| All Sports Coin 
| #SOC
SOC Price: | $0.0000391 | | Volume: | — | All Time High: | $0.20 | | Market Cap: | $58.6 K |
Circulating Supply: | 1,499,999,550 |
| Exchanges: | 1+
| Total Supply: | 1,500,000,000 |
| Markets: | 1+
| Max Supply: | 1,500,000,000 |
| Pairs: | 8
The last known price of #SOC is $0.0000391 USD.
Please note that the price of #SOC was last updated over 610 days ago. This can occur when coins have sporadic price reporting, no listings on exchanges or the project has been abandonded. All #SOC statistics should be considered as 'last known value'.
The lowest SOC price for this period was $0, the highest was $0.0000391, and the exact last price of SOC was $0.00003906.
The all-time high SOC coin price was $0.20.
Use our custom price calculator to see the hypothetical price of SOC with market cap of SOL or other crypto coins. |
The code for All Sports Coin crypto currency is #SOC.
All Sports Coin is 5.3 years old. |
The current market capitalization for All Sports Coin is $58,583.
All Sports Coin is ranked #1534 out of all coins, by market cap (and other factors). |
The trading volume is unknown today for #SOC. |
The circulating supply of SOC is 1,499,999,550 coins, which is 100% of the maximum coin supply. |
Note that there are multiple coins that share the code #SOC, and you can view them on our SOC disambiguation page. |
 Our SOC are only traded on the OKX exchange. Our SOC are only traded on the OKX exchange. This is because SOC are fake data on other exchanges and can lead to buyers being duped. Our community members have already had cases of being scammed and fooled. SOC purchased from other exchanges may not be withdrawn. www.okx.co
|  We have done a contract upgrade We have done a contract upgrade Our only existing contract is erc20, The address is: 0xeb6026d3beaa308d5822c44cdd2ca8c7714237ec Any other chain’s SOC is fake. If you hold old soc coins please go to the official website to exchange them.
|  Attention. Attention. As of May 31, 24:00 UTC. Subsequent Trc20 redemptions are adjusted to no airdrop compensation for users. After June 1, we cannot guarantee that trc20 will be traded normally. Please be informed. Redemption address: http://allsportsx.io/swap.html AllSports X (SOC) Project Team Official website: allsportsx.io Telegram channel: https://t.me/AllSportsX_SOC. Telegram search: @AllSportsX_SOC Discord’s only official community address: https://discord.gg/F2nURHke9Q Official email: x@allsportsx.io Official Twitter: All Sports X (SOC) @allsportschain
|  SOC Token Allocation. SOC Token Allocation. -For TRC Token Swap: 500,000,000. Wallet address: 0xff391C86D6323EbF0f4b45d8F92478701a63C6A0 -For Defi Rewards: 300,000,000. Wallet address: 0xB4F91353270d9A87Dd284046839Ca480549f682F -For Team Rewards: 200,000,000. Wallet address: 0xe55b2861b2135882c4DB1383F7C1051dA89f5bB6 -Market Circulation: 2,000,000,000. Total supply: 3,000,000,000
|  Why the SOC upgrade contract? Why the SOC upgrade contract? the technical team originally considered the security of SOC and neutered all the smart contract features. But DEFI and TOKEN, which can really land on ETH, are the ones that are really competitive. So upgrading the contract so became an essential process. Our latest introduction of a strong team core, the purpose is still to make a great product, so depressed market and competitive landscape, the only way to break the shackles of effort. The new team members have very strong sports resources and technical team, to really meet the era of Web3.0 and DEFI began to sprint. Here is the introduction of our team members.
|  What does SOC intend to do in the future? What does SOC intend to do in the future? 1, develop DEFI application and combine it with NFT to bring SOC project to the ground. 2, sign sports stars and club IP, and make SOC a derivative of relevant sports resources on the blockchain network. 3, Preempt the layout of Web3.0 and metaverse to embrace the future. The dapps we have developed and are currently doing tests include decentralized soccer social platform, NFT exchange, etc. All of them have been developed and are waiting for the timing and confirmation of the operation mode to be accessed and put online.
|  Good News Good News We have made a complete upgrade of the contract. Latest contract address: 0xeb6026d3beaa308d5822c44cdd2ca8c7714237ec Currently available for trading on the OKx exchange. The SOC team plans to go live with the NFT product at the end of May 2022. AllSports X (SOC) Project Team Official website: allsportsx.io Telegram channel: https://t.me/AllSportsX_SOC. Telegram search: @AllSportsX_SOC Discord’s only official community address: https://discord.gg/F2nURHke9Q Official email: x@allsportsx.io Official Twitter: All Sports X (SOC) @allsportschain