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SNOW Price   

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SNOW Price:
$5.3 K
All Time High:
Market Cap:
$114.3 K

Circulating Supply:
Total Supply:
Max Supply:


The last known price of #SNOW is $0.23 USD.

Please note that the price of #SNOW was last updated over 40 days ago. This can occur when coins have sporadic price reporting, no listings on exchanges or the project has been abandonded. All #SNOW statistics should be considered as 'last known value'.

The lowest SNOW price for this period was $0, the highest was $0.231, and the exact last price of SNOW was $0.23065.

The all-time high SNOW coin price was $169.

Use our custom price calculator to see the hypothetical price of SNOW with market cap of ETH or other crypto coins.


The code for Snowswap crypto currency is #SNOW.

Snowswap is 4.2 years old.


The current market capitalization for Snowswap is $114,313.

Snowswap is ranking upwards to #1003 out of all coins, by market cap (and other factors).


There is a small daily trading volume on #SNOW.

Today's 24-hour trading volume across all exchanges for Snowswap is $5,344.


The circulating supply of SNOW is 495,608 coins, which is 99% of the total coin supply.

Note the unusually low supply of Snowswap coins which adds to rarity of this cryptocurrency and increases perceived market value.


SNOW is a token on the Ethereum blockchain.


SNOW has limited pairings with other cryptocurrencies, but has at least 2 pairings and is listed on at least 2 crypto exchanges.

View #SNOW trading pairs and crypto exchanges that currently support #SNOW purchase.



Polygon Full Launch (Whitelist Ending) & New Boosted Stablecoin Pool (Hubie’s Pool)

Penguin Pool is finally being upgraded on Polygon to a new, boosted version, without whitelist; Hello Hubie’s Pool! - — TL;DR - ❄️ Penguin Pool is ending on Thursday, November 4, 2021 ❄️ Hubie’s Pool (Boosted usdSNOW staking) with higher liquidity mining rewards and no whitelist is launching at the same time ❄️ Users can choose from 1, 15, and 30 day locking periods ❄️ 100 SNOW will be distributed daily (split between the locking periods) ❄️ Users need to migrate after boosted pool launchesPenguin Pool is being upgraded on Polygon to Hubie’s Pool, a new, boosted version, without whitelist! Like before, you can stake your usdSNOW from the Stake page of the SnowSwap web site. However, now in return for bonding your LP tokens for a minimum amount of time, you can earn an even higher staking APR. You can get usdSNOW by depositing USDC, USDT, or DAI stablecoins in the usdSNOW Pool. This returns Polygon usdSNOW LP tokens which can then be deposited into Hubie’s Pool.“Locked staking” refers to the process of locking your LP tokens and rewards on the SnowSwap platform for a minimum period of time. Locked staking pools pay higher staking rewards than regular pools. After depositing to a locked pool, you can withdraw the deposited amount and harvest your SNOW rewards only after the expiration of the locking period. Locking additional tokens resets the locking period. To lock different groups of ...

Ethereum Frosty’s Pool (SNOW Staking) Migrating to Boosted Version

TL;DR. — ❄️ Boosted Frosty’s Pool (SNOW staking) with higher liquidity mining rewards is launching Friday, October 29, 2021 ❄️ Users can choose from 1, 15, and 30 day locking periods ❄️ 180 SNOW will be distributed daily (split between the locking periods) ❄️ This replaces the old pool and users need to migrate Frosty’s Pool is finally being upgraded on Ethereum to a new, boosted version! Like before, you can stake your SNOW from the Stake page of the SnowSwap web site. However, now in return for bonding your LP tokens for a minimum amount of time, you can earn an even higher staking APR. If you need to get SNOW, you can get some on Uniswap (as mentioned in this guide) or (SNOW/ETH or SNOW/USDT).“Locked staking” refers to the process of locking your LP tokens and rewards on the SnowSwap platform for a minimum period of time. Locked staking pools pay higher staking rewards than regular pools. After depositing to a locked pool, you can withdraw the deposited amount and harvest your SNOW rewards only after the expiration of the locking period. Locking additional tokens resets the locking period. To lock different groups of assets with different locking periods, you must use multiple wallets. The individual APR of the 1, 15, and 30 day periods will change depending on the amount of assets staked and the price of SNOW. The split of SNOW rewards between the locking periods will also vary but ...

SnowSwap Olaf’s Pool Liquidity Mining Quick Start Guide (Polygon)

How to add liquidity to QuickSwap to stake in Olaf’s Pool and earn high APR! - In addition to using the liquidity pools to swap tokens, one can also earn SNOW tokens by providing liquidity to the pools, liquidity to the SNOW-USDC pair pool on QuickSwap, or simply staking SNOW tokens for yield. At the time of writing, these different options are offering APYs between 52% and 625%, payable in SNOW tokens. Note: Yields are not guaranteed and can change daily. Liquidity mining is high risk. This article is not investment advice. — What is the SNOW token? - SNOW is the governance token of the SnowSwap platform. It is a standard Ethereum ERC-20 token. The SnowSwap DAO is currently under development. When it is finished, SNOW token holders will be able to directly participate in governance of the platform, including voting on changes to the protocol, such as changing fees or adding additional tokens and pools, or distributing a portion of fees to SNOW holders. SnowSwap pays out the yield of staked tokens in SNOW. This SNOW can be withdrawn, harvested and staked for more SNOW, HODLed or sold on the open market. — I just want to get the highest yield, what do I do? - As mentioned, the top performing staking option is to provide liquidity to the SNOW-USDC pair pool on QuickSwap then stake one’s LP coins in Olaf’s Pool.Basically, one must acquire equivalent amounts of USDC and SNOW, and add them to the liquidity p...

