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SDX Price   

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SDX Price:
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The last known price of #SDX is $0.00466 USD.

Please note that the price of #SDX was last updated over 460 days ago. This can occur when coins have sporadic price reporting, no listings on exchanges or the project has been abandonded. All #SDX statistics should be considered as 'last known value'.

The lowest SDX price for this period was $0, the highest was $0.00466, and the exact last price of SDX was $0.00465929.

The all-time high SDX coin price was $0.46.

Use our custom price calculator to see the hypothetical price of SDX with market cap of ETH or other crypto coins.


The code for Swapdex crypto currency is #SDX.

Swapdex is 3 years old.


The current market capitalization for Swapdex is not available at this time.

Swapdex is ranking downwards to #6482 out of all coins, by market cap (and other factors).


The trading volume is unknown today for #SDX.


The circulating supply of SDX is 160,746,438 coins, which is 16% of the total coin supply.


SDX is a token on the Binance Smart Chain blockchain.


SDX has very limited pairings with other cryptocurrencies, but has at least 1 pairing and is listed on probably at least one crypto exchanges but we don't have this data.

View #SDX trading pairs and crypto exchanges that currently support #SDX purchase.



Elevate Your E-Commerce Game with NFTs and Token Redemptions

Introducing SwapDEX’s Revolutionary NFT Marketplace: The First of Its Kind to Offer Physical Product Redemptions - NFTs, or non-fungible tokens, are digital assets that are gaining popularity in the online market. These unique tokens represent ownership of a digital asset, such as a piece of art or a collectible, and can be bought and sold like any other asset. SwapDEX is a DeFi ecosystem that runs on a substrate-based fully decentralized blockchain called the SwapDEX chain. This EVM-compatible chain has bridges to major networks and is home to a variety of products, including the upcoming SwapDEX NFT marketplace. In addition to the NFT marketplace, SwapDEX offers a cross-chain Limit-Order DEX and user-friendly mobile and desktop apps to make it easy for users to interact with the ecosystem. We’re excited to announce that the SwapDEX NFT marketplace is launching soon, and it’s bringing something new to the table: the ability for online shop owners to issue NFTs and tokens that can be redeemed for physical or digital products. This unique feature is a game-changer for both sellers and buyers, and we can’t wait for you to experience it. Get ready to join the future of e-commerce — the SwapDEX NFT marketplace is coming soon. So, how does this revolutionary NFT marketplace work? Let’s take a closer look at the process for both sellers and buyers. For sellers, the process is simple. First, download the SwapDEX mo...

Liquidity Pools and what does it mean to be a Liquidity Provider

Photo by Jordan Madrid / Unsplash Recently I researched the web on the hunt for news in the DeFi space. Accidentally, I stumbled upon a tech-savvy article describing an innovation that should ease the life of liquidity providers. The article outlined directional liquidity pooling in DeFi. Reading articles like that daily made me think that understanding them might be a challenge for people unfamiliar with the technology behind DeFi. Therefore, I decided to write this article in an attempt to lay out the fundamental knowledge about Liquidity Pools and Liquidity Providers briefly and painlessly so that the SwapDEX community and all readers can improve their DYOR (Do Your Own Research) skills. — What are Liquidity Pools? - If you ask Google about Liquidity Pools (LPs) you will be greeted by several attempts to answer that question. But answering a question and explaining a concept are two different things. Therefore, I will attempt to write an accessible explanation of LPs in the following paragraphs, and for me, an explanation needs an analogy. So let’s start with a simple and maybe not perfect analogy, but thinking alongside it helps you to drive the idea of LPs home. Imagine you are walking through your local weekend market. You quickly notice different stands selling various items. For example, you spot an apple stand, selling apples to the public, and you decide to buy two or three of them. To do this, you need to...

SwapDEX 1M SDX and NFT Wallet Hunt Giveaway has Begun!

