| Single Finance 
SINGLE Price: | $0.000255 | | Volume: | $1.4 K | All Time High: | $0.21 | | Market Cap: | $254.7 K |
Circulating Supply: | 998,902,795 |
| Exchanges: | 2
| Total Supply: | 999,999,999 |
| Markets: | 4
| Max Supply: | 1,000,000,000 |
| Pairs: | 4
The price of #SINGLE today is $0.000255 USD.
The lowest SINGLE price for this period was $0, the highest was $0.000255, and the current live price for one SINGLE coin is $0.00025497.
The all-time high SINGLE coin price was $0.21.
Use our custom price calculator to see the hypothetical price of SINGLE with market cap of BTC or other crypto coins. |
The code for Single Finance crypto currency is #SINGLE.
Single Finance is 3.1 years old. |
The current market capitalization for Single Finance is $254,693.
Single Finance is ranked #931 out of all coins, by market cap (and other factors). |
There is a small volume of trading today on #SINGLE.
Today's 24-hour trading volume across all exchanges for Single Finance is $1,365. |
The circulating supply of SINGLE is 998,902,795 coins, which is 100% of the maximum coin supply. |
SINGLE has limited pairings with other cryptocurrencies, but has at least 4 pairings and is listed on at least 2 crypto exchanges.
View #SINGLE trading pairs and crypto exchanges that currently support #SINGLE purchase. |
 Exploring Correlations in LCO, CRO, VVS, and VNO: Unlocking the Potential of Market-Neutral… Exploring Correlations in LCO, CRO, VVS, and VNO: Unlocking the Potential of Market-Neutral Leveraged Yield Farming - In the ever-evolving landscape of cryptocurrency, savvy traders and investors are continually on the lookout for innovative strategies to maximize their returns while safeguarding against risks. Among these strategies, market-neutral leveraged yield farming has garnered significant attention. However, one crucial factor looms large in this endeavor: the correlation between the assets. — Why Correlations Matter - In the world of market-neutral leveraged yield farming, the correlation between assets is a linchpin for success. The key lies in finding pairs of cryptocurrencies that demonstrate a strong positive correlation. When assets are correlated, they tend to move in tandem, reducing the risk of unfavorable price effects on the overall position. The profit-loss curve of a market-neutral leveraged yield farming position is inherently tied to the assumption that the relative values between the assets remain constant. Any deviation from the initial ratio can lead to negative price effects that cast a shadow over the overall profitability of the strategy. This is where the importance of understanding the correlations between the assets comes into play. Market-neutral strategies possess the capability to dampen the impact of price fluctuations when the changes are minor. Nevertheless, when the ratio betwee... 
|  The Dual Existence of USDC on Arbitrum: Bridged USDC (USDC.e) vs. Native USDC (USDC) As the popularity of Arbitrum soared, users turned to various bridges, such as Stargate, to transfer ETH and USDC onto the Arbitrum network. Initially, the USDC that appeared on Arbitrum, known as bridged USDC, served as the sole representation of the stablecoin within the network, enabling its use in dapps for trading and staking. However, Circle, the issuer of USDC, made an announcement introducing native USDC on the Arbitrum network on 8 June 2023. This native version of USDC can be accessed directly by developers and users without the need for any bridging process. Native USDC is officially issued by Circle and maintains a 1:1 redeemable value with US dollars. In the context of Arbitrum, two distinct forms of USDC coexist, each playing a crucial role in facilitating stability within the network. Moreover, the naming conventions for these two variants have undergone changes to reflect their respective origins and functions. — Native USDC on Arbitrum:. — Token Name: USD Coin Token Symbol: USDC Token Address: 0xaf88d065e77c8cC2239327C5EDb3A432268e5831 — Bridged USDC on Arbitrum:. — Token Name: Bridged USDC Token Symbol: USDC.e Token Address: 0xFF970A61A04b1cA14834A43f5dE4533eBDDB5CC8 Different bridging protocols facilitate the transfer of USDC between the two forms of USDCs, and various Arbitrum protocol functions operate between these two forms as well. There is a possibility that when bridgi... 
