| Santiment Network Token 
| #SAN
SAN Price: | $0.11 | | Volume: | $1.8 K | All Time High: | $8.13 | | Market Cap: | $7.1 M |
Circulating Supply: | 64,048,081 |
| Exchanges: | 2
| Total Supply: | 83,337,000 |
| Markets: | 3
| Max Supply: | 83,337,000 |
| Pairs: | 2
The price of #SAN today is $0.11 USD.
The lowest SAN price for this period was $0, the highest was $0.111, and the exact current price of one SAN crypto coin is $0.11089.
The all-time high SAN coin price was $8.13.
Use our custom price calculator to see the hypothetical price of SAN with market cap of BTC or other crypto coins. |
The code for Santiment Network Token crypto currency is #SAN.
Santiment Network Token is 7.6 years old. |
The current market capitalization for Santiment Network Token is $7,102,398.
Santiment Network Token is ranked #650 out of all coins, by market cap (and other factors). |
The trading volume is small today for #SAN.
Today's 24-hour trading volume across all exchanges for Santiment Network Token is $1,848. |
The circulating supply of SAN is 64,048,081 coins, which is 77% of the maximum coin supply. |
SAN has limited pairings with other cryptocurrencies, but has at least 2 pairings and is listed on at least 2 crypto exchanges.
View #SAN trading pairs and crypto exchanges that currently support #SAN purchase. |
 Can You Trade on Trending Crypto Tokens? The idea to implement the Trending Tokens feature seemed quite obvious and simple: we just needed to replicate the pipeline of a similar feature, which we recently described here as Social Trends, and apply it to the subset of words that also serve as slugs and tickers for cryptocurrency tokens. The only new addition was the sentiment ratio (positive/negative/neutral) for visual convenience.Just a banner for a nice preview. The data is real, btw. When the feature was delivered it was really exciting to check tokens, that got there and then look for their price to find something like this:NMR token on top of Trading Tokens And checking the price showed something like this:NMR Token price at the same moment But after we saw a dozen of such examples, we noticed a pattern: the token had already surged significantly, so it might be too late to enter it at the moment it appears in Trending Tokens. At some point, we even joked that this feature could be renamed to “Tokens you’ve just missed”. However, colleagues who are more experienced in trading suggested that it might also be a sign of peak attention, which often precedes a price drop. We tried to make this tool as much newcomer friendly as possible and chances are such users aren’t familiar with stuff like top spotting and short selling even though we have a short (pun intended) introduction to it at our Academy. So, we needed to check both hypotheses and prove that... 
|  Social Trends, Brought to You By Santiment The cryptocurrency landscape is a tumultuous ocean. New narratives and trends can appear out of nowhere, capture the attention of millions and disappear as quickly as they appeared. Many people want to be the first to recognize a new trend, in order to reap all the benefits of being an early adopter. Dozens of hours a week are spent by influencers and crypto journalists, investors and traders scouring the cryptocurrency information space. However, they sometimes miss new trends or recognize them too late. Santiment presents Social Trends, an everyday tool for those who don’t want to miss trends. Social Trends page contains Top 10 trending words in crypto: Start exploring it there: app.santiment.net?utm_source=twitter&utm_medium=post&utm_campaign=twitter_social_tool_announcement_b_080423/&fpr=discord — With Social Trends you will always know - What are the hottest topics in the cryptocurrency space right now?, Why are they the hottest? What is making this trend grow?, You will be able to track the dynamics of attention to each trend in the crypto space., With Social Trends you will always know What are the hottest topics in the cryptocurrency space right now?, Why are they the hottest? What is making this trend grow?, You will be able to track the dynamics of attention to each trend in the crypto space., Always up-to-date information on current trends through analysis of all relevant information... 
