| Solana Ecosystem Index 
SOLI Price: | $5.80 | | Volume: | $293 | All Time High: | $17.67 | | Market Cap: | $480.9 K |
Circulating Supply: | 82,878 |
| Exchanges: | 1
| Total Supply: | 82,878 |
| Markets: | 1
| Max Supply: | — |
| Pairs: | 1
The last known price of #SOLI is $5.80 USD.
Please note that the price of #SOLI was last updated over 140 days ago. This can occur when coins have sporadic price reporting, no listings on exchanges or the project has been abandonded. All #SOLI statistics should be considered as 'last known value'.
The lowest SOLI price for this period was $0, the highest was $5.80, and the exact last price of SOLI was $5.80199.
The all-time high SOLI coin price was $17.67.
Use our custom price calculator to see the hypothetical price of SOLI with market cap of BTC or other crypto coins. |
The code for Solana Ecosystem Index crypto currency is #SOLI.
Solana Ecosystem Index is 2.6 years old. |
The current market capitalization for Solana Ecosystem Index is $480,857.
Solana Ecosystem Index is ranking downwards to #6090 out of all coins, by market cap (and other factors). |
There is a weak daily trading volume on #SOLI.
Today's 24-hour trading volume across all exchanges for Solana Ecosystem Index is $293. |
The circulating supply of SOLI is 82,878 coins, which is 100% of the total coin supply.
A highlight of Solana Ecosystem Index is it's exceptionally low supply of coins, as this tends to support higher prices due to supply and demand in the market. |
SOLI has very limited pairings with other cryptocurrencies, but has at least 1 pairing and is listed on at least 1 crypto exchange.
 Sunsetting the Solana Ecosystem Index (SOLI) This post is tied to the governance proposal to sunset Amun’s Solana Ecosystem Index (SOLI) Token. We would like to thank our community for supporting SOLI; however, after careful consideration, we have decided to submit a community proposal to sunset the Token. Voting will require holders to deposit their SOLI Tokens at dao-beta.mango.markets, and the deposited amount equates to the voting power. If the proposal passes: SOLI will be entirely rebalanced into Marinade Staked SOL, a liquid staked version of SOL that has been the base token of SOLI since its inception. Minting new SOLI will be blocked on the website and it will only be able to be redeemed. If you have any questions, feel free to reach out on Telegram. Sunsetting the Solana Ecosystem Index (SOLI) was originally published in Amun on Medium, where people are continuing the conversation by highlighting and responding to this story.
|  PECO & DFI Post Hack Follow-Up & Relief As a fellow community member and token holder, Amun is establishing a Relief Fund for eligible fellow PECO and DFI token holders who were negatively impacted by the recent hack. To apply for relief, token holders must follow the steps listed below: Navigate to repayment.amun.com, which will become available on February 20th., When prompted, impacted holders will be required to pass compliance screening and attest that they are not a resident or otherwise located in certain restricted countries., Holders must connect their wallet that held DFI or PECO and then confirm their desire to apply for relief., Once a holder has submitted their application, and the approval and screening process has occurred, then relief payments will be made via USDC on the chain where the holder held a PECO or DFI balance. The relief payment amount is based on the PECO & DFI balances and prices at the time of the hack. Please note that, at the time of the hack, PECO was worth $2.60 and DFI was worth $0.61. To qualify for the Relief Fund, impacted token holders’ must meet the following requirements: The holders’ wallet must have held PECO or DFI at the time of the hack., Holders must not reside or otherwise be located in any restricted countries., Wallets must pass compliance screening., Finally, in an effort to halt any further negative externalities from the exploit, the Amun team has created a governance proposal to update the smart c... 
|  PECO & DFI Post-Mortem — December 26th, 2022 PECO & DFI Post-Mortem — December 26th, 2022 - TL;DR On December 26, 2022, Amun’s products — PECO and DFI were compromised resulting in a loss of approximately $300k in underlying funds. We identified the attacker’s wallet, which is currently holding the funds at 0xf8b17Df4da32FAfDdA970aE1f76D2DbfF7091913. They were able to take control of our rebalance-manager address and hence rebalance Amun’s product into fake underlyings., The attacker then minted 80 billion tokens and sold them on all available decentralized exchanges (DEXs), leading to the draining of all available liquidity pools., 21.co, the parent company of Amun, is committed to making token holders whole. Namely, we will return the funds to token holders and share details on how token holders can expect repayment as soon as possible., What Happened At 12:55 AM UTC on December 26th the attacker began creating fake tokens using the 0xd7948f06256831d1f0287d81bf1e6b19185aa69a address. This is an address that Amun previously used for rebalancing our indices and was the only address that was able to rebalance the product. This address is considered compromised. After creating multiple fake tokens as well as a fake exchange, the attacker set the PECO rebalance manager to target the fake DEX created by the attacker for rebalancing. The attacker then forced the PECO token to rebalance, swapping all the true underlying tokens to ones created by the att... 
