.io? Maybe that sounds difficult, but in practice, it’s a very simple process. At every step, there are plenty of specialists who are willing to help you with the launch. Below you can find the stages of creating every collection. 1. Contact The first step is contact with Uniqly. You can find the contact form here. Fill in the sheet with the required data and wait for a reply from us. One of our advisors will be happy to get in touch with you! They will carefully walk you through every step of the launch. If you are looking for direct contact, you can reach us at: contact@uniqly.io. After contact, we will shortly verify ... 
|  How to put on your Wearable in Decentraland? If you are here, probably you are searching for information on how to put on your Wearable 3.0 at Decentraland. In this piece, we will show you how you can wear your NFT in Decentraland in just a few simple steps. We know how important is digital flex in the current world. That is why, each of our Wearables 3.0 have a free redeem to Decentraland so you could wear your goodies in both, the physical and digital world. Check this step-by-step guide to find out how to put DCL wearable on your avatar. If you prefer the video version, here you can find our YouTube guide. https://medium.com/media/dce061ef6380cb28e73b4a8b67c3a057/href After you successfully redeemed your Wearable 3.0, it’s time to wear it! Just follow the instructions and put your Decentraland wearables on!Go to Decentraland and click on your avatar at the top right corner. 2. Click “Backpack” (or just press “I” on your keyboard) 3. Choose the appropriate category. You will find all of your NFT Wearables in the “COLLECTIBLES” tab. Of course, you can also explore other categories if you want to edit your avatar. 4. Choose your wearables and just click on them. Please keep in mind though, that Redeem to Decentraland could take up to 72 hours after you click the “REDEEM” button. If the item is not available, it probably has not been sent to you yet. Please give it a while or contact us on Discord or Telegram. 5. Click “Done” and voilà! You ha... 
|  How to Redeem Wearables 3.0 — Guide After buying your first Wearables 3.0, it is time to do the redeem. Redeeming products to different worlds is the basic utility of our tokens, so the whole process is simplified and intuitive. But for those of you, who don’t know how to do it, we have prepared an easy step-by-step guide on how to redeem your NFTs to the real world! If you have any difficulties, this guide will help you to pass the entire procedure of the redemption process. In a few simple steps, which will be described below, you can redeem a physical product from your Wearable 3.0 that will be delivered right to your doorstep and enjoy your own phygital NFT! First, log in to Uniqly.io by your MetaMask wallet, and do the following steps by order:Navigate to the ‘My Items’ page 2. Choose an item that you would redeem and click on it, you will be redirected to the Item Page. 3. Choose ‘PHYSICAL’ and click ‘REDEEM’, to begin the process of redemption of the physical product from your Wearable 3.0. 4. Set your nickname (please keep in mind that it will be permanently stored on the blockchain in the redeeming transaction data), choose your size (look for the size guide to perfectly fit your new physical item), and fill the form with all the required data. 5. Next choose the preferred delivery type — (standard or premium). STANDARD BOX is a simple folio pack without any additives. PREMIUM BOX is a color branded box, most often with the Pa... 
|  Uniqly Project Update #7 April in Uniqly has passed really busily. We are currently fully focused on gaining new partners and improving our capabilities to be stronger and more recognizable on the NFT scene. Also, our business model has been changed and it is beginning to bear fruit. Find out the recent updates! After a break we are coming back to you with our Uniqly Project Update to provide the most important updates from the project. Every day we work hard to be a company known for our reliability and a leader in our field worthy of recommendation. Below we will present you the most important updates of last month. Let’s dive in! UNIQ buyback burn The news will please our all $UNIQ holders. We have done the first promised buyback burn! In total, 0,5% of the entire token supply (65,000 UNIQ) was burned. Here you can check the burning transaction: https://etherscan.io/tx/0x5e0d26c887dd888cdcc6fc341f45e14d417b869e039866e9a98f527a5d51318e Together with an increase of the Stores amount, the buyback burn transactions will be conducted regularly, so stay tuned for more! New business model As we have underlined several times, providing our services to the new partners is a core of our activity. Using this business model, we generate a steady and repeatable revenue stream even though the collection is not sold out. Thanks to this approach our business has never worked better and we look forward to the future months with even bigger expectations. The ... 
