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Stake DAO  


SDT Price:
$4.2 K
All Time High:
Market Cap:
$23.4 M

Circulating Supply:
Total Supply:
Max Supply:


The price of #SDT today is $0.38 USD.

The lowest SDT price for this period was $0, the highest was $0.384, and the exact current price of one SDT crypto coin is $0.38365.

The all-time high SDT coin price was $17.25.

Use our custom price calculator to see the hypothetical price of SDT with market cap of BTC or other crypto coins.


The code for Stake DAO crypto currency is #SDT.

Stake DAO is 4 years old.


The current market capitalization for Stake DAO is $23,362,144.

Stake DAO is ranking upwards to #470 out of all coins, by market cap (and other factors).


The trading volume is small during the past 24 hours for #SDT.

Today's 24-hour trading volume across all exchanges for Stake DAO is $4,246.


The circulating supply of SDT is 60,894,214 coins, which is 92% of the total coin supply.


SDT is a token on the Ethereum blockchain, and has digital contracts with 2 other blockchains.

See list of the SDT Blockchain contracts with 3 different blockchains.


SDT has limited pairings with other cryptocurrencies, but has at least 2 pairings and is listed on at least 3 crypto exchanges.

View #SDT trading pairs and crypto exchanges that currently support #SDT purchase.


Note that there are multiple coins that share the code #SDT, and you can view them on our SDT disambiguation page.



Concentrator supercharge our CRV Liquid Locker with the veSDT boosted asdCRV vault!

Aladdin has built an auto-compounding vault on top of Stake DAO CRV Liquid Locker and added a veSDT boost delegation feature to increase rewards. Let’s dive in … More yield less efforts on your sdCRV. Stake DAO Liquid Lockers allow users to get veTokens boosted yield and voting power without any lock-up. The compounder by Concentrator auto-compounds token rewards to maximize revenue and minimize the effort. By depositing sdCRV in the compounder a user will get asdCRV, an auto-compounding wrapper of sdCRV allowing users to get more yield with less effort. 1- All yield (CRV, 3CRV and SDT) are automatically compounded into sdCRV. 2- Transactions gas fee is spread between all holders, making it super cheap. 3- No action needed from the user after the deposit There is more! asdCRV holders will also get an up to 2.5x boost thanks to veSDTs without having to lock any veSDT! Here is how it works. veSDT boost delegating veSDT is Stake DAO’s governance token, among other things, it allows users to boost strategy yields. As it depends on the share of veSDT owned and the share of total deposit in the strategy, sometimes users can’t get the ultimate boost. Some users also want to get boosted strategies without having to lock SDT. To satisfy all users, Concentrator built a veSDT boost delegation strategy. The veSDT boost delegator allows veSDT holder to get rewards against the delegation of their veSDT boost and asdCRV h...

Stake DAO integrates Solace Portfolio Insurance SDK

Solace and Stake DAO have joined forces to help users grow and protect their assets. - Through an integration with Solace’s SDK, Stake DAO users now have the ability to secure coverage for their Stake DAO assets right at the point of deposit. — How does it work - Solace Portfolio Insurance (SPI) covers all the DeFi positions inside the wallet against technical risks (Learn more here). SPI uses Zapper API for risk scoring and to track users’ positions, including the Stake DAO vaults across Ethereum and Polygon. Even as a user changes their portfolio positions, Solace monitors changes and adjusts the risk rate dynamically for coverage accordingly. This prevents investors from having to constantly manage their policy and overpaying for it. In case of an exploit, a user doesn’t need to file a claim — Solace provides proactive payouts within 7 days. To buy a policy through Stake DAO Liquid Lockers, the user needs to click on More, then to Insurance. The Purchase Policy button can be found in the top right of the window. The app will request approval from the user to spend USDC. After the user has approved the transaction, they can set a cover limit. Once purchased, the Solace insurance covers all assets within the wallet. The SPI interface displays all assets within the portfolio, along with a risk level, policy rate, and recommended cover limit. About Stake DAO Stake DAO is a non-custodial platform that...

Introducing Hedging Vaults by Stake DAO Derivatives.

One year ago, Stake DAO launched its first derivatives strategy. It brought to the market the innovation of selling fully collateralized options while using this collateral to farm in some of DeFi’s most profitable yield farming strategies, thereby skewing the risk profile of the strategy in favor of the user. Now widely replicated by the market, these strategies have proven their efficiency, even though they can suffer in a highly volatile market. However, due to the success of these strategies, a lot of protocols followed Ribbon and Stake DAO’s path to build new DOVs (Defi Option Vaults), either on different assets, different timeframes, different chains, or simply pure forks. The TVL across those DOVs has surged, as shown in this article. Due to this phenomenon, hundreds of millions of options are sold in the market every Friday, representing a huge chunk of the total daily volume, regardless of the price of those options. This massive selling pressure brought down the price of options, and therefore, the implied volatility became incredibly underestimated compared to the true volatility experienced by the market. This initial back testing, which led to the choice of 0.1 delta as the main strategy, became outdated. Stake DAO reacted to this by developing their own volatility model to make sure the risk profile of the strategy stayed stable. But this couldn’t change the fact that a structural imbalance is present in ...