|  VNO Triple Threat Campaign TL;DR- 07/11/2023 to 21/11/2023, 100 participants, First Come First Serve- Open farming position for CRO — LCRO or CRO — VNO or VVS — VNO on Single Finance and get rewarded- Share your position(s) on Twitter- Submit transaction ids via Single Finance’s Discord server to claim rewardCampaign details Campaign Period: 7 November 2023, 07:00 UTC — 21 November 2023, 23:59 UTC Task 1: Open farming position for CRO — LCRO or CRO — VNO or VVS — VNO Task 2: Share your position(s) on Twitter Task 3: Submit the claim via Single Finance’s Discord server Submit a ticket of transaction ID and wallet address on Single Finance’s Discord server. Airdrop distribution: On or before 07/12/2023 Allocation: 100 users — First Come First Serve Rewards: Participants can win a minimum of 50 CRO for completing a farming task, along with a bonus of 25 CRO if a participant shares their position on Twitter and tags Single Finance. Participants can decide to open farming positions for TWO different pairs and receive the reward of 120 CRO. Sharing the position on Twitter will provide them with a bonus of 25 CRO. If a participant opens all THREE farming positions on Single Finance, the participant will be rewarded a whooping 300 CRO. The participant can top it up by sharing their position on Twitter to receive an additional 25 CRO! The maximum amount is 325 CRO for completing ALL the tasks.*No... 
|  Hello From The Arbi Side Campaign TL;DR- 24/10/2023 to 7/11/2023, 100 participants, First Come First Serve- Bridge assets from Cronos to Arbitrum and get bridging transaction fee rebated for your first transaction- Open market-neutral USDC.e strategy on Single Finance and gas fees rebated- Submit transaction ids via Discord ticket to claim rebate- Users can only claim the bridging transaction fee and gas fee rebate for the position size they open for market-neutral USDC.e strategy on Single Finance Are you a Cronos user looking to maximize your asset potential and explore different ways to accumulate yield? We have an exciting campaign just for you! Introducing our “Hello from the Arbi side” Campaign, designed to incentivize users like you to seamlessly bridge your assets from Cronos to Arbitrum while encouraging the adoption of a market-neutral position. During the campaign, we are offering exclusive rebates for the first 100 users who bridge their assets from Cronos to Arbitrum. By participating, you can enjoy a rebate on the transaction fees incurred during the asset-bridging process for your first transaction when using our partner’s bridging service XY Finance. This means you can save while optimizing your asset allocation! On top of that, we encourage you to open a position for USDC.e strategy as we want to showcase our market-neutral USDC.e — WETH strategy. Users will be rebated on the gas fees for opening a position. By finishing both ... 
|  Arbitrum上的二人英雄組合:Camelot 和 Single Finance 的攜手合作 Single Finance已登陸 Camelot(去中心化交易所),為用戶提供無憂的槓桿流動性挖礦體驗。Single Finance團隊深刻理解並重視DeFi;我們相信,DeFi的創新和進步應該由最優秀的團隊推動,以推進概念的發展。因此,我們參與其中,成為這一歷史的一部分。Curve生態上的Convex? 不是,我們是Camelot生態上的Single Finance! 在漫畫世界中,蝙蝠俠和羅賓是最具標誌性的超級英雄雙人組合。他們的合作可以與DeFi平台的互動相比,不同的協議共同努力實現共同的目標。 Single Finance 和 Camelot 的整合可以被視為蝙蝠俠和羅賓的組合,生態系統中的每個利益相關者都將從中受益。 Camelot(DEX)是一個革命性的去中心化交易所,為現時存在於 DEX 的痛點及問題提供創新解決方案。 — Camelot 的特色包括:. — 動態定向兌換手續費, 透過 NFT 技術實行 LP 代幣質押, 奬勵代幣(GRAIL / xGRAIL)的多種用途, Camelot 的複雜運營方式與蝙蝠俠運用尖端科技進行精密操作並無二致,具備全面的功能性。我們看到,儘管 Camelot 提供了清晰的文檔和說明,但大量用戶對操作設置感到困惑。 就像任何出色的得力助手一樣,Single Finance 加入其中,以解決這些困難。Single Finance 能夠更無縫、更可靠地幫助用戶進行流動性挖礦,實現經... 