Boosted Frosty’s Pool (SNOW Staking) Launching on Polygon

TL;DR. — ❄️ Boosted Frosty’s Pool (SNOW staking) with higher liquidity mining rewards is launching Thursday, October 21, 2021 ❄️ Users can choose from 1, 15, and 30 day locking periods ❄️ 180 SNOW will be distributed daily (split between the locking periods) ❄️ Enjoy the higher APR!! Frosty’s Pool is finally coming to Polygon, in a new, boosted version! Now you can stake your SNOW natively on Polygon instead of having to bridge it back to Ethereum, from the Stake page of the SnowSwap web site. This is the first of our new set of locked staking pools. In return for bonding your LP tokens for a minimum amount of time, you can earn an even higher staking APR.“Locked staking” refers to the process of locking your LP tokens and rewards on the SnowSwap platform for a minimum period of time. Locked staking pools pay higher staking rewards than regular pools. After depositing to a locked pool, you can withdraw the deposited amount and harvest your SNOW rewards only after the expiration of the locking period. Locking additional tokens resets the locking period. To lock different groups of assets with different locking periods, you must use multiple wallets. The individual APR of the 1, 15, and 30 day periods will change depending on the amount of assets staked and the price of SNOW. The split of SNOW rewards between the locking periods will also vary but in general the longer staking periods will have a...

SnowSwap Rudolph’s Pool Liquidity Mining Quick Start Guide

Note: This guide was originally published in February 2021. — Remind me, what is SnowSwap again? - SnowSwap is a DeFi project that provides liquidity pools for swapping between several kind of assets: yield bearing stablecoins (in conjunction with other platforms such as yEarn and Curve), and different flavors of wrapped tokens (including yield generating wrapped bitcoin and locked eth2 staking derivative tokens). One can earn SNOW tokens by providing liquidity to these pools, earning APYs between 20–200% depending on demand. The highest earning pool is Rudolph’s Pool, which can pay 100%–200% APY. This guide will explain how to stake tokens in Rudolph’s Pool. Note: DeFi Pulse recently wrote up a great summary about SnowSwap here. In addition to using the liquidity pools to swap tokens, one can also earn SNOW tokens by providing liquidity to the pools, liquidity to the ETH/SNOW pair pool on Uniswap, or simply staking SNOW tokens for yield. At the time of writing, these different options are offering APYs between 21% and 229%, payable in SNOW tokens. Note: Yields are not guaranteed and can change daily. Liquidity mining is high risk. This article is not investment advice. — What is the SNOW token? - SNOW is the governance token of the SnowSwap platform. It is a standard Ethereum ERC-20 token. The SnowSwap DAO is currently under development. When it is finished, SNOW token holders will be able to directly...

Rudolph’s Pool (SNOW-ETH LP Staking) Relaunch with Higher Staking Rewards

TL;DR. — ❄️ Rudolph’s Pool (SNOW-ETH UNI V2 LP staking) liquidity mining rewards are increasing on October 16, 2021 ❄️ 170 SNOW will be distributed daily ❄️ No restaking required ❄️ Enjoy the higher APR!! Rudolph’s Pool, accessible from the Stake page of the SnowSwap web site, is perhaps the most important pool for SnowSwap, as it encourages people to provide liquidity on Uniswap for the SNOW governance token. Originally, 70 SNOW per day were distributed to stakers, but over time the APR has dropped dramatically. From today, 170 SNOW per day will be distributed to stakers, based on each investor’s percentage ownership. Check here for our full guide on how to provide liquidity to Rudolph’s Pool!Note: There is no need to restake one’s SNOW-ETH LP in a new pool. All current stakers will automatically receive the increased rewards. The just launched Olaf’s Pool on Polygon similarly rewards SNOW-USDC QuickSwap LP holders. You might also want to check it out as well. Thanks for your patronage and support. Stay tuned for many new announcements. These are exciting times at SnowSwap! — ❄️ SnowSwap Social Media - Website, Telegram, Discord, Twitter, Rudolph’s Pool (SNOW-ETH LP Staking) Relaunch with Higher Staking Rewards was originally published in SnowSwap on Medium, where people are continuing the conversation by highlighting and responding to this story.

