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TWT Price   

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Trust Wallet Token  


TWT Price:
$9.4 M
All Time High:
Market Cap:
$0.3 B

Circulating Supply:
Total Supply:
Max Supply:


The price of #TWT today is $0.91 USD.

The lowest TWT price for this period was $0, the highest was $0.915, and the exact current price of one TWT crypto coin is $0.91495.

The all-time high TWT coin price was $2.76.

Use our custom price calculator to see the hypothetical price of TWT with market cap of BTC or other crypto coins.


The code for Trust Wallet Token is #TWT.

Trust Wallet Token is 4.5 years old.


The current market capitalization for Trust Wallet Token is $317,441,496.

Trust Wallet Token is ranked #143, by market cap (and other factors).


The trading volume is big during the past 24 hours for #TWT.

Today's 24-hour trading volume across all exchanges for Trust Wallet Token is $9,446,878.


The circulating supply of TWT is 346,951,186 coins, which is 35% of the total coin supply.


TWT is a token on the Binance Smart Chain blockchain, and has digital contracts with 2 other blockchains.

See list of the TWT Blockchain contracts with 3 different blockchains.


TWT is well integrated with many pairings with other cryptocurrencies and is listed on at least 37 crypto exchanges.

View #TWT trading pairs and crypto exchanges that currently support #TWT purchase.



Decentralized Governance: How to Put Power Into the Hands of the People

Decentralized governance ensures stability, accountability, and continuity in crypto networks. It also takes power away from centralized authorities and hands it to the community.. — As the crypto-economy continues to grow and evolve, decentralized governance plays an increasingly critical role as the industry gradually shifts from centralized towards decentralized.Decentralizing Governance In distributed blockchain networks, decentralized governance is an essential requirement. For a crypto network to fulfill its purpose, it requires a robust consensus protocol supported by a sufficiently large and distributed community of participants that can ensure the security and continuity of the network. This can, for example, take the form of miners in proof of work protocols or validators in proof of stake networks. — On Chain. — For most serious blockchains, changes at the protocol level must be approved by network participants and go through a vetting process before implementation. Bitcoin’s BIP process is a great example of how on-chain governance can function effectively. Proposed changes to Bitcoin’s code are thoroughly vetted and only implemented if essentially the entire community agrees to run the updated code on their Bitcoin nodes. — Off Chain. — In addition to on-chain governance, decentralized governance can also be off-chain. An example of off-chain governance would be community-based v...

Blockchain and Crypto Predictions for 2020

With 2019 slowly coming to an end, our Community Manager set down with Founder Viktor Radchenko and asked him about his predictions for 2020 and what users can expect from Trust Wallet and our team going forward!1. What do you expect in terms of adoption and industry trends in 2020? Time has shown that it usually just takes this one Killer App to open the flood gates for more adoption. I personally think DeFi (Decentralized Finance) has great potential in becoming this next Killer App, we just need to get the user design correct. With its incentivized and direct network participation, it will help build communities and secure the whole network in a decentralized way. We will see a lot more experiments within the DeFi space, some will work, and some may not, but overall, the effect on crypto adoption will be tremendously positive.2. What do you expect in terms of prices and where the market is going? I don’t really have an opinion on the market and I also can’t tell you where it’s going. At least not the price. In the end, for me, the price is not what’s important. Important is what we can do with this technology and how can we apply it to solve humanity’s problems. I am very confident that bitcoin and cryptocurrencies are here to stay. I personally believe that blockchain will have the biggest impact on our society since the internet. Our industry can only grow and when an industry grows, the price usually grows w...

The Next Stage of Crypto: Accessibility

Innovation comes in stages. And great minds build on the efforts of others to take us forward. The cryptocurrency ecosystem is a prime example. Bitcoin was created 10+ years ago, leading the charge by showing the world the importance of decentralized cash and the potential of blockchain. This was the first stage of cryptocurrency. In the second stage Ethereum introduced smart contracts and gave developers the opportunity to easily create their own blockchain product. This sparked a whole new wave of innovation, with thousands of unique projects popping up with their own vision of how they can use blockchain to solve a problem. Now we’re here. There are tens, maybe hundreds, if not thousands of blockchain projects that offer superior solutions to their centralized competitors. But until we take this ecosystem to the next stage, adoption of these products is unlikely.The next stage of crypto Cryptocurrency projects don’t win just because they are decentralized and can offer improvements. That’s clear by now. So what’s holding this space back from becoming mainstream? Ease of use. Any crypto enthusiast will be the first to admit that this space can be dangerous, challenging, and annoying. To buy your first crypto you’re often asked to scan your identity and proof of address which is a daunting, invasive task. If you want to send crypto you have to use confusing addresses and if you get them wrong, your money’s gone...

Trust Platform — Why Tokenization Makes Sense

(To get a better understanding of Trust Platform, please refer to this article) One of the bigger challenges of establishing a platform is making sure that each part of the ecosystem can talk to and understand each other. The way the Trust team is planning to tackle this problem is by introducing a single “language” that each piece of the platform will be able to utilize: universal operating token. This single medium of exchange will help the platform reach its full potential. Tokens, which serve as a conduit within the system, will lead to new, not-yet-defined solutions, technologies and business applications built on the platform. Having a well-defined operating unit will help to govern the strategy and development within the ecosystem as well. With the Trust team focusing on community building, having a token on easily accessible public blockchain will preserve the honesty and integrity of the platform. With the structure of the platform revealed in an earlier post, here are the necessary token applications that we see in Trust Platform:Making the Decentralized Marketplace function properly. Both active community members and DApp Developers will need to use tokens in a smart contract driven Decentralized Marketplace. Tokens will be used to determine which DApps are successful in the Marketplace and be required to get listed to put some accountability on the developers.Showing off better DApps to the rest of the communi...

