| Syscoin 
| #SYS
SYS Price: | $0.07 | | Volume: | $1.3 M | All Time High: | $1.31 | | Market Cap: | $54.9 M |
Circulating Supply: | 760,792,202 |
| Exchanges: | 11
| Total Supply: | 760,792,202 |
| Markets: | 13
| Max Supply: | 888,000,000 |
| Pairs: | 29
The price of #SYS today is $0.07 USD.
The lowest SYS price for this period was $0, the highest was $0.072, and the exact current price of one SYS crypto coin is $0.07216.
The all-time high SYS coin price was $1.31.
Use our custom price calculator to see the hypothetical price of SYS with market cap of BTC or other crypto coins. |
The code for Syscoin crypto currency is #SYS.
Syscoin is 10.5 years old. |
The current market capitalization for Syscoin is $54,895,321.
Syscoin is ranked #359 out of all coins, by market cap (and other factors). |
There is a big daily trading volume on #SYS.
Today's 24-hour trading volume across all exchanges for Syscoin is $1,265,398. |
The circulating supply of SYS is 760,792,202 coins, which is 86% of the maximum coin supply. |
SYS is the native coin for the Syscoin blockchain.
View the full list of Syscoin blockchain tokens. |
 Syscoin and Chainge Finance Team Up to Deliver the DeFi Dream In the fourteen years since Bitcoin launched, the need for an alternative to centralized finance is apparent as it’s ever been. Although blockchain technology has evolved considerably in that time, giving people the power to be their own bank by removing middle men remains one of the more alluring benefits of decentralized finance. Like Syscoin, Chainge Finance shares this goal to facilitate the shift towards a more equitable financial reality, which is why we are proud to announce them as our latest partner. Chainge Finance is committed to making financial freedom accessible to all. They offer a wide range of decentralized services, such as a multi-functional cross-chain wallet, an Escrow Module, a top DEX Aggregator, a Futures DEX, a virtual Credit Card, and the first-ever decentralized Options DEX. All these services are powered and secured by Fusion DCRM technology. Chainge’s Cross-Chain Roaming is a game-changer, taking the cross-chain experience to the next level. With this feature, users don’t have to worry about which chain their assets are on when making transactions, swapping in DEXs, adding liquidity, or writing options. Even if assets are spread across multiple chains, users can carry out their operations seamlessly without being concerned about cross-chain issues. Everything runs in the background, fully decentralized, and the Chainge app currently supports nearly twenty chains and 100 assets that can easil... 
|  Rollux Begins Liftoff With PoDA reaching mainnet last week, Syscoin is the first full stack blockchain with a Layer 1 data availability solution. Rollux is the next step in Syscoin’s long list of firsts as we gain an optimistic rollup to offer unparalleled scaling. All of this comes together to make Syscoin the only network combining Ethereum’s EVM, Syscoin’s optimized modularity for rollups, and Bitcoin’s second-to-none gold standard security. Today, Rollux begins liftoff. Anyone can now access the final testnet version of the only rollup on Bitcoin. Rollux is built by SYS Labs, powered by Syscoin, and fueled by $SYS. Rollux functions as Syscoin’s Layer 2 to help provide the unprecedented scalability necessary for an exponential increase of possible use cases, and for mass adoption. Put simply, Rollux as a whole offers what no one else does. Here are some highlights. Two second blocktimes, Near-instant transactions,, Offering ideal speeds for a true Web3 experience, whether DeFi, gaming, etc., Incredibly low cost, Rollux requires smaller fractions of $SYS as gas for transactions compared to $ETH for Optimism. (Given the difference in value for each token, the amount of savings Rollux offers should not be understated, appealing to projects running a large number of smart contracts or subsidizing fees for their end users.), Developer friendly, Rollux offers the same developer experience as Optimism, Likewise, Rollux is EVM equivalent.... 
|  Masternode Mandatory Upgrade to Syscoin 4.4 It is now time to upgrade your Syscoin Masternode to Syscoin 4.4. This is a mandatory upgrade and Sentinel must also be upgraded. After block 1,586,000 if you have not upgraded, you will no longer receive rewards. Below you will find how to upgrade your VPS via Script Install or Manual Install, plus installing 4.4 QT.NOTE: When you first upgrade your masternode and QT it will reindex. — Script Install Upgrade - Login to your VPS via root, Run the following command, syscoin-cli stop 3. Run the following commandsysmasternode If this does not work, please type in the following and try againsource ~/.bashrc 4. This will bring up the following; Press enter and it will bring up the following screen; 5. Press Enter for all options. 6. This will now install the newest version of Syscoin. 7. Once Completed type the followingsyscli getnetworkinfo This will show that you have upgraded to the latest version of 4.4.syscli getblockcount This will make sure that your masternode is reindexing. It should be around 0 mark.#If it does not reindex, run the following syscoin-cli stop sysd -reindex — All upgraded! - Your Masternode is now upgraded to the latest version of Syscoin, you may now exit out of your VPS. — Manual Install Upgrade - Run the following cmds in console:#Upgrade to 4.4 cd ~/syscoin ~/syscoin/src/syscoin-cli stop git checkout v4.4.0 git pull ./autogen.sh ./configure make -j$(nproc) make install #U... 
