| Step Finance 
STEP Price: | $0.10 | | Volume: | $38.2 K | All Time High: | $10.67 | | Market Cap: | $30.0 M |
Circulating Supply: | 307,723,583 |
| Exchanges: | 5
| Total Supply: | 609,605,954 |
| Markets: | 7
| Max Supply: | 630,106,792 |
| Pairs: | 11
The price of #STEP today is $0.10 USD.
The lowest STEP price for this period was $0, the highest was $0.098, and the current live price for one STEP coin is $0.09753.
The all-time high STEP coin price was $10.67.
Use our custom price calculator to see the hypothetical price of STEP with market cap of BTC or other crypto coins. |
The code for Step Finance crypto currency is #STEP.
Step Finance is 3.8 years old. |
The current market capitalization for Step Finance is $30,012,464.
Step Finance is ranking upwards to #437, by market cap (and other factors). |
There is a modest daily trading volume on #STEP.
Today's 24-hour trading volume across all exchanges for Step Finance is $38,194. |
The circulating supply of STEP is 307,723,583 coins, which is 49% of the maximum coin supply. |
Note that there are multiple coins that share the code #STEP, and you can view them on our STEP disambiguation page. |
 StepDAO and Solana Allstars- The Next Step There are two major announcements we want to highlight today, but more importantly it’s time to also take a deeper look into how we approach growth at StepOur recent Solana Crossroads event in Istanbul was a massive hit! — Step Finance- Unifying The Brand. — Step Finance is us. Its the core product (the dashboard), brand, community and everything we work on everyday. We also have a number of other brands which are also Step: Solanafloor- NFT News and Data Analytics, Solana Crossroads- IRL Events, The Next Billion- Our podcast, Step Data Insights- Onchain Data research reports / Newsletter, Step also is one of the top 3 most active dapps in Solana for the last 2 years: 2.4million+ unique users, 51 000+ Monthly active users, Integrations with the vast majority of the Solana ecosystem, Several millions of monthly impressions on socials etc, The Dashboard app is probably what most people still remember us as. But we are bigger than that, much bigger. As you can see above the other brands we run are focused on one thing: growing the pie. Need to know whats up with your wallet? Use Step. Wanna read about monkey jpegs and check pricing? Use Solanafloor. Totally new to crypto and want to listen know more? Check the podcast. More sophisticated and want more data insights? Check the data research reports etc. We want to create as big of a funnel as possible to our products, this is how we can grow the number o... 
|  2022 Year in Review All one needs is Step Wow, 2022 was a hell of a year in crypto. In fact, it was empirically the worst year ever in terms of blow ups, price action and general carnage. Yet here we are, still standing…LFG! As I look back on the year that was I am reminded where we were this time last year and the mountain of things that have been done since then. Lets do a quick recap on where we have come from, how things have evolved and we have pivoted in some ways and where we are going now. — Take me back to the summertime. — One year ago, Step as a product was coming off the massive bull run on Solana. We had no time to focus on anything other than integrations for the Dashboard which was the only and core product at the time. There were still a few yield farms, lenders, collateralised stablecoins etc which are launching and in order to stay relevant we needed to spend a lot of time and resources on integrating them on the dash (many of which are now dead btw, RIP). With the tempo winding down on new launches in the ecosystem we were faced with the question of ‘what next?’. I remember having many team meetings where we discussed for hours some of the 10–15 or so ideas on which we could work on. Things which we thought would add value to the platform and token in some way. Aaron0v and Dana pivotal in a lot of these discussions as it often involved Rust work. You’ll note in one of our earliest blogs in 2022 we were ... 
|  Step Q4 Roadmap tis the season gm to all as we are in the final stretch of 2022. It is that time of year where everyone is foot on the throttle to the finish line, there are lots of holidays/disruptions, conferences and end of year goals to hit. Its no different for Step. Lets take a look back at what Q3 brought and the most recent updates this month. Continued performance gains, dashboard generally loading for even the most complex wallets in < 3 seconds., New integrations and coverage updates: Star Atlas, PsyFi, UXD, Ratio, Brave wallet and many more!, Onchain Referrals live!, Translations for Turkish, Infact everything we said we were going to do in the Q3 update was pushed out ontime:Q3 Update goals With the exception of one thing, the big one- the new Step Analytics product. Rest assured we still intend to get it out before the end of the year as we have said before and we have a MVP taking shape internally. Nothing much more to add on that front other than we are pushing ahead and making progress every week. — Closing out the Year. — So what do we have in store for the end of 2022? Well, other than trying to get out the Analytics MVP there are also plenty of milestones: Solana Breakpoint conference, the whole ecosystem will be there aswell as the Step team, many meetings with our partner projects, New media announcements and launches: Solanafloor turning into more of a media website for NFTs and Solana news is... 