Trust Platform — Paving a Path to Mass Adoption of Blockchain

Over the last year, the Trust team built an application with more than 100,000 downloads, tens of thousands of monthly active users, and a great foundation for future development. We created an application that brought us closer to accomplishing one of our main goals — to facilitate the mass adoption of blockchain technology — by providing early adopters with a secure, user-friendly token-management and dApp-browsing solution. Currently, two components of Trust are available on the market to simplify interaction and increase accessibility of the blockchain:A wallet that allows users to securely store, send, and receive Ethereum-based digital assets, including ETH, ETC, POA, and CLO, and any ERC20, ERC223 or ERC721 tokensA built-in fully functional dApp browser that can be used to communicate with DApps and trade crypto-collectibles directly from a smartphone or tablet However, as we were digging deeper and becoming more involved with blockchain technology, it became abundantly clear that one solution is not going to be enough to accomplish our mission. Working with hundreds of true trailblazers such as Kyber, OpenSea, POA, CanYa and others, we realized that in order for the technology to move forward, everyone needs to have access to a comprehensive set of tools capable of unifying and standardizing development as well as connecting and expanding its individual capabilities. We needed to create a suite of applica...

Mobile DApps with Deep Linking and Trust Wallet

Image credit —InnovationM blog Don’t let anybody tell you that mobile DApp UX is broken — it is impossible to break something that wasn’t solid in the first place. Even Humpty Dumpty had to grow up to be an egg-boy before his tragic cracking. No, mobile DApp UX isn’t broken. But it is a hot mess and Trust Wallet is here to clean it up. — The (hot) mess. — Decentralization learning curves aside, it all boils down to web3 compatibility. Since default mobile browsers like Chrome and Safari can’t support web3, to access a link from a DApp (like from twitter or medium) users need to copy and paste it in a web3 compatible browser. Combined with the fact that it might require a user to install a new piece of software on their device, it adds even more friction to the user acquisition. That makes the adoption fall faster than a giant egg-boy on a rickety wall.Deep links to the rescue Deep linking can combine multiple steps that need to be performed by a user into a single click. Instead of opening a url in a mobile browser, a deep link can connect a user directly to a native app. Now, with Trust Wallet, developers can set up deep links that take users directly to their DApp in the Trust Browser! Here’s what what looks like when the user already has Trust Wallet installed:Deep Link DApp into Trust WalletWorking with deep links and Trust Wallet Trust Wallet uses Branch Metrics to support deep linking...

Fully Functioning DApp Browser for Mobile available in Trust Wallet

Too lazy to read the article? Skip to the video and try the browser for yourself! How it all began. Originally, Trust Wallet was created because we couldn’t find a wallet that had features that we (or any other beginning investor) needed to work with digital assets. Since the majority of the Ethereum market was taken over by ERC20 tokens, we decided to start small and build a tool to comfortably work with them. We knew that the process of manually adding tokens was too difficult, so we created a way to automatically detect any ERC20 token. In a few short weeks it generated thousands of users. We knew that we had something special. However, to stay relevant, we needed to execute and to do the job right from the start. Unlike anything else on the market, we built Trust Wallet in native code — in Swift on iOS and in Java on Android. Why? Because we wanted to build an application that was light and simple on the surface and solid and stable under the hood. Now that we had a great place to store tokens, we had to give our users ability to use them. That is usually done through decentralized applications (DApps), so we needed to implement a solution that that would allow us to work with them. MetaMask was too clunky and slow, limited to web — Chrome/Brave — users, so that didn’t work. We tried a couple other solutions but it soon became pretty clear that Trust Wallet, an application built with simplicity and...

What is Trust?

Trust — wallet for Ethereum and ERC20 and ERC223 tokens What is Trust? Simple and secure mobile wallet for world’s leading cryptocurrencies and crypto protocols (including Ethereum and ALL ERC20/ERC223 tokens). Why is it secure?We provide a codebase that is constantly reviewed by the community and security experts.We leverage industry-leading security features found in modern smartphones to ensure your wallet is safe at all times. We only store private keys locally.We allow for the wallet to be easily recovered from a backup that can be stored digitally or on paper. Our philosophy:We never access our users’ wallets.We never ask for or require any personal information.We offer a client-side security model with private keys hosted locally.We focus on building simple to use, intuitive interfaces.We use commonly accepted and recognized standards to ensure that keys can be used with other services. What is next for Trust?Implement a decentralized cryptocurrency exchange which will allow trading anytime and anywhere from your mobile device.Publish Trust SDK to let app builders utilize the power of Trust in their applications.Continue developing a multi-signature wallet that can be trusted by the community.Create a marketplace for ICOs so users can invest in their favorite projects.Build a platform for decentralized mobile apps Get Trust wallet for iOS and Android. View and contribute to our codebase on Github. S...

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