| Tapmydata 
| #TAP
TAP Price: | $0.00251 | | Volume: | $35 | All Time High: | $0.99 | | Market Cap: | $64.4 K |
Circulating Supply: | 25,710,146 |
| Exchanges: | 1+
| Total Supply: | 100,000,000 |
| Markets: | 1+
| Max Supply: | — |
| Pairs: | 3
The last known price of #TAP is $0.00251 USD.
Please note that the price of #TAP was last updated over 310 days ago. This can occur when coins have sporadic price reporting, no listings on exchanges or the project has been abandonded. All #TAP statistics should be considered as 'last known value'.
The lowest TAP price for this period was $0, the highest was $0.00251, and the exact last price of TAP was $0.00250505.
The all-time high TAP coin price was $0.99.
Use our custom price calculator to see the hypothetical price of TAP with market cap of ETH or other crypto coins. |
The code for Tapmydata crypto currency is #TAP.
Tapmydata is 3.1 years old. |
The current market capitalization for Tapmydata is $64,405.
Tapmydata is ranking upwards to #1905, by market cap (and other factors). |
The trading volume is very weak today for #TAP.
Today's 24-hour trading volume across all exchanges for Tapmydata is $35.00. |
The circulating supply of TAP is 25,710,146 coins, which is 26% of the total coin supply. |
TAP has limited pairings with other cryptocurrencies, but has at least 3 pairings and is listed on at least 1 crypto exchange.
View #TAP trading pairs and crypto exchanges that currently support #TAP purchase. |
Note that there are multiple coins that share the code #TAP, and you can view them on our TAP disambiguation page. |
 Wellness And Mental Health In Web3 Today we want to talk about an important but often neglected topic in web3. Wellness and mental health. Why does this topic matter? Participating in web3 is an exciting experience. Blockchain technology can drive positive cultural, economic, and social transformation. But we must do it in a way that both get the best out of our collective cognitive potential, and is not damaging our mental and physical health. In this article, we’ll highlight some of the mental health and wellness challenges many people working or participating in web3 experience on their way and how we can deal with them. We’ll also share with you some amazing crypto projects that create products to improve people’s mental, emotional and physical well-being. — Mental health traps to look out for in web3 - — Confusing busyness with productivity. — In the world of web3, characterized by Discord communities, numerous Telegram chats, endless scrolling of Twitter feed, and checking the prices every 2 seconds it can be easy to be ‘busy’ all day. However, this business has nothing to do with actual productivity. According to screen logging SaaS platform RescueTime, people are switching screens or tasks once every 40 seconds — whether to Discord, Telegram, email, Slack, social media, or some other app often masquerading as a work tool. The rate of screen switching is even higher in web3, due to the information overload. So how ... 
|  Unlocking the Potential of Digital Identity in Web3 Web3 is reshaping the way we use the internet. As blockchain grows and evolves, our digital identity also gets an upgrade. It becomes more secure, private, and more flexible than ever before. Let’s see how it works and why should you care. — What is digital identity? - Digital identity allows you to prove who you are online. It consists of certain characteristics or data attributes, such as: Username and password, Online search activities, Date of birth, Social security number, Medical history, Purchasing history and behavior, So basically, your digital identity is the content and data you produce or share online — your emails, photos on Instagram, credit card numbers, your mother’s maiden name, etc. It’s your data, right? But the thing is, you actually don’t own any of it. From the moment you add your data to the internet, it becomes a property of the platform you share it on. And it’s not just stored there. The platforms can sell this data as they want. Of course, you’re not getting your fair reward for sharing your data with service providers. You’re getting ads! You share your personal information to be able to communicate online, share your content, do shopping, etc. And it seems like a good bet. Until your data get stolen. And social media platforms have been compromised quite a lot. For example, last year 533 million Facebook users’ personal data were leaked online. The data set has... 
|  Everything You Need to Know About The Merge The Merge is happening soon and it's something that you cannot ignore, but why? In this blog, we are going to uncover some of the basics of the Merge and why everyone is so excited (or not) about it. — What is the Merge?. — The Merge is an upgrade of the Ethereum consensus mechanism from proof-of-work (PoW) to proof-of-stake (PoS). And it’s the most important event since Ethereum was founded in 2015. Now, Ethereum operates on a Proof of Stake consensus mechanism which means that miners are running nodes to maintain network security. With the transition to Proof-of-Stake miners will be substituted with validators — people who “stake” Ethereum to keep the network secure and running. You can learn more about the Proof of Stake and Proof of Work battle in this blog. Even after the Merge, the PoW version of Ethereum will continue to exist, but it is expected to become obsolete with time. — What changes will the Merge bring? - Transitioning to Proof of Stake will decrease energy use by 99.95%., Checkmate, crypto haters. One less reason to criticize Ethereum. Besides, that can potentially open up the door for more institutions to invest in ETH. Bank of America analysts Alkesh Shah and Andrew Moss highlighted that in their recent note:“The significant reduction in energy consumption post-Merge may enable some institutional investors to purchase the token that were previously prohibited ... 