|  SOLI Methodology Revamp This is a governance proposal to revamp SOLI’s methodology, which will expand our index tokens to have a more diversified number of constituents, while also reducing the price impact incurred during rebalances. Objectives Expand the eligible universe to include up to 10 tokens, Add bumper/ constraints rules to prevent sudden exclusion of existing tokens — To be included in a future iteration, Reduce price impact from inclusion and rebalancing, You can read more about the new methodology here. The vote will be open from Friday, August 26th at 12pm EST and end Tuesday, August 30th at 12pm EST. If the proposal is passed: SOLI rebalance will migrate to the new methodology as of September, 1, 2022. Proposal voting instructions Go to the SOLI Mango markets page (link), Click on “Connect wallet” button in the top right corner, Connect with wallet provider where you hold SOLI, Under “Your Account,” click deposit (NOTE — THIS WILL DEPOSIT ALL YOUR SOLI IN YOUR WALLET AND LOCK YOUR SOLI FOR THE DURATION OF THE PROPOSAL), Click on the option you want to vote for, Sign the message via your wallet and done, If you have any questions feel free to reach out to us on Discord, Twitter, or Telegram. Proposal: Link SOLI Methodology Revamp was originally published in Amun on Medium, where people are continuing the conversation by highlighting and responding to this story.
|  PECO Methodology Revamp This is a governance proposal to revamp PECO’s methodology, which will expand our index tokens to have a more diversified number of constituents, while also reducing the price impact incurred during rebalances. Objectives Expand the eligible universe to include up to 10 tokens, Add bumper/ constraints rules to prevent sudden exclusion of existing tokens — To be included in a future iteration, Reduce price impact from inclusion and rebalancing, You can read more about the new methodology here. The snapshot was taken Monday, June 27th at 3 pm EST. The vote will be open from Monday, June 27th at 3 pm EST and end Thursday, June 30th at 3 pm EST. If the proposal is passed: PECO rebalance will migrate to the new methodology as of July 1, 2022. Proposal voting instructions In order to vote on the given proposal, you must have had PECO tokens in your wallet on June 27th at 3 pm EST. Go to the PECO snapshot page, Click on the “Connect wallet” button in the top right corner, Connect with the wallet where you hold PECO, Click on the option you want to vote for, Sign the message via your wallet, If you have any questions feel free to reach out to us on Discord, Twitter, or Telegram. PECO Methodology Revamp was originally published in Amun on Medium, where people are continuing the conversation by highlighting and responding to this story.
|  Amun Ecosystem Index Methodology v2 Ecosystem Index Methodology v2 - — Overview - As ecosystems grow and develop, so must our index token methodology. By improving our existing index methodology (current methodology can be found here), we can expand our index tokens to have a more diversified number of constituents, while also reducing the price impact incurred during rebalances. — Objective - 1. Expand the eligible universe to include up to 10 tokens 2. Add bumper/ constraints rules to prevent sudden exclusion of existing tokens — To be included in a future iteration 3. Reduce price impact from inclusion and rebalancing — Eligible Universe Criteria - A token is considered eligible for index inclusion if it meets the all of the below criteria: Must be listed on Defi Llama with TVL data, Must be listed on CoinGecko with Market Capitalization data, Must have over $10,000 of liquidity in a single liquidity pool, Must have existed for at least 2 months. This criteria will be measured by looking at liquidity pair creation dates in integrated DEXs., — Improved Index Methodology - Below is a simplified summary of the improved index methodology. Within any specific ecosystem, the methodology looks at all tokens in that ecosystem that also meet the eligible universe criteria, These tokens are then ranked by Market Capitalization. The top 10 tokens are then considered by the methodology for inclusion and is assigned a Market Capitalizati... 