|  Step update #10- Solanafloor Acquisition and more Solanafloor the home of NFT Data Analytics The last month has been a very exciting time for Step for those who have been following along our socials and discord. The most important announcement of late has been our acquisition of Solanafloor and how that plays into the future of both the Step and Solanafloor platforms. We also have deployed a number of important updates including speeding up load times on the dashboard, new swap page design and routes, many bug fixes and a few integrations like the new Star Atlas marketplace. Lets get into the latest developments and what lies ahead for Step in todays update! — Acquisition of Solanafloor. — Step was delighted to announce on the 28 July that we have completed an acquisition of Solana’s leading NFT data insights and analytics platform, Solanafloor (Coindesk article). This greatly strengthens the Step product offering and we also onboard the excellent Solanafloor team including the founder and creator of Solanafloor cryptowazza. NFTs have clearly been one of the most important growth areas for the Solana ecosystem over the last 12 months. In a time where there has been a massive drawdown in the crypto market as a whole and particularly defi, NFTs have shown strong continued growth as evidenced in the recent Step Data Insights newsletter post with a comparison of Opensea vs Magic Eden. Active Solana NFT users transact on average 7.65 a day compared to the equivalent... 
|  Step Q3 Roadmap Step shining bright Well its quarterly roadmap time again this time we are in the 3rd Q already and there’s only 4 Q’s in a year, how time flys... This is indeed an interesting time for the crypto market, we are solidly in a bear market with a lot of projects and companies blowing up left and right and some projects going silent or winding down their activity completely, its really in times like this that legends are made and we at Step are full steam ahead hiring and building no matter what the macro is like. If you missed our previous Q2 Roadmap its worth a quick recap on what’s been achieved so far. I’d say we have probably achieved 70% of our goals with some things just not making it over the line and others being about 80% done. Tasks like performance have been ongoing with many of our onchain calls for pricing and individual integrations being moved to the backend and reducing load when you load your Step dashboard. Coverage is another ongoing task which we have integrated several more complex protocols like lenders or PERP dees and options vaults etc. I expect we will see less new projects launching this quarter so integrating them isnt such a big priority for us at the moment. NFT pricing has been another thing which is now running smoothly with our Magic Eden and Solanafloor integrations (we are rocking both APIs). The Opportunities page has seen some updates this Q as have other areas of the app like our en... 
|  Step Update #9 — Step 2.0 Step Update #9 — Step 2.0New Look Dashboard! Today we are introducing an app-wide refresh with our new UI we are calling Step 2.0. You’ll notice many areas of the app have been improved, consolidated and standardised on desktop and mobile breakpoints as we prep for the second half of this year and much more data focused development. But first, a little history lesson… — Humble beginnings. — Step started in February 2021 from a Solana hackathon and has since grown into one of the most well featured and detailed portfolio managers of any blockchain, well beyond what we first imagined it would be. Back when we started there was only 2 AMMs and maybe 1 or two other yield farm related projects already onchain. The initial scope then for us was “make a dashboard to show you your positions in these few apps” however as Solana caught on with mega traction in 2021 the number of new projects launching was immense with almost everyday being some new pool or protocol going live. Our job then became expanding the size and specificity of the app. We needed to expand the number of individual modules from 2 (LP positions and Token balances) to over 13 currently with close to 50 individual project integrations often spanning 1–3 modules and thousands of individual markets. With the market growing so rapidly we often needed to use the fastest ways to get the integration done and working and then move on, this was ... 