How does it work and how to play? - Over the next 12 days SwapDEX will be giving clues via Twitter in chronical order to wallets preloaded with SDX Coin or NFTs. Each day followers of Twitter will receive a clue to the seed words for the wallet, on day one of the clues on twitter, the seed position of that word will be in position one of the seed and so on right up to day 12 giving you the all important seeds to unlock a wallet containing one of our assets, either SDX or a NFT hidden within. There are no rules apart from if you guess the correct words from the clues given then you have an equal chance to claim the wallet as your own as long as you are quick enough to respond and enter the seeds in the wallet. One thing to remember though with everyone trying to claim the wallet, if you are lucky enough to be the first unlock you will need to quickly move the assets into another wallet to keep ownership. Polkadot extension allows you to create wallets for Substrate based chains, Swapdex uses both Metamask and Substrate wallets but for this competition you will need to unlock the wallet with a substrate extension. You can watch a video here : You can download a wallet here to be prepared for the race! ( ) So what is SwapDEX Blockchain and the SwapDEX NFT? SwapDEX is a new unique blockchain built on similar technology as Polkadot where pallets are used to deliver the chains runtime called sub...

1 Million SDX and NFT Wallet Hunt

SDX Treasure Hunt SwapDEX is the new kid on the block, built using web3.0 technologies that’s interoperable over multiple protocols such as Polkadot ( Substrate) and Ethereum Virtual Machine (EVM) making it one of the most unique blockchains for future growth and to keep your eyes on. SwapDEX are currently promoting a number of free contests to win the contents of preloaded wallets full of SDX and NFTs. Not only can users win valuable SDX but the NFT will give holders a share of a pool which generates transaction fees from the complete ecosystem of SwapDEX and the pooled rewards auctioned, paying each holder in Stablecoins. (passive income) So how do you win a wallet? Each day, over 12 days during a wallet contest, we will give out clues to words in chronicle order and each word daily if correctly answered will be one of the 12 seed words needed to unlock the wallet, but if users are smart they will need to unlock the wallet and move the funds quickly before other user come to get his treasure! So make yourself ready first, download substrate wallet here ( ) and be prepared to move those SDX as fast as you can. Starting Monday, 10th October, SwapDEX will start posting clues (some easy, some a little harder) to followers on our social media channels, so if you fancy to unlock a chance of a lifetime then please follow the links provided below and prepare yourself so you don’t miss out on all those importa...

SwapDEX Partners With PDO.Finance

SwapDEX partners with PDO.Finance We are pleased to announce a partnership with PDO.Finance. PDO.Finance is an innovative new protocol and part of the Qonetum ecosystem. Qonetum develops brilliant DeFi solutions and has built a suite of DeFi products geared toward solving liquidity issues on the blockchain. This partnership unites SwapDex with Qonetum’s community of over 100K users across multiple platforms. Qonetum spent the past 24 months building and testing PDO.Finance and is preparing to launch on the Binance Smart Chain, now known as the BNB Smart Chain. They will celebrate the launch with a set of five projects as partners. SwapDex is among this select group. Contemporaneous with the launch, Qonteum is bringing more awareness to PDO.Finance and SwapDEX with premium and high-format media exposure. This collaboration will benefit our community with the goal of achieving four essential outcomes: Deepen SwapDEX liquidity on Pancake Swap to decrease the price volatility and allow more significant transactions without a considerable price impact. Provide an additional staking opportunity to our community with fixed APY enabling users to engage in a set-and-forget staking approach. Raise funds in the future without selling company tokens on the open market, which impacts the bSDX token price. Introduce SwapDex to an established community of DeFi users with premium media exposure. Here is how it works: Post Dex Offerings o...

Official SwapDEX Mobile App released on Google Play

SwapDEX Mobile App Dashboard We have released our official Mobile App! Available for Download Now: Check out our Mobile App, granting you access to various features for interacting with our blockchains directly via your smartphone. The app allows you to check the latest chain data, including the latest block #, the number of active validators and transfers. Stay up to date with the latest articles released on our homepage as well as upcoming governance decisions! Claim your KSI/SDX based upon the ERC20-Snapshot comfortably in the palm of your hand. Initiate transfers between the SwapDEX Substrate and EVM side to access staking (later) and prepare for upcoming trades! Bridge your native coins to the Binance Smart Chain (more bridges to come) wherever and whenever you need! The mobile app grants access to both our blockchains, our SwapDEX main network as well as our Kusari Innovator Network. Expect upcoming updates to the mobile app that will include a mobile version of our explorer as well as an easy to use staking and payout option to give you full control over your holdings and investment plan Following the release, we have opened a new bug report section that is tied to the mobile app. If you find any bugs, please report them here: Bug reports will be rewarded in SDX/KSI based upon the complexity of ...