|  【功能】為「策略」重設對沖平衡的必要性 讓我們快速回顧一下「市場中立挖礦策略」。這是一種流動性挖礦策略,通過借入準確金額的非穩定幣(本質上是做空該代幣),將其放置在流動性池中(本質上是做多該代幣),以實現在倉位開立時對非穩定幣的中性立場。現在我們深入了解一下該策略的機制。 這種策略帶來了兩個主要優勢: 增加在流動性池中的份額,即使扣除借款利息,也可以獲得更高的收益。, 大幅降低非穩定幣價格波動對倉位價值的影響。, 在接下來的部分,我們將討論為「策略」重設對沖平衡的細節和好處。而使用Single Finance,我們的用戶只需進行“一鍵”操作,便能完成這一複雜的操作。 — 價格作用 (Price Effect) 分析. — 價格作用是Single Finance在整個流動性挖礦世界中首次引入的概念。 它指的是由於流動性池中基礎資產價格的變動而導致倉位的淨價值變化。儘管有些人可能忽略這個因素,但事實上,價格作用與我們的挖礦收益表現有極高關聯性,因為我們在流動性池中持有的資產至少有一半是非穩定幣(除了穩定幣對農場之外)。 (請注意,價格作用 (Price Effect) 與價格影響 (Price Impact) 是完全不同的概念。) 例子1:穩定幣農場 由於穩定幣始終保持在約1美元左右,因此 Price Effect(圖表中的粉... 
|  「市場中立挖礦策略」介紹 《市場中立挖礦策略》一種收益挖礦策略,其特點是在開立挖礦倉位時維持市場中立,不偏向市場升跌任何一方。該策略建立在「槓桿流動性挖礦」的基礎上,結合用戶資產和借入資金(用戶從借貸池協議中借出的資產),以增加在流動性池中的份額,從而在扣除借貸利息後獲得更高的收益。 流動性挖礦者通過提供一對代幣的流動性到流動性池(LP)中,獲得包含交易手續費和質押獎勵的回報。然而,投資於「流動性挖礦」可能會在兩個資產相對價格變化時遭受無常損失,無論價格變化的方向如何。「市場中立挖礦策略」能夠有效地降低價格波動對收益的影響,使其最小化。 — 什麼是多單和空單?. — 在深入討論中立策略之前,讓我們簡要介紹一下多單和空單的概念。 多單(Long)是指購買一個資產,期望其價值上升;資產上漲的越多,多單的收益就越多。用戶可以直接擁有該資產,或者投資於與該資產本身價值相關的衍生品,使其價值隨之上漲。 空單(Short)是指押注資產價值下跌的投資;資產貶值的越多,空單的收益就越多。用戶可以直接進行賣空交易,或者投資於與基礎資產相反方向上升值的衍生品。 — 賣空的例子:. — 假設Bob對比特幣(BTC)的趨勢持有負面... 
