| Susu Token 
SUSU Price: | $0.000432 | | Volume: | $83 | All Time High: | $3,081 | | Market Cap: | $3.1 K |
Circulating Supply: | 7,152,776 |
| Exchanges: | 1
| Total Supply: | 14,187,499 |
| Markets: | 3
| Max Supply: | 300,000,000 |
| Pairs: | 3
The last known price of #SUSU is $0.000432 USD.
Please note that the price of #SUSU was last updated over 60 days ago. This can occur when coins have sporadic price reporting, no listings on exchanges or the project has been abandonded. All #SUSU statistics should be considered as 'last known value'.
The lowest SUSU price for this period was $0, the highest was $0.000432, and the exact last price of SUSU was $0.00043170.
The all-time high SUSU coin price was $3,081.
Use our custom price calculator to see the hypothetical price of SUSU with market cap of BTC or other crypto coins. |
The code for Susu Token crypto currency is #SUSU.
Susu Token is 3.6 years old. |
The current market capitalization for Susu Token is $3,087.
Susu Token is ranked #1076 out of all coins, by market cap (and other factors). |
There is a very weak daily trading volume on #SUSU.
Today's 24-hour trading volume across all exchanges for Susu Token is $83.00. |
The circulating supply of SUSU is 7,152,776 coins, which is 2% of the maximum coin supply.
Note the limited supply of Susu Token coins which adds to rarity of this cryptocurrency and increases perceived market value. |
SUSU has limited pairings with other cryptocurrencies, but has at least 3 pairings and is listed on at least 1 crypto exchange.
 GreenSea Collection Spotlight #1 A closer look at the assets inhabiting the marketplace. — GreenSea is almost here. In preparation for its arrival, we want to take a moment and highlight those teams and projects that decided to start sailing the green waters on day 1. Without further ado, let’s get to it! — ** Note the contents of this article do not constitute investment advice**. — — 1 # CarbonLand Trust. — CarbonLand Trust storms the GreenSea by introducing the CarbonLand Trust collection. Each of these NFTs represent real carbon removal credits, associated to real owned forest land conserved solely for the purpose of sequestering CO2. Organizations and individuals looking to reduce their carbon footprint can now acquire these CO2 bonds to further their sustainability targets.In this case, buying an NFT can be your good deed for the dayNo CO2 sequestration method is more effective or energy efficient than letting trees grow for generations. The CarbonLand Trust collection is the first batch of “energy-focused” NFTs making an appearance on GreenSea. You can learn more about CarbonLand on their website. — 2# CrossChain Apparel. — CrossChain Apparel sets sail on Green Sea with an awesome line of CarbonSwap-themed merch.Carbonauts can finally spot each other in public While SUSU is the only currency capable of navigating the Green Sea, the NFTs will be priced to reflect as accurately as possible the merch’s... 
|  Get ready to explore the Green Sea Set sail on the world’s first energy-centric NFT Marketplace. — Dear Carbonauts, The countdown is almost over, and the walls blocking the path to an entire new ecosystem are crumbling. In just a few hours, you’ll be free to explore the flora and fauna that inhabit its pristine waters. We are incredibly excited about opening our doors to the world, and we look forward to providing a platform for the many great projects built on CarbonSwap and the Energy Web Chain to thrive on. Introducing, Green Sea. Green Sea is the world’s first energy-centric NFT Marketplace. Sitting right at the intersection of Energy and DeFi, its purpose is creating a unique, one-of-its-kind space, where green, sustainable initiatives can benefit from the open and transparent nature of a decentralized market. Whether you are an artist, an energy entrepreneur, an innovative company or somebody walking the first steps in the DeFi space, we want to share your work with the rest of the world. Energy-centric The opening of Green Sea is a great milestone towards the grand vision of CarbonSwap. We look forward to seeing all kinds of content populating the marketplace, yet we maintain a strong focus towards bringing as many energy-related projects to our ecosystem. The energy industry is organically embracing NFTs for several use cases: Tokenized Renewable Energy Certificates, Fractionalized CO2 sequestration rights or the Crowdfunding of renewabl... 
|  CarbonSwap’s Marketplace Release Update It’s coming. Dear Carbonauts, On June 21st, the Soots published a freshly crafted development roadmap, detailing everything that’ll come to the CarbonSwap metaverse through the rest of 2021. You can see it again here. One of the highlights of the publication was without a doubt the announcement of the imminent launch of a Marketplace, which will create an open space for all Carbonauts to trade their precious fungible and non-fungible tokens. The release of the marketplace was first scheduled to take place before August 1st 2021. However, as we were approaching the release date, we took into consideration a couple of factors that made us want to push the release a few days into the future: — We want a vibrant marketplace that is and feels alive.. — In order to provide that, the single most important factor is ensuring the marketplace is populated with high quality assets, buyers and sellers from day one. There is a remarkable list of teams and individuals currently giving the last touches to their respective projects, which will use CarbonSwap’s marketplace as a platform to reach their audience. We are in close communication with many of these teams, and we are doing our best to support them. Consequently, we decided to time the launch of the Marketplace so they can be on the front page the day it opens doors. If you are working on a project that will leverage CarbonSwap’s Marketplace, we’d love to hear... 