|  SanR Beta: What we’ve learned about crypto price signals, decentralized economies, and “martial… SanR Beta: What we’ve learned about crypto price signals, decentralized economies, and “martial arts of the mind” - In the fall of 2020, we (at Santiment) started an experiment. Could we capture lightning in a bottle? — That moment of insight when one realizes what will happen next in the crypto market. The moment that’s right for the trade. You knew the direction the price would go, and it went beautifully. What is it about these moments of clarity… can we record them, make them repeatable, prove them… monetize them?This participant seems to be onto something SanR has this purpose at its heart. Participants improve their trading skills, generate price signals and monetize their knowledge. So did this come to pass? What have we learned so far on this journey? — Birth of an NFT sidechain - The goal for the SanR beta was two-fold: develop technology and prove (or disprove) some core hypotheses. The technology includes many moving parts, and had not been done by any other project before (at least none that we were aware of). We’re building a decentralized “ownership economy” dedicated solely to market intelligence and tokenization of such (proven) knowledge. Whatever network participants create belongs to them forever, regardless if Santiment exists or not. Crypto price signals, therefore, have to be stored on-chain. They need to be cheap and easily accessible. Plus they are financial signals, w... 
|  Introducing SanR: The “missing piece” of DeFi First things first. We believe that once you start using SanR (our latest new product), your life as a crypto trader/investor will change. For the better. And, if you’re a “change agent” yourself — you can bring this change to the lives of others, too.Record and share your market forecasts on SanR (and win rewards!) — Why will this change happen… and how? - Through SanR you’ll experience (and see in a trustless way): what a good market call looks like, what important factors go into making good calls, that everyone can make a wrong call — and it’s not a tragedy, how much of this you can do by yourself, All this without exposing yourself to a typical risk of losing 25–50% in a matter of weeks.A forecast on SanR that turned out pretty well in the end — So how did SanR come about? - After developing our main product, Sanbase (which is getting some traction as a leader in “crypto analytics”), we spent 3 months reflecting upon, and building, the next step: A way to make backtesting easier, A way to clearly see crowd mood and prediction dynamics, A way to create an immutable record of market psychology that can reveal potential market tops and bottoms like never before, All as a decentralized platform or (if possible so quickly) as a protocol, Looking at the products together, one could say Sanbase displays the “raw material” (fundamental, on-chain and social sentiment d... 
|  Time to get Real (or, the proof is in the pudding…) How do you know where crypto prices are headed next? How do you time your trades, or read the market for the strongest projects to invest in? How do you best support why crypto is here to begin with… to free people from traditional finance and put our sustainability into our own hands? This is why we started Santiment, 3 years ago today. (July 4, 2017) To bring clarity to the crypto market. Because it carries important keys to our freedom. But only if we can see clearly and not get caught up in all the Wild West noise. — So… how do we get clarity into the crypto market? Have we succeeded? - Well, we’ve had another year to study it, now that we have machines crunching massive amounts of chain and social data, and humans watching for patterns (and sharing their insights with the community!) And we’ve found its pretty simple – We can read the crypto market fairly well through *behavior analytics* Simply by learning *how* to observe what people are doing.Recent analyses from our “Bold Predictions” insights — Of course, simple doesn’t always mean easy ;) - We’ve discovered a lot of surprises, and challenges, in getting to this point. These surprises and challenges have taught us how to further hone our services, so we can better help YOU understand it — and ultimately give you (and the community at large) the power to direct your own crypto destiny. First… let’s see what we’ve put ... 
|  Peak Hype: Timing Cryptocurrency Tops with Social Media Data Over the past few years, a growing number of Wall Street and cryptocurrency analysts have started to rely on a relatively underutilized source of information to try and beat their respective markets with: social media. For obvious reasons, social media is seen as a potential treasure trove of market sentiment information, and the macro analysis of forum messages, twitter comments and other social data to gain an edge has quickly been embraced by veteran quants. However, the ability of this data to actually and accurately predict price trends and develop new market alpha is still hotly contested by many crypto traders. Hopefully, our latest study might finally put an end to this debate. — Trading Crypto with Social Media Data - At Santiment, we gather a amount of information from social media to try and determine its impact on the crypto market. As you read this, our system is collecting all incoming messages from over 1000 crypto-specific social media channels, including hundreds of Telegram groups, crypto subreddits, vetted twitter accounts, professional trader chats not indexed by Google and more. We’ve already developed various market indicators using this dataset, like our ‘Social Volume’ metric which shows the amount of coin-specific mentions on crypto social media over time:The amount of ‘Bitcoin’-related mentions on crypto social media over the past year (Source: Sanbase) Though the initial result... 