|  DIP2 — Upgrading DFI Rebalance Manager Contract DIP2 — Upgrading DFI Rebalance Manager Contract - This is a governance proposal to upgrade DFI’s RebalanceManager contract, which will address the below: The June 16th rebalance for DFI ran into issues due to how stETH handles transferring tokens. Migrating to the new RebalanceManager contract will ensure this does not happen again., The previous rebalancing will be included for the 1st of June rebalancing instead., Migrating to the new RebalanceManager contract will also enable DFI to route through any Uniswapv2 compatible DEX (besides Uniswap and Sushiswap)., In addition, the new contract would allow us to run a single DFI rebalance on the 1st business day of each month, rather than it’s current state of being split across on the 1st and the 16th of every month., The snapshot was taken Tuesday, May 24th at 8pm UTC. The vote will be open from Tuesday, May 24th at 8pm UTC and end Friday, May 27th at 8pm UTC. If the proposal is passed: DFI’s RebalanceManager contract will be upgraded to enable swapping of tokens that have unique implementations of the ERC-20’s transfer function & update DFI to a single rebalance day. Proposal voting instructions In order to vote on the given proposal, you must have had DFI tokens in your wallet at on May 24th 8pm UTC. Go to the DFI snapshot page, Click on “Connect wallet” button in the top right corner, Connect with wallet provider where you hold DFI, Click on t... 
|  SOLI SIP3 — Orca Integration SIP3 — SOLI Orca Integration - Following community feedback, we have decided to split the previous proposal (SIP 1) into 2 separate proposals. This is a governance proposal to add Orca DEX integration (excluding whirlpool pools). We have identified Orca as the next DEX we wish to integrate for SOLI. Orca is leading DEX in the Solana ecosystem and will serve as an additional source of liquidity for potential constituents. Please note that we will be excluding whirlpool pools for this integration. The vote will be open from Monday, May 23rd at 4pm UTC and end Thursday, May 26th at 4pm UTC. Link here. If the proposal is passed: Orca will be integrated as an additional DEX for future rebalancings. Proposal voting instructions Go to the SOLI Mango markets page, Click on “Connect wallet” button in the top right corner, Connect with wallet provider where you hold SOLI, Under “Your Account,” click deposit (NOTE — THIS WILL DEPOSIT ALL YOUR SOLI IN YOUR WALLET AND LOCK YOUR SOLI FOR THE DURATION OF THE PROPOSAL), Click on the option you want to vote for, Sign the message via your wallet and done, If you have any questions feel free to reach out to us on Discord, Twitter, or Telegram. Proposal: Link SOLI SIP3 — Orca Integration was originally published in Amun on Medium, where people are continuing the conversation by highlighting and responding to this story.
|  SIP2 — SOLI Rebalancing Date Change SIP2 — SOLI Rebalancing Date Change - Following community feedback, we have decided to split the previous proposal (SIP 1) into 2 separate proposals. This is a governance proposal to change rebalancing date to the 1st business day of each month (currently 1st calendar day). SOLI’s current rebalancing takes place on the 1st calendar day of each month. This proposal aims to change the monthly rebalancing date to the 1st business day of each month. In ensuring that the rebalancing will happen on a business day, the entire team’s attention can be rapidly alerted if there are any issues with the rebalancing process. The vote will be open from Monday, May 23rd at 4pm UTC and end Thursday, May 26th at 4pm UTC. Link here. If the proposal is passed: Monthly rebalancing will now occur on the 1st business day of each month. Proposal voting instructions Go to the SOLI Mango markets page, Click on “Connect wallet” button in the top right corner, Connect with wallet provider where you hold SOLI, Under “Your Account,” click deposit (NOTE — THIS WILL DEPOSIT ALL YOUR SOLI IN YOUR WALLET AND LOCK YOUR SOLI FOR THE DURATION OF THE PROPOSAL), Click on the option you want to vote for, Sign the message via your wallet and done, If you have any questions feel free to reach out to us on Discord, Twitter, or Telegram. Proposal: Link SIP2 — SOLI Rebalancing Date Change was originally published in Amun on Medium... 
|  Community Proposal: PECO PIP3 — Rebalancing Date Change Proposal PECO PIP3 — Rebalancing Date Change Proposal - This is a governance proposal to change PECO’s rebalancing date from the 1st calendar day of each month to to the 1st business day of each month. In ensuring that the rebalancing will happen on a business day, the entire team’s attention can be rapidly alerted if there are any issues with the rebalancing process. The snapshot was taken May 16th at 4pm UTC. The vote will be open from Monday, May 16th at 4pm EST and end Thursday, May 19th at 4pm UTC. If the proposal is passed: Monthly rebalancing will now occur on the 1st business day of each month. Proposal voting instructions In order to vote on the given proposal, you must have had PECO tokens in your wallet at on May 16th 4pm UTC. Go to the PECO snapshot page, Click on “Connect wallet” button in the top right corner, Connect with wallet provider where you hold PECO, Click on the option you want to vote for, Sign the message via your wallet and done, If you have any questions feel free to reach out to us on Discord, Twitter, or Telegram. Proposal: Snapshot Community Proposal: PECO PIP3 — Rebalancing Date Change Proposal was originally published in Amun on Medium, where people are continuing the conversation by highlighting and responding to this story.