Stake DAO Q2 Report — 2022

Stake DAO Q2 Report — 2022 - — Agenda - TL;DR (Introduction + H2 2022 Roadmap), Total Value Across the Verticals, Total TVL, Liquid Lockers, Liquid Lockers Use Cases, Options Vaults, Passive Strategies, P&L, veSDT, Treasury, Trading analysis, Trading performance, Liquidity overview, Data Sources The data in this Quarterly Report is taken from our own internal analysis and on-chain data, as well as from external sources such as The Block, Token Terminal, and Dune Analytics. — TL;DR - — H1 Highlights: - Stake DAO TVL as of the end of June 2022 across the entire Platform is at $200M, marking a 50% decrease in comparison to 2022 Q1. This decrease is in line with the decrease in TVL in the DeFi industry, which exceeds 60% according to DeFillama, going from $229B to $80B. The main decrease in the Stake DAO TVL was caused by the ending of the AVAX delegation from the Avalanche foundation., Cumulative Protocol Earnings are nearly $12M since inception in January 2021 with today’s asset market prices., The Liquid Lockers have been showing an excellent rate of adoption, and multiple DAOs have already chosen to adopt the newly designed infrastructure to boost their voting power and yield across the platforms currently on offer (CRV, FXS, ANGLE, BAL)., — H2 Roadmap: - Some of the planned improvements for Stake DAO in H2 2022: Release a new User Interface which will integrate the Stake DAO V2 pro...

Build up long term voting power with Liquid Lockers

TL;DR - Alchemix leveraged the Stake DAO Liquid Lockers to boost their voting power by 1.39x, and earn yield that will increase their governance power even more, while spending only a third of what they were previously having to pay with bribes. In order to attract liquidity, DAOs regularly use bribing mechanisms to attract CRV emissions to their token’s Curve pools. At first glance, bribes seem to present a flexible and cost-effective alternative to keeping capital locked in maintaining a sizable veCRV reserve. However, as competition heats up, so does the bribe market, with raised prices making bribing less and less attractive, especially for recurrent voting. As the following example demonstrates, protocols can retake direct control of their voting power through Stake DAO’s new Liquid Lockers, breaking the assumption that vote ownership is either too expensive, or restrictive. Liquid Lockers allow protocols to own their vote-locked tokens with no trade-off. They maintain yield, voting power and flexibility, while veSDT amplifies all these benefits. Alchemix is amongst the first DAOs who have decided to implement the Liquid Lockers to boost their treasury. — Here is what’s happened so far:. — Alchemix was keen to improve the cost-efficiency of directing emissions to their Curve pools. Despite spending heavily on bribes, CRV rewards on their alUSD and alETH pools had been falling steadily from their late...

Stake DAO Integrates Chainlink Keepers to Help Automate Strategies

We’re excited to announce that we have integrated Chainlink Keepers on Ethereum mainnet. By integrating the industry-leading decentralised oracle network, we now have access to a secure and cost-efficient smart contract automation service to help us automate key smart contract functions. Decentralising in this way is meaningful to us as it aligns with one of our core goals: to create complete systems that can scale and function without the need for active management. We have integrated Chainlink Keepers to help us automate fee distribution, deploy user funds into strategies, and automatically compound rewards. This integration helps us to take another step towards becoming fully decentralised whilst rewarding users and improving performance. We decided to use Chainlink Keepers because they are operated by the same pool of time-tested, provably reliable node operators that currently help secure tens of billions of dollars across DeFi. Chainlink’s time-tested infrastructure helps ensure that every fee distribution is executed on time in a trust-minimised manner. — What are Stake DAO strategies?. — Stake DAO strategies are built on top of the Curve Finance protocol, leveraging the veCRV owned by Stake DAO to boost the yield for all our users. Let’s do a deep dive into the Passive USD strategy to better understand how it works: This strategy invests USD stablecoins (DAI, USDC, USDT) deposited by the users into ...

ANGLE Strategies are live on Liquid Lockers!