|  CheckDot has signed up for the Tapx Explorer We are happy to announce our new partner — CheckDot Protocol has claimed their Tapx profile page. Welcome onboard, CheckDot! — Collaboration Overview - Now everyone can explore all their content within one page: Latest Twitter posts,, Medium blogs,, Live market data,, Social links,, Join the community all within one platform., Users can also connect their wallet to Tapx Explorer and save CheckDot’s page to My Tapx to stay up-to-date with their latest news.This partnership will allow us to increase the visibility of our token to web3 users in the digital finance and DeFi ecosystem, leveraging a great profile page and explore page provided by Tapx for DeFi projects to embed in, which allows for a global at-a-glance presentation of project services referenced on the Tapx platform, to see which DeFi projects they wish to engage with, resulting in increased project visibility and engagement — CheckDot team. Explore CheckDot on Tapx Explorer — tapx.link — About CheckDot Protocol - CheckDot is designed to be the ultimate blockchain technology tool that combines DeFi solutions and utility. They are offering a various range of services for end-users and developers to help, simplify, and innovate customers' experience in the cryptocurrency and blockchain world. Many DeFi products presented Decentralized Insurance, Token Staking, Decentralized Audits, Projects Verifications, and Audits. —... 
|  Top 10 VCs investing in blockchain companies at the pre-seed stage The blockchain industry is gaining popularity among venture capitalists. Let’s look at the numbers: In 2021, investment in crypto and blockchain surged to $30 billion., In H1 2022, VCs poured $14.2B into crypto, according to the recent KPMG report., That compares with $8.2 billion in 2018, $5.6 billion in 2019 and $5.5 billion in 2020., Source: KPMG. The technology behind web3 is still in its early stages, with many startups yet to prove their worth. However, with the recent influx of capital into this space from both institutional investors and individual angel investors, it’s clear that there’s a lot of excitement around web3 technologies. Why do VCs invest in crypto? First of all, because of technology. Globally, we see an increase in the level of recognition for the potential role of crypto and blockchain technology in the development of the internet, finance, digital art, gaming, commerce, identity, cyber security, and more. It’s still early to talk about mass adoption, but we’re moving in that direction. Secondly, the money. Many VC firms see the long-term growth of crypto, and they don’t want to miss out on what may be the biggest investment opportunity of our time. Despite the market volatility and lots of security issues in the sector, VC firms are confident in blockchain and cryptocurrency and are ready to assume additional risk. The fact that VCs are investing in web3 startups even during the bear m... 
|  Raising Funds in Web3. Founders Edition. Tapx Talks Recap In our last episode of Tapx Talks we were talking about raising Funds in Web3. It’s a very important topic and one we think deserves more attention. Raising funds in any climate can be challenging, but it’s especially difficult in a bear market. Most projects have their head down and are working hard to build something great for the future of this space, and we’re here for it, all they need is someone to believe in them so they can continue. So with difficult market conditions, making it more difficult to raise investment, you have to work harder than normal and cover a lot more ground? Today we hope to bring you some guidance from our amazing panelists, those who have raised, and are raising, and are happy to share their wisdom with others. In this recap, you’ll learn about: the transition from web2 fundraising to web3 practices;, the challenges of raising during the bear market;, mistakes and lessons learned from our speakers., Let’s dive in, shall we? Firstly, let’s start with a short introduction of the panelists: Will De’Ath — Co-founder and Chief Commercial Officer of Guardians of the Blockchain. At GBC.ai, they create Artificial Intelligence Superpower tools to enhance and protect Blockchains., GBC.AI is here to help everyone with a great experience now and into the future, and they are leading blockchains towards intelligence., Rick Deacon — founder and CEO of Interlock. Interlock’s t... 