|  BTC price prediction before and after the halvening Takeaway: Summary: Price will do what the crowd expects the least, Metrics used: Social volume, Coin Age Consumed, On-chain Transaction Volume, Bonus metric: Token Holders Distribution, Approach used: Behaviour analysis, One of the best investment approaches is the following: spot “what the crowd expects” and bet against bet. You can’t do it on daily basis. Not even every week. The crowd doesn’t have “consensus” all the time. But when it does, the smart investor knows that this is the time to act. The price will do something completely different from what the crowd expects. Without much more talking, let’s see some data visualisations. We will connect it to the holistic story afterwards. To start with, here is some specific on-chain activity for BTC: Now, let’s have a look on an aggregated social volumes related to the “halvening” talks. (remember, we collect at Santiment data not available to Google, namely directly from the crypto-related social channels): See the spikes? Different data sources, yet the same date, almost the same time. We could make a story based just on this date alone. However, let’s add few more freshly added to the SAN platform visuals. This time, token holders distribution: One thing comes out as a surprise. These aren’t whales who are “buying in” since the black Thursday. The real whales (last chart) are net negative compared to half a year ago. They’ve accumulated o... 
|  On TokenAnalyst and the state of on-chain analytics in 2020 On TokenAnalyst, and the state of on-chain analytics in 2020 - Twelve years after Satoshi posted a link to the Bitcoin whitepaper in a tiny, cryptography-related mailing list, on-chain analytics remains a polarizing topic. Until the end of the 2018 bull run, many in the cryptocurrency community considered fundamental analysis more of a gimmick than a legitimate tool to contextualize and explain network-related activity, even less to use this data to inform — or improve — their investment decision making.The evolution of on-chain analytics, from data collection to contextual insights A lot has changed in the past few years. As the crypto market matures and 2017 pumps get reduced to a happy, distant memory, the demand for a data-backed market edge and comprehensive market/network analytics continues to increase. Only three years ago, there was truly no established method — or proper data infrastructure — to determine the health of a cryptocurrency network, the state of its utility, or the amount (and the direction) of speculative interest in its underlying token. Relying on word of mouth as ago-to valuation strategy was an extremely unsettling way to invest. In the stock market, we have P/E ratios and quarterly debts that companies can report to provide insight into the intrinsic value behind a stock. But in cryptocurrency, it is on platforms like ours to fill the growing need of an information-driven o... 
|  What we can learn from the latest Bitcoin-S&P correlation spike BTC correlation vs. S&P500 Quick take: Bitcoin’s correlation with S&P 500 is currently at a 2-year high, Over the past 5 years, this correlation appears cyclical, moving from negative to positive, Historically, spikes in correlation between Bitcoin and S&P 500 have often come at major downturns from the crypto market, On the other hand, Bitcoin’s growing decoupling from Wall Street often signalled a market-wide recovery in the past, In just the last 7 days, the entire crypto market cap dwindled by 33.7%, as the coronavirus morphed from a regional outbreak to global pandemic at a frightening pace. The recent plunge has proved even more ‘impressive’ over on Wall Street, as 3 of the worst 10 days in the S&P 500’s history have now occurred within the last week alone. In a word, everything is down, putting into question Bitcoin’s reputation as a safe haven asset in times of economic downturn. In fact, it is Bitcoin’s latest inability to resist the ‘coronavirus effect’ that made us take a deeper look at the coin’s long-term correlation with the S&P 500 index. So we crunched the numbers for the past 5 years, and discovered some compelling insights about the relationship between the two financial markets — and what it could tell us about where we go from here. Within the last week, Bitcoin’s correlation with the S&P 500 index ballooned to a 2-year high, and is currently hover... 
|  How to Run the World’s Easiest Backtest