Frosty’s Pool (SNOW Staking) Relaunch with Higher Staking Rewards

TL;DR. — ❄️ Frosty’s Pool (SNOW staking) liquidity mining rewards are increasing ❄️ 50 SNOW will be distributed daily ❄️ No restaking required ❄️ Enjoy the higher APR!! Frosty’s Pool, accessible from the Stake page of the SnowSwap web site, has always been an important pool for SnowSwap, as it encourages long term holding of the SNOW governance token. Originally, 30 SNOW per day were distributed to stakers, but it has become clear that this amount is no longer sufficient. From today, 50 SNOW per day will be distributed to stakers, based on each investor’s percentage ownership.Note: There is no need to restake one’s SNOW in another pool. All current stakers will automatically receive the increased rewards. Frosty’s Pool will also be coming soon to Polygon. Thanks for your patronage and support. Stay tuned for many new announcements. These are exciting times at SnowSwap! — ❄️ SnowSwap Social Media - Website, Telegram, Discord, Twitter, Frosty’s Pool (SNOW Staking) Relaunch with Higher Staking Rewards was originally published in SnowSwap on Medium, where people are continuing the conversation by highlighting and responding to this story.

SNOW-USDC QuickSwap Trading & Olaf’s Staking Pool Launch (Polygon)

TL;DR. — ❄️ SNOW-USDC trading pool launch on QuickSwap @ October 14, 2021 ❄️ Olaf’s Pool (SNOW-USDC LP) staking pool launch @ October 14, 2021 ❄️ 140 SNOW liquidity mining rewards will be distributed daily ❄️ MATIC rewards expected soon — Providing Liquidity for SNOW on Polygon. — Since the launch of the Penguin Pool on Polygon, it has been an important task to create sources of liquidity for SNOW native to the Polygon network. We are happy to announce the official creation of a SNOW-USDC liquidity pool on QuickSwap, the #1 DEX on the Polygon network. Now you will be able to enter and exit your SNOW positions natively on Polygon without having to bridge back to Ethereum! — Liquidity Mining Rewards. — In conjunction with the launch of this pool, we will start liquidity mining rewards for QuickSwap SNOW-USDC Liquidity Providers. Initially, 140 SNOW per day will be distributed to stakers in the Polygon Olaf’s Pool, based on each investor’s percentage ownership. — Staking into Olaf’s Pool. — To stake your assets in Olaf’s Pool, first deposit SNOW and USDC into the SNOW-USDC liquidity pool on QuickSwap, then take your LP tokens and deposit them into Olaf’s Pool, accessible from the Stake page of the SnowSwap web site. Be sure you have the Polygon network selected. — Bridging Assets from Ethereum. — If you don’t have SNOW or USDC on Polygon, you...

HowTo: Bridge USDC to Polygon

How to bridge USDC from Ethereum Mainnet to Polygon. — — Pre-Requisites - ETH in your Ethereum Wallet, USDC you wish to bridge, — Login onto the Polygon Web Wallet - Head over to the Polygon Web Wallet app., Click here: Polygon Web WalletPolygon Web Wallet 2. Connect to your Ethereum wallet 3. You’ll be asked to sign the transaction — click on Sign.Click Sign Once you have connected, you will see a dashboard showing your all token balances on the Polygon Network. 3. Click on Move funds from Ethereum to Polygon near the top right. 4. Use the dropdown menu to the right of the word “MAX” and choose USDC to bridge over.Search USDC and Select 5. Then input the amount of USDC to bridge. 6. Click Transfer, then Continue to move funds from Ethereum to Polygon. You’ll be shown a transfer overview with the total gas required to bridge the token over. This is what the required ETH is for. Click Continue to proceed and follow the instructions on screen. Once your tokens are transferred, it will take 8–10 minutes for them to arrive to your wallet address on Polygon. You will be able to view the USDC on the Polygon dashboard from above. You also will need a small amount of MATIC to pay for gas on Polygon. There are some faucets which will give you a small amount of MATIC enough to make a trade on QuickSwap to get some more. One such faucet is MacNCheese Faucet which will give you 0.001...

Happy 1st Birthday SnowSwap!

Coming Next. — ❄️ SNOW-USDC trading pool launch (Polygon) ❄️ Frosty’s Pool (SNOW) reward increase (Ethereum) ❄️ Frosty’s Pool (SNOW) boosted pool launch (Polygon) ❄️ Rudolph’s Pool (SNOW-ETH UNI V2 LP) reward increase (Ethereum) One year ago, at the edge of the original DeFi summer, SnowSwap went live. Since that time, the DeFi landscape has changed significantly. The original swapping pools which brought SnowSwap much fame are no longer so important in the new world of Yearn V2 vaults and yield aggregator platforms. Like most upstarts, we have been through several ups and downs, but rest assured we are doubling down to do all it takes to create another snowstorm again! Over the past few months we’ve been building the groundwork to launch on new chains, starting with Polygon. We’ve also been conducting some interesting in-house experiments around the area of using NFTs in DeFi. We have many announcements planned for the upcoming several weeks. Our pools are going to be refocused on providing trading pairs with substantial market demand, while providing liquidity providers and stakers with the excellent APRs that you expect. We also are going to be boosting our service offering on Polygon and formally launching to the entire Polygon user base.Our goals are still the same: to provide low-slippage swapping pools for DeFi investors to switch between popular like-kind assets, while providing staking...

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