|  Rigel Protocol have signed up for the Tapx Explorer We are delighted to announce the newest partner of the Tapx platform — Rigel Protocol have claimed their Tapx profile page! — Collaboration Overview. — Now everyone can explore all their content within one page: Latest Twitter posts,, Medium blogs,, Live market data,, Social links,, Join the community all within one platform., Users can also connect their wallet to Tapx Explorer and save Rigel’s Protocol page to My Tapx to stay up-to-date with their latest news. With Tapx Profile page, it will be much easier for Rigel Protocol to expand their token visibility to web3 users across the crypto and DeFi ecosystem. — About Rigel Protocol. — Rigel Protocol is the blockchain decentralized protocol for all your Defi Needs. Rigel is on a mission to improve and touch up existing Decentralized Finance (DeFi) features while introducing several innovative DeFi products to propel scalability, security in the blockchain, user experience, and adoption. At Rigelprotocol, they are focused on building Dapps with the best user experience at low fees. Learn more about Rigel Protocol on Explorer — tapx.link — About Tapx. — Tapx is web3’s leading discovery platform, that connects all community channels, web3 content, and token data to help users navigate, and brands scale. Explore Web3 with Tapx — tapx.link Rigel Protocol have signed up for the Tapx Explorer was originally published ... 
|  Introducing Tapx Explorer: discover, shape, and organise your web3 The Tapx ecosystem has grown and evolved since we launched our first product — Tapx Links. And now we’re happy to introduce you to our newest solution that will help to bring everyone in web3 closer together. Welcome to the all-new Tapx Explorer! Tapx Explorer serves both users and businesses in web3. Users will use it to explore the brands and stay updated. Web3 companies will be featured in Explorer and use it as a community engagement tool. Let’s see how you can explore and be explored. — Explore - We know that sometimes it’s hard to keep track of everything in the crypto world. And we want you to be able to find exactly what you’re looking for instead of having to go through all the noise. That’s why we built Explorer — for you to discover, shape, and organise your web3. It is an easy-to-use platform that shapes your web3 experience from the convenience of one place: Explore trending projects, Receive brand and project updates, Save projects and links, Expand your knowledge of web3, Earn bounty rewards for completing tasks and much more., With our tool, you can discover new coins, projects and communities based on your interests and preferences. — How to start exploring web3 with Tapx?. — 👉Go to tapx.link and begin to navigate web3. 👉Connect your wallet to save our partners profile pages. 👉Organise your own web3 Explorer dashboard and pin your favourite projects ... 
|  How to stay up-to-date in web3 Keeping up-to-date with crypto can be tricky. So we’ve gathered some of the most valuable resources for you to stay informed and never miss something important. — Tools for blockchain analytics - — Etherscan. — Etherscan is the first tool to use when doing your research. With etherscan you can get familiar with contracts, token balances, unique transaction details, wallet tagging, and more. — Dune analytics. — Popular dashboards its users create track anything and everything, with diverse queries on DeFi, NFTs, coins, top NFT collections, and more. — dApp radar. — DappRadar tracks over 3,500 decentralized applications (dapps) across multiple blockchains. You can filter dapps through categories, the number of users and transaction volumes to find the most active dapps to try. — News resources - — Blockworks. — Blockworks is a great DOYR resource. You can find all the latest news on asset management, DeFi, metaverse, macroeconomics, and more. — Coindesk. — Coindesk is another go-to resource to discover the latest crypto news, and interviews with industry leaders, explore their opinions and find in-depth industry analysis. — Reddit. — Haven’t used Reddit for your crypto research? You’re missing out. There is a ton of news/project /community subreddits that post all the latest things right away. There are many more interesting resources... 
|  Why royalties are so important in the context of web3? Should NFT creators expect royalties? It was the question that caused so much debate recently in the NFT space. So let’s try to figure this out. — What are NFT royalties and how do they work? - A royalty is a payment made by someone who purchases goods or services from another person or company. The payment is made in exchange for the right to use the product or service. In web3, this opens up a bunch of opportunities. Every time someone sells the artwork as an NFT on a secondary market, the creator would also get a percentage of those sales as royalties. NFTs can be a solution for digital art ownership. If we compare the digital art market with the traditional art market, we see that in reality there are many problems for both artists and buyers. System of auctions and art dealers, ie. intermediaries between artists and buyers mainly developed in the 18–19 centuries. The NFT market gives artists the opportunity to sell their artworks without intermediaries, and therefore without paying a commission and receiving income from their art directly. Creators can also receive royalties every time someone sells their artwork on an NFT marketplace. This is a game changer that makes the NFT art market much more honest and democratic. However, some believe that NFT creators shouldn’t expect royalties. So who has the final say: NFT platforms, collectors, or creators? Read the full article in Tapx blog. Why royalties are ... 