|  Step Update #8 xSTEP is your friend gm Steppers and its time again for todays update blog. Another busy month behind the scenes here at Step HQ with work pushing ahead on our Q2 goals, there’s a few big ticket items remaining on that list including referrals and the first products for our historical data indexing work. Lets have a short recap on what’s been going on — Integrations, bug fixing and UX updates. — We recently added support for the 01.xyz perps exchange, Cykura, Crema aswell as Orca whirlpools, TULIP staking and various fixes and improvements to Transaction History and and pool support. We have a few more integrations we are considering and that should cap off coverage for a while most likely. We don’t see as many protocols launching at the ferocious pace of 6 months ago which frees up some of our team to focus on the other areas of the app to our delight. One of those areas is a UX overhaul, you’re going to really like what you see, this simplification will also make development quicker going forward as we standardise a lot of the areas we had to smash out quickly in the past and cleanup redundant blocks of code. — Sunsetting of the Step AMM and Farms. — The Step AMM was born out of a time on Solana a year ago where there were 2 AMMs- Raydium and Orca. Serum had just deprecated their xyk AMM and the goal for the Step AMM was to:Provide a liquidity sink for STEP token holdersAdd a steady re... 
|  The Pathway to Data Data from Star Trek approves Its been a turbulent time in cryptoland this year with major hacks happening every month coupled with big events like the Luna/UST stablecoin depeg this week. Regardless, Step has been continuing to build throughout and if you check in to our Discord or Twitter you’ll always see new updates every few days. Come checkout some of the Feature Spotlights we have been doing recently on lesser known parts of the App as it will frame a lot of the discussion below. Step is well placed to grow during a bear market. We have been constantly hiring the last few months with most recently this week placing a new job ad for an Ambassador Program Manager which, as the name suggests is a new initiative to engage new users around the world in the Solana ecosystem, but perhaps more on that at a later time. On the tokenomics side we are well placed with the lowest FDV of any Solana project, zero farm emissions for the last 9 months and Reward options being the only way circ supply increases. The token isn’t immune to market forces though, the markets will do its thing but that’s irrelevant to what we are doing at Step- our job is just continue to build the best product we can and be the one page that is indispensable to your crypto usage, if we do that then value will come. — Monetisation in DeFi. — All the necessary parts of a DeFi ecosystem are mature on Solana now- 8 AMMs, 4 order book Dexes, 5... 
|  Step Q2 Roadmap gm We would have got this out sooner were it not for some big Solana events like in Miami, expanding Step team rapidly (3 new hires in the same week) and some integrations we had planned that have happened in April. A very busy month thus far! Its time we look ahead and outline the general high level direction we are going in this quarter as well as a quick look at some of the amazing updates we have just launched. — Q2- A focus on Data. — We have discussed before about the balancing act we need to do at Step between 3 core areas: Increasing coverage- This means integrating new protocols for the dashboard. This is our core product and always #1 priority for us at Step to ensure we show you an accurate representation of where your money is New Features- this would include things not related to coverage or tokenomics but simply just good to have on the frontend. Things like Transaction History or NFT pricing etc, these are not revenue accruing however essential for providing users a good user experience. Tokenomics related features- these often involve new Rust contracts deployed on-chain for things involving the STEP token. This also requires a fair bit of frontend work however ensuring we have value capture mechanisms for token holders is crucial to the long term success of Step, this often involves buttons users click where a fee is paid for a useful service (e.g. compounding, swaps etc). We need to balance th... 
|  Step Update #7 Step Up We are already ending Q1 soon and a lot has happened here at Step it feels like ancient history. Lets get into some of the recent updates and learnings at Step. New Charities Support Step was the first to pioneer charitable donations on Solana with initially launching support for the FTX Foundation mid last year. We would have loved to have added more charities early on however getting charities comfortable with accepting SPL tokens within their existing legal framework became an issue. Luckily things have moved on since then and we have added a number of new charities to the donations page (https://app.step.finance/#/charities) through a collaboration with the good folk at Getchange. DeFi on Solana We have also added a new ‘DeFi on Solana’ page where you can search any project name or token for some historical pricing, stats and explainers. Only tokens added to the token list registry will show up here. We will also be building out this page with many more analytics as time goes on. Step is good at showing you what you have, new pages like DeFi on Solana the idea is to show you what you don’t have. This helps increase exposure of the Solana ecosystem. Speed enhancements and more dynamic pools A number of integrations are loading their pools and other information dynamically, this means quicker support for new pools on step without us needing to manually add. We are still refining this and often third parties ... 