Beyond the Governance: The Council

In this article series, we want to give insight on the possibilities the SwapDEX governance has to offer its users. The Governance is composed of the Council, the Technical Committee and the Referendum Chamber. To represent passive stakeholders, SwapDEX uses the idea of a “council”. The council is an on-chain entity comprising several actors, each represented as an on-chain account. The SwapDEX Council consists of 11 seats that are elected every 24 days. In order to occupy a seat, users can put up their candidacy and can look to gather support from the community by getting a backing in the form of SDX. Council elections are handled by the same Phragmén election process that selects validators from the available pool based on nominations The 11 highest-backed applicants will move to the council for the next term. Along with controlling the treasury, the council is called upon primarily for three tasks of governance: proposing sensible referenda, cancelling uncontroversially dangerous or malicious referenda, and electing the technical committee. For a referendum to be proposed by the council, a strict majority of members must be in favor, with no member exercising a veto. Vetoes may be exercised only once by a member for any single proposal; if, after a cool-down period, the proposal is resubmitted, they may not veto it a second time. Council motions which pass with a 3/5 (60%) super-majority — but without reachin...

Beyond the Governance: The Technical Committee

The Technical Committee is one of three bodies for the SwapDEX and Kusari blockchain governance (with the Council and the Referendum Chamber being the other two). In this article, we will cover the Technical Committee, the chamber of our governance that is responsible for the implementation of bug fixes, reversing faulty runtime upgrades and adding potential new and battle-tested features (which were previously put to the test on the Kusari Innovator Network) as well as safeguarding the governance against ill-intended referenda. The Technical Committee is also the only instance that is able to fast-track urgent proposals via the Democracy pallet. Fast-tracked Proposals can be moved to the referendum stage and is the only case where two referenda can be voted for at the same time. An Example for this was the slash that was caused due to a massive server outage in March 2022, where the proposal to reverse the slash and reimburse the stakeholders was fast-tracked. On the SwapDEX Chain, the Technical Committee was appointed through the SUDO-Pallet but over time, the committee should consist of teams that for example have successfully implemented SwapDEX runtimes or other important updates to the blockchain. Teams can be added or removed from the Technical Committee through a simple majority vote of the Council. For more information, check out our offical Documentation. Visit us on social media: Twitter LinkedIn Other

Beyond the Governance: the Referendum Chamber

In this article series, we want to give insight on the possibilities the SwapDEX governance has to offer its users. The public referenda chamber is one of the three bodies of on-chain governance as it’s instantiated in SwapDEX and Kusari. The other two bodies are the council and the technical committee. Referenda allow for stake-based voting on the SwapDEX and Kusari blockchain through runtime calls, including the most powerful call “set_code” that can switch out the entire runtime code, which effectively enables upgrades that would otherwise result in a hard fork of the blockchain. A Referendum is a discrete event with a fixed voting period with the function call being made if the vote is approved. Voting is always binary, meaning you can either vote “AYE” or “Naye ‘’ or abstain from voting entirely. There are four ways a referendum can be initiated and each of those have an enactment delay associated with them: 1. Publicly submitted proposals: The period between the referendum ending and (if approved) changes being enacted is eight days on the SwapDEX chain. 2. Proposals submitted by the council (voted by the majority or unanimous): The period between ending and changes being enacted is eight days here as well. 3. Proposals submitted as part of the enactment of a prior referendum: The time can be set as desired (via the first referendum) 4. Emergend proposals that are submitted by the technical council an...

SwapDEX Governance — What it is and how it Works.

SwapDEX Governance — What it is and how it Works. What is on-chain governance? In this article we’d like to shed some light on the topic of blockchain governance and its role for decentralized finance. First and foremost, let’s talk about what governance, or to be more specific, a governance framework is: “Governance frameworks are the structure of a government and reflect the interrelated relationships, factors, and other influences upon the institution […] Governance frameworks structure and delineate power and the governing or management roles in an organization. They also set rules, procedures, and other informational guidelines. In addition, governance frameworks define, guide, and provide for enforcement of these processes. These frameworks are shaped by the goals, strategic mandates, financial incentives, and established power structures and processes of the organization.” In simple terms, the governance or a governance framework defines the structure of any given entity, be it country, community or organisation and provides guidelines for its management and enforcement of stated rules. This concept really becomes applicable to online data thanks to the blockchain technology, which enables not only architecting governance structures but also allows for decentralized decision making thanks to stake based voting. Which possibilities does this open up? The option to have one or multiple governing bodies...

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