|  CarbonSwap’s Roadmap Spotlight #2 Today, we are happy to reveal more information about two additional milestones in our 2021 roadmap, soon-to-be available in the CarbonSwap metaverse. Missed the first part? You can catch up here.Governance 2.0 The first implementation of CarbonSwap Governance went live on June 9th, via Snapshot.org. Since then, Carbonauts have been able to vote on a wide spectrum of proposals, with the weight of their vote determined by the amount of $SUSUs (CarbonSwap’s governance token) they held. It has been great to see the community so involved in the decision-making that will shape the future of CarbonSwap! Now, we want to dial it up a notch. The release of Governance 2.0 will bring:SUSU bonding: the vote score will be determined by a bonding mechanism based on how much xSUSU you are willing to lock up, and for how long, therefore signaling the level of commitment. We believe those who are invested in the project long term should have a louder voice. Locking up of xSUSU instead of SUSU ensures that your SUSUs keep working for you while bondedDelegation: do you trust a fellow community member to make better decisions than you? Share your governance power.Minimum thresholds: the ability to launch proposals will only be available to accounts that surpass a set minimum level of stake in the CarbonSwap ecosystem.Taking a major step towards becoming a full fledged DAO. Governance proposals and outcomes will carry a more serious weight i... 
|  CarbonSwap’s Roadmap Spotlight #1 Today, we come to you with news about some of the most imminent features about to land in the CarbonSwap metaverse.NFT Marketplace We love NFTs. They not only are a memorable way to commemorate pivotal events in the history of CarbonSwap, but also a great tool to reward those that were there to witness them. Their potential extends as far as imagination goes, and in CarbonSwap that means a deep connection to the energy space. Whatever the value they represent, they all have something in common: the need for a robust, secure marketplace that allows users to trade their precious NFTs. As a direct response to that, coming end of July: Marketplace v1, a fully fledged green marketplace including the following functionalitiesBrowse: explore all available NFTs and collections.Buy and Sell: on-chain OTC marketBid: submit bids on your desired NFTs or offer them up for public saleLaunch: use the marketplace to launch your products on CarbonSwap. The marketplace is open to anybody that wishes to share their NFTs with the world. The marketplace will operate with $SUSU as its currency. Out of every trade, a small fraction will be funneled into the xSUSU staking pool, further rewarding SUSU stakers. The marketplace will also implement a reward system for NFT-creators, earning them fees from their NFT’s trades in perpetuity. Stay tuned and hold tight onto your NFTs!New Listing Opportunities Any token that expands the utility of Carbon... 
|  CarbonSwap Roadmap 2021 Dear Community! These past weeks, the Soots have been working non-stop to expand the utility provided by CarbonSwap and SUSU, and we’ve finally settled on a badass roadmap that outlines everything that’s coming to the CarbonSwap metaverse in the weeks and months to come. Without further ado: In the following weeks, we will be double-clicking on each of the items of the roadmap, providing an expanded overview of the utility and functionalities these will bring to CarbonSwap. The details of the first two roadmap items, “NFT Marketplace” and “Custom Yield Farms”, will go online tomorrow! Once all the items are revealed, we will engage in a live interactive AMA where we’ll be thrilled to address all the Qs from the community! The Soots — >Spotlight #1 — >Spotlight #2
|  CarbonSwap Flash Update A Brief Story of NFTs With the closure of Season 1, it was just a matter of time before some consequences started to materialize in our world. Our SUSUs have been working non-stop, and throughout the last week, we finally managed to catch a glimpse of the collectibles. If you participated in the SUSU Summoning ritual, or in the once-in-a-lifetime Staking Party: congratulations! You are now looking at your brand-new NFTs. Not long ago, these NFTs finally stopped their incessant spinning to drop where they belong: your wallets. We hope you like them as much as we do! However, dropping the NFTs is only the beginning, as this will simply mark the starting point of your adventure in the CarbonSwap Metaverse. And here, it is entirely up to you to decide who you are. Are you a collector, focused on obtaining a copy of each CarbonSwap-issued NFT? In time, juicy rewards will surely await those who accomplish such a feat. Or could it be that you are a merchant, always on the lookout for buyers that are willing to fill your pockets in exchange for your valuable art pieces? The rarer the NFT, the larger the demand for it… We are fully committed to enhancing the functionality around the NFTs. In the following weeks, the team will be working on designing and deploying features such as:NFT marketplace: enabling the trading of CarbonSwap and Community NFTsNFT collection: an easy way to visualize the state of your NFT collectionNFT-rela... 
|  The launch of CarbonSwap and what is yet to come… A community update from the SUSU hivemind.https://carbonswap.finance/ What a few weeks we just had. Time has literally flown by. Let’s take a second to admire what we (the community) have accomplished, and recap all that’s happened. On April 21st, 2021, 10 intrepid individuals got together and took part in the summoning ritual that unleashed the SUSUs to walk among us. CarbonSwap was born as the first DEX to ever be built on a blockchain running 100% on renewable energy. The love for SUSUs was on the rise, and the community certainly showed it. In just a few days, CarbonSwap already counted with $10+ million liquidity ($24+ now), 15k+ transactions (300k+ now), 27 listed token pairs (104 now) and more than $5 million ($14+ now) bridged from the Ethereum mainnet. The summoning ritual was a complete success, and SUSUs started entering our dimension by the thousands, compelled by an early-bird program that made them storm in with unsuspected strength. Liquidity providers were thrilled to welcome those freshly arrived SUSU, cozy within their newfound home: your wallets. Despite their strong commitment towards preserving the environment, the members of our community have a certain predilection for steaks. The ask was clear, and so was our response: why should we eat alone when we can invite everybody to a big party! On April 28th, users were able to embark on the first choose-your-own-path adventure set in the CarbonSwap Metav... 