For maximized yield on the ANGLE governance token. — Today, Stake DAO launches a first-of-its-kind strategy giving anyone a way to earn the highest possible yield on ANGLE in a couple of clicks. By depositing in the ANGLE Strategies, users can cut gas costs and maximize the earning power of their ANGLE holdings, enjoying total flexibility over reward-claiming.What is Angle? Angle is the first decentralized, capital efficient and over-collateralized stablecoin protocol, having launched the market’s first liquid decentralized Euro stablecoin. As a permissionless protocol, Angle can be used to issue any type of stablecoin. More info here: do the strategies work? By supplying the ANGLE Liquidity Provider token (SanToken) to ANGLE Liquid Locker Strategies, users can leverage the maximum boost on yields (2.5x) thanks to the veANGLE tokens accumulated in ANGLE Liquid Lockers. There is no auto-compound feature on LL Strategies — users are free to decide what they do with the rewards generated from each strategy (see HOW TO USE ANGLE STRATEGIES section).How to use ANGLE Strategies — To deposit. — First, navigate to the Angle app->Yield. 🔗 Deposit in your pool of choice and receive its corresponding LP token (SanToken). Head to Stake DAO Liquid Lockers->Stake, and scroll down to Strategies. 🔗 Click on the strat...

Stake DAO Q1 Report — 2022

Stake DAO Q1 Report — 2022 — A data-driven look at Stake DAO’s performance in Q1. — AgendaTL;DR (Introduction + Q2 2022 Roadmap)Total Value Locked (TVL)ProtocolsStrategyOption strategiesLiquid LockersP&LSanctuary/ PalaceTreasuryMarket analysisLiquidity overviewPlatform traffic analysisStake DAO APYs — Data Source. — The data used in this Annual Report is taken from internal analysis, on-chain data, as well as from external sources such as The Block, Token Terminal, and Dune Analytics.TL;DR Q1 + Q2 RoadmapTVL as of 31 March 2022 across the Platform exceeded $633M, marking a 20% decrease in comparison to 2021 Q4; correlating with the decline in the market this quarterCumulative Protocol Earnings nearly $12.7M since inception in January ‘21SDT currently has a Market Cap/ TVL of (0.05) and P/E (3.1x) ratioLaunched Stake DAO Liquid Lockers beta version & veSDT. New features and integrations will be built for the Liquid Lockers platform in the coming weeksThe DAO has significantly expanded the size of the contributor team in Q1, and started to create reserves in the quarterly budget to take potential new hires into account.Tentative Q2 RoadmapThe main focus next Quarter on the development side will be to progressively build out the final version of Liquid Lockers for the liquid staking of Governance tokens (CRV, FXS, ANGLE). Here is a comprehensive breakdown of all the features w...

How to migrate from Perpetual Passive Strategy to CRV Liquid Locker

For boosted yield, SDT incentives, and more. — If you have been staking in the Perpetual Passive Strategy pool on Balancer, you’ll need to follow these instructions to enter the new CRV Liquid Locker. You will receive 1 sdCRV for every 1 sdveCRV you deposit. — 1. Unstake from LP Farming. — First, you’ll need to unstake from the Balancer sdveCRV-CRV LP pool on the Stake DAO LP Farming tab. If you’re not staking your Balancer pool tokens in LP Farming, you can skip this step. — 2. Withdraw from the Balancer pool. — Next, you’ll need to unstake from the sdveCRV-DAO pool on Balancer. Select sdveCRV-DAO from the drop-down menu, preview, then approve the transaction. — 3. Mint & stake on Liquid Lockers. — Head to and click on the CRV locker. Select Mint, “USE SDVECRV,” and approve stake. Approve and execute the transactions. That’s it! You’re now earning maximum boosted yield on CRV, Curve voting power, plus (coming soon) SDT incentives, boosted voting with veSDT, and bribes! Find us Twitter: 🕊️ Discord: 👾 Website: 🌐

Winding Down of Alt Option Strategies

Stake DAO exists to provide only the market’s most advanced and highest performing strategies. Unfortunately, our UNI, LINK, and AAVE Covered Call Strategies have not met this standard, and thus, we have decided to reimburse users for gas costs and fees taken, then proceed to close these vaults. The following is an explanation as to how this happened, our intentions in launching the vaults, and what we plan to do to make sure that our community is taken care of. When we originally planned to launch our ALT covered-call vaults, we fully believed that there would be significantly higher demand from users. This did not play out as expected, as we saw that 2 out of 4 vaults fell short from reaching their caps, and the AAVE vault was unable to achieve more than a few hundred AAVE in deposits. The SUSHI vault did not receive any deposits, so we made the decision to close it a few weeks after launch.How this happened & what’s next Prior to building out these strategies, market makers assured us that they would be happy to trade options on UNI, AAVE, LINK, and SUSHI — unfortunately after launch, the market makers showed far less interest. This lack of interest drove the option prices down — as far as 10x lower than other options on the market — resulting in very bad risk ratios for our users. Finally, these vaults required a substantial amount of weekly maintenance, which were beginning to eat away at th...

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