|  Revealing the Method in the Madness The big advantages that Web3 and rollups gain from Syscoin - Long ago, it seemed like madness to some people when the Syscoin project determined that layer 1 of the blockchain stack should ideally represent a court system instead of a transaction processor — the opposite of practically every other blockchain out there. We went against the grain of many mass-marketed third-gen blockchains of that time, even some still today, with our assertion that the base layer is best suited to serve users with repudiation of state decisions, means of governance, and to guarantee censorship resistance for users’ layer 2 accounts. Having witnessed both the evolution and arguably plenty of deterioration in blockchain technology since the beginning of Bitcoin, the necessity has only become more apparent for a steady and decentralized (albeit slow) layer 1 supporting the scaffolding of a fast and convenient layer 2. The Syscoin Platform took incremental and tactful steps to achieve its optimal design for a distributed financial computer with a fractal/modular tech stack. As such, at one time Syscoin’s competitive advantage over the sea of alternative L1s was not so obvious to casual onlookers, until now. Syscoin’s Lead Core Developer and Foundation President, Jagdeep Sidhu, elaborated on Syscoin’s overall design in an earlier blog. He also covered the modular tech stack, laid out the ideals in designing a modular tech stack and e... 
|  Ascend to a Higher Level, Hotep Jesus Endorses Syscoin Nearly two months after the unwinding of the 2008 financial crisis, Satoshi Nakamoto shared Bitcoin’s whitepaper in an email to a cryptography mailing list. Along with the document, he stated, “I’ve been working on a new electronic cash system that’s fully peer-to-peer, with no trusted third party.” With this, Satoshi provided the blueprint for a trustless decentralized financial system as an alternative to central banks who continually betray the trust of the people they are supposed to serve through acts like perpetual debasement and policies that favor special interests. On the Genesis Block, Satoshi repeated this message, by recording that day’s headline from ‘The Times’, “Chancellor on Brink of Second Bailout for Banks.” By design, Bitcoin is rooted in decentralization, censorship-resistance, and the unbridled security a widespread PoW network can offer, which translates to real world ideals like financial sovereignty, empowerment of the individual, and the freedom that can be found by taking a bottom-up, rather than top-down approach. Since its inception, important advancements that expand blockchain’s utility such as Ethereum’s introduction of the EVM. Even our perception of Bitcoin has evolved from viewing it as a transaction processor to that of a settlement court for the entire framework, as we recently touched on. Nonetheless, as the space has grown, many have entered who have no knowledge o... 
|  MEXC Launches $20m Ecosystem Fund in Strategic Partnership to Support Rollups on Bitcoin Through… MEXC Launches $20m Ecosystem Fund in Strategic Partnership to Support Rollups on Bitcoin Through Syscoin’s Rollux OPv1 - MEXC, a global top 10 digital asset trading platform, has entered into a strategic partnership to support the launch of a rollup solution that is secured by the Bitcoin network. Rollux OPv1 is Syscoin’s first in a series of planned rollup implementations secured by Bitcoin’s own PoW network. MEXC has allocated a $20m fund for kickstarting projects to utilize the new Syscoin layer-two which was recently released on a public testnet. Syscoin is a modular blockchain that incentivizes Bitcoin’s miners and thereby inherits roughly 20–30% of Bitcoin’s hashrate today. Syscoin accomplishes this through a carbon-neutral process called merged-mining. By combining this extension of Bitcoin’s own security with a utility-focused economy, an EVM coupled with finality, and rollups, the project aims to serve Web3 at global scale to provide the opportunity for worldwide financial inclusivity. That is, actualization of a new concept some refer to as Web5. Leo Zhao, investment manager of MEXC Ventures, has this to say:Our new collaboration with Syscoin is part of the MEXC commitment to empower solid and innovative projects that push the boundaries of blockchain to solve big problems. We’re excited to see where Syscoin can go, and how builders and users will take advantage of this novel design. As an altern... 