|  Single Finance 業務簡介 Single Finance是一個槓桿流動性挖礦(leveraged yield farming)服務平台,背後連接有信譽且已通過嚴格審計的去中心化交易所(DEX),為用家提供槓桿流動性挖礦服務。我們對接的去中心化交易所包括Cronos上的龍頭 DEXs — VVS 及 MMF、Arbitrum 上的龍頭DEXs — Camelot 及 SushiSwap。 在了解什麼是槓桿流動性挖礦(leveraged yield farming)前,需要先了解什麼是流動性挖礦(yield farming)。 「流動性挖礦」是一種投入資源到去中心化交易所(DEX)以賺取收益方法。DEX 為了增加兌換交易的深度和速度,會創造不同交易對的「流動性礦池」,例如 BTC/ETH 交易礦池,吸引有閒置 ETH 及 BTC 的人把幣存進去,成為流動性提供者(Liquidity Provider;LP),讓想要買賣幣的人更快完成交易,交易所會再將一部分的交易手續費及平台幣作為獎勵,當作流動性提供者的回報。以上的整個過程稱為「流動性挖礦」。 「槓桿流動性挖礦」在「流動性挖礦」的基礎上加入借貸槓桿原素,為用戶倍化挖礦回報。其原理如下: 加入槓桿後,由於向交易所提供的流動性為本金的2–5倍,所以挖礦收益也會跟隨倍增,而槓桿成本為借貸利息。 普遍而言,出借人(Lender)為較低風險胃納的投資者,他們提供的資產是保本的(例如他們... 
|  Single Finance 在 Arbitrum 上的旗艦穩定幣策略池 高透明度的 USDC.e 收益策略 Single Finance 於 2022年第一季度推出,是一個開創性的 dApp,旨在推廣市場中性的槓桿流動性挖礦策略。這種策略特別適合那些持有穩定幣的人,他們希望在最小化風險的同時獲得具有吸引力的回報。市場中性挖礦策略的秘密 長短倉對沖,大幅減低市場價格風險 一般而言上,進行流動性挖礦往往涉及重大的市場風險。流動性提供者面臨著無常損失(impermanent loss)以及挖礦代幣的市場價格波動,這些因素極大地影響了他們的頭寸價值。 在 Single Finance 中,我們通過自動匹配長倉和短倉,實現了市場中性挖礦策略。使用者只需提供穩定幣,我們的智能合約將在另一側借入非穩定幣用於流動性挖礦,徹底消除了非穩定幣價格波動對頭寸價值的影響。 廣泛的研究獲得了令人印象深刻的結果。在價格波動範圍 +/- 30%內,槓桿流動性挖礦頭寸的價值只受到 -4.0% 和 -2.9% 的影響(如下圖中的橘色點所示),這還不計算所獲得的收益。 這種設置有效地保護頭寸免受下行風險的影響,從而實現持續積累收益,其中包括兌換交易費和去中心化交易所(DEX)的平台幣質押獎勵。 WETH-USDC.e (Camelot) 市場中性挖礦策略的收益最大化 在Single Finance,我們深刻理解僅僅保護頭寸價值免受價... 
|  關於WETH-USDC.e 市場中性挖礦策略的表現研究 這篇後續文章更深入地探討了該策略的使用層面。 我們將展示這個策略如何在 ETH 的價格顯著波動的情況下產生可觀的回報,並以堅實的過去表現作為支持。 這些資訊旨在給考慮使用這個策略進行長期投資的用戶帶來信心。 從以下步驟進入策略的模擬模型: 1. 從 app.singlefinance.io (Arbitrum) 進入並點擊 “Single-Click” 按鈕 2. 請輸入您想要模擬的 USDC 金額。模擬器將自動顯示相應的 WETH 和 USDC.e 金額 ,以實現市場中性的配置。 3. 請選擇投資持續時間。請注意,默認設置為30天。 4. 儘管市場中立配置可以大幅減輕挖礦頭寸反映市場的價格影響,但最佳表現仍是在 WETH 的價格與開立時保持不變的情況下實現。在最理想的情況下,即價格變化為0 %的情況下,該頭寸在30天內將獲得 4.74%的回報(相當於年化回報率為 56.88%)。 為了減輕頭寸所涉及的下行風險和市場不確定性,請不要只依賴於有利的結果,還要 為最壞情況做好準備。通過採取積極措施並實施風險管理策略,我們可以保護用戶的 投資並將潛在損失降至最低。 5. 圖表上的綠色區域顯示了在 30天的投資期間,考慮市場波動的收益範圍。即使 WETH 的價格在此期間下跌至 1,300美元或上漲至 2,200美元,該頭寸仍能保持在有利可圖 的範圍... 