|  Wearables 3.0 — the first phygital fashion tokens Wearables 3.0 — the first phygital fashion tokens It has been a while since our last update, but finally, we can proudly announce the new format of our NFTs — Wearables 3.0, the future of the Web 3 fashion industry! Today, we will present the idea behind Wearables 3.0, explain how they work and what problem they solve. In short, Wearables 3.0 are phygital fashion tokens that grant access to physical items and digital wearables in many metaverses and AR apps through one NFT. It means that each Wearable 3.0 token contains corresponding assets in many different worlds. By that, you can have the physical item for yourself in the real world, as well as the digital version of the same product in multiple metaverses and AR apps achieving a new level of flex in multiple worlds. Why Wearables 3.0? We perceive our NFTs as the 3.0 version of the wearables development, with the physical products being as the 1.0 and digital items as 2.0. All of them combined in one NFT creates Wearables 3.0. But do we need them? From our perspective, yes! One item in multiple worlds Together with an exploration of the NFT space and metaverse we have faced a few challenges. Firstly, NFTs have been limited only to the digital form with very few use cases in the real world. It has been solved together with the creation of our NFTs backed by physical assets, which was our initial goal. Along with the development, we have noticed another iss... 
|  Christmas Gifts Claiming Guide Uniqly Christmas Madness has come to the end and tens of thousands of gifts have been claimed by our community. This incredible event has exceeded our all expectations with over 56,000 gifts distributed. Now, it is time to see what you received! In this piece, you will find out how to refresh metadata and check which gift you have received. In most cases, a Gift should be revealed automatically but sometimes, the owner needs to reveal it manually. If your gift is not visible yet here you can find a quick guide on how to check what you received. 1) Visit https://www.uniqly.io/, change network to Polygon, and go to “My Items”. 2) From the “My Items” section choose the Christmas Gift that you want to reveal and enter the Item Page. 3) Press the “Trade on OpenSea” button. 4) Once you will be redirected to the OpenSea, in the upper right corner press the “Refresh Metadata” button. 5) Wait a while and refresh the page to see what you have received! It may take up to one hour, or even more, depending on the OpenSea queue. This is the process of revealing your Uniqly Christmas Gift. We hope that you like your present! Additional information:NFTs on Polygon Network are not visible in your Inventory on OpenSea. You can find them in the “Hidden” section.Depending on your Christmas Gift, corresponding Decentraland wearables will be airdropped to your Polygon address. Unfortunately, it may take a while as the proc... 
|  How to buy NFT on Polygon guide After the recent integration of Uniqly with the Polygon network, some of you may wonder how to buy an NFT in the Stores now? The answer is simple. The process is pretty much the same as on Ethereum but with no gas fees! But for those that are not familiar with it, we have prepared a step-by-step guide on how to do it. Of course, the first thing necessary to get NFT on Polygon is to connect your wallet with the Polygon network and have some MATIC and UNIQ on it. If you are wondering how to do it here you can find our previous guide explaining everything. UNIQ bridge to Polygon guide The video version of this Guide can be found here: https://medium.com/media/12b4ed1a1166fc6ad1c0c561938573c2/href So now, once you have the Polygon network added to your wallet, and MATIC and UNIQ are ready to use, we can start! In order to start the first visit https://www.uniqly.io/ and proceed with the following steps:Connect your wallet with the platform and choose Polygon network in the upper right corner. 2. Choose the Store from which you want to buy an NFT. 3. Navigate the item that you want to purchase and click “View more”. 4. Choose “Buy Now” to begin the process. 5. Approve the UNIQ token as a payment method and confirm the transaction in your wallet. 6. Once the transaction is confirmed, start the payment process and confirm the payment transaction in your wallet. 7. Congratulations! Once the transaction will be confir... 
|  UNIQ bridge to Polygon guide We all know how Ethereum gas fees can be ridiculously high. To give our community an alternative we integrate our platform with Polygon! This guide will show you how to bridge UNIQ from the Ethereum network to Polygon. Welcome to our step-by-step guide about how to bridge $UNIQ from Ethereum to Polygon Network. This action is required in order to benefit the Uniqly platform without expensive gas fees. If you already have your funds on Polygon, you can buy UNIQ on Quickswap without making a bridge. Here you can also find a video guide if you prefer that form. https://medium.com/media/c2c490cbcefd208732e89279d52daf61/href The first thing before the bridge is adding the Polygon network to your wallet. To do that visit the Uniqly website, click on your avatar in the upper right corner, and press the “ADD POLYGON NETWORK” button. After that, confirm the transaction in MM and Polygon network will be ready to use. But let’s come back to the main point of this guide which is bridging UNIQ to the Polygon. Please keep in mind, however, that in order to operate on the Polygon network you need to have a little bit of MATIC, a native token of Polygon, in order to pay transaction fees. You will receive 0.02 MATC together with making a bridge. This amount is enough to make the first transaction, however, to fully operate on Polygon you will need more MATIC. You can transfer it from your Binance or Kucoin account directly using... 