|  Introducing SYS Labs The mission of SYS Labs is to build truly scalable Web3 infrastructure and dapps that meet the needs of a global population, utilizing the first modular blockchain with EVM-compatibility anchored in Bitcoin’s network and scaling via rollups. What SYS Labs does spans from metaverse, NFT and gamefi platforms, to regulatory-compliant rollups, all with state-of-the-art user experiences, and all secured by Bitcoin. All of this is accomplish by building upon the scalable Layer 2 technologies of the Syscoin blockchain, which serves as the best foundation for most of our products. SYS Labs is like a combination of Ava Labs, StarkWare and Matter Labs; its primary focus being onboarding the world to Syscoin so everyone can benefit from its capabilities and capacity. SYS Labs is a separate and distinct entity from Syscoin Foundation. Syscoin Foundation is the non-profit organization founded in 2018 with a mission to help develop, guide and foster the open-source decentralized Syscoin blockchain project. With Syscoin’s Rollux L2 on public testnet, and mainnet just around the corner, the foundation recognizes the need for a for-profit entity focused on building applications that tap into Syscoin effectively, and when appropriate, making those applications interoperable, all to accelerate the adoption of Syscoin. The foundation will support and work closely with SYS Labs just as it supports any partners who are strongly focused on hel... 
|  ApeSwap Expanding on Rollux Syscoin’s Rollup Suite, Rollux, is coming together to give the blockchain industry the most secure, fastest, and lowest cost scaling options available. We are on a mission to onboard projects and developers who understand the value of delivering their users the optimal Web3 experience. Many partners of our partners have been actively working within our private testnet, in order to assume the position of industry-leaders in their respective markets once mainnet arrives. One such partner is ApeSwap, who is taking advantage of the opportunity to expand their range of offerings for the Syscoin ecosystem. ApeSwap is working on expanding to Rollux, bringing with them their core product offering of DEX, Jungle Farms, and Treasury Bills. Their goal is to help craft a narrative around Sustainable Liquidity Mining on Rollux, ensuring that new projects launching or expanding to Rollux are set up with long-term, sustainable, protocol-owned liquidity. — DEX - Once an adequate level of protocol-owned liquidity is achieved, projects can transition into raising stables and other strategic assets in order to further diversify their treasury. Over time, as markets move, it is critical that projects seeking long-term success diversify their treasuries away from 100% native token. At the core of the ApeSwap platform is their decentralized exchange, or DEX. Their multichain DEX allows users to swap between ~200 tokens on BNB Chain, Polygo... 
|  Rollups on Bitcoin Are Imminent Syscoin’s Layer 2, Rollux OPv1, Enters Public Testnet. — A dark horse is a previously lesser-known contestant that emerges to prominence, especially in a competition involving multiple rivals. Syscoin is blockchain’s dark horse. Rollups are a giant leap forward toward mass-adoptable Web3 infrastructure. As rollups emerge it is important to remember that the best scalability isn’t just about meeting needs with speed, “TPS”, and low fees. Security and decentralization are also key to properly supporting high value use cases. Rollux is our in-house rollup suite, and it features the only rollups backed by Bitcoin’s gold standard PoW security. Rollux’s ultimate security, throughput, and lowest cost, make it the premier Layer 2 solution for Web3 projects. We are proud to announce it is now live on public testnet. Rollux OPv1 is Syscoin’s first rollups solution. It is an optimistic rollup designed to enable end-users with near-instant low-cost transfers, executions and contract deployments. The Rollux OPv1 testnet is now live and underway. Over the past year, we have announced a number of incredible partners who will be operating on our layer 2 and kickstarting the expansion of the Syscoin ecosystem. Many of them are already at work utilizing the OPv1 testnet toward bringing their protocols and applications public as soon as possible. These include: Pegasys, SYSPad, BuilditMerchants, MudAI, DystoWorld, Luxy, Z... 
|  The 10 Commandments of Blockchain It’s hard to go too long without referring back to Bitcoin, and rightfully so. Even if someone knows nothing about blockchain or crypto in general, they likely know the name of Bitcoin. It’s like the Coca-Cola of crypto. Satoshi Nakamoto gave the world a gift with vast ramifications it is difficult to believe even he anticipated. Without it, there definitely would not be Syscoin, nor Ethereum, no Binance nor crypto kitties and a lot of Bored Apes would just be code monkeys. Syscoin team members would not be changing the world, at least not in this way, and worst of all, most people in the crypto industry would have to go get real jobs with cubicles, time cards, and mandated lunch breaks. Bitcoin is a part of the zeitgeist. It’s indelibly changed the lives of many people so far who are lucky enough to belong to a small minority of the global population. However, the number of people like ourselves whose lives have been altered by Bitcoin’s invention and its ripple effects is on a course to grow exponentially. Rollups are going to make blockchain not just more accessible, but imperceptible than ever before as they underlie applications the end user has no knowledge of. As this technology becomes ubiquitous, it will force humanity to evolve to be more connected than it ever has been. The magnitude of this change will be felt by us all. Therefore, we have a responsibility to make it a positive one that empowers people, re... 